ANAKA, Anna G. 1888 1968 ANAKA, Anna 1928 1929 ANAKA, George W. 1924 - 12 Jul 1976 hus of Rita Mintenko, son of Wasyl ANAKA, Janice J. 1888 1981 ANAKA, John 1932 - 1932 ANAKA, John G. 18 Apr 1905 - 22 Feb 1996 son of George & Annie ANAKA, John W. 1880 10 Apr 1977 hus of Zovie ANAKA, Justine 1890 1961 ANAKA, Lena 1864 1949 ANAKA, Lillian 1916 1922 ANAKA, Lily 1856 1918 ANAKA, Metro W. 1913 - 4 Jan 1974 son of Wasyl & Justine ANAKA, Mike G. 1 Jan 1914 17 Feb 1990 ANAKA, Patsy 1935 1942 ANAKA, Paul W. 1928 - 1964 ANAKA, Peter 1889 1927 ANAKA, Shaye B. 1882 -1948 ANAKA, Stefan 'Steve' 1884 1931 hus of Ksenka Parasiuk, son of Todor ANAKA, Steve W. 1904 1929 ANAKA, Todar (Fred) 1846 1934 ANAKA, Wasyl 1856 1918 ANAKA, Wasyl 1886 - 1951 ANAKA, William 1931 - 1931 son of Mike ANAKA, Zovie 15 Feb 1912 - 26 Jun 2002 dau of George & Annie ANDRUSKO, Annie 1923 1927 ANDRUSKO, Billy 1918 - 1919 BAZANSKY, Christina 1853 - 1940 BAZANSKY, Dmetro 1883 1967 hus of Mary M. BAZANSKY, John 1885 - 1979 BAZANSKY, Mary J. 1885 1960 BAZANSKY, Mary M. (nee Kushenir) 1888 24 Dec 1980 dau of William & Dora BAZANSKY, Mike 22 Dec 1911 27 Apr 1992 hus of Mary Zaharam, son of John & Mary (nee Wihnan) BAZANSKY, Sadie 1915 1996 BAZANSKY, Stefan 1850 1940 BAZANSKY, Steve 1910 - 1995 BAZANSKY, William 'Bill' 14 Mar 1920 26 Feb 2001 son of John & Mary BESKOWINY, Alex 1881 1931 hus of Wasylka Shuparski BESKOWINY, John 1881 1954 BESKOWINY, Mary (nee Ozirney) 24 Mar 1919 - 17 Sep 2004 wife of Mike, dau of Mike & Anna (nee Mirka) BESKOWINY, Olga BESKOWINY, Ruth (nee Anaka) 9 Apr 1919 - 22 Feb 1990 wife of William, dau of Wasyl & Justine BESKOWINY, William 'Bill' 24 Apr 1908 - 2 Nov 1995 son of Alex & Wasylka BESKOWINY, Wasylena 1888 1972 BESKOWINY, Zovie 1923 - 1926 BOYCHUK, George BOYCHUK, John BOYCHUK, Mary BOYCHUK, Nellie dau of Wasyl BOYCHUK, Nickoloi 1918 - 1984 BOYCHUK, Sam BOYCHUK, Sanek 1864 -1937 BOYCHUK, Tom BOYCHUK, W. 18?? 1946 BOYCHUK, Wasyl 1882 - 1956 BOYKO, John 1880 - 1966 BURYM, Andrew 1879 - 1956 CHEHORSKY, Katrina (nee Dutchak) 21 Sep 1889 10 Apr 1985 dau of Mike & Nattie CHEHORSKY, Metro 1879 - 1929 hus of Katrina CHEREMKORA, Aksente 1847 1??? CHEREMKORA, Billie died 1913 CHORNEY, Lena 1914 - 1934 DIDORAK, Mary 1906 - 1927 wife of Tom DIDORAK, Tom 1899 14 Feb 1977 DIDORK, Wasyl 1893 - 1943 DOUSCHUK, Karitina 1872 - 1945 FETCHUK, Dora 1921 1928 dau of Michael & Paraska FETCHUK, Margrate 1912 - 1928 dau of Michael & Paraska FETCHUK, Michael 'Mike' 1872 1949 FETCHUK, Paraska 'Polly' (nee Bazanski) 1880 - 1954 dau of Steve & Warwara FORSACHUK, Harose 1884 1957 FORSACHUK, Stepannia 1886 -1953 KALTURYNK, Anne Coste 6 Aug 1913 3 Jul 2000 wife of Nickolas KALTURYNK, Dokia 'Dora' Beshowiney 1881 1976 KALTURYNK, John 1903 - 1972 KALTURYNK, Nickolas 18 Sep 1916 - 8 Aug 1994 KALTURYNK, Peter 1875 1934 