Genealogy, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Pioneer,Saskatchewan history, Temperance Colony, Temperance Colonization Society, Pioneers,John N. Lake, John Lake, Saskatoon history, Saskatoon Gen Web, NARRATIVES OF SASKATOON
1882-1912 Genealogy, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Pioneer,Saskatchewan history, Temperance Colony, Temperance Colonization Society, Pioneers,John N. Lake, John Lake, Saskatoon history,
I arrived at Moose Jaw, which was then the end of the steel, early in
the spring of 1883. The town consisted of a few frame buildings and a
number of tents; frame buildings were rapidly being erected, and the
population was increasing. In connection with my brother I started a
tinsmith business. Hundreds of railway contractors' horses were wintered
here, and the death rate had been heavy. Coyotes and buzzards were
plentiful and acted as scavengers, but they were unable to keep up with
the supply of carcases. When the warm weather came and the wind blew
in the direction of the town from the camps, the stench was awful. Buffalo
had practically been exterminated, a few heads were brought in from south
of the town near the boundary, during the summer for shipment to Winni-
peg, there to be mounted by a taxidermist. They generally were in a

horrible state of decay, and it must have been a most unpleasant task
mounting them. These were practically the last of the buffalo in the west.
During 1884 there were rumours of three or four head being seen in the hills
west of the Elbow on the South Saskatchewan. I believe there was no
truth in the rumours however.
A few of the citizens of Moose Jaw, myself among the number, after
supper of an evening, for want of amusement, would stroll down to the
railway yard and watch a settler unloading his car and preparing to start
on the long trail to Saskatoon. At that time it seemed hard to understand
why people would leave the railroad where land was just as plentiful and
to to such a faroff spot. During the summer the Temperance Colony
agent at Moose Jaw had interested myself and a friend in glowing accounts
of the lumber which the Company was going to float down the river frotn
Rush Lake, and the number of houses to be built. Finally he succeeded in
persuading us to go to Saskatoon to help build all these houses.
In July we found that Geo. Garrison had come down for supplies and
arranged with him to take us on his return trip. Early one mormog Wm.
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