Genealogy, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Pioneer,Saskatchewan history, Temperance Colony, Temperance Colonization Society, Pioneers,John N. Lake, John Lake, Saskatoon history, Saskatoon Gen Web, Genealogy, | |
HISTORY OF SASKATOONl9O5-Village of Riversdale organized on west side ~ railway track. l906-City Charter granted by the Legislature--City boundaries taking in the villages of Riversdale and Nutana. Visit of Earl Grey, Governor-General of Canada. Public utilities inaugurated. Municipal Hospital built. Phoenix and Capital started as daily newspapers. Bank of Commerce, Montreal and Northern Banks opened for busi- ness. Canadian Northern Railway acquired the Regina to Prince Albert railway. C.N.R. began construction of Goose Lake line to Calgary. Canadian Pacific Railway purchased right of way into City. l907-Canadian Pacific Railway from Regina entered City. Traffic Bridge over river opened. l908-University of Saskatchewan located at Saskatoon. l9O9-Exhibition grounds purchased by City. l9lO-Foundation-stone of University laid by Sir Wilfred Laurier. l91l~New large Power Plant constructed. Commission form of Government adopted by City. 19l2-Visit of Duke of Connaught, Governor~General of Canada. Water filtration plant installed. Street Railway system constructed. Pavements laid. IN THE EARLY DAYS(Taken from the Saskatoon Phoenix, Illustrated Supplement, Christmas, 1903)When the first movement began which led up to the beginning of the colony, this district was an unbroken prairie with no white settlement nearer than Prince Albert. At Batoche and Duck Lake were the same settlements of French and half-breeds as now, only smaller. The White Cap Indian Reserve had been surveyed. Sir D. L. McPherson was Minister if the Interior; Sir John A. Macdonald was Prime Minister of Canada. An association of gentlemen from Toronto, headed by Joseph Alpheus Living- ston, assisted by Dr. Potts, Dr. Hunter, Rev. Messrs. Turver, Gundy, and others of the Methodist Church; W. P. Page of the Dominion Grange; J. B.. King and J.C. White of the Independent Order of Oddfellows: G. M. Rose, H. 0'Hara, D. Miller and others of the temperance cause together with other elements, was formed in September, 1881, and applied to the Dominion Government for an unbroken tract of land in the North-West Territories within which to begin a temperance colony. They desired, if possible absolute control on the question of prohibiting, the sale of intoxi cating liquors within their jurisdiction. After much consultation the re quest was granted by the Department, subject to such exceptions as were obvious in Hudson's Bay lands and other reserves provided by statute. An active campaign of advertising was opened at the Industrial Exhi- bition of 1881 in Toronto and so much did the scheme appeal to the sym- 8 |
NARRATIVES OF SASKATOON1882-1912Genealogy, Saskatoon, Pioneer, Saskatchewan history, Temperance Colony, Temperance Colonization Society, Pioneers,John N. Lake, John Lake, Saskatoon history, Saskatoon Gen Web, Saskatoon Genealogy BY MEN OF THE CITY PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF SASKATOON PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY BOOK-STORE |
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