KALTURYNK, Siamon 1872 1934 KALTURYNK, Steve 1908 1945 KALTURYNK, Wasyl 1905 - 1976 KIZIUK, Fanny 1861 - 1939 KIZIUK, Theodore 1854 1922 KORNEYCHUK, Oksanna 'Annie' (nee Mirka) 1909 - 1969 dau of John KORNEYCHUK, William 'Bill' 10 Aug 1903 - 7 Jun 1986 hus of Annie KOROLUK, Anna died 1929 KOROLUK, Anastasia (nee Morgotch) 1875 - 5 Jan 1930 KOROLUK, Domka died 1918 KOROLUK, Gust 27 Oct 1926 - 23 Apr 2012 son of Metro & Katherine KOROLUK, Jerry M. Apr 1947 Dec 1947 KOROLUK, John 1902 - 1975 KOROLUK, Katherine (nee Kratchkowski) 8 Apr 1901 21 Dec 1987 dau of Joseph & Eva KOROLUK, Lena 1907 - 1950 KOROLUK, Metro 1894 - 2 Sep 1979 son of Nickolia & Nastasiak KOROLUK, Metro 25 Oct 1924 - 1 Aug 2004 son of Metro & Katherine KOROLUK, Michelina died 1921 dau of Metro & Katherine KOROLUK, Nickolia 1868 1928 KOROLUK, Nickoloi 1913 - 1955 KOROLUK, Paul 1935 1936 KOROLUK, Sylvia 1951 - 1951 KRACHKOWSKI, Pauline 16 Jun 1916 28 Jun 1997 dau of Joseph & Eva KUCHEROWSKY, Wasyl Rev. 1882 1952 KUCHEROWSKY, Mrs. W. 1886 1964 KURULUK, Barbara died 1927 KURULUK, John 1897 1937 KURULAK, Timothy 1874 1966 KURULAK, Verna 1879 - 1918 KOZMANIUK, Katie 1895 1927 KOZMANIUK, Wesley 1888 1950 KRACHKAWSKI, Anton 1864 1948 KRACHKAWSKI, Joe 1868 - 1952 LETWINUIK, George LETWINUIK, Maria died 1940 LUCZANKO, Wasyl died 1918 MAHALUK, Mary 1897 1916 MALENKI, Emil 1901 1991 hus of Martha MALENKI, Martha (nee Lukianik) 1902 28 Jan 1996 dau of Sawko & Veronika (nee Forsachuk) MALENKI, Olga 1928 - 1952 MANZUIK, Wasylena 1881 1962 MARANDUK, Annie 1896 - 1973 MARANDUK, John 1916 1988 MARANDUK, Nicholas 1888 - 1969 hus of Annie MARTENIUK, Mary died 1925 MASKWICH, Lena 1920 - 1936 METEUSH, Kmet 1888 1909 MINTENKO, Anna 1886 1961 MINTENKO, Arthur Thomas 'Tom' 1914 3 Feb 1995 son of Nazarie & Anna MINTENKO, Bill 6 Apr 1912 - 20 Apr 1996 MINTENKO, Dokita died 1916 MINTENKO, George 1903 19 Jul 1984 son of Harry & Anna (nee Didorak) MINTENKO, Iwen died 1910 MINTENKO, Janice 1952 1985 MINTENKO, Marie Jean (nee Goddard) 1902 - 27 Jun 1981 wife of Tom MINTENKO, Mary (nee Yagelneskey) 1922 22 Nov 1992 wife of George, dau of Joe & Annie MINTENKO, Nazarie 1886 - 1958 MINTENKO, Steve 14 Dec 1906 29 Feb 1992 son of Harry & Anna MINTENKO, Wasyl MIRKA, Acksana 1902 - 1910 MIRKA, Alex 1913 - 23 Aug 1970 son of John & Wasilka MIRKA, Andrew 1914 - 1995 MIRKA, George 1911 19 Jul 1981 son of John & Wasyelena (nee Yakushyk) MIRKA, John 1871 - 1961 MIRKA, Mike MIRKA, Wasylka 1880 - 1963 MITRAN, John 1875 1951 MITRAN, Mary 1880 - 1931 MIZOWEK, Federa 1905 - 1976 MIZOWEK, Platon 1892 1962 MUDAK, Katie 1903 - 1927 MUSLAK, Katie 1900 - 1927 MUSTAK, Mary 1900 - 1939 OMELCHUK, Leonti 1857 1940 OMELCHUK, Sophia 1859 1953 ONESCHUK, Annie 1894 1984 ONESCHUK, Dora 1922 1923 ONESCHUK, Fred 1882 - 1960 ONESCHUK, John 1891 - 22 Jan 1977 hus of