Dovre Lutheran Cemetery
Rose Valley district

R.M. of Ponass Lake # 367   SW 7-38-13 W2
GPS   52.248279°N   103.861995°W
First burial in 1919

Compiled & photographed by Andrew Grant
Updated by Doreen Karapita
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Last Name DK Photo Bg / Fg Obit P Ston Prefix First Name Middle Name Suffix Maiden Name Day of Birth Month of Birth Year of Birth Day of Death Month of Death Year of Death Plot Inscription Gravesite Details Nickname Marriage Latitude Longitude Husband/WifeHistory Book

Parish Changes DK Photo

Church Construction DK Photo

Church 1 DK Photo

Church 2 DK Photo

Church 3 DK Photo

Dovre DK Photo

Dovre List DK Photo

Adolphson DK fg p Erling 8 3 1908 12 6 1972 E8 A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 119

Anderson DK fg p Axel 25 7 1890 1964 O8 25-2-1915 Carrie Westby a Tribute to our Pioneers pg 122-125

Anderson DK fg p Carrie Westby 1893 1955 N8 25-2-1915 Axel Anderson

Angell DK fg o p David Albert 8 9 1893 12 12 1952 G8 Ina Evenson A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 143

Angell (second photo) DK fg o p David Albert 8 9 1893 12 12 1952 G8 Ina Evenson A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 143

Angell DK fg o p Ina / Inga* Inaborg Evenson 1 3 1901 8 2 1971 H8 Ingaborg 15-11-1917 Albert Angell

Angell DK fg p Jessie Perkins 10 7 1898 3 4 1999 L2 20-11-1929 William John Angell

Angell p John baby

Angell fg o p John 13 1 1858 13 9 1955 K8 27-1-1890 Mary Samson

Angell DK fg p Martha E Evenson 26 11 1896 1 12 1928 J2 32 years 18-10-1914 William Angell A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 146-147

Angell DK fg o p Mary Elizabeth Sanson 25 3 1873 25 3 1960 L8 27-1-1890 John Angell

Angell DK fg p Robert John Spavin 28 1 2021 son of Chris and Nastasha

Angell DK fg p William John 2 8 1891 27 8 1986 K2 Bill Jessie Perking Rose Valley & District pg 53

Blair DK fg p o George WesleyEdward 6 11 1913 31 1 1994 R8 Thora Nelson

Blair DK fg o p Thora Petrina Nelson 10 9 1912 21 12 2002 S8 30-11-1944 George Blair A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 446

Brown DK fg p o Agnes Selma Nelson 13 4 1918 15 3 2004 E6 1-10-1941 John Brown

Brown DK fg p Janet Selma 16 10 1943 11 1943 H6 Parents John & Agnes

Brown DK p Jean Annette 31 5 1948 10 7 2021 I6

Brown DK fg p o John Sanford 17 1 1913 8 3 1983 D6 Agnes Nelson A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 166-168

Einarson DK fg p Alma M Evenson 1915 1990 I3 1936 Oscar Einarson

Einarson DK Alvin

Einarson fg p Alvin (Oscar) baby 1936 1936 K3 Parents Oscar & Alma

Einarson fg o p Arni 1870 10 1925 K4 Vilborg Hanneson Fosston Flashbacks pg 153-155

Einarson (second photo) fg o p Arni 1870 10 1925 K4 Vilborg Hanneson Fosston Flashbacks pg 153-155

Einarson DK fg p Carl Peter 1903 1990 I4

Einarson DK Clara Ahl 1926 Einar Einarson

Einarson DK p Dennis 1934 2020

Einarson Einar Clara Ahl

Einarson DK fg p Oscar Ludvik 19 12 1908 19 9 2004 J3 Alma Evenson

Einarson DK Unknown

Einarson DK o p Villborg Hanneson 1873 1950 J4 1896 Arne Einarson

Einarson (Second photo) DK o p Villborg Hanneson 1873 1950 J4 1896 Arne Einarson

Evenson DK fg p o Even 3 1873 5 11 1943 M4 Inga A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 225-227

Evenson DK fg p Inga 1876 1938 N4 Evenson

Evenson DK fg p o Oscar Peter 18 7 1899 20 9 1988 O4 Ole Luella ?

