North Makwa Cemetery Transcriptions               June 14, 2006


RM No. 561 - LOON LAKE

Makwa, Saskatchewan


Bergkvist, Helmer            1879-1962

Bowes, Isaac John            1877-1968

Bowes, Mary M.               1880-1943

Bowes, Robert K.             1912-1942

Bowyer, Moses                1878-1958

Carrier, Baby Bell Mae       Dec 10, 1934 - Dec 9, 1936

Castle, Russell W.           1914-1935

French, Dorothy A.           1911-1984

French, Joseph E.            1903-1984

French, Lee                  1897-1964

French, Miranda Louisa(Benton)1872-1955

French, William Washington   1868-1951

Gendron, Louis               1875-1937

Goodwin, Bessie              No dates on headstone

Graham, Mary B.              1877-1949

Graham, William J.           1878-1966

Mathisen, Charles K.         Mar 7, 1925 - Feb 14, 2001

Mumby, Alfred                1871-1952

Owen, Thomas L.              Mar 13, 1897 - May 11, 1981

Prior, William E.            1908-1971

Pulling, E.E.                1864-1937

Schwartz, John               1914-1976         

Senet, Irene M.              1924-1938

Underhill, Charles(Reginald)     Apr 20, 1917 - Jan 14, 1998

Underhill, Harrison Grant    Unable to read

Underhill, Phyllis           Nov 24, 1935 - Sept 6, 2003

Underhill, Susan (Bowyer)    1889- Jan 15, 1981

Underhill, Thomas H.         1930-1961

Webster, Beatrice M.         Sept 13, 1921 - July 28, 2000

Webster, Hannah (Cowen)      Dec 6, 1888 - Oct 3, 1962

Webster, William             Sept 1892 - Oct 1950

Wright, Alice Salter         1893-1948


Note Thomas L. Owen - Veteran of World War I and World War II

Note Charles (Reginald) Underhill unable to locate headstone

Note Phyllis Underhill’s info from Marshall’s Funeral Home marker

Note Susan (Bowyer) Underhill unable to locate headstone

Note Alice Salter Wright’s husband Edgar Wright


I may have missed some markers but the best I could do with the grass conditions.  Hope this is useful to you.


Sandra Williams (Great-Great-Grandmother Susanna (Bowyer) Docherty)

Sandra Williams    

Visitor #
Submitted by Sandra Williams
Sun, 16 Jul 2006
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