Yorkton City Cemetery

Section D

Compiled & photographed by Donna Eckhart
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Yorkton City Cemetery Obituaries

All numbers in brackets at the end of a name indicate approximately which row they are in.
All row numbers start at the West end of a section and work their way East.
Achtemichuk, Orest  1941 - 2001 (14)
Adam, Martha  1873 - 1969 (7)
Adams, Annie  1896 - 1929 (23)
Adamson, Robert Niven  1909 - 1961 (20)
Aikenhead, Kenneth Garnet  Jan 10, 1921 - Feb 7, 1921 (2)
Air, Agnes  1909 - 1988 (19)
Alberts, Howard G.  1917 - 1995 (24)
Alberts, Elizabeth M.  1921 -      (24)
Allen, Ethel May  1894 - 1988 (21)
Allen, Jack  1929 - 1987 son of Ethel (21)
Allen, Percy  1918 - 1996 son of Ethel (21)
Allin, Cindy Lee  Jul 25, 1961 - Nov 22, 1961 (14)
Anderson, Carl Emmanuel  1890 - 1965 (18)
Anderson, Dr. Thorild Stuart  1929 - 1982 (18)
Anderson, Edla Victoria (Pearson)  1896 - 1993 (18)
Anderson, Roger Carlton Dr.  1947 - 1985 (17)
Appleton, Marshall Bruce  1877 - 1959 (22)
Appleton, Vera Walker  1884 - 1958 (22)
Arnold, Archibald Forbes  Mar 28, 1910 age 31 (13)
Arnold, Lucy A.   Jun 18, 1904 age 54 (13)
Arnold, Margaret A.  1887 - 1983 (1)
Arnold, Alfred J.  1874 - 1946 (1)
Arnott, Louisa Margaret  1873 - 1920 (3)
Arnott, David  1875 - 1957 (3)
Austin, Lorne  Oct 15, 1901 age 14 yrs 5 mos 7 days (14)
Azure, Wally  1949 - 2001 (21)

Babiuk, Todosy  1885 - 1962 (3)
Baerr, William John  1910 - 1989 (15)
Bailey, Alton L.  18?7 - 1947 (5)
Bailey, Ernest Euclid  1867 - 1929 (7)
Bailey, Loton Hume  Oct 16, 1861 - Jan 9, 1948 (5)
Bailey, Nannie Mai  1884 - 1968 wife of Ernest(7)
Baimbridge, Clara Gertrude  Dec 20, 1912 age 19 yrs, wife of Chas. B. (21)
Baimbridge, Mary Ellen  Nov 9, 1918 age 14 yrs 4 mos 14 days (21)
Balint, Martin D.  Nov 16, 1924 - Jun 22, 1998 (25)
Ball, Ellen  (13)
Ball, James Buchanan  May 31, 1910 age 66 yrs 3 mos 3 days (13)
Balog, Leslie Dwight  1924 - 1987 (24)
Balog, V. Ruth (Brown)  1926 -      (24)
Bannick, Annie  1868 - 1913 (21)
Bannick, Mary  1871 - 1952 (21)
Bannick, Menno  1869 - 1962 (21)
Baptist, Coral  1917 - 1918 dau of David & Elizabeth (7)
Baptist, David A.  1885 - 1974 (7)
Baptist, Elizabeth  1897 - 1961 wife of David (7)
Baran, Jennifer Lynne  Jul 19, 1984 - Dec 26, 2001 (25)
Barber, Charles  1881 - 1957 (5)
Barber, Nellie  1888 - 1972 (5)
Barber, Otto  1910 - 1985 (14)
Barber, Gertrude  1913 - 1984 (14)
Barber, Richard Arthur  1941 - 1963 (14)
Barsi, Albert  1907 - 1998 (13)
Barsi, Marion  1908 - 1973 (13)
Bartlett, Gilbert Henry  1898 - 1980 (20)
Bartlett, Margaret  1899 - 1978 (20)
Basarsky, Feofan  1883 - 1973 (15)
Basarsky, Natalia  1884 - 1972 (15)
Basarsky, Nicholas F.  1911 - 1978 (16)
Basarsky, Annie M.  1916 -     (16)
Bates, Raymond  Apr 6, 1904 - Feb 8, 1993 (22)
Batke, Bernard G. F.  1911 - 1960 (14)
Batke, Tillie  1912 - 1974 (14)
Batke, Christine Alma  died Jul 12, 1906 age 9 mos (11)
Batke, Henry E. W.  1915 - 1971 (8)
Batke, Adeline  1917 - 1972 (8)
Beattie, Timothy J.  1962 - 1999 (21)
Beatty, Mary Ann  died Jul 18, 1911 age 57 (20)
Beck, Albert  1880 - 1924 (14)
Beck, Alice Amelia  Jun 21, 1880 - Mar 1917 wife of Jacob (9)
Beck, Catherine Elizabeth  Oct 18, 1892 - Feb 28, 1903 (14)
Beck, Edmund  1931 - 2001 (25)
Beck, Beverly  1940 -      (25)
Beck, Ethel M.  Jan 8, 1888 - Nov 12, 1985 (5)
Beck, Henry  1882 - 1966 (17)
Beck, Howard Stanley  Feb 15, 1919 age 6 wks 3 days (5)
Beck, Jacob  1878 - 1962 (9)
Beck, John Adam  Jul 20, 1904 age 68 yrs 9 mos (13)
Beck, Levi  1861 - 1936 (14)
Beck, Harriet J.  1873 - 1947 (14)
Beck, W. Roy  Jan 29, 1887 - Jan 25, 1941 (5)
Becker, John  1862 - 1920 (4)
Becker, Marie  1907 - 2000 (15)
Becker, Adolf  1900 - 1979 (15)
Behr, Ernestine  1893 - 1962 (22)
Behr, Stephen  1887 - 1974 (22)
Benke, Louise  1883 - 1959 (12)
Benke, William  1881 - 1978 (12)
Benke, Sigmund  1910 - 1985 (12)
Benke, Lillian  1909 -      (12)
Bennett, Flossie Ellen  Feb 25, 1898 - Dec 28, 1994 (12)
Bennett, Frederick E.  1897 - 1960 (12)
Bering, Paul K.  1901 - 1975 (9)
Bering, Ella  1913 - 1997 (9)
Betts, Myrtle  Jul 22, 1897 - May 1899 dau of George & Rosanna (12)
Bey, Isabell  1912 - 2001 (12)
Bey, Theodore  1907 - 1963 (12)
Biggs, Catherine Dick  1903 - 1982 (20)
Biggs, Herbert James  1901 - 1952 (20)
Bika, Joseph  Mar 1846 - Nov 6, 1905 (11)
Biliak, Andrew  1882 - 1979 (16)
Biliak, Dora  1916 - 1973 (16)
Biliak, Kay  1925 - 1996 (18)
Biliak, Annie  1911 - 2002 (18)
Billing, Gregory Duncan  May 13, 1915 - Dec 7, 1915 (22)
Birg, Erna E.  1911 - 1997 (7)
Biro, Mihaly  1885 - 1902 (17)
Bishop, Adophine  1895 - 1981 (7)
Bishop, Henry  1892 - 1959 (7)
Bittner, Adolph  1889 - 1958 (6)
Bittner, Alvina  1888 - 1979 (6)
Black, Annie  Jul 16, 1913 age 67 yrs 7 mos 25 days, wife of William (19)
Black, David Y.  1885 - 1963 (11)
Black, Florence M.  1894 - 1979 (11)
Black, Mary Anne  1878 - 1948 (18)
Black, Olive Eileen  1906 - 1907 (18)
Black, Robert  1867 - 1936 (18)
Black, William B.  1879 - 1967 (7)
Black, William  Oct 12, 1912 age 64 yrs 1 mos 18 days (19)
Blackwell, Arthur J.  1897 - 1965 (20)
Blackwell, Eva M.  1896 - 1971 (20)
Blommaert, Frank  1914 - 1986 (1)
Blommaert, Ethel (Wood)  1918 -     (1)
Blommaert, Henry R.  1915 - 2001 (22)
Blommaert, Margaret D.  1919 -     (22)
Blommaert, Mildred Ruth  1915 - 1965 (22)
Boake, Edward John  Jan 1, 1908 - Jan 6, 1908 (11)
Boake, Norman W.  1857 - 1936 (11)
Bode, Rudolph  Oct 6, 1991 age 71 (24)
Bodnar, Joseph  1862 - 1903 (13)
Bodnar, Justina  1877 - 1957 (13)
Bonik, Edward  1899 - 1982 (15)
Bonik, Maria  1903 - 1978 (15)
Bonnet, Charles H.  1892 - 1976 (2)
Bonnet, Edith E.  1895 - 1959 (2)
Bonnett, Emilie  1906 - 1963 (20)
Bonnett, Eugene  1890 - 1972 (20)
Border, Agnes Jessie  1883 - 1970 (6)
Border, C. R. Alan  1905 - 1982 (6)
Border, Phyllis E.  1912 - 1979 (6)
Border, John Wesley  1878 - 1953 (6)
Border, Kathleen Eva  1919 - 1993 (6)
Border, Katie  Feb 14, 1919 age 8 yrs 11 mos 12 days, dau of John W. & Jessie(6)
Border, Ora E.  1907 - 1972 (6)
Border, Amos A.  1906 - 1983 (6)
Borys, Emily  1887 - 1959 (2)
Borys, Stefan  1886 - 1968 (2)
Borys, Emily  Jul 1, 1919 - Jul 10, 1991 (15)
Borys, Eli  Sep 1, 1926 -      (15)
Borys, Metro  1910 - 1969 (8)
Borys, Peter  1900 - 1977 (2)
Borys, Rose  1903 - 1982 wife of Peter (2)
Borys, Pauline  1936 -     dau of Peter & Rose (2)
Bradshaw, Eleanor M.  1893 - 1960 (14)
Bradshaw, Albert  1878 - 1960 (14)
Bradshaw, Leona M.  1953 - 1979 (14)
Brandt, Philip  1893 - 1953 (7)
Brass, Lora & baby Ian Camden Galbraith  May 22, 1981 - Sep 12, 2001 (19)
Brehoczky, Michael  Sep 28, 1842 - Feb 15, 1915 (10)
Brevik, Chris Hansen  1904 - 1985 (4)
Brevik, Ada May  1913 - 1980 (4)
Brevik, Shirley Ann  1936 - 1986 (4)
Bridgewater, Agnes Ethel  1926 - 1987 (3)
Briggs, Bruce L.  1940 - 1941 (22)
Brimacombe, W. John  1911 - 1974 (16)
Brimacombe, Ruth V.  1915 -      (16)
Brooks, Margaret Callander  1892 - 1924 wife of E.(3)
Brown, Agnes Jessie  1887 - 1964 (14)
Brown, Alfred Abbott  1880 - 1962 (17)
Brown, Alice A.  1878 - 1975 (17)
Brown, David  Dec 25, 1832 - Jun 21, 1908 (18)
Brown, Margaret  May 24, 1937 - Nov 7, 1908 (18)
Brown, William David  Sep 23, 1916 age 47 yrs (23)
Brown, William Thomas  1880 - 1961 (14)
Brunsell, William  1884 - 1964 (9)
Brunsell, Jean  1907 -      (9)
Bryan, Frederick James  1920 - 1993 (4)
Bryan, Ethel E. (Kerr)  1930 - 1999 (4)
Bryan, Frederick James  Jun 10, 1993 age 73 (4)
Buchholz, Marius  1903 - 1971 (8)
Buchholz, Alexandra  1906 - 1996 (8)
Buckle, Daniel Ernest  1935 - 1972 (15)
Buckle, Dennis  1890 - 1977 (16)
Buckle, Dennis  Dec 21, 1977 age 86 (16)
Buckle, Ruby E. (McInnes)  1917 - 1987 (14)
Buckle, Willa  1910 - 1987 (16)
Bucsis, Raymond  1922 - 1999 (25)
Bucsis , Emily (Kay)  1925 - 1991 (25)
Budai, Therasa  1882 - 1958 (7)
Bugoy, Hyacinth  1927 - 1999 (22)
Bugoy, Katherine  1933 -      (22)
Bull, Albert Wesley  Oct 31, 1902 - Nov 2, 1902 (17)
Bull, Alfred Wilber  Nov 5, 1905 age 2 yrs 6 mos (17)
Bull, Charles R.  1881 - 1954 (19)
Bull, Elizabeth Mae  1883 - 1962 (19)
Bull, Francis W.  died Mar 23, 1937 (13)
Bull, John Percy  Mar 3 - Mar 5, 1898 (13)
Bull, Joseph Albert  Nov 10, 1900 - Jun 29, 1902 son of John A. & Olive (13)
Bull, Josephine  died May 22, 1934 age 77 yrs, wife of Francis (13)
Bull, Mildred Elva  died Nov 7, 1904 age 4 yrs 6 mos (17)
Bunzenmeyer, Edward  1894 - 1962 (12)
Burfitt, Florence J. 'Jean'  1929 - 1995 (25)
Burfitt, Albert W. J. 'Joe'  1920 -     (25)
Burkart, Martha  1925 - 1974 (15)
Burkart, Jacob  1926 -      (15)
Burke, Daniel  1854 - 1920 (3)
Burke, Elizabeth Ann Peat  1864 - 1938 (3)
Burke, Maude Elizabeth  1891 - 1987 (3)
Burrow, George  1894 - 1959 (6)
Burrow, Dolly  1898 - 1974 (6)
Burt, Allison J.  1967 (9)

Caldwell, Joseph  Jun 26, 1899 age 6 (12)
Caldwell, Thomas Webb   May 29, 1886 age 58 (12)
Caldwell, Joseph L.  1881 - 1948 (3)
Caldwell, Martha  1859 - 1931 (3)
Callander, Aldura  1897 - 1920 wife of Stanley (3)
Callander, Ethel M.  1899 - 1990 (23)
Callander, G. Stanley  1897 - 1989 (23)
Campbell, John  1909 - 1985 (13)
Campbell, Justina  1911 - 1996 (13)
Campbell, Martha  1905 - 1959 (1)
Campbell, Minnie  1901 - 1986 (1)
Campbell, Sarah  1907 - 1976 (1)
Carey, Jean  Aug 31, 1925 - Feb 26, 1985 (3)
Carey, Peter  May 6, 1926 -      (3)
Carey, Judson & infant dau  1893 - 1962 (3)
Carey, Rev. Peter  1848 - 1922 (3)
Carey Henrietta  1855 - 1943 (3)
Carnduff, James A. Victor  1891 - 1972 (15)
Carnduff, Stella  1895 - 1984 (16)
Carnduff, William Edward  1896 - 1979 (16)
Carry, Ann Colina  Aug 9, 1889 - Apr 30, 1918 (19)
Carry, John Alexander  Jun 12, 1864 - Aug 26, 1907 (19)
Carry, Thomas  Aug 1, 1829 - Apr 18, 1912 (19)
Carson, Edward  Oct 23, 1899 - Feb 23, 1904 (17)
Carson, Harry  1904 - 1921 (5)
Carson, Jane Adelaide Kercan  Oct 31, 1901 age 63 yrs 9 mos 26 days, wife of John (17)
Carson, John  Jul 3, 1898 - Feb 11, 1907 (17)
Carson, John  May 16, 1831 - Mar 23, 1904 (17)
Carson, Mervin  1868 - 1919 (5)
Carson, Sarah  (4)
Carson, James  (4)
Carter, Mamie  1903 - 1975 (21)
Chambers, Henry  1875 - 1958 (21)
Chambers, Lydia  1874 - 1959 (21)
Chaney, Michael  1879 - 1958 (4)
Chaney, Elizabeth  1884 - 1978 (4)
Chaney, Steve  1918 - 2002 (6)
Chaney, Joseph G.  1916 - 1982 (6)
Chernoff, William S.  1906 - 1969 (8)
Chipeur, Valentine  Mar 1, 1916 - Apr 4, 1999 (22)
Chipeur, Victoria  Oct 3,  1917 -      (22)
Chipeur, Victoria  Dec 22, 1910 - Jul 26, 1990 (18)
Chipuer, Edmund Gerard  1920 - 1998 (25)
Chipuer, Helen Agnes  1925 - 2001 (25)
Chmarney, Steve  1903 - 1982 (5)
Chmarney, Kay  1919 - 1981 (5)
Chomyshen, Paraska  1886 - 1958 (5)
Chrysler, Margaret E.  1856 - 1952 (21)
Chrysler, John W.  1856 - 1923 (21)
Clark, Mary  1871 - 1940 (9)
Clark, Joseph  1867 - 1936 (9)
Clifford, Ellie  Jun 14, 1862 - Sep 15, 1933 (5)
Clouston, James C.  1909 - 1985 (17)
Clouston, Malcolm  1865 - 1951 (2)
Clouston, Helen  1878 - 1960 (2)
Cmoc, Milko  1907 - 1978 (15)
Cmoc, Mildred  1909 - 1994 (15)
Cochill, Mary Annie  Feb 17, 1918 age 10 dau of George & Jessie (19)
Cogsley, Emma Loraine  Feb 7, 1916 - Dec 24, 1916 (23)
Coleridge, Jean Ann  1934 - 2001 (10)
Coleridge, Allan  1933 -      (10)
Collacott, Mary Elizabeth  Apr 10, 1913 age 58 yrs 1 mos 28 days (9)
Collacott, Thomas Henry  Jun 10, 1908 age 57 yrs 6 mos 10 days (9)
Cooke, William B.  1920 - 1972 (15)
Coulter, J. George  May 8, 1915 - Feb 11, 2000 (18)
Coulter, Helen E.  (18)
Coulter, James  Jun 22, 1919 - Jan 15, 2000 (17)
Coulter, Julia  Feb 24, 1929 -      (17)
Cowan, (unknown) (6)
Craig, Annie  Feb 19, 1916 - Mar 4, 1990 (19)
Craig, Stanley Grant  Jan 25, 1912 - Feb 2, 2001 (19)
Cram, (twins)  May 4, 1913 sons of Walden & Olive (22)
Crindley, John  Jan 1920 age 60 (3)
Czinkota, Elizabeth  1865 - 1958 (11)
Czinkota, Frank  1895 - 1958 (2)
Czinkota, Effie Harris  1906 - 1986 (2)
Czinkota, Istvan (Stephen)  Jul 1, 1906 - Nov 1, 1906 (11)

Dahlgren, Edgar C. J.  1937 - 1997 (18)
Dahlgren, Beverly J. (Lee)  1935 -      (18)
Daley, (unknown)  died Oct 13, 1937 age 25 yrs (1)
Daley, May  1877 - 1941 (1)
Darling, Dorothy  1921 - ? (1)
Darroch, Ida Josephine  1913 - 1952 (18)
Darroch, T. E. Budd  1911 - 1998 (18)
Darroch, Marion M.  1916 -      (18)
Darroch, Ted  1944 - 1984 (18)
Davidson, Roy D.  1901 - 1974 (16)
Davidson, Anne  1899 - 1984 wife of Roy D.(16)
Davies, Grace M.  1885 - 1920 (3)
Dawes, Edith  (25)
Delesoy, Metro  1873 - 1971 (8)
Delton, John  1915 - 1958 (2)
Derhousoff, Dora  1882 - 1971 ((8)
Derkach, Amanda Marie  Nov 30, 1995 - Feb 15, 1996 (24)
Derkach, Mary  1924 - 1997 (24)
Derkach, Michael  Jun 21, 1991 age 67 (24)
Derkatch, Gaylene  1952 - 1974 (23)
Desnoyers, Gilles  1939 - 1972 (16)
Digby, Charles  died Jan 1, 1905 (12)
Digby, William  1856 - 1935 (12)
Digby, Janet  1862 - 1948 (12)
Djkowich, Stanley  1915 - 1998 (16)
Doberstein, August  1896 - 1957 (4)
Dobson, Steven  died Mar 2, 1908 age 55 (10)
Docherty, Ian Glen Bruce  1915 - 1957 (4)
Dodds, George  1886 - 1919 (6)
Dodds, George  1905 - 1923 son of George (6)
Dodds, Samuel  1916 - 1981 (22)
Dodds, Stewart T.  1911 - 1982 (20)
Dodge, Cora Lucretia (Whitman)  Dec 10, 1874 - Feb 13, 1916 (2)
Doherty, Ella Jane  1887 - 1961 wife of Wm. Allen (21)
Doherty, T. Allen  died age 9 mos, son of Wm. Allen & Ella Jane (21)
Doherty, Edna (nee McLaughlin)  1918 - 1987 (21)
Doherty, William Gordon  1915 - 1991 (21)
Doherty, Wm. Alvin  1878 - 1942 (21)
Doole, George W.  Oct 31, 1916 age 30 yrs 10 mos (23)
Doole, Isabel  1858 - 1939 (23)
Dorn, Elzear F.  1912 - 1987 (1)
Dorn, Edith C. (Morton)  1916 - 1990 (1)
Douglas, Helen  Nov 8, 1899 - Jan 9, 1919 (5)
Douglas, Robert  Jan 17, 1910 age 67 yrs (11)
Drebit, Martha  1890 - 1974 (15)
Dreher, Donald  Jul 12, 1949 - Oct 27, 1998 (16)
Dreher, Diane  May 18, 1949 -        marr. Jul 25, 1970(16)
Drever, James T.  1880 - 1955 (18)
Drever, Janet W.  1880 - 1984 (18)
Dumka, Gregory Wayne  1958 - 1962 (9)
Duncan, Eleanor L.  died May 25, 1913 age 56 yrs 1 mos 7 days (20)
Dutchyn, Wm. 'Bill'  1925 - 1987 (24)

Eckhart, Adam  Sep 3, 1919 age 63 yrs 1 mos 23 days (5)
Eckhart, Bruce Walton  1952 - 1974 12)
Eckhart, Christopher  1887 - 1960 (14)
Eckhart, Katie  Sep 8, 1911 age 20 yrs 8 days (20)
Eckhart, Lloyd  1919 - 1998 (13)
Eckhart, Helen  May 4,  1920 - Sep 18, 2007 (13)
Eckhart, Sarah  Feb 7, 1862 - Feb 14, 1936 (5)
Edwards, Mary Carter (baby)  Apr 20, 196? (14)
Effa, Alexander  1899 - 1970 (1)
Effa, Ottilie  1908 - 1963 (1)
Eftoda, George  1895 - 1967 (9)
Eftoda, Metro  1899 - 1962 (11)
Eftoda, Laura  1899 - 1991 (11)
Elaschuk, William K.  1907 - 1998 (8)
Elaschuk, Dorothy  1922 - 1969 (8)
Elchuk, Audrey Gail  Aug 21, 1952 - Mar 4, 2002 (14)
Ellaschuk, Nick  1895 - 1961 (14)
Ellaschuk, Helen  1908 -     (14)
Ellenchuk, Gladys May  1947 - 1960 (14)
Ellenchuk, John I.  1920 - 1978 (14)
Ellenchuk, Metro  1924 - 1966 (14)
Ellenchuk, Theodore  1892 - 1979 (15)
Ellenchuk, Maria  1897 - 1987 (15)
Ellenchuk, William  Feb 10, 1916 - Mar. 10, 1991 (15)
Elliott, David Blanchard  1900 - 1987 (22)
Elliott, Coila Blanch  1914 - 1995 (22)
Ellis, Charles  1874 - 1953 (23)
Engelhardt, David  1914 - 1970 (8)
Ennis, Sandra  1942 - 1999 (20)
Ennis, Jim  1947 -     (20)
Erichsen, Carl  Mar 21, 1941 age 77 (7)
Erichsen, Flora May (nee McIntosh)  wife of Carl T.  (7)
Erichsen, Sophia E. S. Thoms  (7)
Ernst, Hermann  Jan 25, 1922 - Feb 7, 1995 (24)
Ernst, Margarete  Jun 11, 1929 -      (24)
Esawoloff, Mary  1911 - 1958 (7)
Etchison, Henry Walter  1929 - 1961 (9)

Farrell, Mary  1911 - 1992 (25)
Fedorowich, Ernest W.  Feb 8, 1927 - May 13, 2000 (10)
Fedorowich, Monica C.  Nov 5, 1927 -      (10)
Feniuk, Jack  Dec 13, 1910 - Apr 14, 1986 (4)
Fenson, Alice Mae  1914 - 1976 (11)
Fenson, Herbert Lowe  1896 - 1960 (11)
Fenton, Winifred (Lee)  1913 - 1994 (18)
Fick, Henry J.  1883 - 1961 (14)
Fick, Clara  1892 - 1982 (14)
Fiegal, Marguerite  1932 - 1980 (13)
Fiege, Albert  1907 - 1994 (8)
Fiege, Elsie (Just)  1918 - 2001 (8)
Fietz, Lillian  1882 - 1978 (15)
Fietz, Otto  1902 - 1972 (15)
Fisher, Alvin  1920 - 1996 (25)
Fisher, Christina  1920 - 1997 (25)
Fisher, Patrick  1952 - 1994 (25)
Flesjer, Ilert  Aug 31, 1996 age 77 (16)
Fletcher, Helen  1909 - 1992 (1)
Fletcher, Richard  1903 - 1972 (1)
Flett, Ada Ellen (Borwick)  Apr 10, 1902 - Aug 31, 1996 (25)
Flett, William  Nov 12, 1893 - Nov 5, 1995 (25)
Flett, Wm. 'Bill'  1928 - 1999 (25)
Flick, Barbara  died Feb 23, 1918 age 72 yrs 10 mos 1 day (23)
Flick, Frederick  died Sep 29, 1920 age 83 yrs (23)
Ford, Arthur N.  1909 - 1999 (5)
Fossey, Frank  1922 - 1962 (7)
Fossey, Frank R. 'Butch'  1944 - 1958 (7)
Foster, Cyril J.  1899 - 1974 (23)
Foster, Eva  died Apr 10, 1911 age 31 (9)
Foster, Margaret  1900 - 1988 (23)
Fraser, Archibald McKay  1914 - 1993 (17)
Fraser, Archibald Smith  1867 - 1934 (19)
Fraser, Tressa Mary  1875 - 1968 (199)
Frick, Martin  1898 - 1975 (19)
Friesen, Kenneth  1956 - 1974 (12)
Frith, G. Clayton H.  1897 - 1958 (7)
Frith, Mabel A.  1901 - 1989 (7)
Fritzke, Frances L.  1929 - 2001 (4)
Fyfe, Janet Eleanor Bull  died Mar 30, 1918 age 42 yrs 8 mos (11)

Gabert, Emma  1899 - 1990 (15)
Gabert, Hattie  1905 - 1984 (7)
Gabert, Robert  1891 - 1972 (15)
Gabert, William  1897 - 1976 (7)
Gardner, Sharon Lynn  1967 - 1970 dau of Roger & Joyce (8)
Garry, Thomas  1862 - 1954 (19)
Garry, Nellie  1876 - 1976 (19)
Geib, Julie Lorida  1961 - 1975 (8)
Geib, Morley Jack  1938 - 1980 (8)
Geib, Philip  1913 - 1986 (5)
Geib, Lydia  1918 - 1989 (5)
George, Clarence Campbell Henry  died Dec 25, 1911 age 3 days (20)
Gero, Diane Beatrice  Oct 30, 1901 - Jun 20, 1902 (18)
Gibbs, George E.  1883 - 1979 (5)
Gibbs, C. Hazel  1889 - 1958 (5)
Gibson, Alice Beverly  1939 - 1960 (10)
Gibson, Elma Amelia  1874 - 1938 wife of Andrew (18)
Gibson, Andrew Calvert  Mar 3, 1860 - Jun 20, 1908 (18)
Gibson, David Arthur  1898 - 1966 (23)
Gibson, Hazel Nora  1897 - 1995 (23)
Gibson, James Armstrong  1906 - 1957 son of Andrew & Amelia(18)
Gilliland, Mary Ferguson  Jun 13, 1835 - Aug 9, 1911 (17)
Gilliland, George E.  1905 - 1988 (23)
Gilliland, W. George  1871 - 1919 (23)
Gilliland, Mary Ann  1874 - 1934 (23)
Ginther, John A.  1921 - 1963 (5)
Ginther, David J.  1896 - 1959 (5)
Gnyp, Kathleen  1916 - 1975 (16)
Gnyp, Michael  1916 - 1972 (16)
Goldthorpe, Jimmy Joseph  1956 - 1992 (14)
Gorchynski, Michael F.  1887 - 1976 (11)
Gorchynski, Clementine  1886 - 1981 wife of Michael (11)
Gordon, Henry J.  1874 - 1974 (17)
Gordon, Martha  1877 - 1956 (17)
Gordon, Thomas Cranston  died Jun 1918 age 50 yrs 10 mos 22 days (6)
Gordon, Verda  1904 - 1986 (16)
Goudy, Damon W.  1904 - 1965 (21)
Goudy, Dortha E.  1908 - 1982 (21)
Goulden, Bert A.  1930 - 1962 (5)
Graham, Ernest A.  1915 - 1984 (5)
Graham, Thomas  Apr 12, 1860 - Feb 6, 1925 (5)
Guenther, Jacob  1902 - 1972 (1)
Guenther, Molly  1903 - 1958 (6)
Gulash, Julia  1877 - 1974 (8)
Gunderson, Jacob John  1874 - 1958 (6)
Gunderson, Karen Marie  1886 - 1961 (6)
Gunn, Isabella  1873 - 1953 (18)
Gunn, Margaret Ruth  1898 - 1976 (25)
Gunn, Robert  1875 - 1964 (18)
Guy, David C.  Dec 8, 1921 (14)

Hall, Fern Eileen  Mar 7, 1924 - Mar 10, 1924 (18)
Hall, G. H.  1868 - 1933 (23)
Hallett, Keith L.  1899 - 1965 (23)
Hammond, Charles R.  died Nov 2, 1945 age 84 yrs (2)
Hammond, Luella E.  died Nov 2, 1927 age 62 yrs (2)
Hansen, Carl F.  1884 - 1970 (8)
Hansen, Anna M.  1887 - 1976 (8)
Hansen, Walter  1906 - 1976 (1)
Hanson, Carlton Leonard  1918 - 1991 (24)
Hargest, Robert H.  1927 - 1975 (16)
Harper, Mabel  died May 4, 1982 age 6 yrs 10 mos (14)
Harper, Mary Ellen  Aug 22, 1936 age 81 (14)
Harper, Philip  May 17, 1924 age 76 yrs 5 mos 11 days (14)
Harper, Susan Elaine  Dec 23, 1948 - Jun 5, 1996 (25)
Harris, Elizabeth A.  Mar 9, 1952 age 88(13)
Harris, James H.  Mar 11, 1930 age 68 yrs 9 mos (13)
Harris, Mary May  Mar 26, 1890 - Jun 23, 1899 (13)
Hart, Samuel  Nov 6, 1829 - Jan 15, 1916 (21)
Hart, Thomas Alexander  Aug 9, 1858 - Oct 9, 1911 (21)
Hart, Christina Malloy  Apr 17, 1838 - Nov 1, 1913 (21)
Hart, Helen Elliott  1918 - 1964 (20)
Hartness, Emma Agnes (Burritt)  Jan 19, 1923 - Jun 20, 1988 (12)
Hartness, Rodney Walter  Aug 8, 1958 - Oct 6, 1978 (12)
Hartness, Thomas 'Tom' Richard  Mar 16, 1919 - Apr 29, 2012 (12)
Hartt, Fredrick  1891 - 1910 (20)
Hartt, Karl  1868 - 1957 (20)
Hartt, Louis  1908 - 1921 (20)
Hartt, Mathilda  1876 - 1968 (20)
Hartt, Robert  1902 - 1994 (6)
Harvey, Herbert A.  1916 - 1972 (8)
Hawkins, Nora Eileen  Mar 7, 1910 - Apr 4, 1910 (18)
Hayden, John W.  1913 - 1979 (20)
Haynes, Alfred  Oct 28, 1920 age 66, 6 mos 12 days (1)
Healy, Ezra Anson  1838 - 1906 (18)
Helm, John  1898 - 1961 (14)
Helm, Bertha  1906 - 1981 (14)
Henke, Gottlieb  1881 - 1966 (7)
Henry, Allan Merrill  Jul 18, 1914 - Jul 27, 1914 (20)
Herman, Annie  1916 - 1976 (7)
Herman, Donald John Jr.  1970 - 1990 (5)
Herman, Donald John  1948 - 1977 (5)
Herman, John  1913 - 1974 (7)
Hermiston, Horace B.  1896 - 1966 (18)
Heseltine, Muriel  1922 - 1979 (18)
Hind, Ralph  1884 - 1976 (8)
Hind, Jean I.  1888 - 1990 (8)
Hodgson, Bertha G. M.  Sep 1903 - Apr 18, 1905 (18)
Hodgson, Florence A.  Nov 5, 1916 (18)
Hodgson, Sarah  1857 - 1946 (18)
Hoffman, Ottilie  1911 - 1959 (11)
Hood, Mike  1924 - 2001 (25)
Hootz, John  1900 - 1965 (18)
Hootz, Gladys F.  1909 - 1997 (18)
Horgas, Harold Vincent  1939 - 1995 (4)
Horgas, Richard Barry  Sep 25, 1967 - Apr 21, 1984 (5)
Horgas, Steve  1894 - 1984 (4)
Horgas, Margaret  1906 - 1982 (4)
Horvath, Joseph F.  1919 - 1977 (7)
Horvath, Julius  1897 - 1970 (8)
Horvath, Mary  1898 - 1973 (8)
Howard, James William  Nov 22, 1910 age 57 yrs 4 mos 24 days (11)
Howie, Lewis Blair  1932 - 1979 (16)
Howie, May E.  1905 - 1975 (16)
Hrebenik, Juliette (nee Kolenchuk)  1925 - 1986 (3)
Hrebenik, Nicholas  1916 - 2006 (3)
Hubic, Eugene  1927 - 1997 (14)
Hudy, John  1915 - 1998 (21)
Hudy, Walter  1920 - 1988 (15)
Hukins, Edith C.  Dec 12, 1904 age 34 (12)
Hukins, Frederick William  1862 - 1929 (12)
Hukins, Harriet  1870 - 1959 (12)
Hunt, Howard S.  1922 - 1978 (23)
Hunt, Mansel  1894 - 1990 (17)
Hunt, Bella  1898 - 1985 (17)
Huzil, William  Aug 27, 1963 Age 43 (9)
Hydichuk, Fredrick  Dec 17, 1922 - Feb 28, 1993 (25)
Hydichuk, William  1913 - 1986 (25)
Hygard, Thomas Hirum  Mar 3, 1913 - Sep 2, 1984 (24)

Ingham, Augustine E.  1906 - 1970 (8)
Irwin, Albert C.  1888 - 1972 (9)
Irwin, Ann P. Wotherspoon  Mar 27, 1917 age 72 (9)
Irwin, Annie  1897 - 1984 (9)
Irwin, Henry  Mar 3, 1928 age 80 (9)
Ivan, Louis  1895 - 1970 (8)
Ivan, Mary  1905 - 1970 (8)

Jamieson, George Sr.  1877 - 1975 (21)
Jamieson, Grace  1877 - 1972 (21)
Jendrasheske, August  1895 - 1974 (15)
Jendrasheske, Elsa  1900 - 1990 (15)
Jira, Valentine  1892 - 1957 (4)
Jira, Lillian  1901 - 1995 (4)
Johnson, Asmundur  1888 - 1958 (7)
Johnson, Elsie S.  1909 - 1985 (5)
Johnson, Ernest  1922 - 1995 (17)
Johnson, Johan H.  1886 - 1969 (8)
Johnston, George  1913 - 1975 (21)
Johnston, Elsie  1922 - 2002 (21)
Jones, Charles W.  1917 - 1978 (12)
Jones, George A.  1911 - 1965 (19)
Jones, John Higgins  1839 - 1920 (3)
Jones, Ann (Edwards)  1840 - 1923 (3)
Jones, Mary W.  1916 - 1971 (19)
Jones, William A.  1884 - 1945 (14)
Jorgenson, Reva Dona  Apr 4, 1934 - Jan 3, 1936 (3)
Junek, D. Victor Dr.  Nov 7, 1920 - Aug 27, 1990 (24)
Junek, Leslie Anne  Aug 9, 1949 - Apr 19, 1998 (25)
Junget, Charlie  Aug 18, 1904 - Apr 8, 1912 (10)
Junget, Chloe Ann  May 21, 1880 - Apr 18, 1951 (10)
Junget, Christen  Jun 13, 1876 - Apr 29, 1969 (10)
Just, Gladys H. P. (Kitsch)  Apr 13, 1935 - Mar 17, 1998 (6)
Just, Gordon Albert  1924 - 1989 (11)
Just, William  1894 - 1971 (8)
Just, Alvina  1900 - 1978 (8)

Kaminak, Anton  1884 - 1961 (21)
Kancher, Michael Steve  May 6, 1937 - Aug 27, 2001 (4)
Katzberg, Sam  1904 - 1972 (16)
Kawulia, Alex  Mar 17, 1887 - Dec 19, 1976 (8)
Kawulia, Alexandra  Feb 1896 - Jan 1980 (8)
Keeler, Ida Mary  Sep 23, 1908 age 32 yrs 3 mos (19)
Keeler, Rebecca M.  Oct 24, 1893 age 21 yrs 6 mos (19)
Keith, Margaret McGibbon  Feb 22, 1887 - Feb 25, 1981 (20)
Keith, William  1882 - 1959 (20)
Keithman, Elizabeth  Jan 31, 1919 age 66 yrs 8 mos (5)
Keller, Barbara  1904 - 2000 (16)
Keller, Bernice M.  1929 - 1992 (16)
Keller, John  1899 - 1974 (15)
Kempan, Isabelle  Jan 16, 1907 - Feb 15, 1989 (6)
Kempan, William  Dec 20, 1892 - Nov 21, 1984 (6)
Kerber, Melanie Marka  Mar 13, 1964 (14)
Kerr, Audrey (Kletchko)  1938 - 1985 (1)
Kerr, Carton R.  1897 - 1979 (7)
Kerr, Harman Leslie  1865 - 1918 (7)
Kerr, Lucy Arletta  1863 - 1929 (7)
Kerr, Minnie Smith  1894 - 1964 (7)
Kilborn, (unknown)  Apr 1897 age 7 (12)
Kilborn, Wilton L.  Aug 8, 1863 - Oct 24, 1910 (12)
Killam, George  Mar 28, 1918 - Sep 2, 1920 (3)
Killam, George T.  1884 - 1964 (3)
Killam, Ruby M.  1883 - 1975 (3)
Kirsch, Volae  Aug 29, 1913 age 11 mos (21)
Kittar, Lena  1885 - 1962 (13)
Klause, Theodore  1898 - 1963 (14)
Klause, Minnie (Gable)  1906 - 2002 (14)
Klem, Ida Martha  Aug 24, 1900 - Nov 5 190? (18)
Knoll, Albert A.  1894 - 1970 (8)
Knoll, Martha  1904 - 1997 (8)
Kohlert, Leo  1914 - 1979 (7)
Kolebaba, Katherine  Aug 14, 1898 - Nov 13, 1988 (9)
Kolebaba, Nick  Nov 24, 1891 - Apr 23, 1969 (9)
Konkel-Kohlert, Emma (Schmidt)  1917 - 1997 (15)
Konkel, Alfred W.  1909 - 1971 (15)
Konkel, William  1881 - 1960 (14)
Konkel, Pauline  1887 - 1979 (14)
Koroluk, Jean  1930 - 1999 (25)
Koroluk, John  1917 - 1999 (24)
Koroluk, Mary  Jun 1893 - Oct 1973 (7)
Kowalyshen, Anne E.  1920 - 1978 (8)
Kowalyshen, Julien  1917 - 1994 (8)
Kozachenko, Sylvester  1918 - 1920 (2)
Krajewski, Glen William  1946 - 1961 (14)
Krajewski, William  1904 - 1980 (14)
Kratchkosky, Stella  1914 - 1999 (14)
Kraye, Rudolfh  1908 - 1975 (15)
Krepakevich, Bruce Carl  Oct 8, 1958 - Oct 8, 1958 (3)
Kushnir, Dallas J. L.  1947 - 1991 (18)
Kushnir, Gerald W. G.  1940 - 1991 (17)
Kyba, Eileen O'Sullivan Sutton  1926 - 1986 (12)

Laban, Elsie M.  (2)
Laban, W. Henry  (2)
Laird, Glen Everett  Jul 18, 1930 - Jun 27, 2001 (24)
Laird, Ronald Dennis  Oct 24, 1965 - Mar 28, 1998 (24)
Lang, Stewart James  Aug 29, 1941 age 30 (21)
Lang, John  Mar 4, 1914 age 52 yrs 8 mos 20 days (21)
Lang, Mary (Fleck)  Aug 26, 1954 age 67 (21)
Lang, Lawrence Albert  Oct 17, 1911 age 2 yrs 8 mos 23 days (21)
Lang, William  1905 - 1997 (16)
Lang, Josephine  1909 - 1997 (16)
Langstaff, Charles Berry  (6)
Langstaff, Robert  Sep 14, 1897 age 20 mos 9 days (13)
Lapthorne, Elsie Evelyn Eva  Feb 20, 1899 - Feb 21, 1981 (4)
Lapthorne, James Hugh Bentley  Jun 29, 1900 - May 9, 1983 (4)
Lapthorne, William  1896 - 1977 (5)
Large, John Melvin  1898 - 1921 (2)
Large, Robert James  Jan 17, 1916 age 23 yrs 1 mos 27 days (9)
Large, Sarah Anne  1864 - 1935 (2)
Large, John William  1865 - 1955 (2)
Large, Sydney Lawrence  1904 - 1983 (2)
Large, Audrey Julia Anne  1906 - 1986 (2)
Larmour, Christina Cumberland  Feb 18, 1850 - May 12, 1923 (7)
Larmour, David S.  1876 - 1941 (7)
Larmour, Annie C.  1874 - 1944 (7)
Larmour, John Cumberland  Mar 17, 1906 - Sep 19?? (7)
Larson, Mary  1907 - 1988 (5)
Larson, Oscar E.  1892 - 1959 (5)
Lawton, Helene  May 4, 1922 (2)
Layton, Ivan G.  1919 - 1978 (23)
Lee, Frank Randolph  Jun 29, 1915 - Oct 31, 2000 (24)
Lee, Marianne  1913 - 2000 18)
Lee, Ovidia Ovi  (17)
Lee. O. C.  Oct 11, 1882 - Mr. 2, 1904 (17)
Lennie, T. H. 'Dody'  Oct 18, 1892 - Sep 24, 1990 (8)
Lennie, William Tait  May 26, 1894 - Jun 8, 1975 (8)
Lesinszki, Margaret Ann  1951 - 1971 (8)
Liebrecht, Edwin  1924 - 2000 (24)
Liebreich, Edmund  1914 - 1958 (6)
Lindquist, Larry  1938 - 1996 (15)
Lindsay, Kathryn Eleanor  Oct 9, 1913 - Oct 19, 1913 (22)
Ling, Joe  1895 - 1958 (3)
Lipinski, Elsie  Apr 18, 1926 - Jun 12, 2000 (24)
Lowes, Edward Frances Sutton  Oct 5, 1899 - Jun 8, 1903 age 3 yrs 8 mos 3 days (14)
Logan, Albert Joseph  1878 - 1950 (17)
Logan, James M.  1905 - 1960 (13)
Logan, Nora M.  1911 - 1961 (13)
Logan, Jessie  1912 - 1913 (22)
Logan, Sarah Anne  1879 - 1954 (17)
Lopaschuk, Orest  Dec 16, 1947 - Dec 15, 2000 (25)
Lopaschuk, Betty (Gulka)  Jul 10, 1948 -       (25)
Loucks, Roy David  1887 - 1958 (3)
Loucks, Lena Louise  1888 - 1966 (3)
Love, Hannah  1900 - 1974 (15)
Lovell, Thomas  Apr 1854 - Sep 1915 (9)
Lowes, Lettie Minton Bar  1850 - 1923 (12)
Lowes, Mary Annie  1876 - 1963 (14)
Lowes, Edward F.  1871 - 1933 (14)
Lowes, Matthew  1828 - 1906 (12)
Lozinski, John  1915 - 1989 (8)
Lozinski, Josephine  1887 - 1971 (8)
Lukiwski, Katherine  Mar 22, 1921 - Oct 10, 1997 (1)
Lutcher, Jacob G. 'Jack'  1908 - 1989 (10)
Lutcher, Ida E. (Guse)  1915 - 1998 (10)
Lutcher, Norma Mae  1940 - 1974 (8)

Maahs, Harry R.  1936 - 1972 (15)
MacColl, Hugh C.  1908 - 1973 (22)
MacColl, Mary J.  1913 - 1998 (22)
MacDonald, William E.  1913 - 1971 (8)
MacKay, Bertha I. (nee Walter)  1904 - 1981 (11)
MacKay, Donald  1910 - 1980 (12)
MacKay, Donald J. 'Dan'  1903 - 1984 (11)
MacKay, Donald M.  Sep 28, 1958 age 20 (1)
MacKay, John L.  1909 - 1974 (1)
MacKay, Malcolm R.  1885 - 1960 (12)
MacKay, Annie  1887 - 1975 (12)
MacKenzie, Hugh  1885 - 1960 (21)
MacKenzie, Jean  1882 - 1960 (21)
Mackie, Elizabeth A.  1891 - 1968 (22)
Mackie, John  1882 - 1975 (22)
MacLeay, Donald  Aug 8, 1918 age 22 (KIA) (19)
MacLeay, Annie  Feb 18, 1924 age 55 (19)
MacLeay, Colin  Apr 25, 1910 age 45 (19)
Magrath, Guilfred** Lawson  Feb 19, 1904 - May 30, 1913 son of Thomas & Mary (7)
Magrath, W. Miler Rev.  1832 - 1913 (7)
Magrath, Emily F.  1839 - 1916 (7)
Magrath, Thomas W.  1869 - 1945 (6)
Magrath, Mary M.  1876 - 1953 (6)
Main, Jessie  1894 - 1958 (3)
Malcolm, Helen Louise  1880 - 1939 (10)
Malcolm, Isabelle Johanna  Jul 8, 1908 - Oct 8, 1908 (10)
Malcolm, John  Mar 2, 1874 - Jul 6, 1913 (10)
Malcolm, Susan  Jan 31, 1913 age 2 yrs 6 mos (22)
Mark, Toy Q.  1900 - 1984 (1)
Mark, Kim Y.  1901 - 1967 (1)
Markham, (children of C. C.)  (14)
Martin, Beulah Elizabeth  1908 - 1957 (21)
Martin, Geraldine Elizabeth  1916 - 1990 (1)
Martin, Henry  1911 - 1994 (16)
Martin, Stanley H.  1906 - 1986 (3)
Martin, Laura  1920 - 1997 (3)
Matheson, Alexander Sandy  1889 - 1951 (2)
Matheson, Archie F.  1904 - 1969 (23)
Matheson, Donald William  died Oct 17, 1961 (23)
Matheson, Grant Ewen  1915 - 1980 (2)
Matheson, Hildap Maria  1890 - 1970 (2)
Matheson, Solveig Margaret  died Aug 21, 1960 (23)
Matlack, Murl  Nov 18, 1916 - Dec 6, 1916 (23)
Matt, Jacob  1903 - 1979 (8)
Matt, Hertha E.  1907 - 1969 (8)
Maxwell, Mabel  Mar 3, 1910 age 26 yrs 6 mos (11)
Mayhew, Kenneth MacTavish  1906 - 1960 (22)
Maynard, John Chester  1907 - 1942 (19)
Mayo, (unknown)  Aug 19, 1909 age 25 yrs 3 days (19)
Mayo, Margaret  Apr 15, 1906 age 80 (19)
McCallum, Georgina  Sep 3, 1901 age 23 yrs 11 mos 2 days (10)
McCallum, Neil  Mar 17, 1918 age 68 yrs 9 mos 17 days (10)
McCormick, Hector Robert  1900 - 1958 (20)
McCormick, Rose E.  1903 - 1996 (20)
McCown, Elizabeth Mildred  Jun 11, 1917 age 11 yrs 9 mos (22)
McCrackin, Effie  1891 - 1916 (20)
McCrea, (baby)  Apr 28, 1965 (9)
McDonald, Alexander  1900 - 1974 (14)
McDonald, Osa  1906 - 1988 (14)
McDonald, Beatrice Ethel  1908 - 1987 (11)
McDonald, George E.  1892 - 1982 (10)
McDonald, Verna  1900 - 1982 (10)
McDonald, Jessie  Jan 16, 1908 age 101 (11)
McDougall, Alfred Robert  (7)
McDougall, Catherine  died Apr 27, 19?? (7)
McDougall, James  Nov 6, 1918 age 33 (6)
McDougall, John  Apr 24, 1927 age 79 (7)
McDougall, John  Nov 16, 1918 age 35 yrs 11 mos (7)
McEachern, Donald  1899 - 1970 (8)
McFarlane, Ida Christine  Jul 18, 1920 age 37 yrs 9 mos 17 days (1)
McInnes, Lucinda (nee Mick)  May 6, 1904 age 45 yrs 1 mon 4 days, wife of James Alexander (14)
McInnes, Isabella  1838 - 1926 (14)
McInnes, John T.  Sep 3, 1930 - Jan 30, 1972 (8)
McInnes, Pat H.  Apr 8, 1888 - Sep 30, 1939 (14)
McKee, Damuel C.  1874 - 1960 (1)
McKen, Catherine  1884 - 1926 (2)
McKen, Charles  Oct 17, 1884 - Feb 5, 1949 (23)
McKen, Ethel A.  Sep 16, 1896 - Jan 2, 1973 (23)
McKen, James  1864 - 1960 (2)
McKen, John  1881 - 1960 (20)
McKen, John W.  1909 - 1921 (2)
McKen, John  Oct 30, 1912 age 61 yrs 11 mos (21)
McKen, Margaret Cowen  May 28, 1915 age 65 yrs 9 mos (21)
McKen, Reginald  Jun 26, 1920 - Oct 28, 1920 (23)
McLaren, Aird R.  1899 - 1975 (8)
McLaren, Mildred A.  1904 - 1987 (8)
McLean, Charles  Oct 17, 1884 - Feb 5, 1949 (18)
McLean, George E.  Dec 17, 1915 age 23  (22)
McLean, Lionel Vallance  died age 12 days (2)
McMinn, Gilbert  1880 - 1954 (18)
McMinn, Sarah  1885 - 1971 (18)
McMurtrie, Mae  1908 - 1967 (7)
McPherson, Ellen  Nov 22, 1849 - Mar 7, 1919 (5)
McPherson, J. Duncan  Oct 5, 1958 age 74 (5)
McPherson, James F.  Jan 1, 1842 - May 6, 1920 (5)
McPherson, James F.  Sep 21, 1922 - Sep 24, 1944 (5)
McPherson, Laura  Apr 13, 1964 age 78 (5)
Meays, Clifford C.  1892 - 1969 (13)
Meays, Gladys L.  1899 - 1960 (13)
Meekma, Glen Jacob  Nov 11, 1917 - Feb 16, 1988 (2)
Meekma, Margaret 'Peggy'  Aug 1926 - Jun 1959 (2)
Meerdink, Jack  1909 - 1986 (19)
Meerdink, Margaret  1904 - 1965 (19)
Melnychuk, Gladys  1929 - 1970 (8)
Menge, Elizabeth  Jun 16, 1845 - Sep 16, 1923 (7)
Menge, Eva  Jun 3, 1879 - Aug 5, 1894 (7)
Menken, Mary Alexandra  1890 - 1963 (14)
Menken, Matt W.  1890 - 1960 (14)
Merriman, Charles  1885 - 1960 (4)
Merriman, Jean  1896 - 1996 (4)
Meszaros, Evelyn Ann  Dec 6, 1963 (10)
Michael, Emma Beryl  May 9, 1921 age 21 yrs 9 mos 8 days (2)
Michael, Harry  Oct 1, 1934 age 9 (2)
Michael, J. T.  1878 - 1962 (6)
Michael, Lawrence W.  1910 - 1978 (2)
Micholson, Mary Agnes Taylor  1886 - 1912 (21)
Middlemiss, James  1893 - 1972 (15)
Middlemiss, Annie  1894 - 1973 (15)
Middlemiss, Alfred  1922 - 2005 (17)
Middlemiss, Pollie  1919 - 2000 (17)
Milbrandt, Adolph  Jun 24, 1922 age 63 yrs 7 mos 16 days (6)
Milbrandt, Daniel  1903 - 1972 (4)
Milbrandt, Edna  1910 - 1959 (4)
Milbrandt, Ernestine  Nov 20, 1859 - Nov 18, 1918 (6)
Milbrandt, John  1900 - 1969 (6)
Milbrandt, Merle  1929 - 1937 (6)
Milburn, Beverley  1934 - 1993 (25)
Milburn, Margaret  1910 - 2002 (25)
Miller, Esther  1867 - 1936 (23)
Miller, Jacob  1859 - 1933 (23)
Miller, Harold H.  1907 - 1970 (22)
Mills, Mary Emma Cox  Sep 16, 1937 age 89 (10)
Mills, James  Jan 10, 1932 age 85 (10)
Milne, William John  1875 - 1955 (23)
Milne, Wilhelmine Mildred  1883 - 1966 (23)
Miner, Jacques A.  1885 - 1960 (11)
Miner, Susanna  1882 - 1965 (11)
Molnar, Irene  1932 - 1997 (24)
Molnar, Nicholas J.  1928 - 1998 (25)
Montford, Marlene Adeline (Weinmaster)  1932 - 1981 (16)
Montgomery, James Alfred  1887 - 1978 (2)
Montgomery, Mary Louise  1884 - 1981 (2)
Montgomery, Viola Benton  1890 - 1920 (2)
Montif, Fred  1917 - 1919 (4)
Moore, Albert 'Bert'  1910 - 1984 (3)
Moore, John 'Dinty'  1919 - 1997 (25)
Moore, Mark Charles  Mar 3, 1967 - Jan 20, 1996 (25)
Moore, W. Emmett  1873 - 1967 (12)
Moore, Lilly  1887 - 1960 (12)
Moore, William  1923 - 1977 (15)
Moritz, Frederick  Mar 27, 1910 - Mar 27, 1910 (19)
Moritz, Fredrick John   Nov 24, 1877 - May 30, 1940 (19)
Moritz, Mabel  Feb 23, 1909 - Feb 23, 1909 (19)
Moritz, May Clement  Nov 17, 1878 - Dec 20, 1956 (19)
Morrison, Angus J.  1890 - 1966 (17)
Morrison, Donald 'Dan'  1886 - 1967 (7)
Morrison, Mary  1895 - 1987 (7)
Morrison, Finlay  1879 - 1959 (19)
Morrison, Isabella  1885 - 1965 (19)
Morrison, Johanna 'Janet'  1895 - 1996 (17)
Moshuk, Nick  1888 - 1960 (13)
Moynes, Roy  1890 - 1980 (22)
Moynes, Nellie  1897 - 1985 (22)
Mroske, Henry  1889 - 1984 (8)
Mroske, Isa E.  1891 - 1970 (8)
Much, Emil John  died Dec 11, 1921 yrs (1)
Munns, William  1893 - 1981 (17)
Murphy, Jack Oliver  1935 - 1997 (18)
Murray, Violet Margaret 'Peggy'  1923 - 1990 (12)
Muth, Julia  1880 - 1958 (2)
Muth , Julius  1874 - 1963 (2)
Myers, Pearl Olive  Jan 30, 1911 - Jul 20, 1911 (20)

Nagy, Alexander  1912 - 1980 (9)
Nagy, Josephine  1918 - 1979 (9)
Naphin, Joseph Edmund J.  1910 - 1990 (7)
Naphin, Marion (Jaques)  1917 - 1985 (7)
Napora, Joseph F.  1914 - 1991 (24)
Nedbalek, Frank  1884 - 1972 (4)
Nedbalek, Mary  1905 - 1965 (4)
Neelin, Wesley A.  1883 - 1962 (19)
Neelin, Edith E.  1901 - 1975 (19)
Neibrandt, Aurl (Bob)  1942 - 1996 (16)
Neibrandt, Carole  1942 - 1986 (16)
Neibrandt, Edith  1902 - 1995 (16)
Neibrandt, Joseph  1896 - 1982 (16)
Neil, Joseph  1898 - 1959 (3)
Neil, Mary  1908 - 1990 (3)
Neilson, Mary Ann  Mar 23, 1891 - Jan 28, 1899 (13)
Neilson, N. H.  Mar 17, 1902 age 46 yrs 1 mon (13)
Nelitz, Albert  1897 - 1958 (4)
Nelitz, Emil  Mar 8, 1966 age 79 (23)
Nelitz, Pauline  1894 - 1982 (23)
Neudorf, Paul  1912 - 1982 (1)
Nicholson, John S.  1835 - 1922 (22)
Nicholson, Mary Emeline  died Jan 3, 1915 (22)
Nickel, August  (6)
Nielson, John  1886 - 1976 (16)
Nielson, Ada  1884 - 1972 (16)
Norman, Ernest William  Apr 22, 1922 age 35 yrs 7 mos (2)
Norman, J. Wesley  1918 - 1977 (6)
Norman, John Wayne  1945 - 1961 (6)
Norman, Lilly Jane  Nov 30, 1958 age 69 (2)
Norquay, Annie  Mar 1, 1916 age 27 yrs 7 mos 5 days (22)
Norquay, Robert  1888 - 1971 (22)
Norquay, Robert William Andrew  Aug 8, 1917 age 1 yr 5 mos 18 days (22)
Norsten, Anna Erika Soder  Jul 31, 1884 - Jun 12, 1906 (19)
Novak, Helen  1888 - 1956 (20)
Novak, Joseph  1889 - 1969 (20)
Nurse, Brenda  1964 (12)

