![]() ![]() | ![]() Saskatchewan One Room School Districts Handwritten database transcription. No date. Permission for use online by both the Provincial Archives and Ministry of Education. Submitted by Glen Mason. Thank you!
School Name | School District Number | Comments |
MABEL HILL | School District # 3828 | |
MacDOWALL | School District # 106 | |
MacGREGOR | School District # 1382 | |
MacKAY CREEK | School District # 3180 | database write up, McKAY CREEK spelling crossed out to be replaced with MacKAY CREEK |
MacKENZIE | School District # 3107 | |
MacKENZIEVILLE | School District # 1424 | |
MACKIE | School District # 3031 | |
MacKINTOSH | School District # 372 | |
MacKINTOSH LAKE | School District # 2610 | |
MACKLIN | School District # 2420 | |
MacNUTT | School District # 793 | |
MACOUN | School District # 901 | |
MACRORIE | School District # 3600 | |
MacVILLE | School District # 2985 | |
MacWORTH, THE | School District # 4118 | |
MADAWASKA | School District # 2238 | |
MADELON | School District # 4868 | |
MADIGAN | School District # 2095 | |
MADISON | School District # 3987 | |
MADOC | School District # 4445 | |
MAGNOLIA | School District # 2873 | |
MAGNUM BONUM | School District # 232 | |
MAGYAR | School District # 1384 | |
MAHARG | School District # 4152 | |
MAIDEN LAKE | School District # 440 | |
MAIDSTONE | School District # 1528 | |
MAIN CENTRE | School District # 1236 | |
MAINROAD | School District # 4536 | |
MAISONNEUVE | School District # 4582 | |
MAITLAND | School District # 858 | |
MAJESTIC | School District # 4442 | |
MAJOR | School District # 3617 | |
MAKWA | School District # 4601 | previously named RABBIT RIVER 4601 |
MAKWA LAKE | School District # 4980 | Later LOON LAKE VILLAGE |
MALBY | School District # 1015 | |
MALDEN | School District # 3837 | |
MALLARD | School District # 3255 | |
MALLARD HILL | School District # 5205 | |
MALONECK | School District # 3669 | |
MALTBY | School District # 3777 | |
MALVERN LINK | School District # 717 | |
MAMORNITZ | School District # 2266 | |
MANCHESTER | School District # 3675 | |
MANFORD | School District # 5105 | |
MANHEIM | School District # 1937 | |
MANITOU BEACH | School District # 4952 | |
MANITOU HILL | School District # 4174 | |
MANITOU LAKE | School District # | See NEILBURG 2218 |
MANKOTA | School District # 4818 | |
MANLIUS | School District # 2956 | |
MANNA | School District # 532 | |
MANNANAH | School District # 1390 | |
MANNIX | School District # 4643 | Later FURNESS |
MANOR | School District # 605 | |
MANOR PARK | School District # 1674 | |
MANRESA | School District # 1809 | |
MANTARIO | School District # 4511 | |
MANVILLE | School District # 658 | |
MANYBONE CREEK | School District # 1422 | |
MANYBONE VALLEY | School District # 1184 | |
MAPLE | School District # 1380 | |
MAPLE BUSH | School District # 2680 | |
MAPLE CREEK | School District # 80 | |
MAPLE DALE | School District # 2727 | |
MAPLE GREEN | School District # 28 | |
MAPLE GROVE | School District # 122 | |
MAPLE HILL | School District # 1118 | |
MAPLE LEAF | School District # 2089 | |
MAPLE SLOPE | School District # 3849 | |
MAPLE VALLEY | School District # 1680 | |
MAPLE VIEW | School District # 2066 | |
MAPLESIDE | School District # 3334 | |
MAPLETON | School District # 2839 | |
MARCELIN | School District # 1658 | |
MARCHMONT | School District # 123 | |
MARCHWELL | School District # 1455 | |
MARCLIFFE | School District # 3355 | |
