Many lines of activity claim the time and attention of Francis W. Ball of Kerrobert. He came to this town three months prior to its organiza~ tion and he has been a factor in its development and improvement. He is prominently known as a real estate dealer and in loans, insurance, automobile and auctioneering circles. He was born in Flint, Michigan, in January, 1885, a son of John H. and Alice Jane (Griffiths) Ball, natives of the province of Ontario. The father farmed in Ontario until 1892, when he went to Manitoba and there farmed until 1913. He then re- moved to Vancouver, where he still resides. Francis W. Ball was educated in the rural schools of Manitoba and later enrolled in the Collegiate Institute at Brandon and then in Brandon College. Upon the completion of his schooling he engaged in the real estate and insurance business at Brandon and remained there until 1907, when he came to Saskatchewan and opened offices in Wilkie. His was the first real estate business in that town. He was very successful in his dealings there, but in 1910 came to the place where Kerrobert now stands. He arrived here three months before the town was started and has been influential in business circles here ever since. He has continued his real estate, loans and insurance business and is also handling the Mc- Laughlin and Buick cars, taking the agency in 1917, and is also an auc- tioneer. He has worked hard for the success that is his today. He has great faith in the continued growth of Kerrobert and the district and has invested heavily in land here. In December of the year 1910, Mr. Ball was married to Miss Effie Irene McWhinnie and they have become the parents of four children: Marion, Doris, William and Jean. Mr. Ball is a Liberal in his political views and maintains an active interest in civic affairs. He is now a member of the city council and has been for several terms. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, and he is a member of the Kerrobert Curling Club. Mr. Ball is interested in all forms of outdoor life and sports and still plays football and lacrosse. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church and he attends the Union church of this town. Bibliography follows:

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