Ackerman, Alfred 28 Jun 1884 - 8 Sep 1916 son of Sydney Ackerman, Sydney 1882 - 1922 Alspach, Lorne 2 Aug 2015 age 66 hus of Dreada Thomas Anderson, (baby) died 1928 Anderson, Debbie 1957 - 1970 Anderson, Doris Margaret (nee Hannah) 2 Jan 1932 - 18 Dec 2011 dau of David & Beatrice Armstong, (unknown) Baker, George 1920 - 1921 Baldwin, Cyril Wilfred 1899 - 1987 Baldwin, Neal Edward 19 Jul 1930 - 4 Dec 2007 son of Cyril & Winnifred Baldwin, Winnifred Jane 1902 - 1966 Ball, Samuel 1868 - 1925 Banks, Donald Ernest 21 Jun 2002 age 71 Banks, Earnest 1894 - 1964 Banks, Edna died 1988 Banks, Shirley (baby) 1966 Banks, Wayne 1964 - 1965 Barber, (baby) died 1934 Barber, Beatrice 1883 - 1941 Barber, Robert 1916 - 2002 Barber, Charles 1916 - 1917 Barber, John James 24 Sep 1867 - 7 Dec 1941 son of Samuel & Anne (nee Taylor) Barber, Raymond 1899 - 1913 Barber, Velma (baby) 1918 Barton, Adam J. 1889 - 1962 Barton, Emma 1895 - 1983 wife of Adam Beacock, (baby) died 1918 Beacock, Beatrice (baby) died 1918 Beacock, Herman 1884 - 1918 Bell, Agnes 1874 - 1953 Bell, Arthur 1882 - 1954 Bell, Henry James 1877 - 1970 Bell, Howard 1888 - 1967 Bell, Kate O'Hara (nee Scott) 1887 - 1977 Bell, Melvina 1887 - 1976 Bell, William 1924 - 1941 Bennett, Ralph 1919 - 1920 Black, Donald Edward 1 Aug 1887 - 9 Jul 1957 son of Hugh & Mary (nee Passmore) Black, Nellie Laura (nee Munger) 1896 - 1970 dau of Abner & Margaret (nee Worker) Booth, Mildred 1895 - 1986 Booth, Ned 1890 - 1971 Bourne, Richard 1880 - 1918 Bowles, John 1848 - 1918 Bradfield, (baby) died 1926 Bradfield, Eva 1887 - 1972 Bradfield, W. Ross 1920 - 1935 Bradfield, William 1880 - 1968 Bradley, Annie M. 1883 - 1972 Bradley, Ken 1916 - 1986 hus of Ida, son of Scott & Annie Bradley, Scott 1884 - 1973 Bradley, Violet Francis 1914 - 22 Nov 2006 dau of Scott & Annie Brodie, Charles 1829 - 1917 Brodie, William 1874 - 1920 Brookes, Charles 1894 - 1953 Brookes, Lola 1901 - 1992 wife of Charles Cairns, Robert 1885 - 1955 Calimente, Marion (nee Clampitt) 1913 - 1998 wife of Steve Calimente, Stephen Paul 'Steve' 10 Apr 1917 - 6 Apr 2001 son of Paul & Flora Caswell, Milt (baby) died 1934 Cathcart, Carlton 1869 - 1930 Caven, Edith Jane 1881 - 1920 Chambers, Richard 1899 - 1935 Chisholm, Aubrey Malcolm 16 Apr 1924 - 20 Jun 1998 son of Vernon & Mary Chisholm, Verna (baby) 1921 dau of Vernon & Mary Chitty, Ellen 1883 - 1921 Choma, Josef 30 Oct 1921 - 4 Dec 2005 son of Stanislaw & Paulina Choma, Muriel K. (nee Rowe) 1933 - Clampitt, Barbara 1888 - 1964 Clampitt, Bert 1915 - 2000 Clampitt, Franklin 1880 - 1979 Clampitt, Mary 1920 - 1992 wife of Sydney Clampitt, Sydney 23 Sep 2008 age 86 son of Franklin & Barbara Clampitt, William 1911 - 1997 Clampitt, Winnifred 1910 - 1915 Coleman, June 1928 - 1941 Corney, Huston Mary 1912 - 1925 Cowan, W. H. died 1919 Cram, Annie Etta Belle (nee Hicks) 1886 - 13 Oct 1955 wife of John Cram, John Cedric Wesley 15 Jul 1888 - 7 Feb 1949 son of David & Mina Crampton, Charles 1889 - 1932 Crampton, Phoebe 1861 - 1927 Crampton, William 1858 - 1944 Crooks, David 1897 - 1911 Crooks, David L. 1915 - 14 Jan 2005 Crooks, Hugh 1916 - 1990 Crooks, Katherine 1922 - 1993 Crooks, Lavon 'Doc' 1945 - 1971 son of David L. & Lucille Crooks, Lucille Marie (nee Lindholm) 14 Jun 2011 age 84 dau of George & Augusta Crooks, Nancy 1917 - 1995, 1st wife of Ralph Crooks, Ralph 1919 - 1 Apr 2009 hus of Aimee Crooks, Robert 1853 - 1944 Cunningham, Adam 1877 - 1962 Cunningham, Elizabeth 1878 - 1963 Cunningham, Isabella 1878 - 1959 Cunningham, James 1873 - 1954 Curry, Ralph 1906 - 1977 Curry, (child) 1908 - 1918 child of William Curry, Edward 1900 - 1958 hus of Hilda Curry, Hilda (nee Myers) 2 Aug 1910 - 10 Jan 2006 dau of James & Jessie (nee Watts) Curry, Martha 1870 - 1928 Curry, Mabel 1912 - 26 Apr 2003 wife of Robert Curry, Robert James 1904 - 1988 Curry, William 1866 - 1955 Davis, Emma 1889 - 1942 Davis, Hubert A. 1916 - 1979 Dawson, Alfred 1860 - 1927 Dawson, Charles Edward 1890 - 1930 Dixon, Lillian 1921 - 1922 Dodds, Cecil 1919 - 1979 Dodds, Marguerite 1906 - 1990 Dodds, Phillip 1920 - 1921 Downham, Charlotte 1871 - 1925 Downham, George 1871 - 1934 Draper, Bertel (baby) 1918 Draper, Garnet 1900 - 1918 Duclos, Mrs. Durston, John 1850 - 1928 Eisnor, Cindy Lee (baby) died 1961 dau of Stuart & Doris Eisnor, Margaret 'Retta' 1888 - 1964 Eisnor, Stuart 1919 - 1999 hus of Doris Bradley Eisnor, Willis 1917 - 1918 Eisnor, George W. 1887 - 1950 Elliot, Annie 1901 - 1985 Elliot, John 1889 - 1971 Elliot, Keith 1946 - 1987 Elliot, Larry 1950 - 1966 Elliot, Roy Edward 1920 - 8 Jun 1990 hus of Verna Elliot, Verna (nee Reader) 1923 - 1995 dau of Thomas & Ruth Emery, Bessie 1887 - 1974 Emery, George 1883 - 1936 Emery, Malcolm 1918 - 1919 son of George & Bessie Emmons, William 1887 - 1973 Emmons, Gerald 1922 - 1925 son of William & Thursie Emmons, Earl Franklin 22 Oct 1917 - 10 Jan 2004 son of William & Thursie Emmons, Ralph 1916 - 1980 son of William & Thursie Emmons, Thursie (nee Timmons) 1884 - 1980 Emmons, Willis 1920 - 8 Mar 2006 Erfle, Dennis (baby) died 1948 Erfle, Millie 1923 - 1991 Farley, Edwin 1908 - 1982 Filson, (baby) died 1938 child of Stuart & Beatrice Filson, Alfred (baby) died 1924 Filson, Beatrice (nee Henderson) 1918 - 21 Feb 2002, 1st wife of Stuart Filson, Fanny 1888 - 1979 Filson, Gaylene Lynn (nee Petrovicz) 29 Aug 1955 - 13 Oct 2006 dau of Carl & Matilda Filson, George (twin) died 1927 Filson, Gordon (twin) died 1927 Filson, Harvey 1890 - 1966 Filson, Lylas Margaret (nee Johnson) 1923 - 2007 Filson, Marshall 1893 - 1960 Filson, Ross Iver 1950 - 1985 son of Russell & Lylas Filson, Russell Norman 18 Nov 1924 - 10 Apr 2012 son of Harvey & Mabel Filson, Stuart 1916 - 1 Dec 2007 hus of LaVonne, son of Harvey & Mabel Filson, Wilma 1899 - 1988 Finney, Charles E. 20 Oct 1868 - May 1919 Franklin, Jennie 1890 - 1917 Franklin, Percy 1895 - 1917 Gilmer, John 1884 - 1981 Gilmer, Lily 1884 - 1975 Goodwin, Martha 1880 - 1986 Gray, Annie 1866 - 1922 Griffiths, A. Pearl (nee Lowry) 1910 - 6 Sep 2006 dau of Richard & Harriet Gunderson, Alfred 1879 - 1926 Gunderson, Elizabeth 1880 - 1963 Hall, Bernice Elaine (nee Emery) 1920 - 23 Jan 2007 dau of George & Bessie Hall, Les died 1997 hus of Bernice Hall, Margaret 15 Sep 1915 - 5 Jan 1916 Handleman, Hilda 1923 - 1970 Hanham, (baby) died 1918 Hanham, Bonnie Leone 1913 - 1923 Hanham, Ivy Virginia 1886 - 1938 Hanham, J. Fraser 1917 - 1922 Hannah, Beatrice (nee Hunt) 1905 - 1977 dau of Charles & Gertrude Hannah, David 1903 - 1986 Harcourt, Jeanetta 1880 - 1924 Hauser, George 1850 - 1937 Hauser, Elizabeth 1868 - 1941 Herbertson, Anna 1877 - 1973 Herbertson, Jean 1856 - 1918 Herbertson, William 1885 - 1949 Herbertson, Andrew 1840 - 1927 Hooff, Sydney 1886 - 1972 Hooker, Amanda 1887 - 1963 Hooker, Donald (baby) died 1938 Hooker, Douglas Berdet 'Bud' 2 Jan 1914 - 26 Jan 2007 Hooker, George 1887 - 1948 Hooker, Margaret 27 Dec 1915 - 26 May 2014 wife of Douglas Hooker, Rodger (infant) died 1955 Hooker, William (Rick) 1958 - 1976 Hunt, John 2003 son of Charles & Gertrude Hunt, Lily 1882 - 1967 wife of Charles Hunt, Randy 1951 - 1983 son of John Hunt, Charles J. 1875 - 1941 Hunter, Ada 1882 - 1963 Hunter, James 1886 - 1973 Hutchinson, (baby) died 1918 Hutchinson, Albert Inis 10 Feb 1890 - 1968 son of Albert & Catherine Hutchinson, Gordon (baby) Hutchinson, Joseph Ray 21 Jul 1912 - 14 Aug 1917 son of Albert & Nellie Hutchinson, Nellie (nee Gordon) 4 Sep 1892 - 18 Dec 1961 dau of Solomon & Louise Hutton, Thomas 1897 - 1918 Heslop, George 1882 - 1964 Heslop, Minnie 1877 - 1964 Ingham, William Harry 1883 - 1967 Ingham, Zilpha 1889 - 1978 Jacobson, Gladys 1925 - 1979 Jaycock, Edward 1925 - 1944 Jaycock, Harold 1893 - 1964 Jaycock, Margaret 1896 - 1942 Jaycock, Ruby died 1975 Johnson, Frank 1880 - 1973 Johnson, Mary A. 1866 - 1940 Johnson, Myrtle 1881 - 1932 Johnson, Phyllis (baby) 1921 Johnson, William 1862 - 1916 Johnston, F. Mary 1916 - 1991 Johnston, Ida Priscilla (nee Olive) 8 Jul 1874 - 1975 dau of John & Sarah Johnston, Osler 1907 - 1967 son of Henry & Ida Johnston, Robert 1849 - 1927 Kanester, Amanda 1895 - 1920 Lasby, Annie (nee Lowry) 1886 - 1923 Lawrence, Arla 1956 - 1961 Lawrence, Garth (baby) 1954 Lawrence, Howard 1887 - 1968 Lawrence, Margorie 1897 - 1982 Lindsay, Frederick 1896 - 1978 Linnell, Edgar 1894 - 1957 Linnell, Albert 1879 - 1915 Linnell, Teddy 1918 - 1926 Longworth, Beatrice (nee Wallace) 1907 - 1980 dau of John & Rachael Longworth, Bill 1905 - 1988 Longworth, Clay Joseph 31 Dec 1982 - 20 Dec 2013 son of Rick & Wanda (nee Empey) Longworth, Harry 1936 - 1994 Longworth, Judy 1964 - 1998 Love, Clifford (baby) died 1927 Lowry, Annie 1846 - 1930 Lowry, David Lowry, Harriet F. 1882 - 9 Aug 1923 wife of Richard Lowry, Nellie died 1919 Lowry, Richard George 1882 - 1945 Malony, James 1889 - 1971 Mann, Catherine 