MARCONI | School District # 1313 | |
MAREAN LAKE | School District # 4999 | |
MARENGO | School District # 457 | |
MARGO | School District # 2072 | |
MARGUERITE | School District # 1321 | |
MARIAHILF | School District # 666 | |
MARIE | School District # 4669 | |
MARIENTHAL | School District # 4568 | |
MARIETON | School District # 513 | |
MARIGOLD | School District # 4807 | |
MARINE | School District # 1997 | |
MARION | School District # 853 | |
MARIPOSA | School District # 1799 | |
MARKINCH | School District # 1880 | |
MARLBOROUGH | School District # 156 | |
MARLIN | School District # 4311 | |
MARLOW | School District # 3717 | |
MARMORA | School District # 1101 | |
MARNE | School District # 4043 | |
MARNEAU LAKE | School District # 4845 | |
MARQUETTE | School District # 2747 | Later PALMER |
MARQUIS | School District # 833 | |
MARR HALL | School District # 1879 | |
MARRIOTT | School District # 3538 | |
MARRON | School District # 3542 | |
MARSDEN | School District # 4621 | |
MARSEILLJAISE | School District # 3327 | |
MARSHALL | School District # 1499 | |
MARTIN | School District # 368 | |
MARTIN DALE | School District # 3847 | |
MARWIN | School District # 1161 | |
MARX | School District # 3789 | |
MARYFIELD | School District # 2054 | |
MARYVILLE | School District # 2790 | |
MASEFIELD | School District # 4622 | |
MASON | School District # 2449 | |
MATHIEU | School District # RCS 7 | |
MATHYAS | School District # 3141 | |
MAVERICK | School District # 7 | |
MAWER | School District # 4000 | |
MAXIM | School District # 3657 | |
MAXSTONE | School District # 2436 | |
MAXVILLE | School District # 3728 | |
MAXWELL | School District # 2427 | |
MAXWELLTON | School District # 1813 | |
MAY | School District # 3577 | |
MAY BELL | School District # 1282 | |
MAYBRIDGE | School District # 2797 | |
MAYERLING | School District # 1149 | |
MAYFAIR | School District # 4851 | |
MAYFIELD | School District # 3104 | |
MAYFLOWER | School District # 866 | |
MAYMONT | School District # 1555 | |
MAYPOLE | School District # 1078 | |
MAYVILLE | School District # 1823 | |
MAZENOD | School District # 3459 | |
MAZEPPA | School District # 2860 | |
McALLISTER | School District # 621 | |
McAULEY | School District # 2186 | |
McCARTER | School District # 3179 | |
McCARTHY | School District # 1014 | |
McCLOY CREEK | School District # 4261 | |
McCOLL | School District # 2539 | |
McCONNELL | School District # 2229 | |
McCORD | School District # 4820 | |
McCOY | School District # 1062 | |
McCRANEY | School District # 3377 | |
McDONALD CREEK | School District # 3243 | |
McDONALD DALE | School District # 4003 | |
McDONALD HILLS | School District # 1646 | |
McDOUGALL | School District # 1611 | Later CANA SD 1611 |
McFARLANE CREEK | School District # 5187 | |
McGEE | School District # 2751 | |
McGILLIVRAY | School District # 2208 | |
McINTYRE | School District # 3337 | |
McKAGUE | School District # 1264 | |
McKAY | School District # 135 | |
McKELLAR | School District # 584 | |
McKINLEY | School District # 1004 | |
McKNIGHT | School District # 863 | |
McLAREN | School District # 3315 | |
McLEAN | School District # 61 | |
McLEOD | School District # 650 | |
McMAHON | School District # 1487 | |
McMILLAN | School District # 2527 | |
McNAB | School District # 5201 | |
McNAUGHT | School District # 155 | |
McPHAIL | School District # 3331 | |
McPHERSON | School District # 618 | |
McQUARRIE | School District # 4395 | |
