Regina Cemetery & Regina Hebrew Cemetery
Broad St. & 4th Ave.

R.M. of Sherwood # 159   NW 30-17-19 W2

Photographed by Judith Bell
Additional photos contributed by: Sue McGill - Denise Smith - Jan Joynt - Pat Renwick

Surname   Y - Z
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Name - Age - Date of burial (unless otherwise indicated) - Plot # 

YAEGER LOUIE C.  1881 - 1939
YAGER Family Headstone
YAGER OMER  1886 - 1941
YAKYMYK JOHN  1888 - 1950
YAKYMYK JULIA  1901 - 1995 518-10-C
YAKYMYK MICHAEL PAUL  died 31 Aug 2016 age 93 son of John & Julia
YAMAGUCHI SANJI  1873 - 1922
YANASOV MARINA  1874 - 1950
YANASOV SPASA  1870 - 1946
YANCOVITCH WOLFE MEYER  died 17 Nov 1921 age 61 
YANKOA JANNETT 7  20 Oct 1925  30-10-N
YANTZ ELIZABETH  1895 - 1957
YATES ALBERT  1891 - 1988
YATES GRACE L.  1874 - 1965
YATES JAMES H.  1867 - 1924
YATES MAUD  1893 - 1948
YEE ALOYSIUS NAPOLEON  31 Jan 1917 - 14 Jun 1918
YEE ART LEAN  died 1956
YEE BEAN  1888 - 1955
YEE BILL  1889 - 1954 
YEE BING  died 1950
YEE CHARLIE  died 1947
YEE DO MOON  1883 - 1959
YEE GONG  died 1946
YEE GORDON  1905 - 1957
YEE JIM  1888 - 1951
YEE JOE   died 1946
YEE KEE WO  died 1948
YEE LIN FOO  died 1947
YEE LAM  1895 - 1953 
YEE LOCK  died 1945
YEE MONG HONG  1897 - 1954
YEE ON  1889 - 1960
YEE QUE WAH  1878 - 1948
YEE SOU LIN  died 11 Aug 1957
YEE TAI  1910 - 1958
YEE WAI  died 1949
YEE WEE DICK  died 1950
YEE WING HONG  1891 - 1952
YEE YUK CHIN  died 1953  
YEMEN EDGAR  1875 - 1959
YEMEN SARAH  1888 - 1974
YEO ELENORA A.  1882 - 1956
YEO WILLIAM J.  1883 - 1944
YEOMAN NORMAN  died 6 Apr 1922 age 29 3B-SOLD-44
YEOMANS ELLEN M.  1898 - 1984
YEOMANS REGINALD S.  1907 - 1938 401-11-S 
YEOMANS REUBEN  died 15 Feb 1937 age 46 4A-SOLD-21 
YEREMCHUK JOHN  1899 - 1975
YERHOFF ANNA  1872 - 1954
YERHOFF FRANK J.  1896 - 1932 27-13-C 
YERHOFF MARY ANN  1902 - 1986 27-13-N 
YERXA AMELIA  4 Apr 1858 - 19 Jul 1947
YINGST ALBERTA M.  1879 - 1974
YINGST EVERETT L.  1907 - 1972
YINGST LUTHER  1883 - 1941
YINGST MARIAN L.  1907 - 1985  
YOCKNEY F. C.  died 21 Apr 1924 age 27
YOCOM C. EDGAR  1857 - 1937
YOCOM ELIZABETH  1857 - 1944
YORK PERCY  died 24 May 1939 age 53 2C-SOLD-13 
YORTY GERTRUDE 64  29 May 1937 267-03-N 
