St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery
Dysart district

R.M. of Lipton # 217   NE 10-22-15 W2
GPS   50.862590°N   103.995487°W
First burial in 1898

Compiled by Gladys Petrar  
Updated by anonymous  
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

          Row-letter (West to East)    Column-number (North to South)

Bauer, Herman  2 May 1897 - 9 Aug 1947  G9
Benesh, Alex  1925 - 21 Apr 2005 son of Frank & Anna (nee Schneider)  I12
Benesh, James  1959 - 28 May 2016 son of Alex & Mary
Benesh, John  1865 - 1936  F10
Benesh, Mary (nee Komar)  1932 -
Benesovski, Isadore  died 1917
Benesovski, John J.  30 Oct 1900 - 16 Jun 1934  F4
Benesovski, John  died 1936
Benesovski, Maria  29 Nov 1872 - 21 Jan 1918  D17
Benesovski, Rudolf  died 1933
Benesovski, Teresa  8 Jan 1908 - 10 Sep 1929  E5
Bowman, Olita  died 1930  L10
Braumberger, Barbara  1900 - 1923  D5
Braumberger, Elizabeth  1868 - 1924  D2
Braumberger, Joseph  died 1916
Braumberger, Rosa  died 1919
Brodner, Alphonse John  1926 - 1994  I9
Brodner, Christopher  4 Aug 1909 - 8 May 1995  J3
Brodner, Clara  29 Mar 1909 - 26 May 1923  D11
Brodner, Emily (nee Brodnar) 16 Oct 1910 - 26 Nov 1983  J2
Brodner, Emily M.  1934  -      J5
Brodner, Helen Theresa (nee Konecsni)  13 May 1917 - 24 Jun 2011 dau of Alex & Caroline  M24
Brodner, Isadore  5 Nov 1910 - 19 Dec 2002 hus of Helen  M25
Brodner, Johann 'John'  1868 - 1952  G5
Brodner, John Justin  1998 - 2011
Brodner, Joseph  30 Jun 1895 - 31 May 1923  D10
Brodner, Maria (nee Lang)  1877 - 1946  G4
Brodner, Mary Patricia  1957 - 1984  H10
Brodner, Rosalie  2 Oct 1894 - 20 Feb 1913  A23
Brodner, Sally    I10
Brodner, William J.  1922 - 1998  J4
Butel, Ernest  died 1938
Butel, Mary  died 1929

Czemeres, Anton  died 1913 
Czemeres, August  died 1928 age 44 E11
Czemeres, Ben  1928 - Mar 25, 2015 hus of Josie
Czemeres, Bruno  died 1927
Czemeres, Edward  1858 - 1939  F15
Czemeres, Elizabeth (nee Schuster)  1863  - 1943  F16
Czemeres, Josephine (nee Ottenbreit)  1883 - 1957 dau of Anton & Gertrude
Czemeres, Jozef  1891 -  20 July 1914 [Headstone record correction]  E10   
Czemeres, Jozef  headstone duplicate image
Czemeres, Mary (nee Bula)  1922 - 17 Sep 2011 dau of Philip & Sophia I15
Czemeres, Stanley  15 Jun 2006 age 83 hus of Mary, son of August & Josephine  I14

Desjarlais, (infant)  died 8 Sep 1949
Dombrowski, Adalbert  1910 - 1936  F7
Dombrowski, Joe  1931 - 1931  A28
Dombrowski, (unknown)  died 1917
Domoski, John   D42

Exner, Bernhart  1874 - 1898  B21
Exner, Dennis B.  23 Dec 1935 - 10 Feb 2000  J7
Exner, John  4 Mar 1923 age 16 son of Julia Leibel  D13
Exner, Joseph  1902 - 1962  I4
Exner, Juliana  died 21 Feb 1916  D22
Exner, Karl  28 Apr 1876 - 17 Sep 1936  D23
Exner, Maria  died 1919
Exner, Mary   C6
Exner, Mary Christina  2 Dec 1911 - 31 Aug 2000  J8
Exner, Nellie    J9
Exner, Wenzel  1909 - 1951  H4

Fedchuk, Bill  1901 - 1908 A8
Fedchuk, Bill  (2nd photo)
Fedchuk, Bill & Melnechuk, Nastari (2nd photo)
Feigel, Molly  1909 - 1929  E9
Frank, Joan (nee Regel)  28 Oct 1935 - 19 Aug 2013 dau of John & Mary
Frank, Stan  1936 - 1997  N17