Annie Bulawka, son of Nicolia & Dokia ONESCHUK, Johnnie died 1924 ONESCHUK, Nasthasia 1891 - 1971 OZIRNEY, Anna (nee Mirka) 1898 1932 wife of Mike OZIRNEY, Annette 1943 - 1962 dau of John & Julia OZIRNEY, Bill 1902 1978 OZIRNEY, Fred 1865 1934 OZIRNEY, Iwan son of Mike OZIRNEY, Jerry 1919 - 1939 son of Peter OZIRNEY, John 1908 9 Sep 1980 OZIRNEY, Julia (nee Smud) 1914 1982 OZIRNEY, Mary (nee Kitchen) 1907 - 1968 OZIRNEY, Mike 1894 3 Apr 1977 OZIRNEY, Olga dau of Mike OZIRNEY, Polly 1874 1955 OZIRNEY, Teddy 1927 1930 son of Wasyl & Mary OZIRNEY, Todas son of Mike OZIRNEY, Wasyl 20 May 1902 - 2 May 1978 PALANIUK, Andrew PALANIUK, Maria PALANIUK, Mary 1915 PANKO, Metro 1893 1924 PRESHKEDOA, George 1863 - 1927 PUSHKEDRA, Safrom 1883 1923 RUBLITZ, Edith RURAK, Wasylka 'Sara' (nee Bazanski) 1890 24 Oct 1981 dau of Steve & Warwara SAWKA, Harry died 1927 SAWKA, Pearl 1923 1926 SEMESCHUK, Jokim 1900 1961 SEMESCHUK, Tymosh 1897 1940 SEMESCHUK, Waska 1899 1970 wife of Tymosh SHUPARSKI, Alex SHUPARSKI, Andrew 1892 - 1931 hus of Annie Manziuk SHUPARSKI, Billie SHUPARSKI, Dan SHUPARSKI, Mary 1862 1931 SHUPARSKI, Mary (nee Kushneruk) 1903 - 1987 wife of Steve SHUPARSKI, Metro 1936 - 1961 SHUPARSKI, Mike SHUPARSKI, Steve 1896 - 1959 SHUPARSKI, Wasyl 1860 - 1941 SHUPARSKI, William 'Bill' 1925 5 May 1990 hus of Helen Jansen, son of Steve & Mary (nee Krushniruik) SOPIWNYK, Domnica 1901 1951 SOPIWNYK, (unknown) 1882 1972 SOWA, Roman 1897 1951 SOWA, Theodozia (nee Muschuk) 1896 6 Oct 1971 wife of Roman STERANKO, Stefane 1934 193? STERANKO, Steve 1889 1938 hus of Martha STERANKO, Voldomere 1922 - 1932 SUNDUK, Dora 1910 - 1915 SURCON, Allan died 1939 SURCON, Anna SURCON, Johnnie SURCON, Mary 1905 1955 SURSON, William 1902 1965 TERON, Fred died 1953 TERON, John D. 1875 1948 TERON, John F. 7 Jul 1920 - 15 Nov 1994 son of Fred & Elsie TERON, Maria 1890 1945 TERON, Mary died 1951 TERON, Wasylena 1895 1973 wife of Fred TERRY, Amma 1910 1974 TRAKALO, Annie 1887 - 1952 UKALCHUK, Terenti 1892 28 Sep 1978 WELGOSH, Harry WELGOSH, Mary 1904 1925 WELGUSH, Jessie (nee Wasylenchuk) 1901 1961 wife of Mike WELGUSH, Metro 1927 - 2005 WELGUSH, Mike 1892 1938 WIHNAN Lornie 1944 1945 WIHNAN, Mike 1861 - 1936 WIHNAN, Polly 1876 - 1959 wife of Mike YAGANICKI, (unknown) 1947 YAGANISKI, Millard Oct 1941 - Nov 1941 YAKASHYK, Alex 1886 1940 YAKASHYK, George 1854 1936 YAKASHYK, (unknown) 1859 1931 YUKUSHEK, Mary Anaka 1856 - 1916 YUZEK, George 1863 19?? YUZEK, Mary 1868 - 1955 YUZEK, Miria 1862 1937 ZAHARA, Agatha 1874 - 1952 ZAHARA, Annie (nee Yuzek) 1893 4 Oct 1989 ZAHARA, George 1922 - 1998 ZAHARA, Kost 1883 1957 ZAHARA, Pete 1919 28 Nov 1977 son of Kost & Annie ZAHARA, Pete 1871 - 1949 ZINCHUK, Kindrat 1875 - 6 Jun 1943 hus of Tekla ZOIZDS, Wasylena 1878 - 1969 |
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