YORTY JAMES 13  13 Feb 1931 267-03-C
YOUNG Family Headstone 
YOUNG ADA  1877 - 1941
YOUNG ALEX  2 Jul 1879 - 12 Oct 1919
YOUNG ARTHUR E.  1872 - 1932
YOUNG (baby)  13 Jul 1922 133-23-C
YOUNG BARRY EDWARD (baby)  died 1946
YOUNG CARL W.  died 19 Apr 1919
YOUNG CHESLEY  1889 - 1970
YOUNG DONALD  25 Jul 1920 - 25 Jul 1925 son of A. R. & Sylvia 
YOUNG ELIZABETH 74  16 Jan 1929 10-09-S 
YOUNG ELIZABETH (nee Brown)  died 24 Dec 1894 age 89 wife of George 10-09-C 
YOUNG ESTHER ANN (nee Thomas)  died 16 Mar 1914 age 25 wife of Ewart L.
YOUNG EVALINE S. (nee Marsh)
YOUNG GEORGE W.  died 17 Apr 1877 age 77
YOUNG GRACE (nee Donkin)   died 29 Nov 1992 age 63 wife of Thomas 10-10-C
YOUNG HEINRICH  1877 - 1944
YOUNG (infant)  died 19 Apr 1918 son of Carl W.
YOUNG ISABELLE  2 Oct 1884 - 24 Oct 1954
YOUNG JESSICA  1889 - 1934 
YOUNG JOHN WICKIN   died 3 Mar 1892 age 54 hus of Sarah 7-10-N 
YOUNG LOUIS EDWARD  died 27 Dec 1956 age 65 4D-SOLD-32A 
YOUNG MARGARET 40  30 Sep 1926 255-15-C 
YOUNG MARGARET J.  11 May 1914 - 9 Aug 1993 533-40-C
YOUNG MARIA  1885 - 1970 
YOUNG NICHOLAS MARTIN  1916 - 19 Sep 2009 son of John & Anna
YOUNG MARY 'MAIME' (nee Huck)  wife of Nicholas
YOUNG QUEENIE (nee McIntyre)  1887 - 1949 YOUNG ROBERT WILLIAM   4 Jul 1997 255-15-C
YOUNG SARAH JANE  died 9 Sep 1911 age 67 7-10-C
YOUNG STEWART  1884 - 1967 hus of Queenie
YOUNG STEWART  1881 - 1953
YOUNG THOMAS  died 3 Aug 1907 age 66 son of George & Elizabeth 10-10-S
YOUNG VIOLET  1889 - 1976
YOUNG WALTER  7 Mar 1877 - 31 Dec 1917
YOUNG WALTER M.  17 Mar 1920 - 10 May 1972
YOUNG WILFRED N.  died 25 Dec 1904 age 25 son of Thomas
YOUNG WINFORD L. 15  31 Mar 1920 126-01-C
YOUNG-FROOM MARY  1915 - 1988 
YOUNGSON WILLIAM  died 6 Feb 1955 age 77 6B-SOLD-31
YOVANOV (baby)  died 18 Feb 1942 
YOVICHIN RADA  died Oct 1925 age 55 134-08-S 
YOVONOVITCH LAPASAVA 57  2 Aug 1935 34-07-C
YOWNEY SYLVESTER  14 Nov 1931 - 18 Jan 2010 son of Frank & Antolina
YUEN JACK  died 27 Oct 1960
YUEN WONG Mrs.  died 7 Mar 1952 
YURKO GLADYS RUTH (nee Winter)  1922 - 30 Apr 2001 412-09-C
YUILL AlBERT EDWARD  1890 - 1916 son of Annie
YUILL ANNIE MARY  1858 - 1932
YUZICAPI (baby)  15 Aug 1960 545-10-S 

