Prince Albert numbers among her prominent citizens George C. Mac- Donald, Inspector of Fisheries for the province of Saskatchewan. He was born in Pembroke, Ontario, on the 3d of May, 1877, his parents be- ing George and Mary (Davis) MacDonald, natives of North Renfrew district, Ontario. Mr. MacDonald engaged in farming in Ontario until 1893, when he retired from that line of work and was subsequently appointed bailiff, in which office he has served for the past twelve years. He is enjoying splendid health, at the age of eighty-two years, and Mrs. MacDonald is eighty-one. George C. MacDonald, upon reaching school age, started in the pub- lic schools of Pembroke and in due time was graduated from high school. He then apprenticed himself to the printer's trade, which he followed for some three years. He then worked in a retail store at Pembroke for four years and for five years was connected with a retail establish- ment in Montreal. In 1899 he came west to Prince Albert and clerked here until 1908, when he engaged in the mercantile business on his own account and operated a store with great success until 1911. In that year he disposed of his mercantile interests and became identified with the machinery business. In 1912 he was appointed to his present position as Inspector of Fisheries for the province of Saskatchewan and in the performance of the duties of this office he travels throughout the province. For a time his territory was confined to the northern part of the province. Mr. MacDonald is very conscientious in the discharge of the important duties devolving upon him and has proved himself to be the right man for the place, demonstrating great efficiency and capability in handling any matters that arise. Mr. MacDonald has been twice married. On the 24th of December, 1901, he was married to Miss Jennie Thompson and to them four chil- dren were born: Jean, born in May, 1905; Grace, born in August, 1907; Thompson, born on the 26th of January, 1908; and Allen, whose birth occurred on the 16th of September, 1910. Mrs. MacDonald passed away in May of the year 1911. In July, 1914, Mr. MacDonald was married to Miss Maude Honden and they have become the parents of two children: Lucinda, born in May, 1917; and Allison, who was born in May, 1920. Mr. MacDonald is very public-spirited and his aid can always be counted upon in the promotion of any movement for the betterment of the community at large. He is a member of the City Parks board and is identified with the Loyal Orange Association, the Kiwanis Club and the Prince Albert Club. For the past eight years he has been secretary of the Prince Albert Outing Club and for the past two years has been secretary of the Prince Albert Motor League, and he is a life member of the Prince Albert Agricultural Society. He belongs to the Presby- terian church. He is a man of genial and pleasing personality, his friends here are legion, and he is conceded to be one of Prince Albert's most essential citizens. Bibliography follows:

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