Genealogy, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Pioneer,



Saskatchewan history, Pioneers, John N. Lake, John Lake, Arthur S. Morton, Arthur Morton, Saskatoon history, Saskatoon Gen Web, Saskatoon Genealogy


   These narratives were either sent in to the University and the His-
torical Association or were prepared directly under the inspiration of the
Association in the course of its efforts to preserve the early history of the
settlement and of the City. In many cases they are the result of conver-
sations (taken down in shorthand) between pioneers and a group composed
of pioneers and of members of the Department of History in the University.
In the early stages Mr. Gerald Willoughby was at the head of the group,
latterly Mr. iV. P. Bate.  This little volume is the first results of their
labours offered to the public at the celebration of the 21st Anniversary of
the City.
   There is material already in our hands on different phases of the de-
velopment of the settlement and the City, as, for example, dealing with
the Temperance Colony Pioneers' Society, the first Agricultural Society
and the exhibitions it held, Society in Saskatoon in the eighties and
nineties. It is the earnest desire of the Historical Association that all such
material should be preserved in their hands in the original or
They specially request those who have taken active part in any phase of the
life of our city to preserve the pertinent documents for us, and not less
zealously to put down in writing what they have seen and done~in order
that a similar volume may be offered to the public at the next celebration
of an anniversary.
  The reader should be informed that the pioneers have been reluctant
to speak of their own doings and that they have only used the first person
singular when told that the first stage in making an authoritative history
of Saskatoon is for those who have taken part in its founding and building
to say just what they have seen and done. The responsibility for what
might seem egotism to the unwary lies not on the narrator but on the
Committee of the Assodation with whom personal testimony is many times
more to be sought for than general hearsay.
   The narratives are arranged as far as may be in chronological order,
beginning with a general account written in 1903, and passing on to more
detailed and picturesque reminiscences, but the whole is designed to give
a general view of the History of the City.
                 ARTHUR S. MORTON,
                       Dept. of History,
June 8th, 1927.         The University of Saskatchewan.

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Genealogy, Saskatoon, Pioneer, Saskatchewan history, Temperance Colony, Temperance Colonization Society, Pioneers,John N. Lake, John Lake, Saskatoon history, Saskatoon Gen Web, Saskatoon Genealogy



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