Grandel, Wenzel  died 1917
Grohs, John  1857 - 1931  F1
Grohs, Karl  1886 - 1942  F2
Guada, Frieda (nee Benesh)  13 Dec 1928 – 22 Jul 2014 dau of John & Anna

Halbgewachs, Albert A.  1916 - 1986  C4
Halbgewachs, Applonia  died 1937
Halbgewachs, (baby)  died 1926
Halbgewachs, Elaine  1921 - 1996  C5
Halbgewachs, John  1891 - 1932  F3
Halbgewachs, Joseph  11 Mar 1856 - 26 Mar 1917 hus of Juliana  D20
Halbgewachs, Julia  1862 - 18 Dec 1923  D8
Halbgewachs, Juliana    D21
Halbgewachs, Peter  23 Jul 1900 - 29 Nov 1911  A15
Hanabach, Henry  1853 - 1918  L16
Hanabach, Mary  1845 - 1917  L15
Hartel, Casper  25 Mar 1888 - 10 Nov 1918  D15
Hartel, Joseph  1847 - 1911  B22
Hirschmuller, Rosa  died 1917
Huber, Adolf  died 1915
Huber, Annie  7 Jun 1913 age 57 wife of George  C22
Huber, Anton  1871 - 1947  G7
Huber, Emelie  1874 - 1944  F20
HUBER, Garry – 1951 – 2018 -  son of John & Susan
Huber, George  1849 - 1935  C23
Huber, George  died 1927
Huber, John  died 1925
Huber, John K.  1906 - 1994  I5
Huber, Juliana    B18
Huber, Julia  1880 - 1955  G8
Huber, Molly  30 May 1920 - 15 Nov 1923 dau of I. C24
Huber, Susan (nee Grof)  1912 - 12 Oct 2000 dau of John & Barbara  I6

Jakubic, John  died 1953

Katona, John  1914 - 2 Jul 2002  H15
Katona, Mary  1923 - 2001 wife of John  H16
Kirsch, Dorothy  died 1921
Kirsch, Elizabeth  24 Apr 1922 - 29 Jul 2000  F22
Kirsch, Johanna  died 28 Dec 1943  F19
Kirsch, Joseph  died 22 Jun 1942  F18
Kirsch, Joseph & Johanna  (2nd photo)
Kirsch, Michael  died 1912
Kirsch, Otto  25 May 1917 - 3 Mar 1982  F21
Klein, Appolonia  died 1915
Klotz, Anton  23 Feb 1890 - 9 Nov 1918  B13
Klotz, Susana  6 Jan 1904 - 16 Jul 1925  L13
Konecsni, Albert  7 Jul 1923 - 20 Mar 2001  I20
Konecsni, Alex  1885 - 1968  L23
Konecsni, Anna  7 Jun 1898 - 10 Jul 1990  H20
Konecsni, Caroline  1893 - 1986  L22
Konecsni, Joe I.  1933 -       L26
Konecsni, John  1888 - 1947  H19
Konecsni, Julia  1914 - 1917  A27
Konecsni, Marie  1972 - 1972  L24
Konecsni, Marlene  1935 -      L25
Konecsni, Mary  25 Mar 1865 - 11 Dec 1933  A3
Konecsni, Mary E.  6 January 1924  - 24 December 2017   wife of Raymo   L27
Konecsni, Niklaus  15 Jun 1845 - 6 May 1908  A2
Konecsni, Raymond Edward  Jun 23, 1923 - Mar 10, 2016 son of Alex & Mary  L28

Lang, Amelia  died 1926
Lang, Elizabeth  died 1924
Lang, Frank  died 1929
Lang, John  died 1932
Lang, Matilda  1907 - 1949  H3
Lang, Oscar  died 1928
Lanoway, Andrew  28 Dec 1865 - 3 Feb 1964  E6
Lanoway, August  died 1924
Lanoway, (baby)  died 1941
Lanoway, Frank  died  1924
Lanoway, Katherine  died 1933
Lanoway, Katherine  1 Dec 1864 - 21 Dec 1930  E4
Lanoway, Leo  died 1927
Lanoway, Leo  died 1930
Lanoway, Leo  1901 - 1937  F6
Lanoway, Michael  died 1919
Leibel, Elizabeth  20 May 1869 - 3 Apr 1909 
Leibel, Elizabeth  1873 - 1957  H2
Leibel, Julia (nee Exner)  1873 - 1957  H2
Loster, Frank  died 1924
Loster, Joe  died 1936
Loster, Margaretha  18 Jun 1864 - 5 Jun 1917  D18