O'Brien, Ralph  1908 - 1961 (5)
O'Brien, Olga  1885 - 1963 (5)
Olson, Anne  1929 - 1991 (4)
Osborne, William J.  1895 - 1962 (22)
Oshanek, Michael  1902 - 1984 (3)
Oshanek, Mary  Jan 26, 1999 age 83 (3)
Osler, Thomas  Mar 26, 1920 age 65 (3)
Ostapovich, John William  1918 - 1971 (9)
Ostapovich, Kenneth W.  1950 - 1996 (8)
Ostapovitch, Metro  1911 - 1971 (8)
Owen, Matilda  1892 - 1953 (1)
Owens, Frederick T.  1925 - 1969 (8)
Owens, Merle L.  1925 - 1969 (8)
Oystryk, Todor  Aug 14, 1892 - Dec 30, 1970 (6)
Oystryk, Zena  Aug 19, 1900 - Sep 6, 1959 (6)

Pachal, Emily  Apr 2, 1922 age 90 (23)
Pachal, Arlie O.  Jun 15, 1921 - Jun 26, 1921 (1)
Pachal, Bertha F.  1889 - 1964 (19)
Pachal, Ernstine  May 11, 1865 - Oct 24, 1940 (21)
Pachal, Michael  Mar 17, 1859 - Feb 24, 1943 (21)
Pachal, Violet  Feb 3, 1897 - Apr 15, 1912 (21)
Pachal, William J.  1887 - 1963 (19)
Pachal, William  Apr 8, 1918 age 87 (23)
Palmer, Dorothy Edith (Smith)  Jan 12, 1910 - Jun 11, 1998 (22)
Palmer, Gordon E.  Sep 28, 1906 - Jan 7, 1999 (22)
Parenteau, Herb  1929 - 1981 (9)
Parenteau, Ruth  1929 - 2000 (9)
Park, Mayme A.  1892 - 1986 (17)
Park, Norman Roy  1889 - 1950 (17)
Parry, Elizabeth Maude  1882 - 1929 (7)
Parry, Ethel Jean  1916 - 1920 (7)
Parsons, George  1901 - 1992 (11)
Parsons, Katie L.  1905 - 1981 (11)
Parsons, Howard Marshall  Oct 2, 1906 age 2 yrs 7 mos (11)
Parsons, Sydney  1914 - 1983 (24)
Parsons, Isabella  1915 -      (24)
Parsons, William R.  1873 - 1961 (11)
Parsons, Lillie N.  1873 - 1969 (11)
Pasuta, Alec  1888 - 1964 (20)
Pasuta, Annie  1889 - 1968 (20)
Paterson, Colin Calvin  1924 - 1995 (3)
Paterson, John  1876 - 1958 (3)
Paterson, Annie  1886 - 1967 (3)
Paterson, Louisa S.  1913 - 1973 (3)
Patrick, Maude  1880 - 1959 (19)
Patrick, George  1867 - 1954 (19)
Paul, Sarah Gertrude  Feb 8, 1885 - Jun 5, 1903 (9)
Paulson, Halvor E.  Mar 10, 1883 - Dec 14, 1967 (23)
Peaker, Charles A.  1869 - 1951 (2)
Peaker, Janet G. 1876 - 1957 (2)
Peaker, Martha  Feb 23, 1843 - Feb 20, 1924 (20)
Peaker, Thomas  Jan 30, 1836 - Dec 17, 1916 (20)
Pearce, Albertine  1868 - 1948 (1)
Pearce, Arthur  1890 - 1977 (3)
Pearce, Margaret E.  1870 - 1919 (1)
Pearce, Mary  1888 - 1958 (3)
Pearce, William R.  1867 - 1952 (1)
Pearson, Brett Leslie  May 18 - 21, 1964 (13)
Pearson, Lezlie Jane  Jun 23, 1962 (14)
Pedde, Frederick A.  1901 - 1959 (4)
Peebles, Phyllis (Nickel)  (15)
Peebles, Robert Gordon  1912 - 1974 (15)
Peepeetch, Brett  Nov 9, 2000 (3)
Peer, (baby)  Jul 20, 1910 (17)
Peer, Edgar  Sep 3, 1884 - Nov 11, 1903 (17)
Pelletier, Alexander Louis  1941 - 1989 (25)
Pelletier, Murray Dean  Feb 10, 1963 - May 17, 1963 (12)
Pells, Jack  1905 - 1992 (1)
Pells, Anne  1908 - 1982 (1)
Penner, Anna  1897 - 1977 (8)
Peppler, Alexander  1907 - 1975 (9)
Peppler, Harry G.  1914 - 1994 (2)
Peterkin, John W.  1876 - 1905 (18)
Petruk, Elsie  1893 - 1972 (13)
Petruk, Ted  1890 - 1961 (13)
Pettit, Jean  1918 - 1966 (6)
Pickering, Mary J.  1887 - 1959 (1)
Pickering, William  1855 - 1915 (22)
Pickering, William F.  1913 - 1996 (22)
Pidhorny, Garvin Drew (infant)  Jan 3, 1965 son of Marvin & Maxine (9)
Pidperyhora, Helen  Mar 15, 1922 - Aug 4, 2001 (24)
Pidperyhora, Meeron  Sep 5, 1918 - May 25, 1990 (24)
Pierre, Marcel J.  1911 - 1979 (15) (15)
Pierre, Lea P.  1910 - 1977 (15)
Pinno, Alfred  Dec 6, 1926 - Oct 26, 2001 (1)
Pohl, Daniel  1895 - 1960 (21)
Pohl, Frederick  1877 - 1966 (23)
Pollock, Annie  Nov 18, 1869 - Oct 25, 1908 (11)
Pollock, James  Aug 14, 1901 - Jun 10, 1904 (11)
Popowich, Nick  Feb 16, 1942 - May 18, 2000 (11)
Poulter, Ralph Walter  Aug 5, 1910 age 12 yrs 10 mos 2 days (20)
Pries, Paul  1895 - 1957 (5)
Pries, Annie  1903 - 1970 (5)
Pries, Rudolf  1887 - 1973 (5)
Printz, Elizabeth  1902 - 1990 (3)
Printz, George William  1925 - 1998 (5)
Printz, Corrine E. (Wolfe)  1926 - 1993 (5)
Printz, William  1897 - 1978 (1)
Proceviat, Billy J.  1951 -      (11)
Proceviat, Edna P.  1912 - 1976 (11)
Procyshyn, Alfred  1936 - 2000 (24)
Procyshyn, Elizabeth Ann (nee Middlemiss)  1946 - 2007 dau of Alfred & Pollie
Procyshyn, Ken  1945 -
Prokopchuk, Jean  1918 - 2002 (3)
Purves, Alexander David  1911 - 1986 (6)
Purves, Ethel Marie  1923 - 1978 (6)

Quine, W. Ernest  1913 - 1981 (9)
Quine, Christine  1915 - 1996 (9)
Quinn, Agnes Laverne  1898 - 1976 (16)

Radke, Emil Hugo  1901 - 1988 (2)
Rahn, Emil  died Feb 23, 1921 (5)
Rampur, Dorothy  1935 - 1989 (17)
Rathgeber, Joseph  1916 - 1987 (18)
Raven, Isaac Townsend  died Jun 1, 1913 age 56 yrs (20)
Reaman, Joel  1841 - 1892 (13)
Reaman, Eliza Jane  1846 - 1908 (13)
Reed, Emma (nee Wishart)  died 1894 (17)
Reekie, Annie M.  1899 - 1993 (1)
Reekie, Elizabeth  Sep 30, 1931 age 73 (6)
Reekie, Mary M.  1892 - 1984 (1)
Reekie, Nancy  Oct 21, 1919 age 91 (6)
Reekie, William J.  1896 - 1958 (1)
Reekie, William  Mar 1935 age 78 (6)
Reid, John Munro  1894 - 1960 (23)
Reid, Robert J.  1886 - 1959 (18)
Reid, Alice A.  1890 - 1982 (18)
Reiman, August  Feb 17, 1922 age 69 (5)
Reiman, Fredrick  1893 - 1979 (4)
Reiman, Elsie  1902 - 1986 (4)
Reschke, Bryden D.  1934 - 2001 (5)
Reschke, William  1909 - 1977 (6)
Reschke, Rosalie A.  1922 -      (6)
Retz, Augusta  1895 - 1958 (5)
Reusch, Albert  Mar 1905 - Apr 1905 (14)
Reusch, Alfred P.  1891 - 1970 (5)
Reusch, August F.  1919 - 1919 (5)
Reusch, Alica E.  Jun 1915 - 1919 (14)
Reusch, August  1939 - 1902 (13)
Reusch, Marie  1853 - 1937 (13)
Reusch, Bertha  1898 - 1960 (20)
Reusch, Charlie  Sep 1912 - Oct 1917 (14)
Reusch, Fred E.  1906 - 1972 (15)
Reusch, Hildegarde Mary  Jan 22, 1896 - May 4, 1996 (5)
Reusch, Lydia  Oct 1999 - Jun 1925 (14)
Reusch, Mathew S.  Nov 5, 1990 (14)
Reusch, Thomas Frederick  1889 - 1964 (20)
Reusch, Thomas  Oct 1915 - May 1919 (14)
Reusch, (twin boys)  Jul 1919 - Jul 1919 (14)
Rex, Franklin T.  1859 - 1923 (20)
Ribcherster, George  Jul 2, 1922 age 66 (4)
Ribchester, Charles Thomas  1885 - 1967 (11)
Ribchester, Eliza Jane  1886 - 1961 (11)
Ribchester, George  1885 - 1961 (12)
Ribchester, Jane  Jul 12, 1919 age 68 yrs 6 mos (4)
Richardson, Dorothy E. (Burke)  1917 - 1997 (18)
Richardson, Harvey M.  1906 - 1994 (18)
Ries, Emmanuel  Feb 14, 1921 age 22 (4)
Rinquist, Lloyd Basil Canon  1930 - 1960 (12)
Rinquist, Mary Ann  1903 - 1999 (12)
Rinquist, Oscar Eugene  1890 - 1963 (12)
Rist, Daniel  1886 - 1973 (16)
Rist, Ena  1912 - 1996 (16)
Rodgers, Ellen  May Aug 2, 1916 - Nov 17, 1918 (4)
Rogan, Julian  1882 - 1957 (5)
Rogan, Wanda  1896 - 1980 (5)
Rogers, Eliza (Farrell)  1880 - 1920 (4)
Rogers, Edwin G.  1920 - 1924 (4)
Rogoza, William  1916 - 1973 (16)
Romanuik, Alice M.  1936 - 2000 (1)
Romanuik, Zenon L.  1932 - 1990 (3)
Roming, Alfred  Jun 11, 1914 - Jan 4, 2000 (2)
Roming, Freida  1873 - 1972 (15)
Rosko, Steve  1912 - 1994 (10)
Rosko, Mary  1907 - 1996 (10)
Ross, Alexander Campbell  1855 - 1888 (12)
Rousay, Bert  1918 - 1989 (19)
Rousay, Elizabeth  1874 - 1956 (19)
Rousay, John Alex  1908 - 1988 (21)
Rousay, Velma M.  1907 - 1999 (21)
Rousay, Peter Irving  1914 - 1980 (21)
Rousay, Robert  1868 - 1957 (19)
Rowden, Hertha K.  1909 - 1998 (7)
Rowley, Thomas (infant)  son of Thomas & Janet  (22)
Rowley, William (infant)  son of Thomas & Janet  (22)
Rowley, Janet  Apr 29, 1913 age 30 wife of Thomas H. (22)
Rudy, Elsie May  1888 - 1958 (4)
Rudy, Isaiah S.  1885 - 1960 (4)
Ruf, Arley  1932 - 2002 (2)
Ruf, Paul  1927 - 2002 (2)
Ruff, George A.  1898 - 1982 (21)
Ruff, Rosina  1898 - 1957 (21)
Runtz, Robert R.  1885 - 1976 (21)
Runtz, Hilda  1890 - 1985 (21)
Russell, Archie  1918 - 1988 (15)
Russell, Eva  1915 - 1972 (15)
Ruttle, Ellen  May 16, 1867 - May 2, 1916 (9)
Ruttle, Hiram  Jan 10, 1944 age 80 (9)
Ruttlee, Laura  Oct 27, 1888 - Nov 14, 1973 (9)
Ruttlee, Melzar  Jan 13, 1892 - Sep 15, 1984 (9)

Sager, Elizabeth E.  Feb 16, 1913 age 58 yrs 2 mos (22)
Salamon, Joseph  1902 - 1975 (15)
Salamon, Paul  Dec 19, 1914 - Dec 27, 1986 (15)
Salyn, Anne  1935 - 1997 (8)
Sample, W. Cyril  1888 - 1968 (21)
Sample, Ethel M.  1891 - 1979 (21)
Sapara, Martin  1911 - 1988 (13)
Satterthwaite, Birkett  Jul 18, 1910 - Mar 9, 1989 (19)
Satterthwaite, Dora  May 26, 1920 - Oct 3, 1996 (19)
Saunders, Florry  1878 - 1963 (20)
Saunders, Melville L.  1880 - 1957 (20)
Schacht, Anna (Becker)  1888 - 1920 dau of John( 4)
Schendel, Ottilie H.  Mar 16, 1888 - Apr 1, 1976 (2)
Schick, Florence  1911 - 1991 (15)
Schick, Valentine  1915 - 2002 (15)
Schikowsky, Jeannette  1926 - 1999 (21)
Schilberg, Julius  Jan 17, 1905 - Sep 7, 1979 (13)
Schilberg, Pauline  Apr 21, 1908 - Feb 17, 1992 (13)
Schindler, Benjamen  1880 - 1963 (11)
Schindler, Martha  1890 - 1960 (11)
Schindler, Daniel  died Apr 6, 1920 age 74 yrs 3 mos 11 days (22)
Schindler, Roland 'Rollie'  1913 - 1984 (6)
Schmidt, Caroline  1874 - 1959 (5)
Schmidt, John S.  Apr 9, 1920 age 68 (4)
Schmidt, William  1897 - 1980 (4)
Schmidt, Eugenie  1903 - 1998 (4)
Schoenhofen, Gayle  Jun 21, 1946 - Sep 23, 1980 (21)
Schollie, Olive  Sep 5, 1903 - Apr. 5, 1997 (25)
Schrader, Chris  1893 - 1961 (9)
Schrader, Rose  1903 - 1990 (9)
Schraeder, Adolf  1887 - 1977 (16)
Schraeder, Magdalena  1897 - 1973 (16)
Schwartz, Audrey  1927 - 1991 (16)
Scott, George  1888 - 1962 (6)
Scott, James A.  1875 - 1959 (6)
Scott, Lynn Alyson  Aug 11, 1964 (11)
Sedlick, Zigmond  1899 - 1995 (24)
Sedlick, Dolly  1919 - 1997 (24)
Sharman, George  died Jul 28, 1917 (9)
Sharp, James B.  1907 - 1976 (19)
Sharp, Lillian M.  1911 - 1999 (19)
Sharples, James J.  1909 - 1989 (19)
Shaw, Clifford C.  1907 - 1959 (1)
Shaw, Robert Magowan  1920 - 1992 (13)
Sherring, Leslie George David  Jul 18, 1922 - Feb 7, 1991 (24)
Sherring, Phyllis Betty Gwendolyn  Nov 29, 1931 - May 15, 1998 (24)
Sherwin, Anthony  Nov 18, 1912 age 75 yrs 4 mos (18)
Sherwin, Caleb  Dec 2, 1918 age 33 (23)
Sherwin, Olive  Nov 13, 1957 age 67 (23)
Shields, Alex  Jul 2, 1913 - Feb 7, 1919 (5)
Shmygol, Verda L.  1926 - 1975 (8)
Simle, Inred  1909 - 1963 (19)
Simpson, Gordon M.  May 23, 1985 age 53 (25)
Simpson, Jessie S.  Mar 28, 1911 age 21 (9)
Simpson, Thomas  Sep 13, 1919 age 32 (9)
Simpson, Margaret Ponteous  Mar 1931 age 87 yrs 11 mos (7)
Simpson, Margaret Wilheemina  Nov 25, 1925 age 50 yrs (7)
Simpson, William  Oct 22, 1913 age 89 yrs 3 mos (7)
Skibinsky, Robert E.  1940 - 1983 (24)
Slaferek, Josephine  Jul 16, 1926 - Jun 18, 2002 (24)
Smandych, John  1891 - 1972 (15)
Smith, Albert E.  Jul 30, 1924 (3)
Smith, Alfred E.  1895 - 1958 (6)
Smith, Charles Henry  1848 - 1921 (3)
Smith, Elizabeth  1861 - 1930 (3)
Smith, Edith Sarah  1878 - 1967 (22)
Smith, Frances A.  1892 - 1983 (8)
Smith, Hazel Isabelle  Nov 11, 1898 - Sep 28, 1980 (15)
Smith, John North  Feb 12, 1895 - Sep 5, 1980 (15)
Smith, John  May 24, 1911 age 82 (20)
Smith, Linnley Ernest  Jun 2, 1922 age 48 (1)
Smith, Percy Charles  1875 - 1965 (22)
Smith, (unknown)  Dec 20, 1892 - Dec 1, 1897 (12)
Smith, William J. B.  1887 - 1975 (8)
Smithson, Mildred  1894 - 1971 (14)
Snell, Edith C.  Jun 27, 1891 age 8 mos 12 days (12)
Snell, Jane E.  Dec 25, 1899 age 40 yrs 5 mos 23 days (12)
Snell, Martha  Oct 26, 1918 age 40 (9)
Snell, William James  1882 - 1952 (12)
Sommerfeldt, Edwin Leonard  Jan 5, 1922 - Mar. 19, 1988 (7)
Sommerfeldt, Gertrude Molly  Feb 18, 1918 - Sep 16, 1984 (7)
Somogyi, James L.  Nov 5, 1921 - Feb 20, 2000 (20)
Speers, Maggie  Feb 1, 1899 - Jun 30, 1899 (13)
Spezowka, Adeline  1938 - 1988 (24)
Spezowka, John  1917 - 1988 (24)
Spezowka, Doris  1912 - 1997 (24)
Spice, Helen  Aug 7, 1902 - May 11, 1904 (18)
Spice, Lena Annie  Jan 22, 1888 - Mar 20, 1971 (1)
Spice, Robert Crawford  Oct 8, 1878 - Apr 11, 1944 (1)
Spreitzer, Michell Elaine  1965 - 1994 (15)
Steinke, Arthur Richard  1924 - 1962 (13)
Steinke, Lydia  1888 - 1974 (11)
Steinke, Roy  1921 - 1973 (12)
Stelzer, Erwin  1905 - 1982 (8)
Stelzer, Rudolf  1879 - 1970 (8)
Stenhouse, Hope  May 18, 1999 - May 18, 1999 (3)
Stephen, Henry 'Scottie'  1904 - 1981 (4)
Stephen, Lucille  1914 - 1998 (4)
Stephen, Jessie S.   Mar 23, 1945 age 21 yrs 8 mos (9)
Stephen, Nancy  1915 - 1990 (25)
Stephen, Rosalie I.  1882 - 1960 (23)
Stephen, Sophia  1904 - 1959 (3)
Stephen, David J.  1894 - 1968 (3)
Stevens, Elizabeth Boyd  died Jun 27, 1916 (22)
Stevens, Jean E.  1927 - 1980 (9)
Stevenson, Charlie  1898 - 1974 (16)
Stevenson, Robert J.  1877 - 1959 (6)
Stevenson, Katherine  1878 - 1965 (6)
Stewart, Arthur Edwin  1882 - 1958 (5)
Stewart, Lizzie  Sep 27, 1911 age 22 (21)
Stilborn, Mary Cumberland  1872 - 1941 (7)
Streck, Jacob  1888 - 1960 (13)
Streck, Eva  1891 - 1984 (13)
Stubenberg, Norbert  Feb 19, 1986 age 76 (21)
Sully, Nelson Robert  May 6, 1907 - Apr. 7, 1968 (7)
Suppes, Jacob  1901 - 1966 (9)
Sutherland, William Ross  1843 - 1924 (9)
Sveinson, Carl H.  1921 - 1978 (8)
Svenson, Bertil  1903 - 1980 (6)
Svenson, Kathleen  1902-1974 (6)
Swain, (twins)  May 21, 1965 daus of Louis & Alice (11)
Swallow, Doris  1902 - 1982 (3)
Swallow, Harry S.  1884 - 1958 (3)
Switzer, (Milford) Leslie  Jun 14, 1895 - Dec 2, 2001 (19)
Switzer, Amy Ann  1868 - 1968 (19)
Switzer, S. Elva  1893 - 1978 (19)
Switzer, Tobias  1860 - 1947 (19)
Szucs, Gustav  1904 - 1974 (8)

Tait, Ella  1884 - 1889 (1)
Tait, James  1865 - 1922 (1)
Tait, Lorne H.  1900 age 17 yrs 9 mos (19)
Tait, Lulu  1891 - 1899 (1)
Tait, Olive  1897 - 1902 (1)
Tataryn, Peter  1913 - 1998 (16)
Tataryn, Mary  1928 -      (16)
Tataryn, Mervin  1953 -      (16)
Taylor, Frank E.  1893 - 1976 (20)
Taylor, James  Jun 3, 1911 age 70 yrs 1 mos 10 days (20)
Temple, Peter  1914 - 1978 (4)
Tereschuk, Mike Joseph  1915 - 2000 (2)
Thebaud, Dennis Emile  Feb 14, 1946 - Jun 28, 2002 (12)
Thomas, George E.  1939 - 1998 (21)
Thomas, Hanna E.  1907 - 2000 (21)
Thompson, Andrew  1884 - 1921 (1)
Thompson, Frank Dow  1897 - 1987 (23)
Thompson, George  Feb 2, 1847 - Apr. 14, 1914 (22)
Thompson, Harold Marvin  Nov 27, 1937 - Aug 13, 1995 (23)
Thompson, Mary Jane  Feb 20, 1857 - Oct 3, 1927 (22)
Thompson, Minnie (Norquay)  1906 - 1997 (23)
Thompson, Will  1886 - 1963 (9)
Thomson, Donald  1896 - 1984 (17)
Thomson, Dorothy  1897 - 1984 (17)
Thomson, Mina L.  1896 - 1984 (25)
Thorleifson, Gudrun  1861 - 1941 (21)
Thorleifson, Johann  1867 - 1951 (21)
Thorleifson, Helga S.  Jun 5, 1904 - Jan 29, 1913 (21)
Thorlenson, J. Otto  1906 - 1960 (9)
Thorp, Frank  1899 - 1967 (22)
Tillman, Arthur  1926 - 1974 (15)
Tillman, Ella  1928 - 1992 (15)
Tillman, Connie Debra  Dec 7, 1955 - Nov 5, 2000 (17)
Tillman, Natalie  Apr 27, 1879 - May 7, 1967 (1)
Todoruk, George  1884 - 1960 (4)
Todoruk, Mary  1875 - 1959 (4)
Toth, Frank  1909 - 1995 (19)
Toth, Margaret  1908 - 1992 (19)
Toth, Joseph  1882 - 1963 (13)
Toth, Elizabeth  1882 - 1972 (13)
Toth, Margaret  1900 - 1949 (11)
Toye, Jabez  Nov 22, 1902 age 19 yrs 7 mos (14)
Tracy, Allen D.  Feb 29, 1864 - Mar 11, 1909 (9)
Tracy, Bertie  Nov 2, 1892 - Aug 24, 1900 (9)
Tracy, Thomas L.  Sep 16, 1897 - Oct 28, 1917 (9)
Trembley, Ora J.  1882 - 1975 (4)
Trembley, Ethel P.  1896 - 1994 (4)
Trenholm, Sydney  1912 - 1996 (25)
Trenholm, Mary B.  1917 - 1997 (25)
Trost, Gustav  1886 - 1957 (3)
Trost, Katherine  1887 - 1982 (3)
Turner, Emily Marjorie 'Madge'  1893 - 1966 (21)
Tuttkay, Mihaly  1891 - 1961 (14)
Tuttkay, Zsuzsana  1893 - 1981 (14)
Tyler, Alice Matilda  1905 - 1985 (14)
Tyrol, (unknown)  (20)
Tyshko, William  1931 - 1961 (9)

