Saskatoon Region

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Place Names: City of Saskatoon
Email: Julia Adamson
Julia Adamson

Lookups or take photos at cemeteries Woodlawn Cemetery, 1502 2nd Ave North, Hillcrest Memorial Gardens & Crematorium 301-3301 8th St. E., or any others that are in a 10 mile radius of Saskatoon...The prior emails for Shirley Heitmar nor C. ArthurBattiste do not seem to work at the moment


Place Names: Leroy, Saskatchewan
Email: Diane Rabchak
Resource: As The Furrows Turns ISBN:
As The Furrows Turn, 1900-1985, Leroy & District, 1986 Regional history and family biography book


Place Names: Leroy, Saskatchewan
Email: Ken Steffenson
Resource: As The Furrows Turn ISBN:
As The Furrows Turn, 1900-1985,Leroy & District, 1986 Regional History and Family Biography Book


Place Names: Birch Hills, Saskatchewan
Email: Eunice Groves
Resource: The People and The History. ISBN:
The People and The History. (Harperview), Coolidge and Heatherdell. 1986 Regional History and Family Biography Book


Place Names: Laird, Sasaktchewan
Email: Ginni Morey
Resource: Stoney Hill Cemetery ISBN:
Cemetery transcripts for Stoney Hill Cemeteryin Laird


Place Names: Saskatchewan
Email: Terrance Jestin
Resource: Ethnic Language Publications ISBN:
Ethnic Language Publications-lists all the foreign language and ethnic publications that were distributed across western Canada
This look up no longer available


Resource:Genealogy of the First Metis nation>
Email: Andre Paul
Andre Paul

Resource: Genealogy of the First Metis nation ISBN:


Place Names: Naicam, Lac Vert & Surrounding Districts
Email: Dianne Rabchak
Resource: Gleanings Along The Way ISBN:
Published 1980: Regional History and Family Biography Book


Place Names: St. Denis, Saskatchewan
Email: Phil Laliberte
Resource: "Historique de Saint-Denis, Sask. 1905-1980" ISBN:
"Historique de Saint-Denis, Sask. 1905-1980" Printed 1981, 150 pages written in french.


Place Names: Prud'homme formerly named Howell, Saskatchewan
Email: Phil Laliberte
Resource: Life as it was Prud'homme,Sask. 1897-1981" ISBN:
Contains info on the formation of Prud'homme formerly called Howell as well as numerous family histories with names dates and other info. 550 pages


Place Names: Rosthern and area, Saskatchewan
Email: Rita Chernoff
Rita Chernoff

Resource: Old & New Furrows - The Story of Rosthern ISBN:
Family Biography and Regional History


Place Names: Watrous, Venn, Manitou Beach, Renown, Amazon and Districts
Email: Laurelei Primeau
Resource: Prairie Reflections: ISBN:
Prairie Reflections: a history of Watrous, Venn, Manitou Beach, Renown, Amazon and Districts


Place Names: Reflections on the Past: Hagen Sask. School Districts of Harmony, Bastness and Superior.
Email: Eunice Groves
Resource: Reflections on the Past: Hagen Sask. ISBN:


Place Names: Denholm, Saskatchewan
Email: Sharon Peters
Resource: The Wilsons of Denholm-1841:Pioneer Families of the Upper Gatineau" ISBN:
written by Alexa Pritchard and Mary Wilson which includes the family lineage of the Wilsons and Smiths who eventually settled all over Saskatchewan. Birth, death and marriage dates only with some articles.


Place Names: Delisle,Donovan, Gledhow, O'Malley and Swanson
Email: Terrance Jestin
Resource: "Through The Years" townbook. ISBN:
Family biographies and regional history
This look up no longer available

Place Names: Vonda, Saskatchewan and area
Email: Phil Laliberte
Resource: "Voyage through Vonda and Vicinity" ISBN:
Contains info on the formation of Vonda as well as numerous family histories with names dates and other info.printed 1986. 580 pages.


