Saskatchewan Genealogy Society appears to note cemetery as St. Demetrius- (SW16-44-8-W3).

Last names in cemetery:
Babchuk Babriunuk Bahuniak  Baran Barano Baranowski Baranowsky Barowski
Bashuk Bashyk Bilous Bohich Borona Boryn Charko Checknita
 Choma Chudek Ciona Cisecki Cyba Debitch Evasiuk Fedeyko
Ference Fraser  Glaba Glauba Harach Howchiuk Hramyak Jurkewski
Kachmar Kalishchak Khorowyak Kiryk Kociuk Krawchuk Krusak Krysak
Kuzminski  Lazarko Lucyk M? Marchuk Marciniuk Mariasz Marshnyk
Martinovich Maryshchak Matvichina Mazan Melynk Metrov Michayluk Mikhailuk
Marsinyk Milik Mochoruk Mohoriuk Mohy Mokhoryk Mulka Olenishyn
Olenyshyn Prociuk  Prokop Romaniuk Romanuck Roschyk Saganski Sagansky
Semenchuk Shyluk Tetiuk Tsibylyak Tsiba Tsono? Tsyna Varinitsa
Vechak? Voroben Vorobov Voytovich Worobey Xarko Zaychkowska

Last Name First Name/Middle Name Birth Date Death Date Additional Information
Row 1
Bahuniak William 1 May 1917 23 Nov. 1998 spouse of Levia Bahuniak
Bahuniak Levia 1 Jan. 1924 30 Jul. 2000 spouse of William Bahuniak
Charko Julian Peter 22 Dec. 1931 16 Dec. 2001
Row 2
Bashuk Paul 1919 1996
Bashuk Walter 17 Mar. 1915 3 Mar. 1988
Worobey Mokryna 1889 1983
Worobey Peter 1923 1997
Chudek Elia 9 Jul. 1909 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is borth or death date
Chudek Steve 25 Mar. 1900 10 Jun. 1988
Ciona  Anna 8 Nov. 1908 8 May 1983 married 8 Aug. 1926 to Harry Ciona
Ciona Harry 6 Mar. 1906 19 Sep. 1985 married 8 Aug. 1926 to Anna Ciona
Bashuk Maria 1923 1989
*Bashuk Ivan 1909 1983
Fraser Phyllis Marie (née Bashuk) 5 May 1948 21 Feb. 1997 buried in same plot as Ivan Bashuk
Sagansky Nick 1907 1976
Shyluk Mary 1903 1990 spouse of Peter Shyluk
Shyluk Peter 1893 1982 spouse of Mary Shyluk
Kiryk Sophia 1903 1990 spouse of Prokop Kiryk
Kiryk Prokop 1890 1974 spouse of Sophia Kiryk
Michayluk Helen 1905 1990 spouse of Nick Michayluk
Michayluk Nick 1899 1974 spouse of Helen Michayluk
Woytiuk Lena Pauline 1915 1973
Woytiuk Walter Kuzma 1918 2002
Cyba Joe 1903 1989 spouse of Helen Cyba
Cyba Helen 1906 1994 spouse of Joe Cyba
Row 3
Krysak Mike 1897 1988 spouse of Catherine Krysak
Krysak Catherine 1905 1977 spouse of Mike Krysak
Evasiuk Elias G. 1 Aug. 1900 16 Jan. 1977 married 29 Jun. 1940 to Olive L. Evasiuk
Evasiuk Olive L. 8 Jun. 1914 8 Jun. 1914 married 29 Jun. 1940 to Elias G. Evasiuk
Lucyk Tillie (née Lazarko) 30 Mar. 1908 2 Feb. 1989
Saganski Alexandra 30 Oct. 1905 spouse of  Teodoze Saganski
Saganski Teodoze 4 Dec. 1899 1 Oct. 1989 spouse of  Alexandra Saganski
Romanuck Rose 5 Jul. 1918 24 Oct. 1990 spouse of Michael Romanuck
Romanuck Michael S. 31 Mar. 1917 22 Aug. 1997 spouse of Rose Romanuck
Choma Mary  1909 1991 spouse of Paul Choma
Choma Paul 1901 1992 spouse of Mary Choma
Row 4
*Vorobov Sidor 1867 1933
*Babrinuk Trofim 1860 1933?
