Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical eduational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Sandy River School District No. 1717
Tsp 29 Rge 6 W of the 2

Smaller image

Sandy River School District No. 1717, 1907 - 1965
These pictures were taken in the summer of 2008. By Red Lauttamus. Anybody wanting to find this will need a guide as it is on an abandoned road back in the boonies.

Yorkton Area Schools

North west of Yorkton

Phone Hill School District No. 1459, 1906-1969
Tsp 26 Rge 6 W of the 2 Meridian

Phone Hill 1459

Phone Hill School

Phone Hill Barn

Phone Hill Sign

Phone Hill Water Pump
According to Springside and district : memoirs Crossroads School District # 4775 was organised in 1928 and was on Sections in Tsp 27 Rge 6 & 7 W of the 2nd Meridian. The school building itsel was built SE 1/4 24 Tsp 27 Rge 7 W2. However, the first naming for the Crossroads/Cross Roads was Crossroads School District #495 located in Alberta at Tsp 39 Rge 27 W of the 4 Meridian. When Saskatchewan and Alberta became provinces in 1905, numbers previously in use in Alberta were cancelled and re-applied to School Districts of Saskatchewan. Creekside School District #997 was formed and disorganised by 1904 with a previous location of Tsp 27 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian, and so #997 appears on old School District Maps around Tsp 27 Rge 7 W2 instead of #4775. The area shape did change.

Grunert School District No. 715, 1902-1967
Tsp 27 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian

Crossroads School District No. 4775, 1929-1966
Tsp 27 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian

Grunert School Site
Grunert School Sign Crossroads Sign Crossroads Site

Windsor School District No. 265 1892 - 1967
Tsp 26, 27 Rge 5, 6 W of the 2nd Meridian

Windsor No. 265

Windsor School House

Windsor Sign

1924 Yorkton Area Map

1924 SWP Map

Orkney School District No. 97
Tsp 26 Rge 4, 5 W of the 2nd Meridian



Orkney Sign
SD Maps
SD 265, SD 97
SD 1717, SD1459
SD 997 --> 4775
Yorkton area School Districts

New Finland School District No. 435, 1897-1955
SW 20 Tsp 17 R 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Sandy River School District No. 1717, 1907 - 1965
Tsp 29 Rge 6 W of the 2nd Meridian

New Finland Church

New Finland SD 435

Sandy River SD 1717

Sandy River SD 1717
School Districts in the area of New Finland District
South East of Melville, SK

Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958
NE 34 Tsp 17 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961
NE 9 Tsp 17 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966
NW 10 Tsp 18 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959
NE 27 Tsp 16 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959
SW 18 Tsp 17 Rge 32 W of the 1st Meridian

Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963
SE 4 Tsp 16 Rge 33 W of the 1st Meridian

Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962
SE 15 Tsp 16 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965
SE 1 Tsp 17 Rge 2 W of the 2nd Meridian

Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962
SE 3 Tsp 17 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957
NE 20 Tsp 17 Rge 1 W of the 2nd Meridian

New Finland
Area Sign

New Finland Area Map

1925 Map

New Finland SD map S

SD Maps

New Finland SD map N

SD maps
For nearby placenames near these schools:
Placenames near Yorkton:
Orcadia is located at NW 1/4 Sec.26, Twp.26, R.5, W2
According to the 2006 census, Orcadia is an unorganised area
enumerated as part of Rural municipality Orkney No. 244

Springside is located at Sec.23, Twp.27, R.6, W2
Springside is a town of about 200 residents.

Theodore is located at Sec.1, Twp.28, R.7, W2
Theodore is a village of about 350 residents.

Yorkton is located at Sec.13, Twp.26, R.4, W2
Yorkton is a city of over 17,000

Placenames near New Finland District:
Burrows was located at Twp.16, R.1, W2
and then moved to Twp.15, R.1, W2
Grove Park is an unincorporated area RM Willowdale #153

Percival is located at Sec.19, Twp.16, R.3, W2
Percival is an unincorporated area of RM Willowdale No. 153

Deerview is located at Sec.28, Twp.16, R.1, W2
Deerview was only around for 6 years from 1913-1919.

