In which hemisphere is Saskatchewan located?
In which continent is Saskatchewan located?
What country is the province of Saskatchewan located in?
What province is to the west of Saskatchewan and shares the western border with Saskatchewan?
What province is to the east of Saskatchewan and shares its border?
What area is to the North of Saskatchewan and shares its Northern border?
What American States are to the South of Saskatchewan and share the United States - Canadian border?
Latitude are east west lines which encircle the globe. What line of Latitude forms the southern Boundary of Saskatchewan?
Latitude are east west lines which encircle the globe. What line of Latitude forms the northern Boundary of Saskatchewan?
Lines which encircle the glove running north-south are called lines of Longitude. What line of Longitude forms the western boundary of Saskatchewan?
The 4th meridian lies on the 110 degrees West Longitude. The 3rd Meridian lies on the 106 degrees West Longitudinal Line. If a homestead was located "west of the Third Meridian" it therefore lies in Saskatchewan. Select one from the list which are a part of Saskatchewan. There is more than one correct answer.
The 3rd Meridian lies on the 106 degrees West Longitudinal Line. The 2nd Meridian lies on the 102 degrees West Longitudinal Line. If a homestead was located "west of the Second Meridian" it therefore lies in Saskatchewan. Select one from the list which are a part of Saskatchewan. There is more than one correct answer.
The 2nd Meridian lies on the 102 degrees West Longitudinal Line. The 1st or Prime Meridian lies between the 97 and 98 degrees West Longitudinal Lines. If a homestead was located "west of the First or Prime Meridian" it therefore lies in either Manitoba or Saskatchewan. The Majority of homesteads and locations WPM are located in Manitoba. A Saskatchewan homestead must be between Ranges 30-34 WPM. Ranges 1-29 WPM are Manitoba. Select one from the list which are a part of Saskatchewan.There is more than one correct answer.
Homestead township numbering begins at the USA - Canadian Border and increments northward. Select one the Saskatchewan placenames which have a township number which would place them near the USA - Saskatchewan, Canada, Border? (Within 12 miles or 20KM distance) One township represents 6 miles or about 10 KM - There is more than one correct answer.
Homestead township numbering begins at the USA - Canadian Border and increments northward. Saskatoon city is located at Township.36, Range.5, West of the 3rd Meridian. Select one from the list which would represent a location North of Saskatoon. There is more than one correct answer.
From 1882-1905 there were provisional districts of the North West Territories. The southern provisional district was named Assiniboia (The 33rd township southward to the U.S.A Canada border). Township numbering begins at the U.A Canada border and increment northward. Select the placename which would be within Assiniboia Provisional District, NWT
From 1882-1905 there were provisional districts of the North West Territories. The northern provisional district was named Athabaska (Athabasca) The 71st township northward. Direction northward was limited in 1894 to the boundary of the District of Mackenzie at 60° N degrees latitude. Township numbering begins at the US.A Canada border and increments northward. Select the placename which would be within Athabaska Provisional District, NWT