St. Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery (new)
Wishart district

R.M. of Emerald # 277   NW 19-30-14 W2
GPS   51.61487°N   103.98695°W

Compiled & photographed by Ron Isherwood September 7, 2010
Ukrainian inscriptions were translated by Harold & Nadia Trafananko
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Atomenyk, Domnika  1864 - 1938

Baraniuk, John  1919 - 2009
Baraniuk, Josephine  1920 - 1994
Bartoshewski, Albert  17 Jul 1936 - 17 Jun 2009 hus of Albena Wasylenka, son of John & Mary
Bartoshewski, Annie  1877 - 1978
Bartoshewski, John  1902 - 1987
Bartoshewski, Joseph  1869 - 1951
Bartoshewski, Mary  1911 - 2000
Bartoshewsky, Annie  Oct 1912 - Oct 1974
Bartoshewsky, Lawrence  Sep 1949 - Aug 1967
Bartoshewsky, Nester  21 Dec 1936 - 2 May 1937
Bartoshewsky, Paul  Feb 1905 - Nov 1986
Bergquist, Bazil Larry  4 Mar 1949 - 13 Nov 1949
Bodnar, Irena  1868 - 1936
Buell, Katie  1921 - 2003
Bzdel, Alex  1886 - 1957 hus of Mary Mardynalka
Bzdel, Alex  30 May 1930 - 9 May 1997 son of Alex & Mary
Bzdel, Alexandra  29 Jul 1955 - 10 Sep 1955
Bzdel, Dan  1889 - 1972
Bzdel, Dmytro  1866 - 1939
Bzdel, Fred  1876 - 1950
Bzdel, George  1921 - 1955
Bzdel, Harry  1904 - 1990 hus of Annie Lewandoski, son of Harry
Bzdel, Hryc 'Harry'  1864 - 1949
Bzdel, Jenny  1907 - 2002
Bzdel, Josephine  29 May 1917 - 8 Apr 1983
Bzdel, Katerina  1903 - 1988
Bzdel, Katherine  1900 - 1976
Bzdel, Mac  1914 - 2005
Bzdel, Mary (nee Wasyluk) Bachynski  2 May 1915 - 27 Jul 2012 dau of Oleska & Annie (nee Tomko)
Bzdel, Michael H.  1899 - 1954
Bzdel, Nick  1909 - 1990
Bzdel, Nykolay  1887 - 1950
Bzdel, Olga  1923 - 1982
Bzdel, Paraskevia  1869 - 1959
Bzdel, Peter  3 May 1912 - 29 Dec 1988
Bzdel, Rose  1917 - 1966
Bzdel, Russell  1935 - 1982
Bzdel, Shirley  1968
Bzdel, Stanley  1931 - 1952
Bzdel, Stella (nee Lysyk)  17 Jun 1934 -
Bzdel, Thomas  16 Apr 1923 - 20 May 2009
Bzdel, Steve  1929 - 1987
Bzdel, Walter  10 Aug 1934 - 11 Apr 2017 son of Nick & Catherine (nee Muc)
Bzdel, William  1918 - 1975
Bzdel, William  4 Apr 1927 - 27 Oct 2000

Chaikoski, Pete  30 Jul 1934 - 10 May 2001
Chaikoski, Tina  Jan 1900 - Mar 1976
Chekoski, Joseph  1936 - 1968
Chekoski, Velorie  19?6 - 1942
Chornoby, Ann  1906 - 2001
Chornoby, Steve  10 Feb 1931 - 16 Sep 1991
Chornoby, Wasyl  1881 - 1970
Cybak, Steffie  1926 - 1988

Daday, Stefania  1923 - 1945
Danchuk, Nick  1891 - 1975
Danchuk, Sophie  1904 - 1940
Dayday, Magdalena  1885 - 1941
Dmyhovska, Alexandra  1850 - 1940
Duchnitski, Peter  10 Jan 1946 - 14 Jan 1946

Evanski, John  1878 - 1961
Evanski, Victoria  1886 - 1941
Ewanski, James  1910 - 1974
Ewanski, Mervin L.  1940 - 1990
Ewanski, Pauline  1913 - 1981

Fedirko, Fred  1918 - 1986
Fedirko, Efemia  1887 - 196?
Fedirko, Michael  1885 - 1945
Fedoryshyn, Ellen  17 May 1953 - 5 Jun 1953
Fedoryshyn, Fred  1904 - 1966
Fedoryshyn, Mary  18 Sep 1915 - 21 Aug 2004