Forest Farm is located at Twp.17, R.1, W2
Forest Farm is an unincorporated area of RM Willowdale No. 153

Grove Park is located at Twp.18, R.1, W2
Grove Park is an unincorporated area RM Willowdale #153

Hazel Cliffe is located at Sec.32, Twp.18, R.33, WPM
Hazel Cliffe is an unincorporated area of RM Spy Hill No. 152

Ohlen is located at Sec.30, Twp.18, R.2, W2
Ohlen was only around for 4 years 1906-1910

Percival is located at Sec.19, Twp.16, R.3, W2
Percival is an unincorporated area RM Willowdale #153

Prosperity was located at Sec.16, Twp.16, R.32, W1
Prosperity existed between 1900 to 1917.

Rocanville was located at Sec.16, Twp.17, R.31, W1
and then moved to Sec.21, Twp.16, R.31, W1
Rocanville is a town of over 850.

Tantallon is located at Twp.18, R.32, W1
Tantallon is a village of about 100.

Wapella is located at Sec.9, Twp.15, R.33, W1
Wapella is a town of about 300.

Whitewood is located at Sec.7, Twp.16, R.2, W2
Whitewood is a town of about 900

Populations from 2006 Census, Statistics Canada Community Profiles
Locations from the Post Offices and Postmasters - Library and Archives Canada

Near Yorkton, Saskatchewan are the Orkney SD No. 97,
Windsor SD No. 265, Sandy River SD No. 1717, Phone Hill SD No. 1459, Grunert S No. 715, Crossroads No. 4775

For more information from
local history / family biography books

Book title Legacy of Stone: Saskatchewan's Stone Buildings
Author Margaret Hryniuk, Frank Korvemaker, Larry Easton
Photographs by Larry Easton
Publisher Coteau Books, 2008
Publisher online Google Books
ISBN 1550503693, 9781550503692

Book title Orkney stones, 1882-1989
Author Orkney Historical Society
Publisher Yorkton, Saskatchewan 1989

Book Title Homesteaders south of the Whitemud
Author Harrisland Sewing Club. History Committee
Published [Bracken, Sask.] c1975
History of Bracken and Orkney SK

Title Theodore : Theodore and district history
Published Theodore, Sask c1987
Author Theodore Historical Society
ISBN 0919781357

Title Springside and district memoirs
Published Springside, Sask. 1983
Author Springside Historical Society

Title Life in the New Finland woods : a history of New Finland, SK
Edited by Nancy Mattson Schelstraete
Author New Finland Historical and Heritage Society
1st Published Rocanville, Sask. c1982
ISBN 0888649681
2nd Published Wapella, Sask. c2001
ISBN 0968857205

Title Whitewood and area, 1892-1992
Author Whitewood History Book Committee
Published Whitewood, Sask. : Whitewood Herald, 1992
ISBN 0919781594

Title Mingling memories : a history of Wapella and districts
Author Wapella History Book Committee (Sask.)
Published Wapella, Sask.
ISBN 0889251126

Title The Echo : Rocanville, 1904-1964

Published c1964 Brandon, Man. : Sun Printing

Title Where the prairie lily blows : a history of Rocanville and district
Published Rocanville, SK 1997
Author Rocanville History Committee

Windsor School Spun With Tears

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1. From: Red Lauttamus
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
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Date: October 25, 2009

Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717, Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717, Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717, Windsor School District No. 265, Orkney School District No. 97, Sandy River School District No. 1717,Nurmi Oja SD #1416, 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640, 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518, 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023, 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309, 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753, 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742, 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519, 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465, 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90, 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland District, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Nurmi Oja SD #1416, 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640, 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518, 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023, 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309, 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753, 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742, 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519, 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465, 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90, 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland District, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland District, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland District, Finnish, Nurmi Oja SD #1416 1906-1958,Convent Creek SD #4640 1926-1961,Grove Park SD #518 1899-1966,Woodleigh SD #1023 1905-1959,Carnoustie SD #309 1895-1959, Cranbrook SD #4753 1937-1963,Elliott SD #4742 1928-1962,Hopehill SD #1519 1906-1965,Deerwood SD #465 1898-1962,Forest Farm SD #90 1889-1957, New Finland Church, New Finland School District 435, New Finland District, Finnish,Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, historical, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house,