Atlas of Saskatchewan

Celebrating the Millennium


This web site is gratefully reprinted with permission from Dr. K.I. Fung, Professor of Geography, University of Saskatchewan. It is the intention of this web page to provide historical maps and information regarding early Saskatchewan as located on these maps. There are no service charges or fees for use of this map site, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these conditions of use. Any reproduction of these maps by any means would require the permission of Dr. K.I. Fung as per copyright laws of Canada. Permission to use the Atlas maps for the above purpose is hereby granted, provided the users of the web sites will not reproduce the maps by any means.

Book Bibliography:
Page 10
RICHARDS, J. Howard & FUNG, K.I. (1969). Atlas of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: Modern Press.
Sales and distribution of the Saskatchewan Atlas Celebrating the Millennium will be handled by the University of Saskatchewan Book Store

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Saskatchewan Atlas: Map Index