Genealogy, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Pioneer,Saskatchewan history, Temperance Colony, Temperance Colonization Society, Pioneers,John N. Lake, John Lake, Saskatoon history, Saskatoon Gen Web, |
excursion out of Winnipeg. We chartered a special train and furnished free transportation and brought over 100 business men. At that time Ash- down Company, Tees and Persse, A. McDonald, Campbell, Wilson and Millar, Codville Company and many others purchased sites. We finished up with a big banquet in the Flanagan Hotel. This pretty well covers the major activities of the City Council, and of myself, for 1908, which was the last year I served as mayor. When asked to give before this association some of the early history of Saskatoon I decided I would confine my observations to the periods I was serving on the coun- cil and that I would leave for the other mayors to recount their activities. When asked "What has been the most important factor in the growth of Saskatoon?" I say, "The spirit of co-operation in the community and the faith the men of the City had in its future." The settlement of the country round about, the Barr Colony, the three railways making this a fine centre for distribution-these all count, but the chief factor, I repeat, was the spirit of co-operation in the community at large, and the faith the men of the City had in its future. |
NARRATIVES OF SASKATOON1882-1912Genealogy, Saskatoon, Pioneer, Saskatchewan history, Temperance Colony, Temperance Colonization Society, Pioneers,John N. Lake, John Lake, Saskatoon history, Saskatoon Gen Web, Saskatoon Genealogy BY MEN OF THE CITY PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF SASKATOON PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY BOOK-STORE |
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