Booy, Nykola Dec 16, 1921 - Nov 10, 2014 Boyko, Alexander 1909 - 1975 Boyko, Allan Nov 10, 1938 - Feb 12, 1939 Boyko, Izadore Oct 27, 1936 - Jun 26, 1948 Boyko, Myron Jul 5, 1935 - Apr 2, 1936 Boyko, Rose 1915 - 2005 wife of Alexander Boyko, Wasyl ‘Bill’ Jan 10, 1913 - Jul 9, 2002 Chernesky, Mary (nee Danyliw) Oct 7, 1914 - Jan 25, 2015 dau of Katie Chernesky, Walter 1905 - 1990 hus of Mary Chonkiw, John Jul 1, 1915 - Mar 16, 2000 Czuy, Annie 1916 - 2001 wife of Mike Czuy, Mike 1903 - 1977 Czuy, Nick 1940 - 1942 Czuy, Peter died May 5, 1945 Danyliw, Dmytro 1917 - 1918 Danyliw, John Nov 12, 1912 - Dec 7, 2003 Danyliw, Katherine Feb 26, 1914 - Sep 18, 2006 wife of John Danyliw, Michael 1878 - 1918 Danyliw, Michael 1974 - 1974 Danyliw, Orest D. Mar 23, 1950 - Feb 11, 1999 Deneiko, Nikita 1906 - 1971 Deneiko, Marta 1908 - 1943 wife of Nikita Didur, Andrew 1895 - 1975 Didur, Maria 1925 - 1929 Didur, Pearl 1896 - 1963 Didur, Wlodimer 1924 - 1960 Dorland, Katie Dec 26, 1925 - Mar 4, 1996 Fedorkiw, John 1889 - 1959 Fedorkiw, Maria 1890 - 1981 wife of John Halewich, Michael 1932 - 1932 Halewich, Olga 1932 - 2001 Halewich, Peter 1956 - 1956 Halewich, Peter 1922 - 1994 Harasym, Alexander 1912 - 1985 Harasym, Bill 1918 - 1972 Harasym, George May 2, 1917 - Aug 1, 1987 Harasym, Julia 1889 - 1979 wife of Nicholas Harasym, Mary Mar 15, 1917 - Aug 11, 2010 wife of George Harasym, Nicholas 1885 - 1975 Harasym, Peter 1915 - 1965 Hawrykiw, Steve Jan 20, 1877 - Aug 2, 1959 Hawryliw, Julia 1922 - 1992 wife of Peter Hawryliw, Katyrina Hawryliw, Maria 1897 - 1993 Hawryliw, Peter 1918 - 2005 Hawryliw, Polly Oct 21, 1892 - Feb 9, 1976 Hawryliw, Stephen 1926 - 1977 Hawryliw, Walter died 1928 Hawryliw, William 1924 - 1986 Hawryliw, William 1894 - 1984 hus of Maria Kindrachuk, Fred 1911 - 1950 Kindrachuk, Katherine 1912 - 2001 wife of Fred Korpach, Emily 1918 - 2004 wife of Russell Korpach, Olga Sophie 1917 - 1962 Korpach, Russell 1915 - 1991 Korpacz, Maria 1879 - 1969 wife of Nykola Korpacz, Nykola 1878 - 1967 Kozakewich, (baby girl) Aug 7, 1925 - Aug 7, 1925 Kozakewich, John 1885 - 1971 Kozakewich, Katherine 1891 - 1928 wife of John Kucharuk, Don Kucharuk, Jacob 1902 - 1983 Kucharuk, Katie Kucharuk, Nellie 1915 - 1974 wife of Jacob Kulczycki, M. Nov 18, 1880 - Jan 15, 1963 Kulczycki, R. 1881 - 1938 wife of M. Kulczycki, Josephine (nee Swyck) 1905 - 1942 Matweow, Andrew 1889 - 1969 Matweow, Bella 1894 - 1982 wife of Andrew Matweow, Emily 1918 - 1951 Matweow, Gregory S. Jul 27, 1966 - Aug 19, 1966 son of Steve & Natalie