Central Ave, Swift Current c1930 Swift Current GenWeb home page

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Contact Swift Current Gen Web Host
Volunteers Wanted You can be part of this project
This site is aimed at anyone with a genealogical interest in the south-western Swift Current area of Saskatchewan, Canada.

The site is under constant review, new links and information about this area will be added as I find them. If you have any links, info, ideas or suggestions please get in touch and I will be more than happy to add them here.

Looking for someone?

Swift Current Surnames - Surnames being researched in the Swift Current GenWeb region.

Swift Current Query Board - An interactive internet resource for posting queries. Leave a query which can be viewed on the board and replied to by anyone searching the RootsWeb posting boards.

Swift Current websites - List of personal genealogy sites relating to this area.

Looking for someplace?

Swift Current Places - List of villages, towns and cities covered by this area.

Swift Current Post Offices - List of post offices within this area, their establishment date and name changes.

Swift Current Look Ups - hosts many volunteers with local history/family biography books of the 75th Anniversary of Saskatchewan. Published in 1980-1981 they chronicle the history of many Saskatchewan communities. Many volunteers with access to cemetery, or other primary source records also provide look up servies for the Swift Current / South West Saskatchewan area.

Contribute to this site!

Link Submission - Do you have a family history site relating to the Swift Current region? Send in your site's details for listing on the Web Sites page (no commercial sites accepted).

Surname Submission - Send in a list of the names/places you are researching for listing on the Surnames page.

Look Up Submission - Do you have a book or other source material that may be of interest to other researchers in the Swift Current area? Send us the details for listing on the Look Ups page.

Other Saskatchewan GenWeb sites:

This Swift Current GenWeb site covers the southwest corner of Saskatchewan. To find other Saskatchewan GenWeb regional web sites, click on an area of the map below.

Saskatchewan GenWeb Regions Region 11. Prince Albert Region 10. Lloydminster Region 7. Battleford Region 8. Saskatoon Region 9. Kamsack Region 4. Kindersley Region 5. Regina Region 6. Yorkton Region 1. Swift Current  - You are here Region 2. Moose Jaw Region 3. Weyburn Region 1. Swift Current
Region 2. Moose Jaw
Region 3. Weyburn
Region 4. Kindersley
Region 5. Regina
Region 6. Yorkton
Region 7. Battleford
Region 8. Saskatoon
Region 9. Kamsack
Region 10. Lloydminster
Region 11. Prince Albert

Terms of Use

GenWeb is dedicated to the free sharing of historical and genealogical data. GenWeb websites are presented as a public service and are maintained by volunteers. This website covers the Swift Current GenWeb region of Saskatchewan, Canada. There are no service charges or fees for use of this website and the use of this website constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use.

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Site was maintained by Sue and Andrew and Julia. Volunteers Wanted You can be part of this project Contact

Welcome to the new home of the Swift Current and Area Gen Web Project! Explore the rich history at our fresh domain: https://saskgenweb.ca/skswiftc/SwiftCurrent. Although we've relocated, our commitment to preserving family histories, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, and diverse historical landscapes remains unwavering.

Join us in this labor of love at our webpages at https://saskgenweb.ca/skswiftc/SwiftCurrent, and consider supporting our efforts to document memories and enrich knowledge about Swift Current.

An appeal is made to preserve invaluable documents like old telephone books, Henderson's directories, city directories, pioneer photos, letters, books, town directories, co-op membership books, credit union and elevator books, grain company records, church books, cattle brand books, school records, church lists, homestead maps, and more. These documents list names of community residents and should be preserved. Placing them online or duplicating them will help prevent the loss of primary source documents for family genealogists.

With heartfelt thanks,

The Swift Current and Area Gen Web Project Volunteer Team

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