Adair, Harry 1867 - 1950 Alstad, Anna Otelia (nee Pederson) 1888 - 1925 Alstad, Jasper 1886 - 1967 hus of Grace Hitchcock Anderson, Agnes dau of John & Margarithe (nee Larson) Anderson, Albin 1926 - 1941 son of August & Hannah Anderson, August 1884 - 1956 Anderson, Clarence 1890 - 1964 brother to Ingwal Anderson, Edna dau of John & Margarithe Anderson, Esther Anderson, Geneva (nee Purrie) 1904 - 1968 wife of Clarence Anderson, Hannah 1894 - 1960 Anderson, Ingwal 1893 - 1958 hus of Idella Edwards Atkins, Edward Francis 25 Jun 1941 - 1 Sep 1960 son of Edwin & Dorothy Atkins, Edwin 1899 - 1973 hus of Dorothy Lines Bartschat, Elsie 1890 - 1934 Bartschat, William 1881 - 1950 Baxter, Frank 1887 - 1966 Berg, Hans 25 Mar 1885 - 1965 Berg, May (nee Purrie) 1900 - 4 Dec 1972 wife of Hans Blum, Wilhelm 1920 - 1973 Bolsover, Alwyn 1876 - 1965 Bolsover, Bessie (nee McDaniel) 1890 - 1967 Boutin, Mrs. Bovee, (baby) Bowen, Mrs. Braaten, Albert 10 Aug 1890 - 8 Sep 1955 son of Ole & Marit (nee Skaro) Braaten, Alice Helen (nee Torgeson) 31 Jan 1892 - 13 Apr 1953 wife of Teman Braaten, Carl 1888 - 1977 son of Ole & Marit Braaten, Christina (nee MacKinnon) 1897 - 11 May 1976 wife of Albert Braaten, Clara 1888 - 1977 Braaten, Donald R. 20 Jul 1965 - 1 Apr 1983 son of Robert & Marjorie (nee Murphy) Braaten, Earl 1915 - 1962 Braaten, Eileen 1928 - 1991 Braaten, Gregory Allen 1 Aug 1957 - 13 Jan 1990 son of Robert & Marjorie Braaten, Harold 1918 - 1996 Braaten, Kenneth 1932 - 1998 hus of Jacqueline Lee Braaten, Marjorie (nee Murphy) 1925 - 1985 Braaten, Robert W. 1921 - 1976 Braaten, Teman 6 Mar 1892 - 1969 son of Ole & Marit Braaten, Virgil Francis 24 Oct 1917 - 20 Dec 1967 hus of Maureen Moriarity & Doreen Stone Brandt, Mrs. Brawn, Frank 1922 - 1922 Brawn, Martha (nee Roland) 1900 - 1938 wife of Charles Broden, John 1873 - 1913 Brower, Mrs. Brown, David 10 Feb 1883 - 22 Jan 1970 Brown, Harvey 1924 - 1926 son of David & Ida Brown, Ida (nee McCauley) 19 Aug 1906 - 1 Dec 1991 wife of David Buck, Elton 1903 - 1932 Buck, Henry Arzeno 12 Feb 1869 - 1952 hus of Hyla Davis, Mrs. Lydia Shaw & Agnes Gordon Buck, Hyla (nee Davis) 1865 - Aug 1922 Buck, Juliette 1898 - 1989 Buck, Otto 1897 - 1971 son of Henry & Hyla Buck, Sherry 1960 - 1976 dau of Henry Jr. & Marilyn (nee Culham) Buck, Stanley 2 Feb 1900 - 1923 son of Henry & Hyla Burlie, Mildred 1922 Butters, William Dyas Carpenter, (baby) Carroll, George 1880 - 1973 Clarke, John Coburn, James 25 Mar 1884 - 1963, 2nd hus of Sarah Coburn, Sarah 'Sadie' (nee Graham) Peebles 1888 - 1949 Coburn, William Allister 25 Jan 1926 - 23 Aug 2009 hus of Georgina Eckert, son of James & Sarah Collinson, Albert Gordon 30 Jul 1920 - 1 Jan 2014 son of Joseph & Theresa Collinson, Francis Joseph 17 Oct 1903 - 1991 son of Joseph & Theresa Collinson, Gibson Lincoln 17 Oct 1904 - 17 Apr 