Alldredge, J. G. Jul 10, 1910 age 74 yrs 6 mos 13 days Alldredge, Martha E. 1842 - 1925 Allen, A. Grace Newall 1916 - 1994 Allen, Gerald James 1927 - 1932 Allen, John N. Allen, Mabel M. 1909 - 1993 Allen, Mary wife of John Allen, Mary A. 1888 - 19?6 wife of William Allen, Robert James Sep 25, 1920 - Oct 24, 1920 son of J. A. & B. Allen, (unknown 1) Allen, (unknown 2) Allen, William Feb 12, 1849 - Apr 24, 1918 Allen, William 1879 - ???? Amon, Elmina E. 1869 - 1937 Amon, John C. 1864 - 1924 Baker, Edith died Feb 18, 1920 Baker, Frank A. Apr 29, 1893 - Jul 3, 1919 son of J. B. & E. Baker, Henry 1845 - Jan 7, 1926 Baker, Henry Stephen Jul 5, 1840 - Feb 2, 1920 Baker, James Edmund (infant) died 1910 Baker, John Jan 26, 1913 age 72 yrs 23 days Baker, John Edmond 1876 - 1967 Baker, Josephine Elizabeth (infant) died Jun 15, 1909 Baker, Lorraine (child) dau of Edith Baker, May (child) dau of Edith Baker, Merle child of Edith Baker, Pheobe Boisonne Aug 28, 1905 age 22 wife of Henry J. Baker, Ray Lewis 1879 - 1968 Baker, Sarah Francis 1887 - 1961 Baker, (unknown) Baker, (unknown) Baker, W. J. 1860 - 1934 Ballou, Albert M. Jul 10, 1919 age 3? yrs 7 mos Ballou, Ralph P. 1868 - 1957 Ballou, Sarah I. 1861 - 1937 Barth, George Anton 1937 - 1996 Bazinet, Donald 1932 - 1933 son of Henry & Emma Bazinet, Edward Feb 2, 1920 - Oct 14, 1921 son of H. & E. Bazinet, Emma 1879 - 1964 Bazinet, Henry 1878 - 1943 Bazinet, Joseph died 1925 son of Henry & Emma Bazinet, Mary 1910 - 1969 dau of Henry & Emma Bird, Elizabeth 1936 - 1937 Bird, Elizabeth Jane 1869 - 1950 Bird, Maurice D. Apr 1, 1918 age 21 yrs 6 mos 8 days Blohm, John Dec 27, 1882 - Oct 19, 1951 Blondeau, Clarence Donald 1949 - Oct 9, 2001 son of Edward & Florence Blondeau, Marilyn (nee Kambeitz) 1953 - Blue, Harold Carl Sep 8, 1915 - Dec 13, 1916 son of Harold & Lena Blue, Joseph David Aug 10, 1921 - Jan 29, 2011 son of Harold & Magdalena Blue, Kathleen (nee Ewaskui) May 12, 1930 - Jan 3, 2002 Bowman, Alice Joy 1900 - 1930 Brown, Catherine M. died Feb 11, 1921 Buck, Leonard Arvid Dec 28, 1920 - Jan 19, 1921 son of H. C. & M. E. Buck, Vern Aug 23, 1916 son of H. C. & M. E. Burd, Wilfred Wallace 'Billy' 1878 - 1921 Burger Family Headstone Burger, Alice 1908 - 1978 Burger, Ellen M. 1872 - 1942 Burger, George T. 1903 - 1976 Burger, Isaac J. 1871 - 1957 Burton, Alice L. 1881 - 1944 Burton, Sidney J. 1878 - 1970 Button, Jean 1933 - Button, Stan 1932 - 1998 Campbell, Evelyn Voll 1938 - 1997 (bur. Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Edmonton) Carr, Hugh R. 1929 - 1972 Carter, Ethel M. 1882 - 1944 Carter, Mary Feb 28, 1937 age 75 wife of O. Carter, Oliver 1853 - 1939 Chamberlain, Thelma Oct 20, 1911 - Feb 19, 1912 dau of James A. & Ella Charter, Elizabeth Catherine 1868 - 1943 Comis, Regina M. 1959 - 1999 Connaughty, Anna Jul 10, 1939 age 86 Connaughty, Caroline Ellen 1882 - 1978 Connaughty, James Patrick 1877 - 1967 Connaughty, Nellie Charlotte 1887 - 1970 Connaughty, Timothy John 1878 - 1936 Connett, Hattie Blanche Mar 15, 1892 - Oct 27, 1918 Connett, 'Mother' Connet, Robert Connett, Robert Arthur Feb 5, 1916 - Jul 8, 1916 Cooper, Ernest V. 1907 - 1972 Cooper, Flora 'Peggy' 1918 - 1985 Crawford, Isabele Feb 8, 1914 - Dec 13, 1926 Daly, Duncan John 1880 - 1943 Daly, Phyllis Irene Nov 21, 1922 - Jul 14, 1926 Davis, Benjamin Kinder 1855 - 1926 Davis, Mary Frances 1852 - 1944 Davison, Charlotte Nov 19, 1909 age 56 wife of J. H. Deforest, John D. 1906 - 1972 Deforest, Margaret 1921 - 1999 Desnoyers, Ida 1891 - 1965 Desnoyers, Wilfrid 1888 - 1944 Dillman, George 1923 - 1980 Dillman, Monica 14 Apr 1929 - 9 Mar 2013 wife of George Downton Family Headstone Downton, Arthur 1886 - 1967 Downton, Daisy 1888 - 1949 Downton, Edwin 1854 - 1930 Downton, Selina 1858 - 1941 Drew, Berney L. 1878 - 1931 Drew, Blain Dennis Jul 31, 1948 - Sep 15, 2000 son of Raymond & Mary Drew, Clarence Aug 2, 1906 - Feb 21, 1992 Drew, Frank Wilbur 1883 - 1962 Drew, Gerald H. 1916 - 1926 Drew, Hugh Feb 12, 1916 - Feb 29, 1916 Drew, James S. Sep 17, 1857 - Apr 16, 1922 Drew, Lila Esther 1884 - 1949 Drew, Lillian M. 1889 - 1960 Drew, Mary Mar 26, 1859 - Nov 26, 1926 Drew, Raymond Jasper Oct 1, 1901 - Aug 20, 1977 England, W. H. 1860 - 1919 Falconer, Alberta Viola Dec 13, 1919 age 5 yrs 11 mos, dau of Alexander & Elizabeth Falconer, Alexander 1870 - 1947 Falconer, Elizabeth 1877 - 1951 Faris, James Rennie 1936 - 2003 Faris, Tillie Katherine 1939 - Fowler, Dorothy Fowler, Douglas Fowler, Harry Fowler, L. Kay Fulcher, Emily C. (nee Davis) 1889 - 1932 dau of Benjamin & Mary Geeson, Donald 1942 - 2002 Geeson, Emelia C. 1875 - 1960 Geeson, Frances A. 1902 - 1989 dau of Henry & Margaret Geeson, Henry 1871 - 1920 Geeson, Henry Nov 22, 1871 - Jun 28, 1920 Geeson, Henry A. 1900 - 1974 Geeson, Lynne 1942 - Geeson, Margaret L. M. 1911 - 1983 Geeson, Philomena M. 1904 - 1992 dau of Henry & Margaret Gerdes, Anna 1881 - 1955 Gerdes, Henry 1872 - 1921 Germann, Frank Joseph Sep 1922 - May 25, 2012 Germann, Leo Arthur 1951 - 1977 son of Frank & Marjorie Germann, Marjorie 1925 - May 17, 2002 Germann, Vincent Francis Mar 4, 1948 - Nov 29, 2010 son of Frank & Marjorie Goddard, H. Sydney Jan 8, 1913 age 10 son of J. T. & Ada Goodrich, Alice (nee Burd) May 19, 1917 age 30 wife of George E. Gordon Family Headstone Gordon, Anna Glenn 1902 - 1910 dau of Thos. & Sarah E. Gordon, Joseph Russell 1904 - 1918 son of Thos. & Sarah E. Gordon, Sarah E. 1870 - 1965 Gordon, Thos. 1867 - 1934 Green, Doug Cameron 1952 - 1967 Hadespeck, Anton J. 1893 - 1946 Hammes, Mathias 1873 - 1948 Hanley, Catherine 1868 - 1956 Hanley, Edmund 1907 - 1974 Hanley, James E. 1898 - 1980 Hanley, Lyle Mitchel 1924 - 1927 Hanley, Patrick W. 1859 - 1919 Hayhurst, John Joseph Apr 12, 1910 - Oct 21, 1967 Hayhurst, Mabel Annie Jun 23, 1904 - Mar 11, 1975 Headlee, Opal May Mar 1, 1912 - died age 18 days Heald, Floyd R. Jul 28, 1888 - Apr 4, 1916 Heisler, Norma died Jan 5, 1923 Huck, Cy 'Bobo' 1927 - 1961 Hugh, Bertha (nee Blue) May 26, 1919 - Dec 3, 2010 dau of of Harold & Magdalena Humbert Family Headstone Humbert, Addison F. 1871 - 1936 Humbert, Leonard H. 1896 - 1963 Humbert, Lydia E. 1871 - 1949 Humbert, Sadie V. 1898 - 1997 Huys, Gerald Allan Aug 29, 1948 - Nov 6, 1968 son of Marcel & Mary Huys, Marcel C. 1914 - 1985 Huys, Mary Josephine 1914 - Mar 13, 2008 Jones, Horace P. 1871 - 1943 Jones, John Paul 'Polar Bear' died 1940 Jones, Mollie P. 1870 - 1959 Judge, Marie 1901 - 1925 Kendrick, Philo Bryce Feb 7, 1911 age 6 mos 3 days, son of Dr. M. A. Kennedy Family Headstone Kennedy, Alexander 1883 - 1940 King, George William Jan 6, 1914 - May 7, 1914 son of Ezra L. & Emma L. Kjellander, Kenneth Nov 28, 1927 - May 27, 1930 Kniskern, Ann McManus 1919 - 1996 Konieczny, Anna 1867 - 1952 Konieczny, Idzi 1866 - 1915 Kuehl, Wilbur Franklyn Jun 3, 1919 age 8 yrs 4 mos 24 days Lafferty, Ambrose William died Apr 3, 1927 Lahann, Anna M. 1858 - 1954 Lahann, Carl H. 1850 - 1928 Lahann, Herbert Hans 1896 - 1983 Lammer, Paul A. G. 19?? - 1935 Layson, Eldridge F. Aug 30, 1904 - Apr 10, 1918 son of J. B. & L. F. Layson, Jennie Satherlie Dec 13, 1906 - Aug 7, 1984 Layson, John Baxter 1876 - 1969 Layson, John C. Jul 9,1906 - Apr 26, 1972 Layson, Luella Fisher 1877 - 1954 Lucas, Geraldine died Aug 11, 1941 dau of John & Rose Lucas, John Robert May 9, 1987 age 69 Lucas, Mary E. 1925 - 1976 Lucas, William H. 1928 - 1963 Lucas, T. E. Jul 7, 1936 - Feb 24, 1988 Lundrigan, Hattie 1864 - 1951 Lundrigan, John 1866 - 1940 Lundrigan, Lyla died age 2 mos, dau of Ray & Lois MacAulay, Mabel 1892 - 1958 MacDonald, Daniel Archie 1874 - 1930 MacDonald, Elizabeth Ann Feb 3, 1927 age 52 Marean, Sarah Elizabeth 1848 - 1928 McAllister, Levina M. 1898 - 1930 wife of M. R. O'Byrne McCrank, Daniel M. 1874 - 1962 McCrank, Doris 1918 - 1997 McCrank, Edith L. 1883 - 1974 McCrank, Florence Margaret Jun 22, 1919 - Sep 28, 2004 dau of Daniel & Edith McCrank, Leonard Daniel Jun 22, 1914 - Feb 28, 2012 son of Daniel & Edith McCrystal, Mary Frances 1882 - 1956 wife of A. J. O'Byrne McFall, Isaac Jul 13, 1881 - Jun 3, 1923 McMillan, Joan Patricia (nee Connaughty) Mar 25, 1930 - Jan 14, 2009 dau of Timothy & Caroline Meek, (baby) Metz, Arnold 1918 - 1919 Metz, Donald Maurice Jan 10, 1916 - Nov 16, 2007 son of Nicholas & Margaret Metz, Gary John Aug 31, 1989 son of Greg & Wanda Metz, Joseph Peter Aug 31, 1989 son of Greg & Wanda Metz, Mae 1919 - 2003 Metz, Margaret 1886 - 1977 Metz, Marjorie Apr 25, 1915 - Jan 2, 2004 Sister Mary Louise Metz, Mary L. 188? - 19?? Metz, Moritz J. 188? - 1972 Metz, Nicholas 1877 - 1946 Metz, Nicholas 1914 - 1990 Metz, Paul Edward Mar 16, 1991 - Aug 22, 2007 son of Greg & Wanda Metz, Robert 1920 - 1960 