1879 - 1918 McCaffery, Katheryn 1878 - 1929 McAuley, (baby) died 1918 McCarter, David 1845 - 1919 McCarter, Harry 1892 - 1956 McCarter, Katherine 1893 - 1973 McCaslin, Jean Agnes (nee Hunter) 31 Aug 1914 - 25 Jan 2012 dau of James & Ada McCaslin, Michael 1973 - 2000 McEwen, John 1834 - 1913 McIvor, Ethel 1916 - 1989, 1st wife of Mervin McIvor, Helena 1886 - 1977 McIvor, Karen 1947 - 1993 McIvor, Keith 1940 - 1942 son of Mervin & Ethel McIvor, Mervin Cook 31 Jan 1915 - 5 May 2004 hus of Anne McKinnon, (unknown) McKinnon, (unknown) McLaren, William John 1908 - 1920 McPherson, William 1892 - 1918 Miller, Irene 1898 - 1927 Mitchell, Grace 1890 - 1914 Monroe, Thomas 1900 - 1990 Moore, Gertrude 1889 - 1926 Myers, Jessie Gertrude (nee Watts) 11 Sep 1881 - Sep 1947 dau of John & Marietta Myers, Lola (nee Heath) 1888 - 1926 Nelson, Lavina 1897 - 1988 Nelson, Otto 1884 - 1970 O'Hara, Robert 1860 - 1939 Oats, James 1909 - 1984 Palmier, Achille 1922 - 29 Jul 2005 hus of Eda Palmier, Eda Eva (nee Biosson) 13 Jan 1921 - 13 Mar 2012 dau of Edouard & Marie Patterson, Dolores (nee Larson) 6 Nov 1918 - 30 Sep 2008 dau of Julius & Emma (nee Dahlman) Patterson, Eleanor 1890 - 1966 Patterson, George 1877 - 1956 Patterson, Herbert George 6 Aug 1916 - 20 Apr 2004 Patterson, Maureen Gail 23 Feb 1945 - 25 Nov 2007 dau of Herbert & Dolores Petcoff, George (baby) died 1921 Philp, Charles (baby) died 1921 Plonka, Alice May (nee Hunt) 21 Sep 1915 - 20 Mar 2004 dau of Charles & Gertrude Plonka, John D. 4 Oct 1915 - 31 Oct 2000 son of John & Antonina Potts, Clarence (baby) died 1920 Pratt, Thomas (baby) died 1919 Reader, Emma Ruth 1885 - 1990 Reader, Fred 1918 - 1993 son of Thomas & Ruth Reader, Fredrick Sr. 1854 - 1944 Reader, Harry David 11 Oct 1922 - 1 Dec 2000 son of Thomas & Ruth Reader, Helen 1922 - 1992 wife of Harry Reader, Ida 1884 - 1928 Reader, Rose (nee Drier) 31 Aug 1917 - 21 Mar 2007 wife of Fred Reader, Thomas 1885 - 1969 Reindeau, Henry 1884 - 1961 Reindeau, Emma 1887 - 1975 Rieder, Adoline 1896 - 1990 Rieder, Constant 1888 - 1968 Rigetti, Bruce 1930 - 24 Feb 2006 Rigetti, Elizabeth 1936 - 1993 Rigetti, Elizabeth Gray 1895 - 1966 Rigetti, Emil 1897 - 1970 Rigetti, Robert Bruce died 24 Feb 2006 age 75 Rocheleau, Clara 1879 - 1961 Rocheleau, Joseph 1881 - 1943 Rondeau, Lucille 1888 - 1967 Rondeau, Albert 1875 - 1929 Rondeau, Gerald 1903 - 1980 Rowe, Ernie 1904 - 1976 Rowe, Annie Katheleane 1903 - 1977 wife of Ernie Rusk, Charles 1891 - 1971 Rusk, Clifford 20 Aug 2011 age 59 hus of Sharon Tressel Rusk, Elena 1892 - 1973 wife of Charles Rusk, June (nee Chisholm) 7 Jun 1920 - 1 Nov 2005 wife of Raymond, dau of Vernon & Mary Rusk, Martha 1864 - 1944 Rusk, Raymond Charles 12 Dec 1920 - 29 Jul 2014 son of Charles & Elena Rusk, Walter John 1813 - 1931 Russell, Harry Edward 1877 - 1955 Russell, Louise 1879 - 1952 Russell, William 1879 - 1959 Sabins, Estella Maud Mrs. died 1960 Schmidt, Mary 1890 - 1971 Schmidt, Otto 