The subjoined tribute to Mr. Paterson was sent to the author without
solicitation by the late G. B. Murphy, Sheriff of Moosomin and Hon. Lieut.
Colonel of one of our Saskatchewan Regiments. On being informed that
Mr. Paterson had written a history of Qu'Appelle, Sheriff Murphy wrote
as follows
"Any record of the early settlers of Qu'Appelle and the surrounding
country would be incomplete without special reference to Mr. A. C. Pater-
son, one of the earliest to make his home in Qu'Appelle and to actively
interest himself in the building up of the community. There are perma-
nent institutions still in existence in Qu'Appelle, in the layingof the foun-
dation of which Mr. A. C. Paterson was the moving spirit.
"Early seeing that educational facilities were required for this new
country he interested himself in the organization of the first school of
Qu'Appelle which was Number 2 of the Northwest Territories. He was
offered the position of teacher and accepted it and continued in that ca-
pacity for some time and gave great satisfaction to the parents of the
children under his tuition. He was also one of the founders of the Qu'Ap-
pelle Agricultural Society which is still in existence, one of the earliest es-
tablished in the Territories. The Municipality of South Qu'Appelle was
also the result of another of his activities. This Municipality was the
second organized in the Territories and Mr. Paterson was chosen as the
first Secretary.
"He was a Charter Member of Qu'Appelle Lodge No.34 A. F. A. M.
and was one of its first officers; one of the first members of the Qu'Appelle
Board of Trade which was an important factor in the building up of the
town and one of the first Directors of this Association.
"In Church work Mr. Paterson took an active interest in the establish-
ing of the Presbyterian Church of Qu'Appelle and was a member of the
first managing board. Deeply interested in party politics he was one of
the organizers of the earliest political associations in the West, namely
the Pioneer Conservative Association of Qu'Appelle and was chosen the
first Secretary.
"In sports generally Mr. Paterson took a very great interest and was
considered one of the best Umpires of baseball in the community and was
requested to umpire many important games in the early days. Few race
meetings were held between Broadview and Regina where Mr. Paterson
was not holding an official position on the Judges' stand and gave general
satisfaction in his rulings. In foot racing he was noted for his speed as
a hundred yard runner and when he retired after several years of con-
tests, remained unbeaten.
"A man who has the gift of making many warm friends and the happy
faculty of retaining them-a very loyal Scotsman and proud of his an-
cestry, and in the pioneer days of Qu'Appelle arranged the first St. An-
drew's celebration held in the district. Guests were present from Fort
Qu'Appelle, Indian Head and Regina.
"As a public official he has been and is held in high esteem both by
the public and the departments with which he has been engaged. The
first office held by him was that of Inspector of Inland Revenue (Weights
and Measures). After some time he was transferred to Portal to the
Customs Department and was Collector of Customs there for nearly twenty
years and showed great efficiency in that capacity during the great influx
from the United States. Later on, he was appointed Inspector of Customs
for the Customs District of Alberta and at his own request was trans-
ferred to the Customs District of Saskatchewan with Headquarters at
"He has been since 1882 and is now, one of the outstanding figures
among old timers."
Bibliography follows: