Truax Cemetery


R.M. of Elmsthorpe # 100   NW 15-11-22 W2
GPS   49.909393°N   104.940569°W
First burial in 1912

Compiled by Frank Korvemaker, M.S.M.; SAA (Hon)
Ret'd Archivist / Construction Historian
Hon. Corporate Archivist for the Saskatchewan Association of Architects
An Illustrated History of the Truax, Sask. Cemetery 180 page [pdf]

Truax Dollar Land Company -05- March 9, 2020 [pdf]
a short history of the Dollar Land Company Office, a building I own in Truax. It dates to the very founding of the town in 1911.

Above pdf's compiled and sent in by Frank Korvemaker

Cemetery listing below photographed by Frank Korvemaker
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Andrews, Gladys A. (nee Cooper)  21 Dec 1938 - 21 May 2008 dau of Ernest & Flora
Andrews, Robert W.  1935 -
Ardelyan, Emma  1899 - 1944
Ardelyan, Mary  17 May 1880 - 2 Oct 1925
Argue, Fred H.  1918 - 1948

Barnes, John W.  27 Feb 1916 age 40
Barnes, Minnie  18 Dec 1976 age 92
Beingessner, Cecelia (nee Schuett)  22 Nov 1886 - 7 May 1913 wife of Joseph 
Beingessner, Elizabeth R.  1897 - 1993
Beingessner, Eveline Louise (nee Kohlruss)  1939 - 3 Mar 2009 dau of Fredrick & Eva
Beingessner, Florence 'Flo'  6 Nov 1924 - 7 Jan 2004
Beingessner, Herbert J.  1920 - 1995
Beingessner, Joseph  
Beingessner, Paul Joseph  26 Apr 1954 - 25 Jun 2009 hus of Faye, son of Herbert & Agnes
Beingessner, Raymond George  1937 - 7 Apr 2006 son of Vincent & Elizabeth
Beingessner, Vincent Joseph  1882 - 1970
Bettcher, Helen M.  28 May 1908 - 4 Sep 1918 dau of Otto G. & Ethel
Boyd, D. D.  1890 - 1967
Boyd, J. A.  1882 - 1932

Conger, Corydon H.  1874 - 1957
Conger, Frank C.  24 Jan 1932 - 24 Sep 2014 son of Corydon & Pearl
Conger, Pearl Edna (nee Kirby)  1893 - 1980 
Conger, Phyllis V.  1933 -

Darnell, Bernice  1923 - 2006
Darnell, Lee  1919 - 2004
Darnell, Wayne (infant)  died 1943 son of Lee & Bernice
Davis, Reginald  1899 - 1981
Demerse, Donna M.  1934 - 2001
Demerse, Gilbert P.  1928 -
Dombowski, Darnell  
Duer, Harold Frank  23 May 1916 - 19 Oct 1920 son of John R. & Leona L.
Dyer, E. Atheling  1899 - 1976
Dyer, Myrtle G. M.  1914 - 1999
Dykstra, Frank  1874 - 1942

Edgar, Nellie  2 Jun 1913 age 27 wife of John
Elwood, Effie May  1882 - 1963
Epp, Henry  1927 - 2001
Epp, Marjorie  1918 -

Foy, (unknown)  
Foy, (unknown)  

Gerlinski, Rosalie  1870 - 1928 

Henderson, Vera Mae  28 Dec 1917 - 20 Apr 1918 dau of Cecil & Ellinore
Hiles, Delbert  1892 - 1945
Hiles, Henry A.  1863 - 1962
Hiles, Larett  1857 - 1944
Hiles, Reta  12 Dec 1923 - 16 Jun 1925 dau of D. B. & Mary
Howse, Betty Ann  died Apr 1959
Howse, Clarence  1934 - 6 Jun 2011
Huffman, Effie May  1882 - 1963
Huffman, Elmer H.  1881 - 1938

James, Edward  1891 - 1979
James, Nellie  1894 - 1973
Joorisity, Bernice Dorothy (nee Lewgood)  27 Apr 1925 - 14 Jan 2011
Joorisity, James  1923 - 1988
Jordan, Donna Marie  20 Apr 1942 - 19 Dec 1948
Jordan, Jack S.  1863 - 1944
Jordan, Laura E.  1866 - 1972

Kasper, Johnny  31 Jul 1927 - 2 Jun 1935
Kirkpatrick, Ada Mae (nee Conger)  1928 - 1985 dau of Corydon & Pearl 
Kirkpatrick, Benjamin Franklin  19 Jun 1857 - 8 Sep 1918
Kirkpatrick, Charles Simon  1890 - 1970 son of Benjamin & Lucinda
Kirkpatrick, Emma C. (nee Schleede)  1891 - 1989 wife of Charles, dau of August & Anna
Kirkpatrick, Franklin George  7 Jul 1944 age 26 son of Roy & Stella
Kirkpatrick, Fred P.  1959 -
Kirkpatrick, Gloria L.  1964 -
Kirkpatrick, Gordon D.  1922 -
Kirkpatrick, Irma T.  1927 - 2003
Kirkpatrick, James E.  1927 -
Kirkpatrick, Kelvin Joseph  17 Jun 1963 - 11 Oct 2009 son of James & Irma
Kirkpatrick, Lucinda Margaret (nee Shilling)  15 Jan 1867 - 18 Jun 1939
Kirkpatrick, Mary Cecelia (nee Beingessner)  13 Aug 1922 - 25 Jun 2016 dau of Vincent & Elizabeth
Kirkpatrick, May Louise  14 Mar 1926 - 28 Jul 1926
Kirkpatrick, Robert C.  1917 - 1981
Kirkpatrick, Roy Franklin  1894 - 1969 son of Benjamin & Lucinda
Kirkpatrick, Roy Patrick  1932 - 1989 hus of Ada, son of Roy & Stella
Kirkpatrick, Stella S.  1897 - 1972
Kirkpatrick, Wayne  6 Jul 1963 - 8 Jul 1963 son of Roy & Ada
Klein, Beatrice A.  1886 - 1968
Klippenstein, Bernard  1882 - 1959
Klippenstein, Katie  30 Oct 1908 - 20 Dec 1934
Klippenstein, Mary  1882 - 1945
Klippenstine, Corn  1919 - 2003
Klippenstine, Frank  1914 - 1996
Klippenstine, Mary  Apr 1917 - Oct 1984
Klippenstine, Tristan James  died 26 Jan 1997
Klippenstine, Zelma  1919 - 1998
Knowles, Mathieu  14 Nov 1989 - 29 May 2016 hus of Carla Parker, son of Terry & Arlene (nee Schuett)

LaFoy, Kenneth M.  9 Sep 1926 - 14 Apr 1928 son of Erastus & Edith
Lewgood, Dorothy Jean 'Dolly'  1922 - 1981
Lewgood, Frank  1916 - 1976
Lewgood, John  
Lewgood, Joseph  1866 - 1941
Lewgood, Kazimera  1888 - 1962
Lewgood, Mrs.  
Lidberg, Janice Fay  1958 - 1978
Linton, Adele Marie (Williams)  1924 - 1990
Linton, Clarence  1915 - 1981
Lukashenko, Sam  1922 - 1939
Lukashenko, Zay  1887 - 1936

McIntyre, Ilien Vernice (nee Thorp)  20 Aug 1937 - 22 Oct 2010 wife of Earle, dau of Ray & Isabel
McQuiston, Annie  1881 - 1946
McQuiston, David  1888 - 1938
McQuiston, Jean  1922 - 1938

Neithercut, Douglas  died 1956
Neithercut, John B.  1900 - 19??
Neithercut, John B.  (2nd photo)
Nelson, Gordon P.  1908 - 1977
Nelson, Mabel Marie (nee Tidland)  3 Jan 1911 - 26 Jan 2013

Pankratz, John H.  1878 - 1930
Pankratz, Justina  3  Aug 1876 - 27 Aug 1958
Pankratz, Margaret  1910 - 1995
Pankratz, Peter John  1910 - 9 Jul 2006
Pankratz, Peter John  (2nd gravestone)
Porter, Donald Fraser  1920 - 1996
Porter, Daniel  (2nd photo)
Porter, Florence Virginia  1929 - 1996
Pritchett, Olive  1890 - 1984
Pritchett, Walter  1920 - 1945 son of William & Olive
Pritchett, William  1873 - 1938

Rodgers, (baby)  
Roddy, Doretta Otillia (nee Schuett)  7 Dec 1908 - 12 Oct 2007 dau of John & Pauline
Roddy, F.  
Roddy, Mary (baby)  died 12 Jul 1933 dau of Michael & Florentine
Roddy, Mary Ellen  1871 - 1956
Roddy, Thomas  1869 - 1961
Roddy, Thomas J.  1907 - 1992
Roddy, William James  1903 - 1937
Roundy, Ada A.  1861 - 1942
Roundy, Daniel M.  1858 - 1941
Roundy, Eugene W.  1927 - 1933