1963 son of Joseph & Theresa Collinson, James Alexander 1917 - 1989 son of Joseph & Theresa Collinson, Janet (nee Walton) 1914 - 1991 wife of Francis Collinson, Lincoln Joseph 9 Feb 1872 - 1952 son of Joseph & Martha Collinson, Mona (nee Tuffs) 1923 - 1995 wife of James Collinson, Theresa Veronica (nee Handel) 1885 - 1966 Colwell, Ivan John 12 May 1917 - 7 Jan 1992 hus of Margaret Stenhouse Corbet, A. G. Coulter, Doritha 1913 - 1932 Coulter, George 1850 - 1936 Coulter, Stanley 1930 - 1930 son of George & Hazel Cranell, Elizabeth 'Libbie' (nee Underwood) Cresswell, Mrs. Davis, Carl 1888 - 1963 hus of Mary Davis, Mary (nee Braaten) 1895 - 1954 dau of Ole & Marit (nee Skaro) Dejersey, James Dennis, Brito 1892 - 30 dec 1979 wife Wes Garbutt Dennis, Elton 9 Dec 1890 - 7 Nov 1965, 2nd hus of Brito Doesickle, (baby) Doesickle, (baby) Duffy, Albert Edward 1891 - 1953, 2nd hus of Marjorie Duffy, Marjorie May (nee Bayne) 1 Jul 1902 - 1979 dau of David & Abigail Duky, Mrs. Anna 1887 - 1994 Duncan, Esther (nee Schneider) 1942 - Mar 1987 wife of William Jr. Dutton, William 1885 - 1936 hus of Edna Gray Ellison, Andrew 1881 - 1979 Erickson, Andrew Erickson, Anselm 1882 - 1933 Erickson, Brita 1910 - 199 Erickson, Edward 'Bob' 1943 - 1960 son of Andrew & Emily Erickson, Emily (nee Resch) 28 Mar 1926 - 21 May 2015 dau of Jack & Philomena Erickson, Guinillo 1879 - 1946 Erickson, John 1865 - 1928 Erickson, John 1933 - 1973 Erickson, Nels 1904 - 1970 Erickson, S. Edward 1884 - 1915 Evans, Ernest 1881 - 1963 Evans, Willamina 1877 - 1974 Evenson, Grace 1885 - 1946 Evenson, John 1885 - 1923 Evenson, Morris 1922 - 1928 Evenson, Ole 1878 - 1961 Evjen, Brynhild 1859 - 1949 Evjen, Ingebright 1848 - 1923 Evjen, John 1884 - Apr 1957 son of Ingebright & Brynhild Evjen, Marion Hazel 1921 - 1923 dau of John & Randie Evjen, Randie (nee Slind) 1888 - Jan 1968 Evjen, Valery 1931 - 1932 dau of John & Randie Fifield, Harriett Eliza (nee Bowley) 20 Oct 1851 - 21 May 1926 Fifield, Magdalena (nee Eisenbeis) 1906 - 6 Feb 1998 wife of William Jr. Fifield, Miriam Agnes (nee Smart) 15 Nov 1870 - 21 Sep 1955 Fifield, William Albert Sr. 5 Dec 1871 - 19 Mar 1929 Fifield, William Wallace 8 Dec 1900 - 27 Jul 1973 son of William Sr. & Miriam Flanagan, Alexander Edward 1877 - 1933 Flanagan, Elizabeth lynn 1882 - 1953 wife of Alexander Forrest, Archie 1893 - 1972 hus of Carolyn Forrest, Carolyn (nee Spence) 1895 - 1965 dau of Bryden & Susan Foy, James Hugh 2 Feb 1886 - 11 Nov 1918 hus of Ida Ellen Lougee Freeman, Barbara (infant) dau of Mertland & Bertha (nee Leggott) Garbutt, Charles 1872 - 1938 Gardner, E. W. Geissler, (baby) Gobert, (baby) Gremm, Ernest 6 Aug 1919 - 2 Oct 1985 son of Conrad & Mabel Gremm, Mabel (nee George) 1882 - 1935 Haggart, Catherine (nee MacQuarrie) 15 Oct 1892 - 8 Feb 1989 wife of James Haggart, Daniel 1913 - 