Humeniuk, Agatha  1893 - 1980
Humeniuk, Carl  1914 - 1987
Humeniuk, Michael  1884 - 1955

Kachur, Anna  1890 - 1939
Kachur, Cemen  1879 - 1953
Katuski, Josepha  1868 - 1953
Kekish, Alexandria Queenie  1884 - 1956
Kekish, Peter  1881 - 1947 3587
Kekish, Peter  (2nd photo)
Kish, Pawlo  1903 - 1950
Kitz, Paraskevia  1887 - 1945
Kostik, Iwan  1884 - 1955
Kostik, Teklia  died 1933
Kostiuk, John  1905 - 1973
Kostiuk, Mary  1899 - 1988
Kostiuk, Peter  1901 - 1998
Krawchuk, John  1882 - 1971
Krawchuk, Mary  1897 - 1985
Krawchuk, Stanley  13 May 1941 - 18 May 2002

Leschyshyn, Florences (baby)  21 Sep 1937
Leschyshyn, Michael  1911 - 2006
Leschyshyn, Morris  19 Jun 1944 - 8 Apr 1965
Leschyshyn, Pauline  1915 - 1998
Levandowski, Nadia  1941 - 1941
Lewandoski, Edward  4 Feb 1933 - 24 May 2016 hus of Phyllis Wolitski, son of Walter & Katherine
Lewandoski, Katherine (nee Wachno)  1900 - 1991
Lewandoski, Steve  1924 - 1975
Lewandoski, Walter  1888 - 1953

Maksymytz, Anna Alice (Antochow)  7 May 1931 - 
Maksymytz, Nellie  18 Sep 1948 - 31 Oct 1948
Maksymytz, Paraska  22 Sep 1888 - 7 Dec 1963
Maksymytz, Raymond  26 Jun 1924 - 4 Sep 2007
Mazur, Mary  1911 - 1989
Mazur, Michael  1902 - 1983
Moldovan, Philip  1860 - 1951
Moldovan, Ustena  1862 - 1943
Moroz, Carl  1890 - 1940
Moroz, Eva  1924 - 1977
Moroz, Jenny  1900 - 1978
Moroz, Jerome Julius  25 Mar 1964 - 27 Jun 2007 son of Julius & Eva
Moroz, Julian  1910 - 1990
Moroz, Wesley  11 Jun 1939 - 17 Dec 1939
Mryglod, Katerina   1889 - 1943

Novack, Antoni  28 Mar 1932 - 27 Nov 1952
Novack, Barnie  1935 - 1960 son of Harry
Novack, Harry  1903 - 1962

Onyskevitch, Anna  1883 - 1946
Onyshkevitch, Petro  1881 - 1943
Onyskevitch, Olga (nee Bzdel)  1926 - 1986 dau of Alex & Mary
Onyskevitch, Michael  16 Jul 1911 - 2 Jun 1998
Onyskevitch, Peter  1916 - 2000 son of Petro & Anna
Onyskevitch, Sophie  8 Apr 1919 - 26 Nov 2014

Panchuk, Harry  1911 - 1949
Paternak, William  30 Aug 1918 - 5 Mar 1998
Pavasiuk, Parashia  16 Jul 1935 - Jan 1936
Petras, Anna  1891 - 1945
Petras, Stefan  1870 - 1951
Petryshyn, Annie (nee Lewandoski) Bzdel  1912 - 1994
Petryshyn, Bronislawa  1914 - 2006
Petryshyn, Eva (nee  Iwanetz)  10 Mar 1874 - 16 Oct 1962 wife of Theodor
Petryshyn, George  1900 - 1941 son of Theodor & Eva
Petryshyn, John  1904 - 1982
Petryshyn, Ksenia  1904 - 1999
Petryshyn, Michael  1910 - 2006
Petryshyn, Nykola  1897 - 1944
Popadynec, Barney  1 Nov 1924 - 
Popadynec, Mary  10 Jun 1931 - 15 Feb 2008
Popadynec, Mervin  20 Jul 1964 - 12 Oct 2002
Poturnak, Alex  1893 - 1957
Poturnak, Irene  1937 - 
Poturnak, Mary  1901 - 1984
Potyrnak, Edward  14 Mar 1945 - 22 Jun 1945
Povashuk, Irena  26 Jul 1939 - 16 Feb 1949
Powaschuk, Dan  1874 - 1963
Powaschuk, Ernest M.  4 Nov 1943 - 26 Aug 2007
Powaschuk, Harry  1892 - 1957
Powaschuk, Joe  1921 - 1989
Powaschuk, Mary  1901 - 1976

