It has occured to me that with the approaching Provinces' centennial, and with particular reference to the Kindersley area, there may be some local interest in the early experiences of those who homesteaded in your area. My late father, Gordon Murchison, homesteaded just north of your town in 1909 and described his experiences in his memoirs written at the request of family members.


It is hard to imagine the hardships to which these early settlers were exposed.and my query to you at this time is to ascertain if there is any local interest in receiving some of his described details.


For your information, Gordon Murchison had considerable experience in land settlement in Saskatchewan and other parts of Canada. Following World War One, he joined the Soldier Settlement Board staff in Saskatchewan. Subsequently, he became the Director of that Board in Ottawa. Later, he became the the first Director of the Veterans' Land Act following WW II.


Perhaps you would be good enough to let me know of those, if any, who would be interested in those segments of his memoirs dealing with early settlement in that period .


Wayne Murchison

Chapter 2 - The Railroad

Chapter 3 - Homesteading

Chapter 4- The Big Gamble

Chapter 6 - Starting Again

Montreal Standard - MAN OF THE WEEK - April 20, 1946

(Large Page See following divisions:)

Man Of The Week Column 1

Man Of The Week Column 2-3

Man Of The Week Column 4

Man Of The Week - Gordon Murchison Photograph

The chapters I've included are 2, 3, 4 and 6. Of these, 3 and 4 deal with his homesteading in the Kindersley area prior to the First Great War. Chapter 6 covers that period of time following that War which he spent largely in Saskatchewan while on the staff of the Soldier Settlement Board and tells of the successes and failures of those involved in the early settlement in your provinces' farming communities. It also includes accounts of visits by some well-known personalities to the local farming communities ( Lord and Lady Byng Gov. Gen. of Canada and Winston Churchill who tried his hand at operating one of the early combines).


Chapter 5, which I have not included, covered the four years he served in the Canadian Army, most of which was spent overseas. While somewhat hilarious and irreverent of the military in general, it departs from your indicated area of interest.


I have included chapter 2, however, as it explains his earlier history and how he ended up settling in your part of the country. It also describes the back ground and difficulties experienced by many, - both Canadian and others - who sought out the perceived opportunities in western Canada. With limited education and experience, and with little or no resources, these young people took on challenges that are hard for present generations to comprehend. The experiences of my own father has made me somewhat sensitive to the lack of interest in our present schooling system for making our young people aware of our early history.

Submitted by
G. W. Murchison

E-mail Bibliography
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 15:01:34 -0600
From: "G. W. Murchison"
To: Can-Sk-Kindersley Mailing List
Subject: Homesteading in Kindersley

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