1933 son of James & Catherine Haggart, James Sr. 29 Jan 1886 - 1968 Halvorson, Allan Ingman died 1998 hus of Christine Halvorson, Christine Brita (nee Walquist) 1911 - 18 Nov 2010 dau of John & Guinilla Hand, Peter Hanna, Edna 1917 - 1918 Hanna, Louise 1889 - 1981 Hanna, Tom 1888 - 1969 Hanson, Carl 1892 - 1953 Harp, Nora 1878 - 1954 Harrison, (child) Harrison, Florence (nee Collinson) 1909 - 1934 wife of Dellie, dau of Joseph & Theresa Harrison, Mrs. E. E. 1909 - 1934 Harrison, Robert 1932 - 1954 Harrison, Ronald 1934 - 1948 Heard, Sarah Ann (nee Wiseman) 29 May 1892 - Jun 1945 wife of Stanley White & William Heard Hillrud, Alina 1909 - 11 Sep 1993 wife of Chester Hockett, Mabel 1889 - 1982 Holt, Alice Holt, (baby) Holt, Gust Howey, Ed 1874 - 1958 Howey, Sarah Ann 1876 - 1914 Hughes, Clarence 14 Nov 1908 - 5 Jan 1953 hus of Marjorie Hughes, Helen Harriet (nee Shiels) 19 Apr 1919 - 13 Sep 2014 dau of Nels & Alice Hughes, Marjorie (nee Shiels) 18 Jul 1917 - Jun 1994 dau of Nels & Alice Hughes, Russell D. 1906 - 1996 hus of Helen, son of Daniel & Rozeltha (nee Smith) Hunchiak, Frank 1888 - 1949 Hutchins, Edward 1856 - 1948 Ireland, (baby) 1926 Irwin, Shirley 1933 - 1956 Jacklin, Gertrude Margaret (nee Winterstein) 1917 - 1980 wife of Keith Jacklin, Helen 1905 - 1978 Jacklin, Keith 1919 - 1978 Jacklin, Robert 1900 - 1985 Johnson, (baby) 1925 child of Aron & Karolina Johnson, Alma 21921 - 1939 Johnson, Annie 1924 dau of Aron & Karolina Johnson, Arden 1940 - 1991 hus of Edna Gauld Johnson, Aron 1878 - 1961 Johnson, Cirtez 1920 - 1979 Johnson, Ed 1884 - 1926 Johnson, Evelyn 1926 - 1990 Johnson, Irvin 1912 - 1956 Johnson, Jessie 1974 - 1976 Johnson, John 26 Oct 1910 - 1981 son of Aron & Karolina Johnson, Karin 1914 - 1921 son of Aron & Karolina Johnson, Karolina 1885 - 1953 Johnson, Kirsten 'Kay' (nee Persson) 1908 - 1984 wife of John Johnson, Nels 1874 - 1962 Johnson, Nels 1912 - 1921 son of Aron & Karolina Johnson, Velma (nee Cole) 1920 - 1980 wife of Victor Johnson, Victor 1916 - 1994 son of Aron & Karolina Johnson, Viola 1892 - 1929 Jones, Ethel Jane (nee Reader) 1884 - 1957 wife of Joseph Jones, Joseph 1880 - 1944 Jones, Mildred 23 Jul 1914 - 22 Feb 1999 wife of George Jorgenson, Mabel Irene (nee Hansen) died 10 Dec 2014 Jorgenson, Raymond died 2001 Kempfert, Mary Jane 1870 - 1924 Kennedy, Denis Francis Jun 1874 - 1947 Kennedy, Mary Frances (nee O'Connor) 1889 - 1958 wife of Denis Kennedy, Park 1896 - 1908 Kennedy, Tom 1880 - 1955 Kidd, Argue 1890 - 1923 Kidd, Raymond 1917 Kimber, Blanche (nee Moore) 1903 - 1973 Kimber, Clement James 1884 - 1969 Kimber, Robert Clement 20 Nov 1929 - 21 Mar 2010 hus of Vivian Hughes, son of Clement & Blanche Kimber, Stanley Edmund** 6 Mar 1934 - 29 Mar 2004 son of Clement & Blanche King, Mrs. Richard 1938 Koskie, Minnie 1916 - Krismer, Charles 1912 - 