Prince Albert is proud to number among her native sons Colin E. Baker, barrister and city solicitor. His birth occurred on the 5th of October, 1894, and he is a son of Thomas E. and Florence A. (Moray) Baker, the former a native of Somerset, England, and the latter of Brock- ville, Ontario. About 1877, when a young man, the father came to Canada and for upwards of two years lived in the eastern part of the Dominion. Subsequently he came overland from Winnipeg to Prince Albert and soon had established a successful business as a building contractor. He erected a number of business blocks and residences in Prince Albert and continued in that line of work until his death, on the 17th of January, 1916. Mr. Baker proved himself to be a splendid business man and pro- gressive citizen and Prince Albert suffered a great loss in his passing. Mrs. Baker survives her husband. The public schools of Prince Albert afforded Cohn E. Baker his edcational advantages and upon graduating from high school he entered Trinity College School at Port Hope, Ontario. He was a student there for three years and wa~ graduated from that institution in 1912. In fall of that year he entered Trinity College University of Toronto, received the B. A. degree in 1916. He then took up the study of law the office of Lindsay & Mudie and was admitted to the Saskatchewan bar in September of the year 1919. He began to practice on the 1st of March 1920, and was appointed city solicitor of Prince Albert at about the time. In discharging the duties of that office he has displayed the quali- ties that have won for him confidence and esteem and he also has a: extensive private practice. Although he has been active in profession~ circles but a short time he is well known as a barrister and solicitor. Mr. Baker is a member of the Canadian Bar Association, the Saskat- chewan Bar Association and the Prince Albert Bar Association. He is a member of the Board of Trade and fraternally is identified with the Masons, holding membership in Kinistino Lodge, No.1, and Delta Upsi- lon, a national social college fraternity of high standing. Socially he is connected with the Prince Albert Club and the Prince Albert Golf Clu~ and also the Round Lake Outing Club. He is fond of all kinds of ath letics and takes a keen interest in local sports. Politically he gives allegiance to the Conservative party and maintains an active interest in civic affairs, giving his support to the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. His religious faith is that of the Anglican church, in which he has served as a vestryman. During the World war Mr. Baker was engaged in militia recruiting. He is un- married. Bibliography follows:

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