south west Saskatchewan One Room Schools

Divide, Saskatchewan School House and Teacherage
DIVIDE, Saskatchewan School House and Teacherage
1917, South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian,near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan,
1917, South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian
near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan
North Landing School District 3198
south east quarter of section 28 township 20 range 15 west of the third meridian
near the town of Kyle
north east section 32 township 21 range 15 west of the third meridian
province of Saskatchewan, Canada
NORTH LANDING School District 3198
south east quarter of section 28 township 20 range 15 west of the third meridian
near the town of Kyle
north east section 32 township 21 range 15 west of the third meridian
province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Sanctuary School District 4566
Sanctuary hamlet NE 30 23 15 W3
Saskatchewan, Canada
SANCTUARY School District 4566
Sanctuary hamlet NE 30 23 15 W3
Saskatchewan, Canada
WHITE BEAR School District 4773
hamlet NW 18 22 16 W3
Another record shows also WHITE BEAR SCHOOL DISTRICT 2647
22-16-W3, near Tuberose,
Saskatchewan, Canada
WHITE BEAR School District 4773
hamlet NW 18 22 16 W3
Saskatchewan, Canada

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Web Page title:
Copyright © Web Publish Date: All Rights Reserved

To: Julia Adamson
From: Cody Kapcsos and Christa Kaytor

Divide, Saskatchewan School House and Teacherage, HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, WHITE BEAR School District 4773, NORTH LANDING School District 3198, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh,Divide, Saskatchewan School House and Teacherage, HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, WHITE BEAR School District 4773, NORTH LANDING School District 3198, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh, Divide, Saskatchewan School House and Teacherage, HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, WHITE BEAR School District 4773, NORTH LANDING School District 3198, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh, Divide, Saskatchewan School House and Teacherage, HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634, WHITE BEAR School District 4773, NORTH LANDING School District 3198, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh, Elrose, White Bear, Maple Creek, Cypress Hills, Sanctuary, Neuheim, Fort Walsh,