As a specialist in surgery, Dr. Fred A. Corbett has been accorded an excellent practice ever since he came to Regina more than ten years ago. He not only holds a high position among his professional colleagues in western Canada, but he enjoys the confidence of the laity to a marked degree. Sheer ability in his chosen line of work, the result of years of patient study, close application to his professional dilties and the efficiency that is born of long experience, account for his somewhat unusual degree of success. Fred A. Corbett was born at Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, on the 11th of March, 1870, the son of Captain J. L. and Anna (Peppy) Corbett, the father a native of Five Islands, Nova Scotia, and the mother of St. John's, Newfoundland. Captain Corbett is still living at Parrsboro, at the venerable age of eighty-four, but Mrs. Corbett died in 1912. Captain Corbett has followed the sea since he was eighteen years old and has been a sea captain for many, many years. For three years during the Great war, at an age when most men have long since been released from stren- uous labors, the old captain took his ship back and forth across the mine- strewn, submarine infested waters of the Atlantic with its precious car- goes f(;r the armies of Great Britain and her allies. Two of the four children born to Captain and Mrs. Corbett, are still living: Fred A. Cor- bett, of this review, the eldest of the family; and a sister, Mrs. Ralph D. Poole of Brockton, Massachusetts, whose husband is a member of the well known shoe manufacturing firm, the Poole & Johnston Shoe Com- pany. The mother, Mrs. Corbett, was an active member of the Methodist church, but her husband is a Presbyterian. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and a Liberal in his political affiliations. After obtaining an early education in the high school of his home town, Fred A. Corbett took a course in the University of Mount Allison at Sackville, New Brunswick, graduating with the Bachelor of Arts de- gree in the class of 1892. Four years later he completed the medical course at McGill University of Montreal, with the Doctor of Medicine degree, and he had the honor of gaining a fellowship in the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) in 1911. Dr. Corbett began to practice in his native town of Parrsboro, where he remained for thirteen years. At the end of that time he went abroad for two years of graduate work in London, Edinburgh and Berlin and it was during this residence abroad that he gained the Royal fellowship. When he returned to the Dominion, Dr. Corbett sought a wider field of activity than his forwer home offered and upon looking about decided to locate permanently in Regina. He opened an office in this city in March, 1912, for the practice of surgery, in which he proposed to specialize to the exclusion of other branches of his profession. Here no dreary period of probation awaited the surgeon fresh from the famous teachers and clinics of the Old World; instead he had a good practice from the very start and one that has now reached very large proportions. In the month of November, 1911, Dr. Corbett was married to Miss Mabel D. McLeod, the daughter of E. A. McLeod, who was a prominent citizen of Parrsboro. Dr. and Mrs. Corbett have three children, a son and two daughters: Frederick, a lad of eleven; Dorothea, aged nine; and a little miss of two summers, Isabelle. Dr. Corbett has taken an active part in the work of the Metropolitan Methodist church, of which he is a member, ever since he came to Regina. His clubs are the Assiniboia, Regina and Wascana Country Clubs. For a diversion from the cares of his practice and the exercise he recognizes as being essential to his physi- cal well-being, he plays golf and is regarded as one of the most loyal devotees of the fairway and green, in his club. Educational affairs have always held his interest and won his support. He is one of the board of governors of the Regina College and serves in a similar capacity on the board of the American College of Surgeons, whose headquarters are in Chicago. In fact, his membership in that "college" gives convincing evidence of his high standing as a surgeon. Dr. Corbett has always worked for the advancement of his profession in every way, as well as studied to improve his own skill and efficiency. In 1915 he spent two months studying in Chicago and took graduate work in New York city in 1920, while at every opportunity he visits some important clinic to keep in touch with the recent developments in the chief surgical centers of America. Bibliography follows:

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