Benedek, Estavan died Jul 10, 1938 Benedik, Janos 1859 - 1936 Benedik, (unknown) 194? Benedik, Suzanne Dec 20, 1903 - Jul 4, 2000 Borbala, Urban died 1928 aged 46 yrs Czinkota, (babies) Czinkota, Jean Gendur, J. Istvan died April 14, 1917 age 19 Horgas, Andy 1900 - 1935 Horgas, Leslie Ernest 1933 - 1997 Horgas, Lidia 1861 - 1939 Horgas, Stephen 1856 - 1939 Horgas, Susan 1904 - 1982 wife of Andy Horgas, William Apr 20, 1932 - Apr 18, 1933 Kardos, Elizabeth 1879 - 1963 Kardos, Sandor 1870 - 1942 Kardosh, Matilda Kasak, Mary (nee Wessing) 1915 - Dec 2, 2003 wife of Emil Kasak, Emil 1906 - 1991, married in 1937 Madaras, Joseph 1893 - 1965 Madaras, Lilly 1908 - 1969 Madarasz, Angeline age 1 day Madarasz, Balintne 1895 - 1930 Madarasz, Erne age 3 days Madarasz, Marin age 6 days Petula, Rosie 1922 - 2000 Salamon, Andrasne 1881 - 1925 Salamon, Andrew Mar 12, 1875 - May 7, 1957 Salamon, (baby) Aug 30, 1933 - Aug 31, 1933 Salamon, Laszlo Sep 15, 1927 - Apr 16, 1928 Salamon, Louis 1920 - 1964 Salamon, Sandor 1879 - 1960 Salamon, Sandorne (Zsofia Takacs) 1888 - 1959 Salamon, Sophie 1916 - 1961 Solomon, Aleck died Feb 18, 1920 aged 13 yrs Tackacs, Steve 1888 - 1947 Takach, James Jul 12, 1929 - Jul 13, 1929 Takacs, Andras 1856 - 1944 Toth, Mary (nee Szucs) Feb 23, 1887 - Oct 24, 1910 Toth, Emily Toth, Erzsebet Apr 29, 1912 - Aug 20, 1932 Toth, Janos Aug 30, 1879 - May 1, 1959 Toth, Janosne 1882 - 1919 Toth, Paul Jr. Oct 13, 1914 - Oct 2, 1936 Toth, Steve Aug 10, 1909 - Aug 12, 1941 Toth, Zsuzsanna 1882 - 1919 Wessingi, Bertha 1880 - 1933 Wessingi, John 1882 - 1943
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