Place Names: Domremy, Crystal Springs area of Saskatchewan
Email: Eunice Groves
Resource: The Wheel of Time: History of Spring Grove, Northern Light and Surrounding Districts ISBN:
Spring Grove, Northern Light and Surrounding School Districts Northern Light is a school district and Spring Grove is the same area---- It was a post office at one time but closed many years ago. The area is about 10 miles east of Domremy and 5 or so miles west of Crystal Springs


Place Names: Village of Sinnett
Email: D.Brick
Resource: The Irish Colony of Saskatchewan ISBN:
History and names of original settlers, land descriptions,surrounding schools, churches, home children, some area photos


Place Names: Spalding
Email: GarthUlrich

Resource: Spalding Roots and Branches ISBN: 0-88925-235-1


Place Names: Naicam and Lac Vert
Email: GarthUlrich

Resource: Gleanings Along the Way ISBN:


Place Names: Spalding and district
Email: GarthUlrich

Resource: ISBN:
Cemetery LookupsStill photos of tombstonesPossibly other services as requested


Place Names: City of Saskatoon
Email: tshandler
Resource: 1946 Saskatoon telephone directory ISBN:


Place Names: North of Birch Hills
Email: EuniceGroves
Resource: Memories We Share ISBN:
A History of the School Districts of New England, Winton and Fisher


Place Names: Richard and the following districts Bager Bluff, Bromley, Dominion, Ellastone, Etonia, Prolofic, Richard,Tillotson, Turberville, Willow Springs
Email: Pauline PerryAshton
Resource: Richard Remembers ISBN:


Place Names: Prud'homme, Saskatchewan
Bandet/Gilliard/Montes family (Prud'homme)
Email: Jean-MarieBandet
Will exchange information concerning the family tree of all the Bandet
family who immigrated to Prud'homme Sask
. in 1905 with some history.
Most of it is in french. I have also, besides the Bandet family tree,
the Gilliard and the Montes.


Place Names: Biggar and area: Oban, Neola, Avalon, Elwell, Monarch, Louvain, Kensmith, Twin Hill, Fairmount, Vanceview, Gagenville, Curths Hill, Castlewood, Whiteshore, Wilson Lake
Email: Ruth
Resource: A Harvest of Memories ISBN:
Two History Books of Biggar, Saskatchewan and area.


Place Names: Annaheim
Email: GarthUlrich

Resource: A Cross In The Clearing ISBN:


Place Names: Daphne
Email: GarthUlrich

Resource: Daphne Memories ISBN:


Place Names: Young, Zelma and area.
Email: JoyceTabler
Resource: Footsteps to Follow ISBN: 0-88925-226-2


Place Names: Burr, Carmel, Humboldt, Lanigan, Wolverine: Rural Municipality of Wolverine.
Email: KathyThacyk

Resource: R. M. of Wolverine Memory Album ISBN: 0-88925-276-9

Place Names: Watson.
Email: KathyThacyk

Resource: Cemetery Look UPs
Will do tombstone photos of St. Peter's Mancroft Anglican Cemetery, aswell as for any of the cemeteries located at Watson.


Place Names: Hawkeye, Saskatchewan
Email: Joanne L.Allin
Resource: Hawkeye: Looking Back 1906-1984 ISBN:


Place Names: Hawkeye, Saskatchewan
Email: Joanne L.Allin
Resource: Hawkeye: Looking Back 1906-1984 ISBN:
Local History and Family Biographies


Place Names: Annaheim
Email: Colette Schreiner-Steernberg
Resource: A Cross In The Clearing ISBN:


Place Names: St. James
Email: Colette Schreiner-Steernberg
Colette Schreiner-Steernberg
Resource: Cemetery lookups ISBN:


Place Names: Humboldt
Email: Colette Schreiner-Steernberg
Colette Schreiner-Steernberg

Resource: The Best Of Humboldt ISBN: 0-919745-06-7


Place Names: St. Peter's Colony
Email: Colette Schreiner-Steernberg
Colette Schreiner-Steernberg

Resource: The Legacy of St. Peter's Colony ISBN: 0-921257-98-8
' Quest for a new homeland : the founding of St. Peter's Colony in Saskatchewan. '
'Fifty golden years, Saskatchewan'
I have various histories about the settling of St.Peter's Colony,including 'The legacy of St. Peter's Colony' by Michael J. Hepp, 'Quest for a new homeland: the founding of St. Peter's Colony in Saskatchewan. ' and 'Fifty Golden Years 1903-1953 : a brief history of the Order of St. Benedict in the Abbacy Nullius of St. Peter, Muenster,'.