Shewchuk, Annie  1874 - 1959
Shewchuk, Annie  1926 - 
Shewchuk, Antonina  1857 - 1941
Shewchuk, Elizabeth (nee Panchuk)  24 Mar 1937 - 19 Feb 2015 dau of Harry & Mary (nee Maksymtyz)
Shewchuk, Helen  28 Aug 1901 - 15 Feb 1980
Shewchuk, James  1928 - 1997
Shewchuk, John W.  1912 - 1987
Shewchuk, Mary  Jun 1980 - Jul 1980
Shewchuk, Michael  16 Nov 1888 - 1 Oct 1950
Shewchuk, Michael
Shewchuk, Olena
Shewchuk, Paul  29 Jul 1917 - 24 May 2001
Smut, Julia  1894 - 1973
Stefanuik, Jennie  1882 - 1961
Stephaniuk, Maurice Taras Nicholas  10 Nov 1964 - 30 Sep 1982
Stephaniuk, Pauline  22 Mar 1923 - 3 Mar 2004
Stephaniuk, William  14 Jan 1922 - 18 May 2000
Stoski, Alexander  13 Sep 1946 - 14 May 1999
Stoski, Anne  1912 - 1987
Stoski, Evelyn  10 Nov 1941 - 7 Jan 1942
Stoski, Gail Rose  1950 - 
Stoski, Jean  1920 - 1993
Stoski, Joseph N.  1934 - 1968
Stoski, Paul  1877 - 1957
Stoski, Peter  1912 - 1975
Stoski, William  1908 - 1971
Stotski, Alexander  1879 - 1958
Sufranuik, Irene Wasylenko  1841 - 1940

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown 5  1882 - 1940
unknown 6  1894 - 1943

Wachno, Alex  1894 - 1970
Wachno, Anton  1863 - 1930
Wachno, Maria  1872 - 1945
Wachno, Michael  1905 - 1960
Wachno, William  1920 - 1965
Wasylenka, Maria  7 Jul 1907 - 3 Apr 1959
Wasylenko, Anna  1880 - 24 Jun 1952
Wasylenko, Antonina  1886 - 1937
Wasylenko, Onyfrey  18?? - 1943
Wasylenko, Theodore  15 Mar 1873 - 29 Aug 1947
Wasylynka, Catharina  1876 - 1959
Wasylynka, Fred  1909 - 1986
Wasylynka, Mary (nee Petryshyn)  1908 - 2002
Wasylynka, Michael  1873 - 1943
Wasylynka, Michael  28 Sep 1913 - 1 Feb 1972
Wasylynka, Peter  25 May 1916 - 21 Dec 1993
Wasylynka, Nick  1898 - 1962
Wasyluk, Annie  1875 - 1968
Wasyluk, Irene  1936 - 1939
Wasyluk, John  1890 - 1968
Wasyluk, Oleksa Alex  1859 - 1942
Wowchuk, John  1922 - 1999

Yanoshewski, Doris  1908 - 1984
Yanoshewski, William  1905 - 1966

Zaluski, Cecilia  Mar 1947 - Jun 1947
Zaluski, Darcy  
Zaluski, John  7 Jul 1901 - 4 May 1941
Zaluski, Paul  8 Mar 1912 - 29 Jan 1996
Zaluski, Queenie  16 Oct 1919 - 29 Nov 1997
Zemlak, Adam  3 Apr 1928 - 
Zemlak, Andy  1895 - 1961
Zemlak, Betty  1933 - 1988
Zemlak, Carl  1918 - 1955
Zemlak, Harry  1916 - 1940
Zemlak, John  1873 - 1959
Zemlak, Michael  1886 - 1949
Zemlak, Katerina  26 Oct 1891 - 26 Jul 1962
Zemlak, Nettie  1900 - 1975
Zemlak, Pearl  19 Aug 1896 - 18 Sep 1976
Zemlak, Steve  1922 - 1978
Zemlak, Steve  1929 - 2003
Zemlak, Sylvia  17 Jun 1939 - 9 Jul 2009
Zemlak, Victor  1910 - 1979
Zemlak, Wasyl  28 Dec 1891 - 4 Apr 1969
Zylyk, Annie  1917 - 1995
Zylyk, Steve  1908 - 1982

(Click on photo to enlarge)



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