Anderson, Aron 1863 - 1916 Anderson, Aron 15 Aug 18?? - 2 Jun 19?? Anderson, Amelia 1860 - 1944 Anderson, Durwood Neal 1927 - 1986 Anderson, Elsie May 1904 - 1999 Anderson, Elaine 13 Mar 1942 - Anderson, Mervyn 6 Sep 1940 - 30 Dec 2008 Anderson, Oscar Linus 1893 - 1958 Anderson, Wilbert 'Bert' 1935 - 2002 Burns, Christina 1921 Carlson, Anna Johnson 1892 - 1964 Carlson, Joel Enoch 5 Feb 1892 - 7 Jul 1923 Carlson, Ture G. 1888 - 1973 Franson, Ernest Holger 10 Jan 1917 - 7 Aug 1918 son of K. & E. Franson, Ernest Holger (2nd photo) Frederickson, Arthur 1896 - 1983 Frederickson, Dora 0824 Frederickson, Frank 1866 - 1912 Frederickson, Lena 18?? - 1948 Frederickson, Oscar 1900 - 1990 Gunnarson, Jonas Gustaf 16 Dec 1857 - 8 Jul 1921 Hemmingson, August 1878 - 1956 Hemmingson, Hedvig 1882 - 1952 Hemmingson, Joyce Mabel 11 Apr 1929 - 3 Sep 2008 Hemmingson, Kenneth Joshua 7 Jul 1919 - 27 Feb 2006 Hemmingson, Philip E. 1908 - 1988 Johnson, Christian E. 1886 - 1922 Johnson, Perry Keith 2 Apr 1959 - 10 Feb 2014 son of Jim & Sheila Johnson, Peter Andrew 2 Jul 1877 - 6 Jul 1928 Johnson, Selma 1 Oct 1876 - 17 Sep 1967 Larson, Annie E. 1907 - 1996 Larson, John J. 1885 - 1973 Magnuson, Ada 1897 - 1988 Magnuson, Gust D. E. 1896 - 1972 Magnuson, Gustaf Fabian 1869 - 1958 Magnuson, John D. 'Jack' 1926 - 1987 Magnuson, Karin Helen 1872 - 1938 Magnuson, Kelvin 9 Jan 1937 - 24 Oct 2002 Magnuson, Laura A. 1898 - 1973 Magnuson, Magnus Levine 1895 - 1929 Magnuson, Mamie Linnea 2 Feb 1916 age 2 mos 14 days, dau of O. & H. Magnuson, Martha Elida 1899 - 1993 Magnuson, Pearl Victoria 22 Nov 1927 - 9 Jun 2004 Magnuson, Oscar 1891 - 1948 Nelson, Carl 1880 - 1951 Nelson, Mary 1871 - 1909 Nordmark, Carl Godfrey 27 Oct 1893 - 16 Jul 1982 Nordmark, Clara Linnea (nee Johnson) 18 Oct 1902 - 11 Sep 1985 Nordmark, Dolly 1927 Nordmark, Dorothy 1923 Nordmark, Donald 1928 Nordmark, Gerald Andrew 18 Jun 1940 - 20 Apr 1993 son of Carl & Clara Nordmark, Roger Carl 26 Jul 1936 - 3 Dec 2001 son of Carl & Clara Olson, Ingeborg 18 Feb 1852 - 14 Aug 1935 Olson, Lars 9 Jun 1847 - 30 Dec 1926 Oman, Anders 19 Dec 1840 - 6 Sep 1919 Oman, Anna Matilda 1881 - 1858 Oman, (baby) Oman, Peter B. 1876 - 1948 Pagard, Barth 1917 - 1931 Pagard, Kenneth A. 1918 - 1967 Peterson, Edo 1908 - 1990 Soderberg, Eileen P. 1936 - 1991
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