Place Names: R.M. of Prairie Rose Including Jansen and Esk
Email: DebbieHamilton

Resource: R.M. of Prairie Rose #309 Including the villages of Jansenand Esk ISBN: 1-55056-008-5


Place Names: LeRoy
Email: DebbieHamilton

Resource: The History of LeRoy and District 1867 - 1967 ISBN:


Place Names: LeRoy
Email: DebbieHamilton
Resource: As The Furrows Turn 1900 - 1985 LeRoy and DistrictISBN: 0-88925-685-3


Place Names: Outlook, Broderick, Bratton and Glenside
Email: MaryRead
Resource: Milestones and memories 1900-1980 ISBN: n/a


Place Names: Humboldt
Email: MaryRead
Resource: The Best of Humboldt ISBN: 0-919745-06-7


Place Names: Macrorie District
Email: TammyWilliams
Resource: Prairie Progress commemorating the Macrorie District1983 ISBN:


Place Names: Stoney Hill, Laird, Hamburg
1. 2005 Memories
by Paul W. Riegert
ISBN 0-9688867-0-1
2005 memories : a history of the Hamburg School District no. 2005, Laird, Saskatchewan. It is the story of Hamburg School including family pictures, genealogicalinfo regarding early students, teachers and dates of immigration.

2. One Hundred Years of God's Grace
by Paul Riegert
This is the story of St. John's Lutheran Church at Stoney Hill - Laird,Saskatchewan 1901 - 2001. Paul has transcribed church register: Baptisms(birth and baptism dates given), confirmations, marriages (some withpictures) and deaths (funeral and death date given plus cause of death)Very good genealogical data.

Email: BeverleyGutenberg


Place Names: Strongfield
Email: KenHolmlund
Resource: Homestead Heritage, the story of Strongfield ISBN:


Place Names: Outlook, Broderick, Bratton, Glenside
Email: KenHolmlund
Resource: Milestones and Memories 1900-1980 ISBN:


Place Name/s: Resource:

  1. With Quill in Hand
    Quill Lakes District.

  2. RM of Wolverine Memory Album

  3. Through the Fields of Time
    Plunkett and District

  4. Fields of Prosperity
    A History of Englefeld

  5. The Vintage Years
    Middle Lake

  6. Up to Now

  7. The Best of Humboldt

  8. As the Furrows Turn
    Leroy and District

  9. 1955 Sask. Business Directory
    All communities in Sask.

Email: Heather Canevaro


Place Name/s: Prud'homme, (formerly Howell, Marcottecrossing) Saskatchewan.Email: Ren? J. Bandet
My site at is devoted tothe Bandet family that emigrated to Canada in 1905 from La Ruch?re,France. The site has the family tree, a history, pictures, etc.Any corrections, pictures or other information will be incorporated(gladly).


Place Name/s: Louis J Flamand
Email: Brenda Flamand Bird
family research


Place Name/s:
Email: don.baugh
Will do;Cemetery lookupsStill photos of tombstoneshomstead public recordsOld Obits if can be found at the Main Branch library.


Place Name/s: laird
Email: doerksen


Place Name/s: History of Tiger Hills, Waitville and Districts
Email: Evelyn Cromarty
Resource: The Road from Yesterday to Today 0-88925-469-9


Place Name/s: biggar
Email: lisa valois


Place Name/s: I am looking for family history "Looker"and I am looking for community history books for the Pleasant Dale andPathlow region any help would greatly be appreciated.
Email: Bonnie


Place Name/s:
Email: megan


Place Name/s: Town of Radisson and the school districts of GrandValley, Hillsborough, Hopewell, Lamoyle, Saginaw, Scottville, TurtleLake, Twin Lakes, Waterbury and Wheatheart.
Email: Mary Read
Resource: Reflections of Radisson 1902 - 1982 0-88925-353-6


Place Name/s: Vanscoy and District
Email: Raleigh
Resource: They Ploughed the way and we Followed
Vanscoy, Sask. : Vanscoy & District History, 1980 Local history/family biography book which includes family histories.


Place Name/s: Duck Lake, St. Laurent, Batoche, St. LouisSaskatchewanEmail: Raleigh
Resource: The Genealogy of the First Metis Nation
The Genealogy of the First Metis Nation -- The development anddispersal of the Red River Settlement 1820-1900 (covers many familynames that migrated to Saskatchewan and area.)The m?tis left the Red River Settlement to the area of Duck Lake, St.Laurent, Batoche in the provisional district of Saskachewan, North WestTerritories (These areas are in the Saskatoon Region Gen Web Region pages). The French"Boucher's settlement" of Manitoba moved to St. Louis ofthe Prince Albert Gen Web Region


Place Name/s:
Email: Mary Read
Resource: Aberdeen 0-88925-375-7
History of the village of Aberdeen and the RM of Aberdeen # 373Aberdeen Historical Society 1982