ZABINSKI MITCHELL 21  29 Aug 1933 33-09-C
ZAGRUSZ JOHN 24  17 Dec 1927 42-11-S 
ZAHARIK JOHN  died 23 Sep 1952 age 47 7C-SOLD-87
ZAHARIK THEODORE  1880 - 1944 
ZAHARIUK GEORGE  1922 - 24 Mar 2000 501-17-N 
ZAHARIUK MARY  1880 - 1948
ZAHARIUK PETER  1881 - 1926 30-07-S 
ZAHARUK GEORGE  1858 - 1952
ZAHM MARJORY C.  1894 - 1980
ZAHM FRANK P.  1882 - 1941
ZAISER JACOB  1870 - 1948
ZAISER MARY  1875 - 1960
ZAITZ GEORGE 41  27 Dec 1937 35-12-C
ZALESZUK YURKO  died 23 Oct 1913 age 68
ZALKIND BORIS  1896 - 1966
ZALKIND ROSE  1895 - 1984
ZALKLAND LOTTIE  1899 - 1928
ZANEWICZ JOSEPH (baby)  died 1931 39-04-C 
ZANICHELLI MARIE ELMIRA  1911 - 1948 121-03-SE10'-LN 
ZAREMBA KOSTAN  24 Mar 1915 - 26 Aug 1938 30-03-N 
ZAREMBA NICOLAI  1882 - 1972
ZAREMBA SAMUEL  19 Apr 1925 - 29 Jun 1950
ZAREMBA STEFAN  3 Jul 1897 - 29 Feb 1932 33-17-S
ZAREN VERA  1903 - 1937
ZARON DALE GORDON  died 1943 age 12 days
ZARON DONALD PETER  died 1946 age 7
ZARON INGEBORG  1905 - 1947
ZARON PETER  1903 - 1988 511-17-C
ZAROWNY KAREN LYNN  1958 - 23 Apr 2016  dau of Ted & Stella
ZART C.  1859 - 1924
ZAUCA DAN  1857 - 1947
ZAWALSKY OLGA 5  18 Jan 1929 31-08-C 
ZAZULIAK GEORGE  died Aug 1927 age 4 days 30-15-S 
ZECEVIC ELIAS SERAPHIN Fr.  22 Jul 1911 - 12 Apr 1972 119-02-SE10'-MIDDLE-LS 
ZECHIRIZA TOSIEA 74  15 Dec 1937 35-13-S 
ZELENKO ANASTASIA  1864 - 1942 34-03-S 
ZELINSKI (baby)  6 Oct 1926 43-07-N
ZELLMER ADOLF  1885 - 1953
ZELTER MARIA  1901 - 1940
ZENTNER ERIC J.  1927 - 1933 38-18-C 
ZEPCIUK RUBY 2  22 Dec 1943 35-19-S 
ZEPIUK WILLIAM 6  13 Jul 1941 33-03-C 
ZERR ANTON  28 Nov 1874 - 17 Jul 1930
ZERR BARBARA  13 Mar 1875 - 23 Oct 1965 
ZERR MICHAEL  1848 - 1922
ZERR HELEN  1850 - 1924 
ZERR JOHN MILAKER  died 7 Jun 1946 age 30 5B-SOLD-31
ZETTERSTRAND IDA S.  1871 - 1954 
ZICKMAN JOHN  1875 - 1963
ZIFFLE GOTTLIEB  1873 - 1949
ZIFFLE JUSTINA  1877 - 1935
ZIFFLE SUSANNA  1876 - 1960   
ZILZ AUGUST MARTIN  1889 - 1978 20-11-S 
ZILZ HEINRICH 'HENRY'  1859 - 1938 20-11-C 
ZILZ KATHERINA  1859 - 1940 20-11-N 
ZILZ PHILIPPINE  8 May 1984 20-11-S
ZIMBALUK LORNE DAVID STANLEY (baby)  died 10 Nov 1952
ZIMMER ARTHUR  1928 - 1942
ZIMMER EDWARD  1916 - 1933 
ZIMMER HENRY  died 2 Jul 1945 age 79 130-02-S 
ZIMMER MARIE  23 Sep 1882 - 13 Jul 1906 130-02-N 
ZIMMER WILHELM PETER  5 May 1906 - 23 Aug 1906 130-02-C
ZIMMERMAN ALEX  1906 - 1946 
ZIMMERMAN ANDREAS  1879 - 13 Mar 1960 119-04-SW10'-LC 
ZIMMERMAN ANNIE 12  12 Jul 1929 41-13-N 
ZIMMERMAN FRANCIS 13  28 Jan 1929 41-01-N 
ZIMMERMAN JOHN (baby)  died 1938 108-11-C 
ZIMMERMAN JOSEPH (baby)  died 1944
ZINCHESHIN NICHOLAS 58  25 Oct 1955 544-70-C
ZLTKUS JOSEPH  died 18 Jul 1943 age 3 days
ZONINFELD (unknown)
ZOOTIS KALLIOPE M.  died 19 May 1916 
ZORA ANNIE  1885 - 1976 36-17-N 
ZORA DOMNIKA 84  15 Oct 1940 34-17-C 
ZORA JOHN ELIAS  died 5 Jul 1943 age 21 1C-SOLD-20 
ZORA MICHAEL  1879 - 1946 36-17-C 
ZORA NICOLAI  died 8 Mar 1936 age 85 34-17-N
ZUBER EDITH A.  1894 - 1970
ZUBER JAMES A.  1922 - 17 Feb 2009 
ZUBER JOSEPH N.  1892 - 1956
ZUROWSKI (baby)  died 6 Aug 1947
ZUROWSKI THERESE 20  14 Aug 1926 43-19-N 
ZVANCIUK ANCHELINO 'LENA'  1867 - 1960 35-19-N 
ZVANCIUK DOROTHY (nee Kelba)  1905 - 1997 500-11-S 
ZVANCIUK HELEN L. (nee Bogacz)  1896 - 1937 wife of George
ZVANCIUK NICOLAI  1857 - 1943 35-18-S
ZVANCIUK THOMAS T.  1897 - 1984

Surname   A - B - C
Surname   D - E - F
Surname   G - H - I
Surname   J - K - L
Surname   M - N      
Surname   O - P - Q
Surname  R - S - T
Surname   U - V - W
Surname   Y - Z      

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