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Brookland S.D. 3662,Tsp 34- Rge 5- W3,Haultain P.O.,Sec.36- Twp.34- R.5- W3,Nutana Post office,1884 later -1902- name Saskatoon,Sec.28- Twp.36- R.5- W3,Melness S.D. 1179,Section 9- Tsp.35- Rge. 4- W3,Saskatoon,Sec. 33- Tsp. 36- Rge. 5- W3,Grasswood School District # 3998,Tsp 36 Rge 6 W of the 3,Nutana Post office,1884 later -1902- name Saskatoon,Sec.28- Twp.36- R.5- W3,Victor S.D. 1889,New Victor S.D.,Tsp 35- Rge 5- W3,Nutana Post office,1884 later -1902- name Saskatoon,Sec.28- Twp.36- R.5- W3,Wilfred S.D. 1476,First Wilfred School,SW-30-40-24,52.4666 N Latitude- 105.4352 W Longitude,NW-19-40-24,52.4594 N. Latitude- 105.4352 W. Longitude,Sec. 19- Tsp 40- Rge 24,St. Benedict,SE Sec.33- Twp.41- R.24- W2,52.5685 N. Latitude- 105.3755 W. Longitude,Sec.16- Twp.41- R.24- W2,Middle Lake,NE Sec.16- Twp.41- R.23- W2,SE Sec.31- Twp.40- R.23- W2,Sec.14- Twp.41- R.23- W2,1909-06-01,Bunker Hill S.D. 2724,New Bunker Hill,Tsp 39- Rge 20- W2,Annaheim,Sec.4- Twp.39- R.20- W2,Haggstrom S.D. 557,Sec 45- Rge 21- W2,Kinistino,SE 1/4 Sec.29- Twp.45- R.21- W2,52.9031 N. Latitude- 104.9931 W. Longitude,Sec.16- Twp.45- R.21- W2,Sec.17- Twp.45- R.21- W2,Brookland S.D. 3662,Tsp 34- Rge 5- W3,Haultain P.O.,Sec.36- Twp.34- R.5- W3,Nutana Post office,1884 later -1902- name Saskatoon,Sec.28- Twp.36- R.5- W3,Melness S.D. 1179,Section 9- Tsp.35- Rge. 4- W3,Saskatoon,Sec. 33- Tsp. 36- Rge. 5- W3,Grasswood School District # 3998,Tsp 36 Rge 6 W of the 3,Nutana Post office,1884 later -1902- name Saskatoon,Sec.28- Twp.36- R.5- W3,Victor S.D. 1889,New Victor S.D.,Tsp 35- Rge 5- W3,Nutana Post office,1884 later -1902- name Saskatoon,Sec.28- Twp.36- R.5- W3,Wilfred S.D. 1476,First Wilfred School,SW-30-40-24,52.4666 N Latitude- 105.4352 W Longitude,NW-19-40-24,52.4594 N. Latitude- 105.4352 W. Longitude,Sec. 19- Tsp 40- Rge 24,St. Benedict,SE Sec.33- Twp.41- R.24- W2,52.5685 N. Latitude- 105.3755 W. Longitude,Sec.16- Twp.41- R.24- W2,Middle Lake,NE Sec.16- Twp.41- R.23- W2,SE Sec.31- Twp.40- R.23- W2,Sec.14- Twp.41- R.23- W2,1909-06-01,Bunker Hill S.D. 2724,New Bunker Hill,Tsp 39- Rge 20- W2,Annaheim,Sec.4- Twp.39- R.20- W2,Haggstrom S.D. 557,Sec 45- Rge 21- W2,Kinistino,SE 1/4 Sec.29- Twp.45- R.21- W2,52.9031 N. Latitude- 104.9931 W. Longitude,Sec.16- Twp.45- R.21- W2,Sec.17- Twp.45- R.21- W2,Images submitted by L Neighbour Saskatchewan One Room School Project School districts,Images submitted by L Neighbour Saskatchewan One Room School Project School districts,Images submitted by L Neighbour Saskatchewan One Room School Project School districts