1997 Landman, Rose Marie (nee Wolff) 1 Jan 1941 - 1999 wife of Frank Lange, Dennis D. 1963 - 1986 Larson, Albert 1939 - 1939 Larson, Helen (nee Harrison) 1899 - 8 Mar 1985 wife of Henry Larson, Henry 1899 - 1922 Larson, Lars 1895 - 18 Dec 1985 Lee, Clara Elizabeth (nee Flanigan) 1910 - 1998 wife of John R. Lee, Emily (nee Eastwood) 1889 - 1983 wife of John W. Lee, John Roived Nov 1907 - 1969 son of John & Emily Lee, John W. 6 Jan 1881 - 1966 son of John & Maria (nee Cocks) Lee, Song Linder, Benjamin May 1884 - Feb 1958 Linder, Ethel Croshaw McGinn Sep 1894 - Aug 1987 wife of Benjamin Linder, Gordon 1922 - 1971 hus of Emily Campbell Linder, Gregory Lindley, Ellen 1914 - 1988 Lindley, Fred 1906 - 1983 Lines, Charles 1889 - 1967 son of Charles Sr. & Elizabeth Lines, Jane (nee Fleck) 1892 - 1961 wife of Charles Lister, Clara Loveday, Elizabeth 1856 - 1930 Lund, Charles Main, Blanche (nee Freeman) 2 Dec 1885 - 1980 Main, Florrice 1861 - 1945 Main, Hazel Main, J. R. T. 1853 - 1923 Main, Lennox 12 Jan 1920 - 3 Oct 1943 son of Norman & Blanche Main, Noel 1890 - 1915 Main, Norman 1892 - 1933 son of John & Florence (nee Vine) Main, Reginald Herbert 'Rex' 1897 - 15 Oct 1973 son of John & Florence Marsch, Wanda (nee Klemke) 15 Oct 1890 - 1931 wife of Gustav Sr. Marsellus, George Vernon 25 Oct 1885 - 1964 Marsellus, Jane (nee Hanna) 1895 - 1992 wife of George Mathison, Bjarne 1 Dec 1909 - 4 Feb 1966 hus of Erma Bell Mathison, Peter 1890 - 1947 Mathison, Ragnhild (nee Anderson) 1886 - 1949 wife of Peter Mathison, Ruby 1924 McCauley, (baby) McCauley, Betty 1930 - 1931 McCoy, Marjorie Anne (nee Sillerud) 18 Apr 1919 - 20 Jun 2001 dau of Martin & Nettie McCoy, Phyllis M. 1922 - 1998 McCoy, Richard 1981 - 1991 McCoy, Thomas G. 1919 - 1996 McDonnell, Martin McLaurin, Ian 1928 - 1962 McLaurin, John Arthur 1890 - 1944 hus of Marjorie May Bayne Milne, George 1942 Milne, Jane 1887 - 1976 Minor, John H. 1946 - 1979 Minor, Theodore 1879 - 1937 Mizernik, Mike 1905 - 1997 hus of Julia Romanyshyn Muir, Melvin 22 May 1898 - 15 Dec 1972 son of Albert & Sarah (nee MacLean) Munwich, Dometro 1892 - 1974 Munwich, Wasyl 1890 - 1976 Nason, Ronald Arthur 9 Oct 1897 - 1988 hus of Christina Bruder Nelson, Ida 1892 - 1967 Nichols, Ben Nichols, Elizabeth 1872 - 1927 Nieminen, Andrew Eero 5 Apr 2010 age 91 son of Niilo & Annie Nieminen, Annie 1893 - 1969 Nieminen, Elizabeth 'Betty' (nee Krismer) died 29 Jul 2011 Nieminen, Marnie Joy (infant) dau of Andrew & Elizabeth Nieminen, Niilo 1890 - 1965 Nilson, Mrs. M. Nixon, Melvin 1901 - 1985 Nixon, Robert 1929 - 1998 son of Melvin & Thelma Nixon, Thelma 1901 - 1995 Nordli, Inga (nee Gervie) died Jan 1918 wife of Hans Ogle, Sarah 1857 - 1940 Orton, Mrs. Les Oswald, Clifford 1917 - 1920 Pearce, Betty Lou (nee Brown) died 22 Nov 2016 Pederson, Clarence died Feb 2017 hus of Betty