McROBERTS | School District # 2456 | |
McTAGGART | School District # 1143 | |
McTAVISH | School District # 1167 | |
MEACHAM | School District # 3469 | |
MEADOW | School District # 3722 | |
MEADOW BROOK | School District # 1030 | |
MEADOW DALE | School District # 1296 | |
MEADOW DEW | School District # 4484 | |
MEADOW GROVE | School District # 3760 | |
MEADOW LAKE | School District # 1201 | |
MEADOW LAKE | School District # RCS 35 | |
MEADOW LANDS | School District # 3674 | |
MEADOW LARK | School District # 1219 | |
MEADOW LEA | School District # 55 | |
MEADOW PRAIRIE | School District # 2716 | |
MEADOW RIVER | School District # 4355 | |
MEADOW VALE | School District # 175 | |
MEADOW VIEW | School District # 3504 | |
MEADOW VILLE | School District # 4228 | |
MEADOWBANK | School District # 2622 | |
MEADOWCROFT | School District # 4984 | |
MEATH PARK | School District # 5101 | |
MEDINA | School District # 2631 | |
MEDOMSLEY | School District # 3267 | |
MEDORA | School District # 230 | |
MEDSTEAD | School District # 4903 | |
MEETING LAKE | School District # 4307 | |
MEGAN | School District # 4260 | |
MELAVAL | School District # 3983 | |
MELBA | School District # 4654 | |
MELFORT | School District # 1037 | |
MELFORT VIEW | School District # 121 | |
MELINDA | School District # 320 | |
MELLMORE | School District # 3568 | |
MELNESS | School District # 1179 | |
MELROSE | School District # 1576 | |
MELVILLE | School District # 2187 | |
MELVILLE VIEW | School District # 2421 | |
MEMORIAL | School District # 2067 | |
MENARD | School District # 3544 | |
MENDHAM | School District # 4726 | |
MENNO | School District # 248 | See also BRYNTERION 248 |
MENNOFELDT | School District # 472 | |
MENNON | School District # 1508 | |
MENZIE | School District # 2370 | |
MEOTA | School District # 790 | |
MERRINGTON | School District # 2604 | |
MERRY HOME | School District # 2228 | |
MERRYFIELD | School District # 5216 | |
MERRYFLAT | School District # 3561 | |
MERRYWOOD | School District # 3470 | |
MERVIN | School District # 3045 | |
MESKANAW | School District # 5017 | |
MESKANAW | School District # 5017 | Previously LOYAL RIDGE |
MESTAPESIS | School District # 5029 | Later Ranger Cabin |
METROPOLE | School District # 1608 | |
METZ | School District # 1567 | |
MEUSE | School District # 3869 | |
MEYRONNE | School District # 3189 | |
MIDALE | School District # 908 | |
MIDDAGH | School District # 3861 | |
MIDDLE BENCH | School District # 4888 | |
MIDDLE LAKE | School District # 2271 | |
MIDDLE VALLEY, THE | School District # 3834 | |
MIDDLEBURG | School District # 3720 | |
MIDDLEFOLD | School District # 1165 | |
MIDDLESBROUGH | School District # 3578 | |
MIDDLETON | School District # 2654 | |
MIDHURST | School District # 1530 | Later PELLY |
MIDLAND | School District # 4334 | |
MIDNIGHT LAKE | School District # 893 | |
MIDWAY | School District # 2794 | |
MIERAUS | School District # 1002 | |
MIKADO | School District # 986 | |
MILAN | School District # 4710 | |
MILBROOK | School District # 1545 | |
MILDEN | School District # 382 | |
MILDRED | School District # 3778 | |
MILDRED DALE | School District # 3326 | (hard to read) Changed HOWARD HORVALL later named MILDRED DALE |
MILE END | School District # 4548 | |
MILESTONE | School District # 595 | |
MILFORD | School District # 4410 | |
MILLAR | School District # 185 | |
MILLERSDALE | School District # 381 | |
MILLIONS | School District # 625 | |
MILLROAD | School District # 4983 | |
