Carmelheim Roman Catholic Cemetery
Leipzig district
R.M. of Reford # 379   SW 6-37-18 W3
GPS   52.145526°N   -108.572205°W
First burial in 1911, 74 burials by 1971

Compiled by E. S. Zimmer
Updated January 2021 by Leo Schwebius and family

Cemetery Map    Names & Plot Numbers     Cemetery Map Updated to 2020 [pdf]    Names & plot numbers Updated to 2021 [pdf]

Surname, Given Name Age Date of Death
Adrian, Catherine age 55 Aug 7, 1923
Adrian, Matthew age 92 Jan 23, 1946
Barney, Michels age 2 1909
Becker, August age 67 Oct 15, 1934
Becker, Peter age 53 Apr 30, 1916
Bitz, Eugene Joseph January 1928
Butgesoll, Lawrence age 80 Sept 25, 1932
Cey, Martin Patrick (Infant) Dec 5, 1936
Delainey, Della age 63 May 27, 1949
Delainey, George 1911
Delainey, Joe age 96 Aug, 1971
Devaney, Patrick age 72 Dec 28, 1925
Engel, Philomina age 54 Dec 12, 1945
Fittkau, Edward age 2 Jul 9, 1934
Fittkau, Mary age 55 Mar 6, 1957
Gaertner, Barbara age 38 May 23, 1932
Germseid, Martha age 80 Sept 5, 2002
Goetz, Felix age 19 May 13, 1997
Goetz, Reina age 37 Jan 20, 1926
Goetz, Valentine age 80 Dec 13, 1947
Gutgesoll, Herman age 21? 1912
Gutgesoll, Lawrence age 80 Sep 25, 1932
Gutgesoll, Rudy age 54 1957
Gutgesoll, Theresa age 85 1913
Haas, Amelia May 9, 1947
Haas, Jacob age 20(?) May 1, 1928
Haas, Jacob age 85 Jan 19, 1935
Haas, Karl Christian age 40 Sep 16, 1939
Hartman, August Stephen age 1 Jan 4, 1925
Hass, Jacob age 20? May 1, 1928
Heidt, Phyllis Alice (infant) Dec 23, 1932
Hemmerling, Christine age 55 Aug 30, 1932
Hofer, John age 49 Jul 11, 1924
Jarmin, Agnes age 75? Sep 1, 1930
Jarmin, Joe Sep 20, 1918
Jarmin, JOsephine age 80 1950
Kletzel, Bernard age 28 Dec 1, 1931
Kletzel, Bernard age 77 Jan 5, 1954
Kletzel, Katherine age 64 Jun 9, 1947
Klusa, Carl age 2 Dec 3, 1916
Komadoski, Cecilia age 90 May 12, 2012
Kraus, Vincent age 65 Jun 13, 1937
Lanigan, David age 61 Dec 23, 1920
Lanigan, David Mrs. age 80(?) Dec 28, 1940
Lanigan, John age 22 Nov 6, 1918
Leinenweber, Katherine age 75 Nov 13, 1936
Leinenweber, Peter age 53 May 30 1916
Lomer, John age 37 Oct 14, 1918
Lommer, Bernadette age 32 Sep 29, 1960
Lommer, Catherine age 71 Sep 4, 1928
Lommer, Frederick age 12 Oct 25, 1923
Lommer, Frederick Peter age 6 Feb 10, 1924
Lommer, Hans age 21 Oct 14, 1918
Lommer, Peter age 54 1911
Michels, Barney age 2 1909
Ochs, Anton age 71 Jun 22, 1937
Ochs, Benjamin age 52 Jun 3, 1959
Ochs, Carl age 20 1912
Ochs, Carl age 1 Mar 22, 1922
Ochs, Elizabeth age 75 Feb, 1942
Ochs, Margaret age 52 Aug 12, 1955
Oeks, A.M. age 1 Mar. 22 1922
Reiger, Maria age 32 Apr 11, 1930
Reiniger, Agnes age 52 Apr 25, 1950
Reiniger, Alois age 40 Nov 24, 1960
Reiniger, Frank age 92 1979
Rohs, William age 8 Feb 22, 1948
Schafhauser, Louis age 38 Sep 16, 1933
Schiller, John Mrs. age 54 1912
Schommer, Joe 1912
Shiller, John age 65 Mar 15, 1921
Straub, Elizabeth age 48 Aug 22, 1917
Straub, Henrietta age 45 Jul 20, 1936
Straub, Mat age 79 Sep 25 1948
Suter, Maria Martha (Infant) Oct 7, 1948
Tchida, Agnes age 77 Aug 1, 1946
Tchida, John age 64 Jun 21, 1923
Thomas, Martin age 85 Oct 6 1917
Thomas, Martin Mrs age 65 1923
Vaessen, Edmund (infant) May 22, 1929
Vaessen, Leo age 88 Apr 26, 1960
Vaessen, Mary age 51 Dec 1, 1944
Zimmer*, Bernard Joe age 84 Mar 11, 1962
Zimmer*, Katherine age 86 Aug 3, 1937
Zimmer*, Katherine age 75 Dec 9, 1950
The * indicates my family [E.S. Zimmer].
There are four unknown

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Updated January 22, 20221. Julia Adamson.

Copyright. Bibliography for citations:
Adamson, Julia, Ron Isherwood, E.S. Zimmer, Leo Schwebius and family. (2021, January 22) Carmelheim Roman Catholic Cemetery Leipzig District Saskatchewan Cemeteries Project. Retrieved from

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