Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project Spruce Home Cemetery

GPS 50° 35' 31" N 102° 22' 34" W
Stockholm, Sask.
R.M. of Fertile Belt 183

Photographed by Janet Steinhubl
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo - Surnames without a hyperlink have no images)

Landscape Shot 1
Landscape Shot 2
Landscape Shot 3
Landscape Shot 4
SurnameGiven NamesMaiden NameBirthDeathComments
AndersonHelena18621949wife of Savante
AndersonSvante18631951husband of Helena
BergstromMargreta18651952wife of Eric
BergstromEric18671944husband of Margreta
BergstromCarl Olav18911957son of Eric & Margreta Bergstrom
Carlson O.marker illegible, based on historical records
ClausonLillian E.Wickberg19212012wife of David
ClausonDavid E. 19161997son of Herman & Hilma Closson; husband of Lillian
ClossonGeorge19242012son of Herman & Hilma Closson; husband of Karin
ClossonJennie19141924daughter of Herman & Hilma Closson
ClossonJack19111925son of Herman & Hilma Closson
ClossonMary19011934daughter of Herman & Hilma Closson
ClossonHilma Julia18811978wife of Herman
ClossonHerman18781936husband of Hilma
ClossonJohn A.19091993son of Herman & Hilma Closson
Closson Karin IngeborgPersson19252019wife of George
DavisMyrna AnnFreed1973daugher of Verner & Elsie Freed
DixonAlrick P.19011947husband of Lili
DixonLiliIsakson19051998wife of Alrick
DixonHelenSawa19342019wife of Wilmar
DixonSven Peter18741938husband of Sarha
DixonSarha Johanna18741946wife of Sven
Dixon Wilmar19312011son of Alrick & Lili Dixon, husband of Helen
EkbergErik P.18681932
EkbergAnna MariaSoderquist18821943wife of Hilmar
EkbergHilmar S.18801971husband of Anna Maria
EkbergJohn19141976son of Anna Maria & Hilma Ekberg; wife of Ila
EkbergGarry19471991son of John & Ila Ekberg
EkbergIla19172001wife of John
EkbergMyrita19432020daughter of John & Ila Ekberg; wife of Bill Rees
EkebergHedvigSoderquist1924wife of Alfred Ekeberg
EkstrandPeter O.18731956
EriksonJohanna18591948wife of Erik
Erikson Erik G.18541938husband of Johanna
FransonJennieStendahl19111973wife of Allen
Franson Allen19081944husband of Jennie
FreedElsie C.19101997wife of Verner
FreedVerner A.19071989husband of Elsie
FreedMargaret Evelyn19241983wife of Albin
FreedJenniePersson19091990wife of John
Freed(baby)marker illegible, based on historical records
Freed Anna MarieErikson18781951
Freed Eric18751955
Freed John2011husband of Jennie; no marker, per historical records
Gavalinmarker illegible, based on historical records
GustafsonEmmawife of Erik, marker illegible, per historical records
GustafsonA.marker illegible, based on historical records
GustafsonMauritzmarker illegible, based on historical records
GustafsonErikhusband of Emma,marker illegible, per historical records
IsaksonE.marker illegible, based on historical records
LindMargaretmarker illegible, based on historical records
LindMonsmarker illegible, based on historical records
LungrenJennieNordquistwife of George Lungren
Matson(baby)marker illegible, based on historical records
McLeanEvelyn ElizabethNelson19372015
McLeodNina M. KristinaGustafson19162014
MillhamChristie Dawn19761982
MollerWilhelmina18611944wife of Volmer
MollerVolmer T.18671935husband of Wilhelmina
Moller(baby)marker illegible, based on historical records
NeilsonN.P.C.marker illegible, based on historical records
NelsonAnna Marie19101960wife of Andy
NelsonAndy Herbert19061994husband of Anna Marie
NelsonIvarmarker illegible, based on historical records
NordquistJohn1936marker illegible, based on historical records
Nordquist(baby)marker illegible, based on historical records
NordquistP.marker illegible, based on historical records
Nordquist (2 babies)marker illegible, based on historical records
NorgrenPer Olaf18581931
NormanPer Olafmarker illegible, based on historical records
NormanMrs. P.marker illegible, based on historical records
OlsonEllis Ferdinand19041936
OlsonN.marker illegible, based on historical records
Olson(baby)marker illegible, based on historical records
PerssonHar Hvilar Sigrid18231924
RamsteadBarbara19392009wife of Gerald; parents of Leonard, Linda, Lana
RamsteadGerald19402020husband of Barbara; parents of Leonard, Linda, Lana
RamsteadAnna M. Johnson18761952wife of Charlie
RamsteadCharlie N.18791953husband of Anna M.
RamsteadMary T.19131993wife of Joseph
RamsteadJoseph19081988husband of Mary T.
RamsteadMary E.19202014wife of Frank
RamsteadFrank A.19111993husband of Mary E.
RamsteadIrene Margaret19162009wife of Gustaf
RamsteadGustaf Adolf19122003husband of Irene
RamsteadRanald Carl19462018
ReesBill19322021husband of Myrita Ekberg
SoderquistMarthaSmith18951925wife of S. Soderquist
SoderquistNelsmarker illegible, based on historical records
SoderquistAnna marker illegible, based on historical records
TranbergCarolyn L.1954great granddaugher of Gotfrid
TranbergGotfrid Anton18481924
TranbergAxel Herman18931943husband of Emilie
TranbergEmilie Christine18951984wife of Axel
TranbergRaymond C.19211987
TranbergWarren Lynn19552017

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Updated May 19, 2022. Julia Adamson.

Copyright. Bibliography for citations:
"Adamson, Julia, Janet Steinhubl. (2022, May) Spruce Home Cemetery
RM of Fertile Belt 183 Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project.
Retrieved from "

Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project -Spruce Home Cemetery, SW4-Tsp 19 -R3 W2nd meridian, Stockholm, Saskatchewan, R.m. of Fertile Belt 183Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project -Spruce Home Cemetery, SW4-Tsp 19 -R3 W2nd meridian, Stockholm, Saskatchewan, R.m. of Fertile Belt 183Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project -Spruce Home Cemetery, SW4-Tsp 19 -R3 W2nd meridian, Stockholm, Saskatchewan, R.m. of Fertile Belt 183Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project -Spruce Home Cemetery, SW4-Tsp 19 -R3 W2nd meridian, Stockholm, Saskatchewan, R.m. of Fertile Belt 183 Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can,Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, Saskatchewan. Canada, transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, obits, obituary, province of Sask, SK, Sask, CA, Can, © Copyright 1979 -

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