MILLS | School District # 2753 | |
MILLSDALE | School District # 2935 | |
MILLY | School District # 926 | |
MILNER | School District # 2434 | |
MILTON | School District # 3111 | |
MIMER | School District # 2313 | |
MIMOSA | School District # 821 | |
MINAKI | School District # 4951 | |
MINATINAS | School District # 359 | |
MINE VALLEY | School District # 939 | |
MINER CREEK | School District # 5046 | |
MINERVA | School District # 390 | |
MINIATURE | School District # 4886 | |
MINK CREEK | School District # 5258 | |
MINNEHAHA | School District # 909 | |
MINNESOTA | School District # 1395 | |
MINNIE LAKE | School District # 3340 | |
MINOR LAKE | School District # 1370 | |
MINOT | School District # 663 | |
MINTERN | School District # 772 | |
MINTO | School District # 490 | |
MINTON | School District # 5174 | |
MIORA LAKE | School District # 3116 | |
MIRROR LAKE | School District # 5086 | |
MIRY CREEK | School District # 397 | |
MISSION LAKE | School District # 1716 | |
MISTATIM | School District # 4811 | |
MISTAWASIS | School District # 137 | |
MISTERTON | School District # 3381 | |
MISTLETOE | School District # 3649 | |
MITCHELLTON | School District # 1375 | |
MITCHENER | School District # 2441 | |
MIZPAH | School District # 798 | |
MODEL | School District # 931 | |
MOFFAT | School District # 4852 | |
MOHAWK PARK | School District # 1341 | |
MOHELA | School District # 3971 | |
MOLEWOOD | School District # 4295 | |
MOLINE | School District # 5008 | |
MONA | School District # 2310 | |
MONARCH | School District # 2671 | |
MONASTERY | School District # 1086 | |
MONASTYR | School District # 2328 | |
MONMAWALA | School District # 3074 | |
MONMOUTH | School District # 3699 | |
MONODALE | School District # 3351 | |
MONS | School District # 3974 | |
MONSIGNOR JANSSEN | School District # RCS 29 | |
MONSON | School District # 2469 | |
MONTAGUE | School District # 4031 | |
MONTAGUE LAKE | School District # 1409 | |
MONTCALM | School District # 508 | |
MONTFORD | School District # 4875 | |
MONTGOMERY | School District # 15 | |
MONTGOMERY PROTESTANT | School District # | |
MONTMARTRE | School District # 1586 | |
MONTRO | School District # 3976 | |
MONTROSE | School District # 653 | |
MOON HILLS | School District # 5155 | |
MOON LAKE | School District # 3948 | |
MOONEY | School District # 1039 | |
MOORE | School District # 3560 | |
MOOREFIELD | School District # 3555 | |
MOORHEAD | School District # 4535 | |
MOORLAND | School District # 2137 | |
MOOSE CREEK | School District # 732 | |
MOOSE DALE | School District # 4997 | |
MOOSE HAVEN | School District # 5170 | |
MOOSE HEAD | School District # 3193 | |
MOOSE JAW | School District # 1 | |
MOOSE LAKE | School District # 4930 | |
MOOSE MOUNTAIN | School District # 162 | |
MOOSE PARK | School District # 2802 | |
MOOSE PLAINS | School District # 3656 | |
MOOSE POND | School District # 3712 | |
MOOSE RANGE | School District # 3039 | |
MOOSE RUN | School District # 5121 | |
MOOSE VALLEY | School District # 3106 | |
MOOSEHORN | School District # 564 | |
MOOSOMIN | School District # 12 | |
MORA | School District # 3154 | |
MORIN CREEK | School District # 5075 | |
MORNIMONT | School District # 4551 | |
MORNING GLORY | School District # 4814 | |
MORNING STAR | School District # 1701 | |
MORNINGSIDE | School District # 282 | Later HYDE |
MORNINGTON | School District # 4363 | |
MORRIS | School District # 3989 | |