Colburn, son of Lewis & Ella Pederson, David 9 Apr 1934 - 25 Oct 1934 son of Peter & Almin Pederson, Ella (nee Alstad) 15 Feb 1889 - 1970 Pederson, George 1905 - 1937 Pederson, Gilbert E. 2 Feb 1920 - 1924 son of Peter & Almin Pederson, Gilbert Ole 11 Nov 1848 - 3 May 1937 Pederson, Gordon Otis 10 Jan 1918 - 20 Sep 1944 son of Otto & Mabel Pederson, Inez 1949 Pederson, Ingeborg (nee Thorson) 5 Oct 1854 - 23 Jul 1933 wife of Gilbert Pederson, Irvin 1914 - 1917 son of Lewis & Ella Pederson, Irvin 1919 - 1996 son of Lewis & Ella Pederson, Julius 17 Feb 1887 - 2 Jun 1966 son of Gilbert & Ingeborg Pederson, Leroy 1927 - 1972 son of Lewis & Ella Pederson, Levi 1911 - 1912 son of Peter & Almin Pederson, Lewis 21 Sep 1883 - 12 Apr 1945 son of Gilbert & Ingeborg Pederson, Merwin 1926 - 1927 Pederson, Otto Ingvald 24 Nov 1891 - 5 May 1941 hus of Mabel Espelien Pederson, Robert Jul 1931 - Jul 1931 son of Peter & Almin Peebles, Hugh 24 Jan 1916 - 12 Sep 1933 son of Hugh & Sarah (nee Graham) Penner, Peter 1888 - 1941 Peterson, Anselm 1903 - 1980 Peterson, Berger 1888 - 1952 Peterson, Christian 1973 - 1975 Peterson, Eileen 1902 - 1949 Peterson, Herbert 1910 - 1987 Peterson, Hjylmer 1856 - 1945 Peterson, Maria 1866 - 1941 Peterson, Walter 1928 - 1983 Phillips, Clarica 'Clara' (nee Johnstone) 1863 - 1941 Phillips, Gwen 1948 Phillips, James 31 Jan 1898 - 1961 son of Abraham & Clarica Phillips, Jenny (nee Lowes) 24 Jun 1903 - 1977 wife of James Pollock, Ellen 1904 - 1991 Pollock, Emerson 1897 - 1978 Pollock, John 1925 Pollock, John Archibald 1891 - 1955 son of Richard & Mary (nee Smith) Pollock, Ralph Emerson 4 Jun 1938 - 25 May 2016 Porter, Fred 1922 Porter, Isabella 1890 - 1926 Porter, Philip Ethelbert 26 Mar 1884 - 31 May 1952 Prentice, Ben B. 1930 Prentice, Harold 1924 - 23 Dec 1996 hus of Helen Prentice, John B. 1924 Proctor, Charles 1893 - 1954 Purrie, Caroline 1864 - 1945 Purrie, George 1872 - 1943 Rennie, Alexander 1891 - 1985 Rennie, Margaret Jane 'Madge' (nee Dinsmore) 1895 - 1987 wife of Alexander Reno, Christina 1887 - 1947 Reno, Clara May 1921 - 1928 dau of Ole & Christina Reno, Clifford Oswald 1917 - 1920 son of Ole & Christina Reno, Ole 1880 - 1972 son of John & Helga Rewerts, Edith Melinda (nee Errengren) 2 May 1891 - 26 Apr 1968 Rewerts, Fay (nee Rusk) 11 Nov 1939 - 6 Jul 2013 dau of Art & Nellie Rewerts, Henry Edwards 30 Jul 1886 - 5 Jun 1970 son of Frerich & Carolina (nee Jacobs) Rewerts, John Henry 1929 - 1981 hus of Fay Reynolds, George 1890 - 1968 Reynolds, Patrick Teman 29 Mar 931 - 8 Feb 1999 hus of Alice White Robertson, Catherine 2 May 1879 - 1962 wife of Donald Robertson, Donald 1873 - 1933 Robertson, Robert 1915 - 1989 Roland, Carl 1873 - 1971 Roland, Marie 1876 - 1931 wife of Carl Sampson, Elizabeth 1892 - 1918 Sampson, Ella May (nee James) 25 Nov 1872 - 1960 wife of William