Metz, William 1898 - 1918 Michener, Ila I. May 9, 1892 - Feb 17, 1919 Midmore, Kate 1884 - 1963 Midmore, Roger 1886 - 1934 Montgomery, John M. 1885 - 1946 Montgomery, Maude 1886 - 1926 Montgomery, Wesley 1906 - 1937 Morgan, Ada Jane Sep 6, 1933 age 76 Morgan, Guy Ernest 1896 - 1976 Morgan, Thomas Apr 27, 1912 age 57 Morrison, Trina Michele Jan 29, 1994 Mullaley, Quentin W. Nov 12, 1922 age 1 yr 4 mos Munro, Chas Munro, Chas E. Dec 28, 1922 age 44 Munro, George B. 1897 - 1982 Munro, Laura L. 1894 - 1990 Munro, Mona Munro, Mona B. Gillis Mar 6, 1921 age 27 wife of Chas Murphy, Jack 1914 - 1952 Neitzel, Charles A. Nov 14, 1918 age 33 Neitzel, Freda M. 1920 - Aug 22, 2008 Neitzel, Maurice C. 1915 - Aug 4, 2012 Nelson Family Headstone Nelson, Arline M. 1928 - Nelson, Arthur G. 1884 - 1941 Nelson, Bertha T. 1884 - 1971 Nelson, Corwin E. 1926 - Jul 4, 2007 son of Arthur & Bertha Nelson, Elsie L. (nee Larson) 1889 - 1925 wife of F. T. Nelson, Frank T. 187? - 195? Nelson, George L. 1918 - 1990 Nelson, Kevin L. 1955 - 1985 Nelson, Laurel Dwight 1922 - Sep 25, 2003 son of Arthur & Bertha Nelson, Lloyd Glenwood 1944 - 2000 son of Nels & Minnie Nelson, Minnie M. (nee Pearson) 1911 - Dec 8, 2001 Nelson, Nels Alfred 1906 - 1984 Nelson, Rita G. 1925 - 2002 Nepper, Ambrose Nicholas Sep 15, 1912 - May 7, 2008 son of Peter & Magdalena Nepper, Kathryn E. 1916 - 1923 Nepper, Lena E. 1889 - 1947 Nepper, Peter A. 1886 - 1974 Nestman, Martha 1926 - 1932 Normandin, Helen Jolene 1929 - 1945 Normandin, Ronald 1945 - 1945 Nygren, Grace 1921 - Nygren, Henry 1912 - 1996 O'Byrne, Arthur John 1880 - 1969 O'Byrne, Elizabeth Rolanda 1921 - O'Byrne, Ernest Lambert 1919 - Apr 11, 2009 O'Byrne, Evelyn Lackey Voll 1910 - 1989 wife of Leonard (bur. Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Edmonton) O'Byrne, Grace M. 1893 - 1945 O'Byrne, Ida Elizabeth 1883 - 1925 O'Byrne, Leo John 1937 - 1973 O'Byrne, Leonard P. 1893 - 1975 O'Byrne, Margaret Theresa 1902 - 1996 O'Byrne, Mark Robert 1891 - 1980 O'Byrne, Mildred Ida Mar 13, 1915 - May 2, 1921 O'Byrne, Rose Anne Darrach 1860 - 1931 wife of John O'Shea Family Headstone O'Shea, Bridgetta 1884 - 1955 O'Shea, Gerald Patrick Merlin 'Doc' Apr 24, 1929 - Nov 13, 1987 O'Shea, Joseph Patrick M. D. 1880 - 1951 Perkes, Joseph 1934 - 1957 Pfingstl, Leopold Johann Dec 22, 1936 - Feb 22, 1994 Pfingstl, Rose Mary (nee Fergusson) Jul 19, 1940 - Sep 29, 2005 dau of Hugh & Muriel Pickering, Edith Rae 1905 - 1993 Pickering, Florence E. 1929 - 1964 Pickering, Leslie H. 1907 - 1946 Prudhomme, Marvin 1976 - 1981 son of Theresa Prudhomme, Theresa 1955 - 1981 Prudhomme, Thomas 1980 - 1981 son of Theresa Qualey, Clara Jul 24, 1887 - Jan 1, 1929 wife of Juluis Qualey, Juluis E. 1881 - 1971 Ring, Idabelle 1932 - 2000 Ryan, Catherine 1888 - 1983 Ryan, Charles A. 1919 - 1976 Ryan, Donna May 1934 - 1984 Ryan, Ethel 1892 - 1980 Ryan, Gordon J. 1926 - 