Place Name/s: This is the list of books I have on hand i can dolook ups in.1. Tiger Hills to the Assiniboine- history of Treherne, Manitoba anddistrict-includes Treheren, Ladysmith district, Lavenham & McCreerydistrict,2. Patience, Pride and Progress- history of Eddystorne, Manitoba anddistrict- includesAntwerpia, Bay End, Cayer, Eddystone, Lonely Lake, Mooredale, Reykjavik,Shergrove, Valpoy, Wapah3. The Asquith Record- history of Asquith, Sask. hamlets of Dunfermline& Environ4. Reflections ?history of Arelee ,Sask.and the districts of Balmae,Dreyer, Golden Valley, Light, Petroffsk, Raspberry Creek, Sunnyridge andSwastika5. They plowed the way- history of RM of Vanscoy, Sask. #3456. Homestead by W.E. Aikens of Lavenham, Manitoba - family histories ofAikens, Lees, Kerrs, and Henry families7. 1993 Saskatoon Henderson DirectoryEmail: Elsie Henry
I can do look ups in the books listed above. Do you need the isbnnumbers, if so i can provide them. Not exactly sure how to fill this outwhen i have so many books.


Place Name/s:Laird, Sk
Our Roots Canada's LocalHistories Online - 2005 memories : a history of the Hamburg SchoolDistrict no. 2005, Laird, Saskatchewan

Resource: Online Book Resource


Place Name/s: Viscount
Our Roots Canada's LocalHistories Online Footprints of time : Viscount and district, 1905-1985Resource: Online Book Resource


Place Name/s: Wakaw, Sk
Our Roots Canada's LocalHistories Online- 80 Years in Wakaw, 1898 - 1978 Brunanski, Jean,Brunanski, Ed

Resource: Online Complete Book Resource


Place Name/s: Allan, Sk
Our Roots, Canada's LocalHistories Online - Allan, Saskatchewan 'lots' of history



Place Name/s: Sutherland
Resource: OurRoots Canada's Local Histories Online - ANNA


Place Name/s: Hanley, Sk
Resource: OurRoots - Canada's Local Histories Online - The best 70 years of my life :it's all downhill from here


Place Name/s: Biggar, Sk
Resource: OurRoots Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Biggar, Saskatchewan,Canada : a pictorial history
Complete Online Book Resource


Place Name/s: Daphne, Sk
Resource: Ourroots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Daphnememories
Online Complete book Resource


Place Name/s: Tiefengrund, Sk

  • Our Roots Canada's LocalHistories Online - Title: Deep earth : a short history of the TiefengrundSchool District, No.431, in Saskatchewan
    Complete Online BookResource


    Place Name/s: Muenster, Sk
    Resource: Ourroots Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Fifty golden years, 1903-1953 : a brief history of the Order of St. Benedict in the Abbacy Nulliusof St. Peter, Muenster, Saskatchewan.
    Complete Online BookResource


    Place Name/s: Humboldt, Sk
    Resource: Ourroots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Humboldt on the Carltontrail
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Prud'homme, Sk Previously named Howell
    Resource: OurRoots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Life as it was :Prud'homme, Saskatchewan, 1897-1981 Author: Prudhomme HistoryCommittee
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Batoche, Sk
    Resource: Ourroots Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Louis Riel : abibliography
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Hague - Osler
    Resource: Ourroots Canada's Local Histories Online - Title: Men of Steele : life styleof a unique sect : Saskatchewan Valley Mennonite settlers and theirdescendants
    Complete Online book Resource


    Place Name/s: Fielding, Sk
    Resource: OurRoots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Take the Soil in Your HandsPrechtl, Richard J. A.
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Alvena, Sk
    Resource: Ukrainian pioneer days inearly years 1898-1916 in Alvena and District, Sask. - Harbuz,Mike
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Maymont, Fielding, Ruddell, Lilac; Saskatchewan

  • Our Roots Canada'sLocal Histories Online - From Sod to Solar : Fielding, Lilac, Maymont,Ruddell.
    Complete Book Online


    Place Name/s: Rosthern, Sk
    Resource: OurRoots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Old & New Furrows : The Storyof Rosthern Rosthern Historical Society
    Complete Online BookResource


    Place Name/s: Radisson, Sk
    Resource: Reflections of Radisson :1902-1982.
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Pilger, St. Bernard; Sk
    Resource: Ourroots Canada's Local Histories Online - Pilger memories : a history ofthe Pilger-St. Bernard District : a struggle for survival
    CompleteOnline Book resource


    Place Name/s: Pathlow, Sk : School Districts: Pathlow Heights #1and #2, Percieville, Sacriston, Harriville, Willowdale, Flett's Springsand Shannon View
    Resource: OurRoots Canada's Local Histories Online - Pathways to Pathlow : PathlowHeights #1 and #2, Percieville, Sacriston, Harriville, Willowdale,Flett's Springs and Shannon View
    Complete online book resource