Sampson, William Samuel 19 Sep 1871 - 1966 Sawyer, Elizabeth Gertrude (nee Morice) 10 Dec 1892 - 1 Dec 1918 Scarffe, Charlie Oliver 1890 - 1970 Scarffe, Selma Fredericka (nee Peterson) 1898 - 1947 wife of Charles Schafer, Anton Philip 31 Aug 1941 - 4 May 2014 Schafer, Roberta Joanne (nee Kirk) 22 Oct 1947 - 11 Aug 2012 Schneider Edna 1913 - 1977 Schneider, Adam 1905 - 1991 Scriven, Charles Ernest 26 Sep 1883 - Jan 1972 son of William & Lillian (nee Belcher) Scriven, Doris Muriel (nee Turner) 6 Jan 1885 - 20 Aug 1960 Scriven, Kristi 1974 Scriven, William Ralph 9 Jan 1919 - 1988 son of Charles & Doris Sharpe, Esther (nee Miller) 1894 - 1926 wife of Harry Sharpe, Harry 1880 - 1962 Shaw, Alan Matthew 6 Apr 1920 - 21 Oct 1995 son of Duncan & Mary Shaw, Duncan 19 Oct 1885 - 15 Mar 1967 Shaw, Elizabeth 'Betsey' (nee Mathison) 22 Jan 1919 - 9 Jul 1990 wife of Alan M. Shaw, James Bernard 8 Apr 1918 - 1980 hus of Dorothy Higginson Shaw, Mary (nee Coburn) 1888 - 21 Jul 1977 Shiels, Alice (nee Allan) 1891 - 1969 wife of Nels Shiels, Frank 1888 - 1961 Shiels, John Nelson 'Nels' 25 Feb 1892 - 1977 son of Frank & Elizabeth Sillerud, Annette 'Nettie' (nee Anderson) 8 Jul 1888 - 7 Oct 1941 wife of Martin Simpson, (baby) Skeates, Bruce (twin) 15 Sep 1911 - 1985 hus of Madge Potter Skeates, Charles James Augustus 1870 - 1949 Skeates, Clifford 17 Dec 1920 - 1944 son of Charles & Jessie Skeates, Jessie (nee McPhee) 1877 - 1944 Skeates, Murray 1949 - 1983 son of Bruce & Madge Skurdal, Magnhild 31 Mar 1908 - 1998 wife of Syver Skurdal, Syver 26 Mar 1898 - 1976 Smith, Anne (nee Bonogofski) 25 Oct 1922 - 9 Apr 2015 dau of Karl & Magdelena Smith, Elizabeth Jane 'Betty' 7 Mar 1891 - 8 Aug 1990 Smith, Gertrude May (nee Loveday) 1894 - 1948 wife of Ross Smith, Jack died 2007 hus of Anne Smith, Kenneth 1956 - 1991 Smith, Ross 31 Dec 1891 - 17 Sep 1979 Smith, Thomas 29 May 1916 - 26 Feb 1994 hus of Bettie Marie Heron Smith, Tyler Kenneth 21 Apr 1979 - 10 Dec 2010 Somerville, Fay 1911 - 1990 Somerville, Ken 1910 - 1952 Sparrow, (baby) Sparrow, Clifford 23 Feb 1913 - 14 Mar 1970 son of George & Gertrude Sparrow, Ida (nee Walton) 1913 - 17 Jan 1975 wife of Clifford Stedwell, Charles 1869 - 1962 Stedwell, Esther 1899 - 1918 dau of Charles & Sarah Stedwell, Sarah 1876 - 1964 Stenerson, (baby) Stenerson, Cora Juliet (nee Alstad) 24 Dec 1891 - 10 Feb 1972 Stenerson, Gilman Carl 15 Feb 1883 - 23 Apr 1960 son of Aslak & Uni (nee Ouverson) Stenerson, Glen Lyle 14 Aug 1920 - 27 Oct 1968 son of Gilman & Cora Stenerson, Linda 27 Feb 1948 - 26 Nov 1985 dau of Vernon & Ellen Stenerson, Vernon Ernest 4 Mar 1909 - 4 Jul 1978 hus of Ellen Whitehead Stenerson, Walter Gilman 27 Dec 1913 - 29 Jul 1978 hus of Florence Selma Schopf Svensrud, Margret 1900 - 1929 Swanson, Loyal 1921 - 1924 Taylor, Fern 1883 - 1959 Taylor, James 1844 - 