W. A. V. Allan, barrister, town clerk and town solicitor, is a promi-
nent member of the district and provincial bars, and an estimable citizen
of Star City. He was born in Arthur, Ontario, on the 17th of April
1893, a son of David and Susana (Jeffery) Allan, natives of that prov-
ince. In young manhood the father learned the trade of a millwright and
followed that trade for some years. Later he engaged in farming and
remained in Ontario until 1903, when he located in Manitoba. He con-
tinued his agricultural pursuits until his death in September, 1911. Mrs.
Allan survives her husband and is residing in Killarney, Manitoba.
In the pursuit of his early education W. A. V. Allan attended the
public schools of Killarney and subsequently enrolled in the Collegiate
Institute. He then taught school for one and one-half years and at the
termination of that time was articled to A. M. Panton, King's Counsel,
at North Battleford, with whom he remained until the 22d of August
1914. At that time he enlisted in the Sixth Battalion for service in teh
Great war and went overseas in September of that year, serving there
until October, 1918, when he was sent back to Canada to train in the
air force. He received his honorable discharge in September, 1919. He
then went to Regina and studied law with Allan, Gordon & Gordon and
was called to the bar in January, 1920. He remained with the firm of
Allan, Gordon & Gordon until March, when he removed to Prince Albert
as solicitor for the Soldier Settlement Board and served in that important
position until July, 1920, when he came to Star City and began to prac-
tice. He was made town clerk at the time he came here and is also town
solicitor. He stands high among the foremost members of the district
and provincial bars and has the confidence and esteem of his fellowmen,
including his colleagues.
On the 22d of June, 1921, Mr. Allan was married to Miss Violet Stuart
Weir and they have one child: Vaughan Stuart, whose birth occurred on
the 5th of May, 1922. Mr. Allan gives his political allegiance to the Lib-
eral party and the principles for which it stands. Fraternally he is
identified with the Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
and socially he is connected with the Star City Golf Club, the Curling
Club and the Tennis Club. He is an active member of the Board of
Trade and along strictly professional lines is connected with the Sas-
katchewan Bar Association. His religious faith is that of the Presby-
terian church.
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