Schamahorn, Milo Wheeler  6 Dec 1912 - 8 Jan 1913 son of Bruce J. & Edna C.
Schleede, Albert  1893 - 1980
Schleede, Anna  3 Aug 1922 age 65
Schleede, August H.  5 Jul 1926 age 74
Schleede, Harriet Josephine (nee Wynandts)  1920 - 1967 dau of Emile & Ruth
Schnitzler, Alma Rose  1890 - 1975
Schnitzler, Dorothy Irene  29 Jun 1914 - 8 Mar 1915 dau of Frank & Alma
Schnitzler, Elizabeth (nee Schuett)  23 Oct 1936 age 88
Schnitzler, Elizabeth  (2nd photo)
Schnitzler, Frank Michael  1888 - 1981
Schnitzler, Franklin Joseph  1916 - 1926 
Schnitzler, Irene Georgina  15 Feb 1912 - 16 Dec 1913 dau of Frank & Alma
Schnitzler, Lawrence  8 May 1850 - 27 Oct 1917
Schnitzler, Lawrence  (2nd photo)
Schnitzler-Landerville, Beulah Irene  1919 - 2006
Shilling, Susan  21 Jun 1841 - 25 Jul 1931
Schuett, (3 babies)
Schuett Family Stone    
Schuett, Alice J.  1929 - 2004
Schuett, Audrey K.  1935 -
Schuett, Clayton A.  1908 - 1975
Schuett, Cliff M.  1919 - 1999
Schuett, Clotilda Emilia  1886 - 1962
Schuett, Dennis  1958 - 1998
Schuett, George P. I.  1894 - 1978
Schuett, Gwen  1945 - 2012
Schuett, John A.  1879 - 1948
Schuett, Joseph T.  1877 - 1941 
Schuett, Josephine (nee Brehler)  1884 - 1974
Schuett, Larry A.  1951 - 10 Sep 2012 son of Cliff & Alice
Schuett, Marie Anna (nee Druar)  died 15 Jan 1912 wife of John
Schuett, Martin R.  1900 - 1976
Schuett, Martin Sr.  1848 - 1940
Schuett, Melvin Joseph  1926 - 1968
Schuett, Ottilia  1858 - 1941
Schuett, Pauline  1884 - 1985
Schuett, Phillip P.  1929 - 1982
Schuett, T. James  1931 - 2002 
Schuett, Valentine C.  1882 - 1965
Schuett, Zita    
Shilling, Susan (nee Shirey)  21 Jun 1841 - 25 Jul 1931 wife of Simon
Siler, Ira M.  6 Sep 1891 - 9 Nov 1916
Sinclair, Gordon Victor  18 Aug 1898 - 28 Mar 1917 son of W. A. & M. E.
Sinclair, William Alexander  7 Oct 1896 - 29 Jun 1924 son of W. A. & M. E.
Stankov, Mary  12 Dec 1932 - 11 Jul 1933
Streeter, (unknown)    
Such, Arthur  1926 - 1928
Such, Caroline  1931 - 1932
Such, Helen  died 1933
Such, John  1886 - 1938
Such, Tessie  897 - 1977

Taylor, Annie M.  1854 - 1948
Taylor, William  1918 - 1924
Thomson, (baby)  died 1938
Thomson, Daniel Edward  17 Aug 1907 - 16 Nov 1965
Thomson, Edward Ross (baby)  died 1936
Thomson, Helen  1908 - 1998
Thomson, Lilla (nee Pritchett)  1922 - 2010 dau of William & Olive
Thorp, Bob Allen  19 Feb 2017 age 74 hus of Karen, son of Ray & Isabel
Tosczak, Gertrude Irene  15 Dec 1916 age 4 mos, dau of J. & D.
Tosczak, William Stephen  19 Dec 1913 age 4 mos 4 days, son of John & Daisy

Unknown 1  
Unknown 2  
Unknown 3  
Unknown 4  
Unknown 5  
Unknown 6  
Unknown 7  

Wynandts, Alston Locke  1931 - 1960 son of Emile & Ruth
Wynandts, Emile Antwan  1889 - 1954
Wynandts, Harvey Emile  1921 - 1980 son of Emile & Ruth
Wynandts, Ruth Almira (nee Locke)  1897 - 1951

(Click on photo to enlarge)




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Updated March 25, 2020. Julia Adamson.

As of this date, these are the known contributors and publishers, please e-mail in the event of errors or omissions. Thank you.
Copyright. Bibliography for citations:
"Korvemaker, Frank. (2020, March 25) Truax Cemetery, near Truax and Avonlea, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project.
Retrieved from

Truax Cemetery, Avonlea, Saskatchewan, Graveyard, tombstones, family, ancestry, genealogy, family tree, cemetary, Truax Cemetery, Avonlea, Saskatchewan, Graveyard, tombstones, family, ancestry, genealogy, family tree, cemetary, Truax Cemetery, Avonlea, Saskatchewan, Graveyard, tombstones, family, ancestry, genealogy, family tree, cemetary, Truax Cemetery, Avonlea, Saskatchewan, Graveyard, tombstones, family, ancestry, genealogy, family tree, cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project, Truax Cemetery, Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project, Truax Cemetery, Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project, Truax Cemetery, Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project, Truax Cemetery, © Copyright 1979 -

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