THE FILE HILLS FARM COLONY. And this brings us naturally to the File Hills Indian Farm Colony. Mr. Graham (and with him in his great work Mrs. Graham should al- ways be associated) not only perceives a weak point or an evil; he sets to work if possible to remedy it. We have already spoken of the school- trained children going back to the blanket. The idea was to form a colony on the reserve, mainly for the educated Indians who intermarried among themselves. Mr. Graham prevailed on the Department to set side 16,000 acres of the reserve. On that 16,000 acres today are two churches and schools and farms which would do credit to white men; and on which Indians are living on a scale which compares favorably with that of the ordinary homesteader. Here is the solution of the Indian problem, which, as it is gradually applied to the whole of the reservation, will do more to raise the Indian perhaps than any one thing that has yet been attempted. No Indian Commissioner more thoroughly deserved his promotion than Mr. W. M. Graham. In the War days, when food was a desideratum, he brought the Indian and the Indian lands of Western Canada to the rescue in a way which will always be a red-letter record in his administration, and in this he was backed up by the agents, the instructors, the Indian Chiefs and the rank and file, with an energy and patriotism which cannot be too highly extolled. Reverting to the Farm Colony, some of them have big barns, bank accounts and automobiles. The first to own a motor car was our good friend Joe Ironquil, who set an example in one respect that might well be followed. In order that he might know how to run his car right he went to Winnipeg and took a course of instruction.