1880 - 1971 Schwab, Eric (baby) died 1960 Schwab, Isabella (nee Hannah) 20 Jul 1929 - 30 May 2012 dau of David & Beatrice Schwab, William 1919 - 1993 hus of Isabella Seibel, Erven 1909 - 1974 Shaw, Eleanor Sofia (nee Hanson) 11 Jul 1928 - 11 Jan 2012 dau of Herman & Alice Shaw, Jean 1891 - 1961 Shaw, James 1926 - 29 Nov 1985 hus of Eleanor Shaw, Robert 1879 - 1964 Shaw, William 1921 - 1994 Shoumaker, Franklin 1884 - 1919 Shoumaker, Mary 1845 - 1919 Sinclair, Robert 1931 - 1949 Smith, George 1890 - 1962 Smith, Helen (nee Cook) 18 Dec 2015 age 96 wife of Jack Smith, Reginald John 1912 - 1967 Stephenson, William 1851 - 1913 Stevenson, Donald James 11 Jul 1867 - May 1959 son of John & Maria (nee Sealy) Stevenson, Minerva Ann (nee Everett) 25 Jul 1877 - 2 Apr 1925 dau of Charles & Sarah Sturgeon, Edward 1906 - 1927 son of William & Sarah Sturgeon, William James 29 Oct 1856 - 16 Jun 1936 hus of Sarah Passmore Sutherland, Edna 1916 - 1918 Swanson, Erie Ole 1827 - 1914 Tallon, John Calvin 26 Jun 1919 age 2 yrs 10 mos, son of Stanley & Minnie (nee Dando) Teney, V. D. S. died 1919 Thomas, Flossie Catherine Louise (nee Hutchinson) 1 Nov 1910 - 2001 dau of Albert & Nellie Thomas, William 'Les' 1913 - 1981 hus of Flossie Thompson, Mabel (nee Hunt) 1909 - 1996 dau of Charles & Gertrude Thompson, Robert 1895 - 1981 Trickle, Frederick G. 1893 - 21 Jan 1965 age 73 Trill, Clarence (baby) died 1918 Turner, Roseine (baby) died 1923 Vick, Oscar W. 1894 - 1918 Waldbauer, Benjamin 1913 - 1969 Waldbauer, Elsie Katherine (nee Wirsche) 12 Feb 1918 - 27 Oct 2006 wife of Benjamin Wallace, George 1849 - 1918 Wallace, Harry 1903 - 1934 son of John & Rachael Wallace, Jane 1855 - 1940 Wallace, John Rev. 1868 - 1940 Wallace, John Edwin 28 Nov 1905 - 10 Dec 2000 son of John & Rachael Wallace, Rachael 1887 - 1955 Whalley, Allen 1928 - 1974 hus of Marjorie Green Whalley, Dorothy (child) died 1925 Whalley, Dorothy Mary 1904 - 1983 Whalley, Joseph 1883 - 1949 Watts, Garnet 1937 - 1982 Watts, Hubert W. J. 1899 - 1960 Watts, Rodney (baby) 1966 Watts, Thelma 1903 - 2000 Whitley, Annie 1928 - 1963 Wilkinson, Edith Florence (nee Jaycock) 19 May 1928 - 6 Sep 2014 dau of Harold & Ruby (nee Downham) Wilkinson, James hus of Edith Williams, Ema Mary (nee Tosczak) 12 Jan 1932 - 26 Oct 2016 wife of Owen, dau of Otto & Anne (nee Yost) Williams, Hildred 1892 - 1973 Williams, Thomas 1881 - 1974 Wilson, Alice 1899 - 1993 Wilson, Bob 1926 - 1987 Wilson, Frederick 1924 - 1973 Wilson, Gail 1901 - 1961 Wilson, Gordon 1898 - 1964 Wilson, Marjorie 1924 - 1994 Wilson, William 1890 - 1981 Woods, Cora (baby) died 1921 Woods, Evelyn (baby) died 1918 Woods, Josephine 1883 - 1923 Wray, Annie 1865 - 1958 Wray, Bonnie 1904 - 2005 Wray, E. C. 1920 - 1921 Wray, Earl Russ 1896 - 1969 Wray, Eva 1899 - 1990 Wray, Garret 1866 - 1937 Wray, Grant 1931 - 1972 Wray, Morgan 1902 - 1972 Wyman, (baby) died 1920
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