1953 Ryan, John M. 1887 - 1973 Ryan, Lewis 1884 - 1960 Ryan, Marie 1927 - Ryan, Pauline M. 1900 - 1975 Ryan, Robert John 1922 - 1949 Ryan, Stanley J. 1894 - 1978 Ryan, Wayne Stanley 1923 - 1987 Saucier, Edouard J. Feb 1, 1935 - Dec 30, 2008 Saucier, Louis J. Feb 1, 1935 - Scheibel Family Headstone Scheibel, David Paul Jul 18, 1969 - Apr 18, 1973 son of Lonard & Jean Scheibel, Helene A. 1909 - 1992 Scheibel, Margaret Johana 1899 - 1986 Scheibel, 'Mother' Aug 28, 1869 - Oct 22, 1957 Scheibel, Philip J. 1902 - 1989 Schneider, James Robert 1925 - 1978 Schneider, Julius H. 1887 - 1971 Schneider, Maizie J. 1926 - 1989 Schneider, Marie A. 1895 - 1974 Schneider, William D. 1930 - Schulz, Louis Karl 1912 - 1985 Schulz, Mary (nee Birg) 1915 - 1994 Setchell, Jane Ann (nee Carter) Dec 17, 1857 - Apr 19, 1922 wife of T.W. Shannon, Briget 1857 - 1946 Shannon, Emma 1899 - 1981 Shannon, James 1849 - 1935 Shannon, James J. 1890 - 1969 Shannon, Joseph 1888 - 1965 Shannon, Josephine C. 1894 - 1985 Sister Alma Marie 1920 - 1959 Sister Mary of Providence 1898 - 1932 Sister Mary Zenon 1886 - 1960 Smith, Ada S. 1876 - 1947 Smith, Ernest W. 1875 - 1958 Smith, Naomi Blanche Apr 3, 1908 - May 8, 1915 dau of Robert A. & C. M. Spencer, Benjamin 1845 - 1934 Spencer, Jeanet 1844 - 1938 Sporleder, Elizabeth 1892 - 1994 Sporleder, Fred A. 1884 - 1944 Sporleder, Helen E. 1917 - Aug 31, 2008 Squires, Emma J. 1862 - 1949 Squires, John H. 1856 - 1938 Talbot, Alice 1874 - 1928 Thompson, Eleanor G. Sep 6, 1916 age 3 yrs & 6 mos, dau of Thomas & Alice Thompson, Evelyn (nee Switzer) 1916 - Jan 7, 2009 Thompson, Robert 1916 - 1998 Todd, Clarence John Apr 3, 1914 - Apr 6, 1918 son of Henry B. & Edith Todd, John 18?? - 19?? Todd, Mary A. 1864 - 1937 Tompkins, Agnes May Nov 13, 1918 age 25 Tompkins, Lewis Robert Nov 12, 1918 age 40 Trenholme, Laurence Stuart Mar 4, 1911 - Jul 3, 2001 Trenholme, Merle Geraldine (nee Nelson) 1915 - 1997 Tubman, K. Graham 1919 - 1984 Tubman, Ross G. 1911 - 1987 Uhrich, John B. Jul 2, 1905 - Aug 24, 1966 unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 'Father' unknown, Jeannette died Dec 5, 1917 age 1 yr 22 days unknown, Marie Rita Mar 4, 1913 age 1 yr 3 mos 1 day Wailing, Florence 1883 - 1959 Walker, Floyd Clyde 1920 - 1922 Wallace, Christine 1920 - 1983 Wallace, Donald John 1924 - 1990 Wallace, Elsa 'Elsie' 1907 - 1984 Wallace, Harry 1920 - 1956 Wallace, Ida M. 1877 - 1919 wife of Chas Wallace, Lloyd F. 1890 - 1959 Wallace, Matilda 1897 - 1926 Weisshaar, Carl A. 23 Apr 1925 - 17 Jan 2013 son of Carl & Margaret Weisshaar, Carl Anselm 1891 - 1966 Weisshaar, Howard J. Jun 15, 1914 - 1919 son of A. J. & H. Weisshaar, Margaret H. (nee Kelley) 1892 - 1962 Wood, Olive Jul 17, 1910 - Sep 27, 1910 dau of Fred & Bella Woodard, V. George 'Jess' 1930 - 1998 Woodside, Carrie A. 1891 - 1923 wife of Wilfred
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