Film T-5471

Report of Admissions at the Port of Gretna, Manitoba for 1910


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Email: Dawn
Date: Wed Jul 2 15:29:21 2003
Web Page:
Comments: As someone looking for port of entery for my great grandfather. I thought your web site helpful. Even though I did not find hime crossing there.


Email: pat ashlee
Date: Mon Mar 28 05:37:28 2005
Web Page:
Comments: I am enjoying your site emmensely. I am searching for information on gustav hantke He was my wifes grandfather.he came from prussia in 1906 and returned to prussia to wed his sweetheart in 1910. they then both came back to saskatchewan via the U.S. thanks for sharing your efforts. I hope you find your grandmother Coincedently my neighbour two doors down is howard purcell