*Khorowyak Mikhail 1894 1933
Worobey Dan 2 May 1921 1958
*Xarko Fotino 1858 1941
*Xarko Petro 1853 1941
*Xarko Hrihory 28 Jan. 1934 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is borth or death date
Romaniuk Steve 1872 1936 spouse of Anna Romaniuk
Romaniuk Anna 1879 1955 spouse of Steve Romaniuk
Saganski Philip 1873 1937 spouse of Martha Saganski
Saganski Martha 1878 1970 spouse of Philip Saganski
*Harach Eva 1885 1971 spouse of Hrihory Harach
*Harach Hrihory 1875 1969 spouse of Eva Harach
*Semenchuk Profor 1888 3 Mar. 1951
*Borona Simeon 1880 1961 spouse of Horlina Borona
*Borona Horlina 1880 1952 spouse of Simeon Borona
Babchuk Mike 1915 1957
Debitch Theodore 1908 1960
Lucyk Theodore 7 Mar. 1877 29 May 1964 spouse of Ewdokia Lucyk
Lucyk Ewdokia 14 Mar. 1884 4 May 1965 spouse of Theodore Lucyk
*Krysak Maria 1877 1966 spouse of Petro Krysak
*Krysak Petro 1875 1965 spouse of Maria Krysak
Row 5
Xarko Mikhail 1877 1926
Bashuk Nick 18 Jun. 1878 19 Jun. 1927
*Saganski Pawlo 1884 1928
Shyluk Ewhenia (née Prociuk) 1907 1936
*Hramyak Anna 185? 1928
*Boryn Hrihory 18?9 1920
*Varinitsa Khrystina 1886 1924
*Tsono? Semyen 1836 1925
Row 6
*Saganski Miroslav 1921 1921
*Baran Nikolai 1852 1923
*Voroben Oleksey 1853 1920
Kiryk Joseph 15 Aug. 1921 28 Apr. 1930
*Matvichina Hrihory 1858 1939
*Tetiuk Yustin 1903 1936
*Fedeyko Ewdokia 1863 1940
*Fedeyko Sylvester 1863 1937
*Vechak? Andrey 1852 only date written on tombstone and am assuming it is the birth date
*Ciona Stefan 7 Apr. 1881 16 Mar. 1944 spouse of Katerina Ciona
*Ciona Katerina 7  Dec. 1885 25 Jun. 1974 spouse of Stefan Ciona
Checknita Tekla 1887 1965 spouse of Anthony Checknita
Checknita Anthony 1886 1955 spouse of Tekla Checknita
Kuzminski Mary 1881 1958
*Martinovich Ewhen M. 1918 1920
*Bohich Nikolai 1914 1919
*Howchiuk Anna 1858 ?
Marchuk Myroslow son of Steve and Pearl and date of 1933 noted on the grave 
Jurkewski Jozef 1840 1920
Cyba Mike 1909 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is borth or death date
*Voytovich Andrey 1838 1912
*Maryshchak Paraskevia 27 ? 1921 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is borth or death date
Row 7 (it was difficult to discern when this row started and ended thus a large part of the southern end of the cemetery is included in row 7)
*Tsyna Anna 1917 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is borth or death date
*Mohy Hrihory 1859 1920
*Mohoriuk Vasily 1921 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is borth or death date
Mazan Joseph 1857 1921
Harach Ksynia 1892 1922 buried with Joseph Mazan
*Barano Stefania 1920 1922
Mulka Melania 1876 1947 spouse of Peter Mulka
Mulka Peter 1876 1922 spouse of Melania Mulka
*Krusak Anna 16 1926 Jul. 5 Feb. 1943
Bashyk Maria 1884 1963
Kociuk Sophie 1 Oct. 1912 27 Dec. 1994