1918 Taylor, Janet 1838 - 1919 Taylor, Louie 1879 - 1936 Thompson, Ernest Sanford 18 Mar 1914 - 3 Aug 2009 hus of Elaine, son of Nordahl & Inga Thompson, Evelyn 1917 - 1964 Thompson, Inga 1895 - 1964 Thompson, Nordahl 1892 - 1977 Thorstad, (baby) Thorstad, Alice Thorstad, Lester 1906 - 1937 Tucek, Adolph 1892 - 1963 Tuffs, Fred 1886 - 1952 Tuffs, Freddie 1921 - 1946 Tuffs, Gladys 1897 - 1969 Tufte, Clara (nee Cad) Culver 1878 - 1965 wife of Jack Tufte, Jack 1891 - 1968 Tufte, Margaret 1903 - 1933 Turner, Robert Lee 1918 - 1996 Underwood, Chuck 13 Mar 1944 - Jun 1990 son of Jack & Grace Underwood, Grace Miriam (nee Minor) 20 May 1920 - 1991 dau of John & Katherin (nee Bentley) Underwood, Jack 1916 - 1997 Villeneuve, Frank 1889 - 1972 Viney, Frederick Harold 1922 - 1943 son of Frederick & Palma Viney, Frederick Thomas 1890 - 1960 hus of Kathleen Minor Viney, Palma Juliet 1895 - 1934 Walgren, Ben 1868 - 1963 Walquist, Daniel 13 Sep 1913 - 23 Sep 1913 son of John & Gunilla Walquist, Gunilla 1886 - 1920 Walquist, Inna 1915 - 1917 dau of John & Gunilla Walquist, J. Donald Walquist, Jackie 1932 - 1936 Walquist, Johan Valford 'Willie' 1906 - 1992 son of John & Gunilla Walquist, John Osker 1882 - 1916 Walquist, Magdalena Ingaborg 'Madge' (nee Persson) 1909 - 1978 wife of Willie Walquist, T. Watson, Freeman 1921 - 11 May 1992 hus of Ann Fogarty Watson, Hubert William 27 Oct 1907 - 1983 son of Hugh Sr. & Sarah Watson, Hugh Walter Sr. 1875 - 1941 Watson, John 28 May 1891 - 1963 Watson, Marjory Jane 'Peg' (nee Lines) 1919 - 3 Mar 1984 wife of Alexander Walter Watson, Martha (nee Prosser) 6 Aug 1888 - 1966 wife of John Watson, Martha Helen (nee Kienlein) 27 Aug 1921 - 3 Jul 1973 wife of Hubert Watson, Robert 1921 - 1993 Watson, Sarah (nee MacLean) 1874 - 1937 wife of Albert Muir Weldon, (baby) Westman, Ida 22 Dec 1884 - 5 Mar 1976 wife of Edward Erickson & Nicholas Westman Westman, Margaret 1918 - 1989 Westman, William Nicholas 11 Feb 1917 - 28 Aug 1981 son of Nicholas & Ida Whitehead, Harry 1843 - 1935 Whitehead, Sarah 1849 - 1936 Wiliamson, Kenneth 'Swede' 1909 - 1967 hus of Leona Sarah Robinson Wiliamson, Kenneth Wayne Jr. 21 Feb 1940 - 1974 hus of Beverley Sparrow Williams, Roy 1885 - 1918 Willness, Dallas 1955 - 1957 Willness, Doris (nee Krismer) 1919 - 23 Mar 1943 wife of David Willness, Dorothy (nee Herland) 1876 - 1961 Willness, Siver 1876 - 1960 Witt, Joe Wohlgemuth, Bertha Maren (nee Hansen) 18 Mar 1912 - 1997 wife of Reinhart Wohlgemuth, Reinhart Alfred 17 Sep 1903 - 1993 son of Alfred & Anna Worth, (baby) Yake, Budd 1921 - 1974 son of Byron & Jessie Yake, Garry son of Budd & Phyllis Yake, William 'Bill' 25 Dec 2015 age 67 son of Budd & Phyllis ** ashes spread at 'The Beaver Creek Conservation area' 13 KM South of Saskatoon, Sask |
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