Halvorson DK p Elvera Randina 1925 2017

Halvorson DK fg p Ernest Melvin 14 5 1915 22 4 1981 R6 OpalBendickson

Halvorson DK fg p Opal Bendickson 31 8 1924 10 10 1966 S6 suside Ernest Halvorson

Hunt DK p o Ralph Willis 3 7 1936 16 8 2015 1962 Grace McDonald

Jacobson DK fg p Luella Erickson 11 1887 4 1925 G4 1905 Nels Jacobson Fosston Flashbacks pg 187-189

Johnson DK fg p o Dewey Leon 7 4 1891 29 7 1951 D5 1921 Averil Robbins

Johnson DK fg p Dewy baby 1927 1927 E5 son of Dewey and Verl

Johnson DK fg p o Doreen Esther Mossey 28 12 1931 20 7 2013 D1 Selma Johnson

Johnson DK fg o p Selma Josephine Evenson 31 3 1912 10 8 1947 C1 1-7-1931 Magnus John Johnson

LaHue DK fg p Dick baby F5 son of Dick and Margaret

Larson DK p o Everett Alfred 5 4 1926 2 7 2019 L4 Mary Nycholat

Larson DK fg p John baby G2 son of John and Florence

Lupien DK fg p Maureen Faye Elouise Nelson 1 9 1948 1986 D4 Maurice Lupien

DK fg p Girvin 1910 1942 I2

Mossey Doreen Johnson 28 12 1931 22 7 2013 dau of Magnus and Selma

Nelson DK fg p Andor K 1872 6 1919 M5 Charlotte Olson A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 445-446

Nelson DK fg p Anna 1868 1935 O6 Martin Nelson

Nelson DK fg p o Charlotte Fredrika Olson 27 11 1883 13 1 1972 N5 7-10-1906 Andor Nelson

Nelson DK fg p o Einar Johanness 3 8 1917 2 10 1993 P5

Nelson DK fg p Ellen Evenson 17 4 1904 1987 L6 31-8-1919 Ralph Nelson A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 451-453

Nelson DK fg p o Emma Augusta Sather 5 8 1898 25 12 1979 F6 31-10-1917 Nels Nelson

Nelson DK fg p o Martin Berg 21 1 1866 7 1 1933 N6 1867 1891 Anna Peterson

Nelson DK fg p Nels E Henry 18 9 1890 22 12 1953 G6 Emma Sather A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 448-450

Nelson DK fg p o Norman Olai 27 8 1915 19 8 1987 O5

Nelson DK fg p Ralph 19 2 1892 21 1 1972 K6 Ellen Evenson Rose Valley & Districe pg 240-242

Nelson DK fg o p Rodney Brent 21 1 1959 7 10 1993 M6 Wendy Bird

Opheim DK fg o p Bette Gloria Johnsrude 24 2 1940 20 5 2008 C6 9-8-1997 Cecil Opheim Rose Valley & District pg 249

Opheim DK fg o p Maybelle Elizabeth Angell 13 10 1917 7 5 2001 D8 22-10-1936 Ola Opheim

Opheim DK fg p o Ola Syvertson 25 5 1903 4 6 1989 C8 22-10-1936 Maybelle Angell A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 467-468

Opheim DK fg p o Sydney John 22 12 1937 13 11 2018

Paulson DK fg o p Clarence Marvin 19 4 1934 21 2 2011 I8 Ellenor Angell A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 474

Paulson DK fg o p Ellenor Elizabeth Angell 14 3 1935 18 12 2009 J8 22-11-1955 Clarence Paulson

Price DK fg p Dolph Agnes Westby 1904 2003 D2 Harold Price

Price DK fg o p Harold 24 12 1916 10 9 2005 C2 Agnes Dolph Westby

Rodningen DK fg p Knut Lars 23 2 1881 28 4 1931 J1 30-11-1918 Gertrude Holo A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 528-530

Sather DK fg o p John 1923 28 2 1923 H5 A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 564-565

Scoville DK fg p Ellen 1921 K5

Skogstad DK fg o p Lydia Bimvies 1869 9 1942 O1 1892 Olaf Skogstad

Skogstad DK fg p Olaf 2 6 1863 1935 N1 Lydia Bimvies A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 575-576

Steistol DK fg p twins 1929 1929 R5 Parents Magnus and Anna Steistad

Vinge DK fg p Mrs Arne Westby 1855 1934 F4 Mother of Luella Jacobson (Nels)

Westby (second photo) DK # P ? Agnes Baby Girl L1 Child of Dolph & Agnes

Westby DK # P ? Agnes Baby Girl L1 Child of Dolph & Agnes

Westby DK fg p Anne Helene 21 5 1864 9 1 1944 G1 3-1-1890 Karl Westby

Westby DK fg p Arne Christoferson 8 1855 1934 R2 1956 1878 Martea Nilcsdatter (Nelson)