Baranowsky Walter 29 Jun. 1914 2 Jan. 1941 name is written in English and in Ukrainian and name translated from Ukrainian is Volodimir
Ference Evdokia (née Cisecki) 18977 1939 married to Peter Mariasz
Mariasz Peter 1898 1918 married to Evdokia Ference
Baronowsky Joseph 26 Nov. 1912 14 Jul. 1999
*Tsibylyak Lytsina 1855 20 Sep. 1932
*Metrov Anna A. 1935 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is birth or death date
*Krawchuk Ivan 1878 1942
*Marshnyk Yosef 1882 1945
*Marshnyk Paraskevia 1890 1964
*Marsinyk Pawlo 1876 1972
*Varinitsa Palahya 1883 1956
*Mokhoryk Paraskevia 1862 only date written on tombstone and am assuming it is the birth date
*Mikhailuk Anna 1860 1959
*Zaychkowska Anna 1874 1950
Glaba Anna 1878 1965 spouse of Walko Glaba
Glaba Walko 1877 1950 spouse of Anna Glaba
Glauba Andrew 6 Aug. 1904 4 Oct. 1972 1929 written on tombstone but it is not clear whether it is birth or death date
Harach Pauline
*M? Varvava 1859 1927
Marchuk John son of Steve and Pearl and date of 1930 noted on the grave 
*Tsiba Ivan 1917 1926
Olenyshyn Konstantin 2 May 1877 Feb. 1919
Olenyshyn Nastia Mar. 1906 Feb. 1921
Prokop Maria 1848 1944 *email me ( for more information on Maria Prokop:  it appears Maria was actually born 1855 in Ukraine and died 6 Dec. 1943 at  SE 27-43-8-3, Redberry Division (Krydor), SK
Bilous Harry 5 Jul. 1941 died at age 63
*Milik Katerina 1867 1941
Mochoruk Malanka 1889 1982 spouse of Fred Mochoruk
Mochoruk Fred 1888 1969 spouse of Malanka Mochoruk
Roschyk Dmytro 1888 1957
Kachmar Mikhalo 1900 1982
Cisecki Anastazia 5 Nov. 1889 18 May 1985 spouse of Lucko Cisecki
Cisecki Lucko 1884 Apr. 1974 spouse of Anastazia Cisecki
Cisecki Andrew J. 1927 1983
Marciniuk Walter 2 Dec. 1911 11 Mar. 1967 married 7 Nov. 1938 but spouse not noted on tombstone
*Tsiba Maria 1883? 1951?
*Baranowsky Varvara 1890 1958 spouse of Mikhail Baranowski
*Baranowsky Mikhail 1885 1946 spouse of Varava Baranowski
*Barowski Ivan 1919 1946
Baranowski Myroslav 17 Apr. 1925 27 Jul. 1977? not clear whether it is 1997 or 1977
Melnyk Orest 8 Mar. 1936 30 Aug. 1941 *email me ( for more information on Orest Melnyk
Melnyk Eugene 19 Jan. 1941 17 Nov. 1944 *email me ( for more information on Eugene Melnyk
Melnyk Stephanie 23 Nov. 1914 27 Jun. 2000 spouse of Mike Melnyk and email me ( to connect about Melnyks
Melnyk Mike 7 Jan. 1914 spouse of Stephanie Melnyk and email me ( to connect about Melnyks
*Olenishyn Stefan 10 Jun. 1914 23 Jul. 1948
*Kalishchak Timko 1866 1942

*translated from Ukrainian

created May 2003 by Carrie Eirene Stevenson (

Disclaimer:  I believe that information regarding cemeteries needs to be freely disseminated.  No part of this page may be published without my permission and no one is welcome to use this information for financial gain.