    Place Name/s: Oral, Speers, Keatley, Corbett, Lakeview,Wanganui, Tillotson, Springbank, Greenbluff
    Resource: BookTitle Along the Carlton trail : a history of Speers and the followingdistricts : Oral, Speers, Keatley, Corbett, Lakeview, Wanganui,Tillotson, Springbank, Greenbluff

    Complete online books resource


    Place Name/s: Rosetown, Saskatchewan
    Resource: BookTitle Our Czech heritage
    Online Complete Book


    Place Name/s: Pleasantdale, Silver Park, Chagoness and KinistinoIndian Band no.91
    Resource: BookTitle Memories of the past : history of Pleasantdale, Silver Park,Chagoness and Kinistino Indian Band no.91

    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s:
    Resource: BookTitle Meskanaw, its story and its people
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Maymont, Saskatchewan
    Resource: BookTitle The story of Maymont Complete onlinebook


    Place Name/s: Dundurn, RM of Dundurn, Indi, Haultain
    Resource: BookTitle Our Roots Canada's Local histories Online:Dundurnmemories
    Complete Online Book


    Place Name/s: Hanley, Saskatchewan
    Resource: BookOur Roots Canada's Local Histories Online Ripples and reflections :Hanley
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Guernsey, Saskatchewan
    Resource: BookTitle Our roots Canada's local histories online: Called to a place: the story of Guernsey and surrounding school districts
    Complete Online book Resource


    Place Name/s: Fielding, Saskatchewan
    Resource: BookOur Roots - Canada's Local Histories Online - Take the Soil in Your HandsPrechtl, Richard J. A.
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Elstow,Saskatchewan:
    R.M of Blucher, No 343: The Allan Potash Mine:
    Athens School #1533: Breeze Brae S.D. #2027: Dinelle School #1176: ElstowS.D. #1533: Glenmaur School #3307: Justice S.D. #4448: MackenzievilleS.D. #1424: North Elstow S.D. #3494: Prairie Home S.D.#1396: ThrostleNest S.D. #1750 :Email:
    Resource: Memories forever : Elstow and district, 1900-1983
    Complete Online Book


    Place Name/s: Elstow,Saskatchewan:

    R.M of Blucher, No 343: The Allan Potash Mine:

    Athens School #1533: Breeze Brae S.D. #2027: Dinelle School #1176: ElstowS.D. #1533: Glenmaur School #3307: Justice S.D. #4448: MackenzievilleS.D. #1424: North Elstow S.D. #3494: Prairie Home S.D.#1396: ThrostleNest S.D. #1750 :Email:
    Resource: BookTitle:Our Roots Canada's Local Histories Online: Memories forever :Elstow and district, 1900-1983
    Complete Online Book


    Place Name/s: Bradwell, Clavet and district
    Resource: BookOur Roots Canada's Local Histories Online Title Echoes of our past: Bradwell, Clavet and district
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Borden, Village of Tombowka, R.M. of Great Bend
    Resource: Book Title Our treasured heritage : Borden & district
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Asquith, Saskatchewan
    Resource: BookOur Roots Canada's Local Histories Online Title The Asquith record
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Alvena Region, Svoboda School

  • Book TitleUkrainian pioneer days in early years, 1898-1916, in Alvena anddistrict, Sask.
    Complete Online Book Resource


    Place Name/s: Laird, Saskatchewan
    Email: Beverley Gutenberg
    Resource: One Hundred Years of God's Grace - St. John's LutheranChurch at Stony Hill-Laird Saskatchewan ISBN 0-9688867-0-1
    Look-up for birth (baptism), Confirmation, Marriage, Death


    Place Name/s: Laird, Saskatchewan
    Email: Beverley Gutenberg
    Resource: One Hundred Years of God's Grace - St. John's LutheranChurch at Stony Hill-Laird Saskatchewan ISBN 0-9688867-0-1
    Look-up for birth (baptism), Confirmation, Marriage, Death


    Place Name/s: Domremy
    Email: Mary Read
    Resource: Harvest of Memories 1895-1995 1-55056-072-7


    Place Name/s: New HillsdaleMiss Mable Brooks, brother Hiram 1909 eraMable married a Scott.Mable always said to keep a little red book that told their story whenthey lived in New Hillsdale.Does anyone know what the little red book is?Email: Brenda Scott


    Place Name/s: HarmerKirby
    Email: terwin
    Resource: from wagon to wings