Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery
Wimmer / Watson district

R.M. of Spalding # 368   NE 9-37-17 W2
GPS   52.158723°N   104.363607°W
First burial in 1929, 60 burials by 1999

Compiled by Terry Nykiforuk
Photographed by Ron Isherwood July 27, 2013

(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Badduke, Anna  1872 - 1949 
Badduke, John  1904 - 1945 
Boyko, Alex  1919 - 19 Feb 1940
Boyko, Mahalena 'Minnie'  1887 - 1978
Boyko, Kost  1879 - 1947 
Boyko, Stefenie  1933 - 1937 

Chomakewich, John  1905 - 1993 
Chomakewich, Rosalia  1906 - 1988 
Chyz, Nester  21 Nov 1867 - 6 May 1939 
Chyz, Rosie  21 May 1876 - 6 Jul 1961

Darkowich, Rose  1944 - 1945 
Doyk, Victor  1935 - 1942 
Drobot, Mary (nee Franko)  1912 - 18 Nov 2007
Drobot, William  1905 - 1995

Fedak, Frances  1880 - 20 Feb 1945
Fedak, Maxym  1856 - 1930  
Franko, Anne (nee Boychuk)  24 Jun 1912 - 13 Apr 2011 dau of Michael & Frozena (nee Zazula)
Franko, George  2 Nov 1907 - 13 Oct 1996
Franko, Mary  1902 - 1981
Franko, Mary (infant)  1955 
Franko, Nick  1901 - 1987
Franko, Peter George  26 Aug 1934 - 5 Dec 2015 hus of Dorothy Hans, son of George & Anne 

Gorski, Iris  1941 - 1965 

Hawryluk, Semko 'Sam'  9 Mar 1859 - 27 Oct 1930
Humenny, Olga  4 Jun 1931 - 4 Oct 1931

Kudryk, Harry  1891 - 1972 
Kudryk, Tekla  1904 - 1990 
Kenaschuk, George  20 Feb 1903 - 4 Feb 1975 
Kenaschuk, Mary  1906 - 1940 

Lukie, John  1902 - 2003 
Lukie, Verna  1908 - 1998 

Marcinowski, Nadjia  1924 - 1974
Martynuk, George Orest  8 Sep 1935 - 4 Dec 2007 
Martynuk, Michael  1904 - 1979
Martynuk, Michalina  1909 - 1997
Moravitska, Natalka  1896 - 1943
Muzyk, Barbara  1874 - 1935
Muzyk, Barbara  (2nd photo) 

Nykiforuk, William T.  1956 - 1982 

Ochitwa, Anna  1905 - 1991
Ochitwa, Edward Adam  24 Nov 1925 - 19 May 1999
Ochitwa, Jean Euphemia  5 Sep 1928 - 
Ochitwa, Michael  1901 - 1985 

Pisiak, Alex  1900 - 1967 
Pisiak, Malvan A.  1 Jan 1933 - 14 Dec 1933   
Pisiak, Salvester W.  31 Aug 1940 - 29 Jun 1944
Prosko, Ronnie P. (infant)  died 9 Aug 1942

Romaniuk, Haffia  1914 - 2012
Romaniuk, Walter  1907 - 1988 
Romaniuk, (baby girl)  died Oct 1942  
Smilski, Anastasia (nee Stecheshen)  15 Aug 1855 - 4 Mar 1938
Smilski, Anastasia  (2nd photo) 
Soubolsky, Sophie  1926 - 2011
Soubolsky, Steve  1922 - 1995
Spizawka, Ken  1951 - 2012
Spizawka, Nick  May 1928 - Sep 1984 
Spizawka, Ron  1949 - 2003 
Spizawka, Stefan  1898 - 1967
Spizawka, Vasylyna   1904 - 1994 
Spizawka, Vasylyna  1899 - 1955 
Stinka, John  6 Sep 1911 - 10 Jun 1996 
Strelic, Anastasia  1888 - 1934
Strelic, Anna
Strelic, Anna  (2nd photo) 
Strelic, Peter  1883 - 1964

Tokarchuk, David  1901 - 1987
Tokarchuk, Michalina  1901 - 1995  
Tokarski, George  1901 - 1939
Tomashowski, Rose  died 1929 
Tylus, Lidia  1922 - 1941
Tylus, Lidia  (2nd photo)

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown 4  (2nd photo)
unkownn 5
unknown 6

Woloshyn, Harry  1901 - 1962
Woloshyn, Irene  1901 - 1995
Woloshyn, (unknown)  
Woloshyn, (unknown)  1939 - 1939
Woloshyn, Warwara 'Barbara'  1878 - 1969

(Click on photo to enlarge)



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