(unknown)  1897 - 1957 (7)
(unknown)  1897 - 1958 (5)
Urbanoski, Joseph  1904 - 1960 (11)
Urbanoski, Nellie  1909 - 1998 (11)

Van Riper, Newton  1840 - 1925 (2)
Vandermeulen, Hendrik  1887 - 1959 (1)
Vandermeulen, Anna J.  1894 - 1995 (1)
VanParys, Dale William  Apr 7, 1966 - Oct 24, 1988 (9)
Varga, John  May 14, 1910 - Feb 27, 1971 (17)
Varga, Maria  1889 - 1979 (17)
Vehnon, John  1931 - 1996 (24)
Vickers, Albert L.  Jul 31, 1981 age 71 (16)
Vickers, Bertha Dorothy  1917 - 1997 (16)

Walden, Jane  Mar 3, 1937 age 94 (19)
Walden, Montgomery  Apr 28, 1911 age 72 yrs 3 mos 16 days (19)
Walker, David  1929 - 1975 (15)
Walker, George  Feb 15, 1906 age 26 (11)
Walker, Jacob  1892 - 1978 (15)
Wallace, Mary  Aug 20, 1907 age 53 (10)
Walls, Edna May  Mar 13, 1912 age 9 (19)
Walls, Elwood  Dec 12, 1906 age 2 yrs 3 mos (19)
Walls, Wilfred  Aug 4, 1910 age 9 mos 14 days (19)
Wallter, Auguste Ida  Aug 3, 1878 - Apr 10, 1909 (11)
Wallter, Paul Ehrich  Jun 13, 1902 - May 16, 1908 (11)
Walmsley, Samuel B.  Jun 23, 1866 - Oct 1, 1907 (19)
Walt, Bessie Christina  Jul 26, 1921 age 14 yrs 8 mos 24 days (23)
Walter, Frederick William  1862 - 1952 (11)
Walter, Gottfried Paul  May 11, 1876 - Mar 31, 1941 (11)
Walter, Katarina  Dec 14, 1845 - Mar 26, 1903 (13)
Walter, Mary E.  1873 - 1963 (10)
Walter, Wilhelm Albert  1906 - 1987 (11)
Walton, Eva  Nov 26, 1909 - Feb 28, 1995 (14)
Warcomika, Steve  1931 - 2002 (11)
Wardlaw, James  1911 - 1972 (15)
Wardlaw, Alice  Jun 13, 1917 - Jul 23, 1995 (15)
Wasylowich, Metro  1927 - (16)
Wasylowich, Gisela  1933 - 1996 (16)
Waterfield, Elizabeth Maud (Outhwaite)  May 7, 1912 age 33 yrs (19)
Webb, L. Doreen  Jun 1, 1932 - Jul 14, 1977 (17)
Weber, Emilie  Oct 25, 1891 - May 29, 1961 (11)
Weber, Henry  Mar 24, 1880 - Aug 7, 1964 (11)
Wegner, Freda  1915 - 1983 (3)
Wegner, Jerry W.  1945 - 1980 (2)
Wegner, Wanda  1901 - 1972 (5)
Wegner, William  1914 - 1996 (3)
Weidman, Emily  1874 - 1971 (8)
Weinmaster, Helen (Hilderman)  1909 - 1985 (16)
Weinmeister, Reinhold  1915 - 1996 (15)
Weinmeister, Mary (Hilderman)  1916 - 1985 (15)
Welter, Kenneth L.  1917 -     (24)
Welter, Vivian J. (Dorn)  1912 - 1995 (24)
Wentzell, Anne  1934 - 1971 (1)
Westbury, Margaret Annie  1915 - 1962 (18)
Weznuck, John  1883 - 1968 (2)
White, Mary Eliza May  Nov 28, 1895 - Feb 15, 1912 (21)
Whitman, Daisy E.  1903 - 1918 (5)
Whitman, Estella Violet Ardellice  Nov 14, 1902 - Sep 1906 (13)
Wierbizki, Stephen  1885 - 1968 (16)
Wigley, Jean  1911 - 1973 (8)
Will, Ronald  1918 - 1990 (5)
Will, Anne (Sagert)  1925 -      (5)
Williamson, Thomas  Nov 2, 1918 age 20 yrs 8 mos (6)
Willis, Claire E.  Aug 4, 1908 - May 24, 1994 (15)
Willis, John G.  1911 - 1990 (15)
Willis, Susanna  1908 - 1972 (15)
Willis, Walter C.  Apr 15, 1902 - Aug 23, 1990 (15)
Winnitowy, Michael  1919 - 1999 (22)
Winter, Murray T.  1896 - 1958 (5)
Winter, Helen R.  1895 - 1986 (5)
Witherspoon, James Edward  Feb 24, 1947 - Oct 19, 1995 (1)
Wlasichuk, George P.  1901 - 1995 (9)
Wlasichuk, Mary  1908 - 1999 (9)
Wolfe, Minnie  1904 - 1918 (6)
Wolfe, Asta  1915 - 1992 (2)
Wolfe, Charles  1898 - 1978 (6)
Wolfe, Katherine  1903 - 1981 (6)
Wolfe, John  1865 - 1956 (6)
Wolfe, Elizabeth  1865 - 1944 (6)
Wolfe, John E.  1900 - 1982 (7)
Wolfe, Tillie  1900 - 1985 (7)
Wolfe, Joseph Arthur  1893 - 1957 (2)
Wood, E. Stanley  1889 - 1958 (2)
Wood, Sarah M.  1893 - 1966 (2)
Wood, Harold  1920 - 1997 (25)
Wood, Kathleen  1919 -      (25)
Wotherspoon, Avonia Margaret  1907 - 1970 (5)
Wotherspoon, Harry  1904 - 1921 (5)
Wotherspoon, James  1809 - 1898 (13)
Wotherspoon, Catherine  1819 - 1903 (13)
Wotherspoon, James D.  May 14, 1912 age 63 (10)
Wotherspoon, John  Oct 4, 1842 - May 10, 1922 (1)
Wotherspoon, Margaret P. (Brough)  Sep 7, 1852 - Mar 11, 1935 (1)
Wotherspoon, Mervin  1868 - 1919 (5)
Wotherspoon, Robert Langstaff (adopted)  Sep 14, 1897 age 20 mos 9 days (13)
Wudke, Olga  1896 - 1965 (23)
Wudke, Otto E.  1899 - 1971 (23)
Wyatt, Norman L.  1901 - 1966 (1)
Wyatt, Clara C.  1902 - 1990 (1)

Yacyshyn, Lena  1911 - 1985 (5)
Yacyshyn, Wasyl  1910 - 1972 (8)
Yakubowich, Alexander  1923 - 1991 (25)
Yanke, Andrew L.  Nov 29, 1889 - May 6, 1965 (18)
Yanke, Elmer  1919 - 1996 (16)
Yanke, Rosene  1924 -      (16)
Yanke, Fred  1893 - 1972 (8)
Yanke, Della  1895 - 1992 (8)
Yanke, Lydia  Jan 9, 1894 - Apr 18, 1985 (18)
Yanke, Norman W.  1923 - 1978 (18)
Yanke, Violet L.  1927 - 1978 (18)
Yee, Sing  1896 - 1962 (6)
Yesnik, Joseph A.  1907 - 1984 (6)
Yesnik, Marie (Kratochvil)  1916 - 1959 (6)
York, James William  1959 (5)
Young, Colin R.  Jan 8, 1925 - Feb 9, 1991 (23)
Young, Florence Louise  Dec 12, 1882 - Jan 3, 1968 (17) 
Young, Fred A.  1904 - 1995 (20)
Young, Galen Barstow  Nov 17, 18?? - Nov 29, 1971 (17)
Young, Isabella  1862 - 1953 (23)
Young, John  1863 - 1958 (23)
Young, James A.  Jan 14, 1900 - Feb 6, 1995 (23)
Young, Lillian  1905 - 1999 (20)
Young, Mary E. (Monty)  1904 - 1971 (8)
Young, Rebecca R. 'Ruby'  Dec 7, 1901 - Nov 30, 1986 (23)
Young, Stuart A.  1931 - 1979 (8)
Yurchuk, Alice G.  1898 - 1969 (12)
Yurchuk, Fred G.   Mar 27, 1921 - Sep 21, 1978 (13)
Yurchuk, Guy  1893 - 1960 (12)
Yurchuk, John Guy  1917 - 1991 (13)
Yurchuk, Pauline T.  1934 - 1993 (16)
Yurchuk, Samuel  Mar 4, 1920 - Mar 30, 2001 (22)
Yurkat, Helen M.  1900 - 1995 (11)
Yurkat, George  1896 - 1963 (11)

Zaretski, Robert  Dec 6, 1963 (10)
Zenert, Margaret H.  1919 - 1979 (20)
Zimmer, Harold Henry  1903 (10)
Zimmer, Agnes V.  1916 - 1997 (1)
Zimmer, Augsut  1883 - 1967 (10)
Zimmer, Olga  1888 - 1941 (10)
Zorn, Edgar Werner  1922 - 1958 (3)
Zorn, Shannon  Sep 25, 1964 (9)
Zorn, Valentine  Oct 1, 1913 - Sep 24, 1989 (25)
Zulys, Stanley  Dec 9, 1924 - Oct, 27, 1998 (16)
Zurakowski, John  Jan 18, 1909 - May 10, 1996 (13)
Zurakowski, Maria  1905 - 1983 (13)
Zurakowski, Maria F.  1888 - 1961 (13)

**(NOTE from Gaylene (Magrath) Woolgar:
incorrectly spelled "Gilfred" on the gravestone

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Welcome to the new home of the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project! We are delighted to announce that our pages, previously hosted on Rootsweb and Ancestry, have found a new abode at https://saskgenweb.ca/cansacem/. Our heartfelt gratitude to Ancestry.com and Rootsweb.com for their past support. The transition ensures that our digital documentation of Saskatchewan cemeteries and headstones continues to thrive and be regularly updated.

In this labor of love, we aspire to preserve family histories by digitally immortalizing the sacred grounds of our ancestors. Whether you seek a loved one, an ancestor, or wish to uncover a long-lost cousin, our comprehensive cemetery records might hold the key. As winter blankets these resting places in snow, our year-round cemetery headstone digitization program allows for virtual exploration worldwide.

We extend a warm invitation to those who share our passion for documenting cemetery headstones. If you've enjoyed participating or wish to support us through Patreon, your involvement is cherished. Visit https://www.patreon.com/SaskGenWeb to be part of our growing community. Your support ensures that this invaluable service persists for years to come.

Explore the new webpages at https://saskgenweb.ca/cansacem/ and continue your journey with the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project. Let's work together to keep history alive, one headstone at a time. If you find our work beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Together, we honor the past and pave the way for future generations.

Warm regards, The Saskatchewan Cemetery Project Volunteer Team

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