MORRISVIEW | School District # 827 | |
MORSE | School District # 1921 | |
MORTLACH | School District # 1368 | |
MORTON | School District # 2543 | |
MORVEN | School District # 1775 | |
MOSCOW | School District # 2626 | |
MOSQUITO CREEK | School District # 3234 | |
MOSS DALE | School District # 3101 | |
MOSS LAKE | School District # 684 | |
MOSS SIDE | School District # 4981 | |
MOSSBANK | School District # 3497 | |
MOSSY GLEN | School District # 5072 | |
MOSSY VALE | School District # 5159 | |
MOSTETZ | School District # 1734 | |
MOTHERWELL | School District # 2059 | |
MOTION | School District # 5132 | |
MOULIN | School District # 3021 | |
MOUNDVILLE | School District # 741 | |
MOUNT CARMEL | School District # 2962 | |
MOUNT CRESCENT | School District # 911 | |
MOUNT ETHEL | School District # 4204 | |
MOUNT EVEREST | School District # 4418 | |
MOUNT FOREST | School District # 970 | |
MOUNT HECLA | School District # 1561 | |
MOUNT HILL | School District # 4439 | |
MOUNT HOPE | School District # 1915 | |
MOUNT JOY | School District # 566 | |
MOUNT LORRAINE | School District # 4315 | |
MOUNT MARIE | School District # 836 | |
MOUNT MURRAY | School District # 1252 | |
MOUNT NEBO | School District # 442 | |
MOUNT PISGAH | School District # 3489 | |
MOUNT PLEASANT | School District # 558 | |
MOUNT ROSE | School District # 1882 | |
MOUNT ROYAL | School District # 2508 | |
MOUNT RUMBLE | School District # 4125 | |
MOUNT TEVIOT | School District # 3220 | |
MOUNT VERNON | School District # 1824 | |
MOUNT VICTORY | School District # 2209 | |
MOUNT ZION | School District # 3183 | |
MOUNTAIN | School District # 1548 | |
MOUNTAIN ASH | School District # 2741 | |
MOUNTAIN CEDAR | School District # 4054 | |
MOUNTAIN CHASE | School District # 1373 | |
MOUNTAIN LAKE | School District # 760 | |
MOUNTAIN VALLEY | School District # 1479 | |
MOUNTAIN VIEW | School District # 1657 | |
MOUNTNEY | School District # 985 | |
MOYER | School District # 1136 | |
MOZART | School District # 2781 | |
MUCKAMORE | School District # 1490 | |
MUDDY LAKE | School District # 2948 | |
MUDDY VIEW | School District # 2891 | |
MUDIE LAKE | School District # 5022 | |
MUIRLAND | School District # 2196 | |
MULBERRY | School District # 1625 | |
MULE CREEK | School District # 3380 | |
MULLINGAR | School District # 5050 | |
MUNCEY | School District # 5087 | |
MUNDELL | School District # 4140 | |
MUNDIE | School District # 4253 | |
MUNRO | School District # 544 | |
MURIEL | School District # 3932 | |
MURPHY | School District # 1962 | |
MURPHY CREEK | School District # 4290 | |
MURRAY | School District # 2365 | |
MURRAY LAKE | School District # 4275 | |
MURRAY SMITH | School District # 3034 | |
MUSKEEGAN | School District # 4970 | |
MUSKEG LAKE | School District # 4697 | |
MYERS | School District # 1943 | |
MYLOR | School District # 1079 | |
MYLREA | School District # 2859 | |
MYRTLE | School District # 4354 |
Thank you for stopping by # Web Page title: URL: Copyright ? Web Publish Date: All Rights Reserved E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice S.A.G. image of boys from 1899 book: The heart of a boy : (Cuore) a schoolboy's journal by De Amicis, Edmondo Mantellini, Gaetano Ettore Raffaele, contributed by Mancastrota Laird & Lee, Publishers. Re-published DigiTool - Collections. Publication of Archival Library and Museum Materials. State University System of Florida. |
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