Saskatoon Gen Web Region

To Add / Update Surname Postings

Surname Town (s) Researcher
BARRIE, David Manitou Beach /Watrous Gail Teed
BRINTNELL Saskatoon Email
BRYSHUN Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
CARFRA Saskatoon Neil Carfra
CASTLE Saskatoon Steve Mcnanee
CASWELL Saskatoon area Dave Peoples
CHAYKOWSKI Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher

Related Surnames
Saskatoon, Alvena, Vonda, Cudworth, Humbolt, Wakaw, Prince Albert, Rostern, Spiritwood, Regina, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Carot River, Leofeld, Bruno, Smuts, Prud'homme, Leoville, Yellow Creek, North Battleford, Laniwci, Batoche, Fish Creek Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
COUCH Lucky Lake area Laura Priscilla (Couch) Kennedy
CROPPER Saskatoon Neil Carfra
CURRAN Saskatoon Barbara Hammer
CZAJKOWSKI Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
CZUBAK Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
DEMBECK Aberdeen/Watrous Laurelei Primeau
DIDYK Cudworth Ron Chambers
DODMAN Lucky Lake area Laura Priscilla (Couch) Kennedy
DRIEDGER Saskatoon/Neuhorst/Neuanlage Jim Driedger
ELLIOTT or ELLIOT Saskatoon Valerie Bowden
FARENICK   Alisa Roop
FLYNN, Alex Wilfred Wakaw, SK Linda C. Bell
GILECKI Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
HAMERS Humboldt Irma Lommen - Salden
HARASYMCHUK / HARASYMCZUK Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
HAWE, JENNY L Wakaw, SK Linda C. Bell
HEATH Hanley/Saskatoon Allan Heath
HIRTZ Beechy/Saskatoon Val Hvidston
HVIDSTON Saskatoon Val Hvidston
KLEIN Saskatoon, SK Barbara Padgitt
KOTELKO Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
KRAEHLING Guernsey Barb Johnston
LAND, Charles R. Nutana (Saskatoon) and Pike Lake Isobel Taylor
LANZ Laird, Rosthern Ginni Morey
LINDSAY Saskatoon Neil Carfra
LOGAN Wilkie Bob Logan
MCCONNELL Elstow Val Hvidston
MUNRO, David John Humboldt, SK Victoria Munro
MUNRO Saskatoon Don Wilhelm
NORTH, George & Emaline Saskatoon David C. Procuniar
PELTIER Harris Nancy Fraser
PATRICK Saskatoon Debra Husbands
RAWLYK Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
REINWALD Laird, Rosthern Ginni Morey
SAMBORSKI Cudworth Ron Chambers  
SCHINDEL/SCHINDLE Aberdeen/Watrous Laurelei Primeau
SLUSAR Wakaw, Vonda, Alvena, Cudworth, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Prud'homme, Rosthern Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
SNELL, Ruth (Pinkerton)(Barrie) Manitou Beach /Watrous Gail Teed
SNYDER Saskatoon Steven Blondo

Related Surnames
Saskatoon, Alvena, Vonda, Cudworth, Humbolt, Wakaw, Prince Albert, Rostern, Spiritwood, Regina, Saskatoon, Aberdeen, Carot River, Leofeld, Bruno, Smuts, Prud'homme, Leoville, Yellow Creek, North Battleford, Laniwci, Batoche, Fish Creek Albert Chubak
Saskatoon Area
Ukrainian and Polish
Ancestry Researcher
SWANICK Humboldt Michael Crosby
WILHELM Saskatoon Don Wilhelm
WOLF Saskatoon Steven Blondo




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The Chubak main lines include the surnames: Czubak, Tomkiowicz, Kisielowski, Rauluk (Rawlyk), Kotdrysz, Traczuk, Fedorczuk, Ziobrowski, Czajkowski, Jurkowski, Wyszynski, Nowakowski, Zmud, Powazny, Olediuk, Oledsiuk, Jamizewski, Yamizewski, Czubakowa, Kisielowska, Ziobrowska, Czajkowska, Chaykowsky, Jurkowska, Wyszynska, and Nowakowska, Hominuke, Symak, Bidulka, Kondra, Gurash, Kurash, Pidskalny, Moskwa, Gilecki, Gylecki, Harasymchuk, Harasymczuk, Wesolowski, Kurmey, Piec, Sudak, Roslinski, Choina, Wasylciw, Bryhun, Bryshun, Brychun, Wallick, Heron, Woytowich, Kapacila, Yuzdepski, Yuzdebski, Posiniak, Kukuruz, Burtney, Iwanuik, Lozinski, Stazosta, Burachinski, Stus, Bilinski. The Stadnyk main lines include the surnames: Stadnik, Slusar, Sluzar, Dmytryga, Harasymczuk, Harasymchuk, Szewczuk, Shewchuk, Ochocki, Mulowa, Michalowski, Lewicki, Duch, Duchowich, Konopska, Malecki, Tompalski, Choina, Kroczak, Kroczakowa, Glebocki, Niedzwiecki, Bogucki, Robacki, Franz, Ochocka, Michalowska, Lewicka, Konopski, Malecka, Tompalska, Glebocka, Niedzwiecka, Bogucka, Robacka, Shutka, Kurash, Kokuruz, Roslinski, Roslinska, Kotelko, Stasiuk, Chuchman, Czuczman, Remarchuk, Remarczuk, Lemycz, Lemick, Baschuk, Basczuk, Razik, Harasymczuk, Harasymchuk, Korpan, Piecowye, Tomac, Philipenko, Kurmey, Bodnar, Stadniczuk, Stadnichuk, Szynkaruk, Byrynyj, Bureny, Boychuk, Boyczuk, Shawaga, Bayda, Bajda, Rawlyk