Westby DK fg p Dolph Baby Girl L1 Child of Dolph & Agnes

Westby DK fg p Dolph Baby Girl L1 Child of Dolph & Agnes

Westby DK fg p Dolph 1898 1972 E2

Westby DK fg p baby Child of Elmer

Westby DK fg p Elmer baby 1938 O2

Westby DK fg o p Karl Christopherson 24 12 1864 3 1942 F1 b-23 March 1942 Anne Helene A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 612-614

Westby DK fg p Martea Nelson Nilsdatter 21 10 1856 1927 Q2 Arne Westby daughter of Nils & Einna Myrholtet

Westby DK fg p Melvin baby 1937 1937 P2 Child of Melvin and Signe

Westby DK fg p Oscar 1892 1974 H1

Westby DK Signe Melvin A Tribute to our Pioneers pg 618

Whitford DK fg p Norman baby 4 1 1928 8 1 1928 N2 Son of Norman & Kjerlaug Whitford

Williams DK p Kenneth Aubrey ???? 17 10 1938 26 11 2016 J6

Wold DK fg p Carrie senior 7 1 1845 17 2 1926 R4

Wold DK fg p Thore 29 4 1877 20 2 1941 Q4 Son of Carrie

Additional Information / Obituaries / NewsArticles
Anderson Wesby 25feb 1915
Angel John
Angell John
Angell John (2)
Angell John (baby)
Angell John 1955
Angell John Anniversary
Angell John Death
Angell John Mary
Angell John Mary Sansom Anniversary
Angell John(1)
Angell John(2)
Angell Martha 2 Martha
Angell Mary
Angell Mr.Mrs. John Anniversary
Angell1952 Albert obit 1
Angell1952 Albert obit 2.jpeg
Angell1971 Ina obituary
Aubrey Williams Kenneth
Blair George Wesley Edward_20220711_0001
Blair Thora 1_20220620_0001
Blair Thora 2_20220620_0001
Blair Thora Petrina 1_20220711_0001
Blair Thora Petrina 2_20220711_0001
Brown Agnes Selma
Brown Agnes Selma 1_20220711_0001
Brown Agnes Selma 2_20220711_0001
Brown Agnes2
Brown John Sanford_20220711_0001
Einarson Alvin
Einarson Arni
Einarson Vilborg15_June_1950
Evanson Evan 12 nov 1943
Evenson Alma
Evenson Evan
Evenson Oscar Peter
Halvorson Adolph 1
Halvorson Adolph 2
Hunt Willis1
Hunt Willis2
Johnson Dewy
Johnson Doreen Mossey
Johnson Mossey Doreen1
Johnson Mossey Doreen2
Johnson Selma
Johnson Selma pg1 22aug1947
Johnson Selma pg2 22aug1947
Larson John FIRE
McDonald Girvin
Nelson Andur
Nelson Charlotte Fredrika_20220711_0001
Nelson Einar Johaness_20220711_0001
Nelson Emma Augusta_20220711_0001
Nelson Martin
Nelson Norman Olai_20220711_0001
Nelson Norman(1)
Nelson Norman_
Nelson Rodney
Nelson Rodney 2
Nelson Rodney Brent
Nelson Rodney Brent(1)
Nelson Thora Petrine
Opheim Bette 4
Opheim Bette Gloria
Opheim Bette1
Opheim Bette2
Opheim Bettie 3
Opheim Maybelle
Opheim Ola
Opheim Ola Maybelle_20220620_0001
Opheim Sydney1
Opheim Sydney2
Original Parishioners
Paulson Angell
Paulson Clarence
Paulson Clarence1
Paulson Clarence2
Paulson Ellenor
Paulson Ellenor Elizabeth_20220623_0001
Price Harold 1_20220620_0001
Price Harold 2_20220620_0001
Sather John1March1923
Sather Jono
Skogstad Lydia News
Skogstad Lydia(1)
Weberg George
Westby Anne
Westby babies
Westby babies 2
Westby Dolph
Westby K.C. 1News
Westby K.C. 2News
Westby K.C. News 1
Westby K.C.News 2
Westby Leader_Post_30_March_1942
(Click on photo to enlarge)


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Updated October 1, 2020 by Julia Adamson.

Copyright. Bibliography for citations:
Adamson, Julia, Andrew Grant and Doreen Karapita (2025, January 14) Dovre Lutheran Cemetery Rose Valley district Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project.
Retrieved from

© Copyright 1979 -

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