As a representative of the dental fraternity Dr. James C. King has
made continuous progress and the public recognition of his ability has
won for him a large patronage. He has practiced in Humboldt for a
number of years and is well known throughout the district. He was
born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on the 11th of July, 1886, a son of George
and Frances (Chisholm) King. The father is engaged in the newspaper
business at Dauphin, Manitoba, and is a highly esteemed and respected
citizen of that community. Mrs. King has passed away.
The public schools of Winnipeg and Dauphin, Manitoba, afforded
James C. King his preliminary education and his earliest ambition was
to study dentistry. Subsequently he enrolled in that department of the
Toronto University and was graduated therefrom with the D. D. S. de-
gree in 1910. He immediately entered the active practice of his profes-
sion in Winnipeg and remained there until 1911, when he came to Hum-
boldt. He has since practiced here and has a representative patronage.
Dr. King has remained a constant student of his profession and keeps in
close touch with the advancement ever being made by eminent dentists
throughout the country. He subscribes to the best dental literature and
belongs to various societies.
Aside from his professional duties Dr. King has served as mayor of
Humboldt the past four years. He has satisfactorily discharged the
duties devolving upon him and has inaugurated and brought to comple-
tion many movements for the benefit of the community at large. He wai
a member of the city council in 1916 and 1917 and is past president of the
local Board of Trade. He was executive of that body during 1914 and
1915 and chairman of the Victory Loan in 1918. Fraternally the Doctot
is identified with the Masons and is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. Hiu
religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church and he is a generous
contributor to its support. Dr. King is unmarried.
Bibliography follows:
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