CHAPTER x. WHAT MR. COMMISSIONER GRAHAM SAYS OF THE INDIAN. Mr. Graham, the Indian Commissioner, addressed the Kiwanis Club, Regina, by request, on the subject of the Canadian Indians. There is no better authority. The Indian Department has no more able, conscien- tious, or experienced official, and, during the forty years he has been in the service, the Indians of Saskatchewan have had no better friend. In that address he gave a great deal of valuable and interesting infor- mation including the following statistics Indian population of Canada in 1922, 106,000; Eskimos, 3,200. Half of this number are West of the Great Lakes. Manitoba has 11,000, Sas- katchewan 10,000, Alberta 9,000 and 5,500 are scattered over the unor- ganized territories in the great north. By religious belief they are classed as follows: Catholics 48,000, Protestants 48,000; aboriginal beliefs 10,000. These figures reflect tre- mendous credit on the great missionary enterprise of the churches, but it may be more than suspected that great numbers of these classed as Christians still cling to their ancient beliefs among themselves. An Indian has no great objection to being baptized, or to having his children baptized, even though his notions of theology may be extremely hazy or non-existent. Indians own 5,000,000 acres of land, or at the rate of fifty acres for every man, woman and child. The value of this land is about $52,000,000. The Indians produce annually from one and a half to two million bushels of grain, and about half of this is grown in the west. They own stock to the value of $4,500,000; and the total value of their real and personal property is put at $65,000,000. They have capital funds-actual money~standing to their credit at Ottawa amounting to $12,000,000. THE QU'APPELLE TREATY. Alluding to the treaties with the Indians, Mr. Graham said the first treaty negotiated with the Western Indians was signed at Fort Qu'Ap- pelle on the 15th of September, 1874~fifty years ago. It is known as Treaty No.4 and what to this day is sometimes spoken of as the "Treaty Ground" was the piece of level prairie on which a monument has been built to commemorate the momentous event. The Commissioners repre- senting the Government were the Hon. Alexander Morris, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba; Hon. David Laird, at that time Minister of the Interior, and afterwards first Lieutenant Governor of the N. W. Terri- tories, and later on Indian Commissioner, which position he held at the time of his death; and the Hon. W. H. Christie, a retired Chief Factor of the Hudson's Bay Company. These Commissioners came overland from Fort Garry and were escorted by 100 men of the active Militia under the command of Lieut. Col. W. Osborne Smith. They marched all the way to the Fort and back again, making 700 miles in all. Mr. Graham said their presence had a splendid effect as Indians have a great respect for soldiers. There were about 3,000 Indians present at the Treaty, all living in tepees, and having with them hundreds of horses, so that the scene in the beautiful valley that met the eyes of the Commissioners must have been exceedingly interesting and picturesque. Two tribes were dealt with, the Crees and the Salteaux (Soto). The former were the more numerous, but the latter were the more difficult to deal with, and held out for their own way for a long time, and it was not until the Crees had finally agreed to accept the terms irrespective of them that the Salteaux acquiesced. The conference lasted six days and an area of 75,000 miles was surrendered. This Treaty, said Mr. Graham, was the first step towards bringing the Indians of this fertile plain in closer relation with the Government. The Reserves were allotted on a basis of 128 acres for every man, woman and child, or in other words, a section of 640 acres for every family of five, which of course has turned out greatly in excess of their requirements. Much of this land has been surrendered back to the Gov- ernment and the proceeds of the sale placed to the credit of the Bands to which they belonged. As a result of these sales funds have been created to buy horses, cattle, implements and other equipment with which to give young farming Indians a good start. The Indians were allowed to select their reserves and they showed great shrewdness and knowledge in the selection. Wherever one strikes an Indian Reserve in the west one may be certain of finding some of the best land in the country.