Macknak, Anna J.  18 Sep 1907 - 3 Aug 1931  E3
Macknak, Frank  25 Feb 1909 - 31 Oct 1953 hus of Mary  H6
Macknak, Helen  1874 - 1943 wife of T. G1
Macknack, Mary (nee Lanoway)  29 Nov 1917 - 12 Nov 2014 dau of Anton & Pearl
Macknak, Thomas  1871 - 1960  G2
Materna, Mathias  13 Apr 1911 age 74  A12
Mayer, Conrad  19 Feb 1910 - 4 Nov 1919  A35
Melenchuk, George C.  24 Apr 1909 - 12 Oct 1982  I7
Melenchuk, Henry  21 Jul 1911 - 14 Jan 1995  I8
Melenchuk, Meri  10 Jan 1886 - 13 Nov 1918 wife of N.  D14
Melenchuk, Nickolas  1877 - 1925  E1
Melenchuk, Nickolas  (2nd photo)
Melnechuk, George Nolin Cristi  9 Feb 1917 - 27 Nov 1918  A40
Melnechuk, Nastaria Rosi  10 Oct 1915 - 10 Apr 1916  B8
Melnechuk, Nastari & Fedchuk, Bill  (2nd photo)
Melnick, Helen Lilian  died 1931
Melnick, Joseph
Melnick, Joseph  1904 - 1961  H8
Melnick, Julia (nee Huculak)  1909 - 5 Feb 2003 dau of John & Mary  H9
Melnick, Wallace  1936 - 1988 son of Joseph & Julia  H11
Michlik, Delphine Margaret (nee Melnick)  23 Feb 1934 - 23 Sep 2011 dau of Joseph & Julia
Michlik, Jack Joseph  27 Oct 1926 - 13 Jun 2016 hus of Delphine, son of Albert & Susan
Moss, Anna  died 1937
Moss, Catherine  died 1924
Moss, Frank  died 1923
Moss, Maria  died 1920
Mrazek, Albert F.  1923 - 1999  M14
Mrazek, Anna  1900 - 1929  L11
Mrazek, Cyril  1950 - 1950 son of Albert & Rita  E26
Mrazek, Delphine  1931 - 1946  M12
Mrazek, John   C41
Mrazek, Mary  1925 - 1936  L12
Mrazek, Michelle  1962 - 1963 dau of Albert & Rita  E27
Mrazek, Rita Katherine (nee Konecsni)  1925 - 29 Oct 2007 dau of Alex & Caroline  M13
Mrazek, Rosella  26 Sep 1941 - Dec 1941  B28
Mrazek, Shirley  1938 - 27 Jun 2015 wife of Harold

Ottenbriet, Anton  1856 - 1928  E15
Ottenbriet, Anton  1881 - 1961  F12
Ottenbriet, Gertrude  1863 - 1943  E16
Ottonbriet, Hanna  1887 - 1937  F11
Ottenbriet, (unknown)  died 1917

Polasek, John  died 1925
Polasek, Mary A.  1947 - 1947 dau of Albert & Olga D26
Polasek, Mary A.  (2nd photo)
Price, (2 babies)
Procop, Agnes  1919 - 1996  H20
Procop, Caroline  25 Jan 1909 - 26 Jun 1926  E18
Procop, Eva  died 1924
Procop, Katherina  died 1919

Regel, Felicia  16 Jul 1906 - 17 Jan 2011  J6
Regel, Frank  1896 - 1946  J6
Regel, Frank E.  1933 -        N21
Regel, John  1902 - 1956  N20
Regel, John  (2nd photo)
Regel, John R.  1949 -        N19
Regel, Mary  1911 - 1960  N18
Regel, Mary  (2nd photo)
Reiss, Barbara  1882 - 1963  I3
Reiss, Daniel  1878 - 1950  I2
Reiss, Frank  died 1923