Matweow, Marya Sep 3, 1864 - Jul 3, 1956 Matweow, Natalie (nee Danyliw) Nov 4, 1933 - Aug 23, 2014 dau of John & Katherine Matweow, Pearl 1890 - 1933 Matweow, Steve Sep 10, 1924 - Sep 17, 2005 Melnyk, Natalia Aug 2, 1933 - Aug 9, 1933 Mikuliak, Ivan 1866 - 1936 Mikuliak, Maria 1873 - 1951 Mykytuk, Ethel (nee Clark) 1933 - 2006 wife of Peter Mykytuk, John 1888 - 1949 Mykytuk, Katie (nee Bohay) Danyliw 1884 - 1975 Mykytuk, Peter John May 13, 1925 - Jun 1, 2013 son of John & Katie Ozemlowski, (baby) 1931 - 1931 Ozemlowski, Catherine 1907 - 1969 wife of John Ozemlowski, John 1903 - 1976 Ozemlowski, Joseph 1905 - 2002 Ozemlowski, Karol Ivan 1943 - 1943 Ozemlowski, Katie Sep 13, 1875 - Oct 15, 1972 Ozemlowski, Lena 1909 - 1987 wife of Joseph Pawliw, George Sr. Apr 22, 1893 - Jun 8, 1982 Pawliw, Rose Feb 26, 1896 - Feb 14, 1991 wife of George Pawlyshyn, Anastasia 1896 - 1973 wife of Wasyl Pawlyshyn, Peter 1914 - 1986 Pawlyshyn, Wasyl 1889 - 1981 Pilat, Annie 1912 - 1999 wife of George Pilat, George 1905 - 1995 Pilat, Jeffrey 1972 - 1972 Pilat, Lena died 1982 wife of William Pilat, Steven J. 1931 - 1952 Pilat, William Oct 29, 1917 - Apr 10, 2014 Pilipow, Harry Feb 27, 1919 age 8 mos Pilipow, Peter died Nov 19, 1919 Polsfut, Jean Marie (nee Ozemlowski) Mar 29, 1938 - Sep 4, 1992 Pylypow, Alexander Oct 29, 1918 - Oct 20, 1944 Pylypow, Allan W. 1934 - 1935 Pylypow, Annie Apr 1881 - Mar 25, 1952 wife of Micheal Pylypow, Catherine ‘Katie’ Jan 1914 - Pylypow, Demetrius ‘Matt’ Nov 1906 - May 1907 Pylypow, Micheal May 18, 1880 - Feb 21, 1954 Pylypow, William Alexander Feb 23, 1931 - Jul 4, 1959 son of Demetrius & Catherine Sawchyn, Nellie Alaksym Sawchyn, Steve Oct 24, 1937 - Sep 23, 1998 Serwatka, Dmytro 1882 - 1963 Serwatka, Ksenia 1887 - 1939 Sewatka, Mike Aug 16, 1910 - Mar 15, 1986 Unknown, Anastazia 1905 - 1984 Unknown, Anna 1916 - 1956 Unknown, Anna 1856 - 1928 Unknown, Eva 1860 - 1943 Unknown, Ilko 1887 - 1967 Unknown, Katerina Unknown, Katerina 1917 - 1928 Unknown, Maksim 1889 - 1973 Unknown, Maria 1893 - 1966 Unknown, Marisa 1892 - 1983 Unknown, Mikal 1905 - 1942 Unknown, Nataika 1930 - 1930 Unknown, Nikola 1914 - 1985 Unknown, Oleksyn 1918 - 1957 Unknown, Onufrey 1856 - 1943 Unknown, Sofron 1845 - 1940 Unknown, Stefan 1883 - 1937 Unknown 1 1934 - 1935 Unknown 2 1925 - 1986 Zubiak, Dale May 11, 1955 - Jan 22, 1999 Zubiak, John 1889 - 1977 Zubiak, Rose 1891 - 1987 wife of John Zubiak, Shawn Allan Aug 30, 1974 - Apr 9, 2013 2 other unidentified gravesites
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