Rocanville, Saskatchewan
Images from "The Echo"[1]

Larger Image - Rocanville Hockey Club 1930-31
back Row- R. Johnson, trainer; G. Wyatt, president; C. Chilton, exec; E. Davis, manager; S. Cheesman, exec.
Middle Row- L. Goodman, right wing; K. McLeod, r. defence; J. Baird, goal; M. Lockhart, l. defence; D. Moffatt, sub.
Front Row- G. McLeod, centre; C. Goodman, sub; C. Hudson, l wing; J. Gray, sub.

More images submitted by Red Lauttamus

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1. From: Red Lauttamus
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: Interesting Find
Date: January 18, 2010

Photo scan submitted by Red Lauttamus.
Permissions for the use of the photo granted by Monica Merkosky, Administrator, Town of Rocanville.

Photograph use granted on this volunteer run - not for profit web site for Saskatchewan history/genealogy research purposes by the Rocanville Town clerk. Copyright by the Rocanville Village Community. Village of Commerce Committee headed up by Mr. J. Gerolamy, Rev. R.M. Evans, Mrs. Robert Palmer and Madge Gerolamy. Please contact the Town of Rocanville for further or commercial use of the images on this web page.

Book Bibliography:
Title The Echo : Rocanville, 1904-1964
Author: Rocanville Village of Commerce Committee headed up by
Mr. J. Gerolamy, Rev. R.M. Evans, Mrs. Robert Palmer and Madge Gerolamy.
Published c1964 Brandon, Man. : Sun Printing

Rocanville Hockey Club 1930-31, R. Johnson, trainer; G. Wyatt, president; C. Chilton, exec; E. Davis, manager; S. Cheesman, exec., L. Goodman, right wing; K. McLeod, r. defence; J. Baird, goal; M. Lockhart, l. defence; D. Moffatt, sub., G. McLeod, centre; C. Goodman, sub; C. Hudson, l wing; J. Gray, sub., Rocanville Hockey Club 1930-31, R. Johnson, trainer; G. Wyatt, president; C. Chilton, exec; E. Davis, manager; S. Cheesman, exec., L. Goodman, right wing; K. McLeod, r. defence; J. Baird, goal; M. Lockhart, l. defence; D. Moffatt, sub., G. McLeod, centre; C. Goodman, sub; C. Hudson, l wing; J. Gray, sub., Rocanville Hockey Club 1930-31, R. Johnson, trainer; G. Wyatt, president; C. Chilton, exec; E. Davis, manager; S. Cheesman, exec., L. Goodman, right wing; K. McLeod, r. defence; J. Baird, goal; M. Lockhart, l. defence; D. Moffatt, sub., G. McLeod, centre; C. Goodman, sub; C. Hudson, l wing; J. Gray, sub., Rocanville Village School, Rocanville, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, Rocanville Village School, Rocanville, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, Rocanville Village School, Rocanville, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, Rocanville Village School, Rocanville, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, Rocanville Village School, Rocanville, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, historical, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house, Qu'Appelle and the Fishing Lakes, Canadian Pacific Railway, Moosomin, Brandon Manitoba,Grand Valley Manitoba, Rapid city, Shoal Lake, Riding Mountains, Bird Tail Creek, Ellice, Birtle and the Land Office, Assiniboine river, Little Saskatchewan River, Moose Mountain Trail, Pheasant Hills, Wood Mountain Trail, Moose Mountain, Pile O' Bones River, Souris River, Rough Bark Creek, Souris River, The south eastern edge of the Missouri Coteau, Souris Branch Canadian Pacific, White Lake, Land Office near Pembina Mountain, Turtle Mountain, Qu'Appelle and the Fishing Lakes, Canadian Pacific Railway, Moosomin, Brandon Manitoba,Grand Valley Manitoba, Rapid city, Shoal Lake, Riding Mountains, Bird Tail Creek, Ellice, Birtle and the Land Office, Assiniboine river, Little Saskatchewan River, Moose Mountain Trail, Pheasant Hills, Wood Mountain Trail, Moose Mountain, Pile O' Bones River, Souris River, Rough Bark Creek, Souris River, The south eastern edge of the Missouri Coteau, Souris Branch Canadian Pacific, White Lake, Land Office near Pembina Mountain, Turtle Mountain, map, map, map, map, map, township, range, first meridian, prime meridian, South eastern Saskatchewan, south east Assiniboia, North West Territories, NWT, township, range, first meridian, prime meridian, South eastern Saskatchewan, south east Assiniboia, North West Territories, NWT,township, range, first meridian, prime meridian, South eastern Saskatchewan, south east Assiniboia, North West Territories, NWT,