Schamm, Elizabeth  died 1912
Schneider, Josephine  1869 - 1940  F17
Schneider, Peter  4 Aug 1915 age 52  C17
Schneider, Susanna  10 Mar 1907 - 16 Jun 1928 dau of Peter & Sophia Josephine (nee Hanycrak)  B27
Schulhauser, Anton  28 Mar 1914 - 28 Mar 1914  B5
Schulhauser, Eva  11 May 1907 - 11 May 1907  A6
Schulhauser, Helen  6 Oct 1915 - 12 Oct 1915 dau of Isidore R. & Rosie  A25
Schulhauser, John Michael  1882 - 1942  C10
Schulhauser, Joseph Karl  24 Dec 1890 - 29 Apr 1983  E21
Schulhauser, Mary (nee Schuster)  1888 - 1918  dau of Konrat & Elisabet  C11
Schulhauser, Michael  died Feb 1918
Schulhauser, Mollie  1858 - 1954  E8
Schulhauser, Raymond  10 Oct 1919 - 24 Sep 1920 son of Joseph  B29
Schulhauser, Rudolph  1855 - 1936  E7
Schulhauser, Veronica  1893 - 1 Jun 1926  E20
Schulhauser, Weidelinuns  died Apr 1914
Schuster, Anton J.  1868 - 1946  M21
Schuster, Apolona (nee Halbgewachs)  1882 - 1937  M18
Schuster, Elisabet (nee Spanier)  20 Jul 1912 age 67 dau of Valentine & Susanna  L17
Schuster, Elisabet (nee Spanier)  23 Apr 1911 age 78
Schuster, John  1881 - 1961  L21
Schuster, John  1866 - 1957 son of Konrat & Elisabet M23
Schuster, Konrat  1833 - 1911  L18
Schuster, Maria  8 Jan 1908 - 18 Jan 1909  A18
Schuster, Marianna  1868 - 1944  L20
Schuster, Mary  1878 - 1957  M22
Schuster, Michael  1909 - 1909  A18
Schuster, Susan A.  1878 - 1943  M20
Schuster, Wilhelm Anton  22 May 1909 - 20 Sep 1911  B4
Schuster, William C.  1879 - 1960 son of Konrat & Elisabet  M19
Schwamm, Dan   C7
Schwamm, Katarina  9 Dec 1900 - 15 Nov 1912  B12
Schwartz, Donald E.  1939 - 2008  J10
Schwartz, Joan  1941 -       J11
Spanier, Albert J.  20 May 1912 - 14 Jul 1996 son of Thaddeus & Katherine (nee Altmayer)  H21
Spanier, Alma M. (nee Schulhauser)  8 Dec 1918 - 30 Sep 2013  H22
Spanier, Annie (nee Regel)  1843 - 1918 G16
Spanier, Annie  1869 - 1938  N16
Spanier, Barbara  1875 - 1943  H18
Spanier, George  1837 - 1926  G17
Spanier, John  1864 - ???  H17
Spanier, Helen Ruth  1912 - 2003
Spanier, Joseph  10 Sep 1882 - 6 Oct 1926  G15
Spanier, Katherine (nee Bone)  1885 - 1929  G20
Spanier, Raymond  1932 - 1937 son of E.  G12
Spanier, Rosa  6 Jul 1890 - 16 Feb 1917  G14
Spanier, Rosie  17 Feb 1914 - 25 Aug 1917 dau of Thaddeus & Katherine  G22
Spanier, Valentine  1867 - 1941 son of Valentine & Susanna  G19
Stoffel, George  died 15 Feb 1928  A37
Stoffel, Marjorie Mary  9 Jun 1940 - 23 Jun 2003  L19

Uhren, Martha  6 Feb 1921 - 17 Feb 1921 dau of A. & N.  B30
unknown, (infant)  (metal cross)  A38
unknown 1  (wrought iron cross)

Watson, Annie  1908 - 1933
Watson, Catherine M.  1888 - 1932  M15
Watson, John K. 1884 - 1943  M17
Watson, Mary Ann  1908 - 1936  M16
Windsor, Kathy  died 1925

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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Updated June 3, 2020 Julia Adamson.

Copyright. Bibliography for citations:
"Adamson, Julia, Ron Isherwood, Gladys Petrar, Anonymous (2020, Sept 25) St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project.
Retrieved from "

St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery, Dysart district, R.M. of Lipton # 217,NE 10-22-15 W2, St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery, Dysart district, R.M. of Lipton # 217,NE 10-22-15 W2, St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery, Dysart district, R.M. of Lipton # 217,NE 10-22-15 W2, St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery, Dysart district, R.M. of Lipton # 217,NE 10-22-15 W2, St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery, Dysart district, R.M. of Lipton # 217,NE 10-22-15 W2, St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery, Dysart district, R.M. of Lipton # 217,NE 10-22-15 W2, St. Henry Kronsberg Cemetery, Dysart district, R.M. of Lipton # 217,NE 10-22-15 W2, cemetery, cemetary, graveyard, genealogy, family history, family tree, transcription, surnames, listing, spreadsheet, history, Saskatchewan, Canada, Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project,berdeen Community Cemetery, R. M. of Aberdeen, SW7-39-2 W3 , G.P.S. 52.337350 106.291200, cemetery, cemetary, graveyard, genealogy, family history, family tree, transcription, surnames, listing, spreadsheet, history, Saskatchewan, Canada, Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, © Copyright 1979 -

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