Abbot, Goldie 1897 - 1938 Akister, Abigal 1872 - 1936 Akister, Annette (nee Griffith) 14 Dec 1932 - 22 Jul 2009 dau of Albert & Dora Akister, (baby) 1928 - 1928 Akister, Clarence 1923 - 1998 Akister, Donald 1924 - 1995 hus of Annette Akister, Edgar 1898 - 1965 Akister, Ethel 1886 - 1962 Akister, Gladys 1923 - 1998 Akister, Irving 1887 - 1988 Akister, Jacob 1877 - 1971 Akister, John 1868 - 1938 Akister, Owen 1934 - 1937 Akister, Percy 1922 - 1980 Akister, Raymond 1912 Akister, Roxie 1895 - 1968 Akister, Vera 1901 - 1964 Akister, Wilbert 1917 Allport, Eric 1905 - 1990 hus of Phyllis Allport, Phyllis Maude (nee Pratt) 15 Jan 1918 - 6 Nov 2005 dau of Henry & Kathleen Archer, Albert 1885 - 1958 Armour, Frank 1882 - 1946 Armstrong, E. Marguerite 1913 - 1988 Armstrong, Ivan 1914 - 1993 Armstrong, M. Gladys 1918 - 2000 Atchison, George 1922 - 1924 Atchison, Sarah 1854 - 1933 Aubert, Edward 1873 - 1942 Aubert, Elizabeth 1873 - 1952 Avery, Charles 1889 - 1961 Avery, Elizabeth 1888 - 1986 Avery, Lawrence 1923 - 1954 Baillie, Jane 1843 - 1923 Baillie, Walter 1844 - 1925 Basset, Amy 1873 - 1934 Basset, James 1915 - 1968 Basset, Tom 1873 - 1942 Beattie, Robert 1895 - 1964 Beattie, Selma 1902 - 1970 Bennett, Gladys 1897 - 1918 Berg, Susie 1878 - 1941 Bischoff, (baby) 1930 - 1930 Bishop, John 1895 - 1964 Boyer, Rick 1952 - 1991 Boyer, Rosa 1887 - 1970 Brentnell, Lewella 1930 Briffitt, Hippolet 1856 - 1930 Brown, Cliff 1916 - 1978 Brown, Dawson 1921 Brown, Terry 1949 - 2000 Bye, Fred 1882 - 1934 Cadwellader, Jane 1860 - 1938 Caldwell, Emma 1867 - 1926 Caldwell, John 1865 - 1949 Callander, Hugh 1884 - 1943 Callander, Lydia 1860 - 1943 Carlson, Alfred 1862 - 1936 Carlson, Charles 1888 - 1964 Carlson, Josephine 1861 - 1944 Carpenter, (baby) 1928 - 1928 Carpenter, Henry 1891 - 1927 Cates, Catherine 1889 - 1976 Cates, Elmer 1923 - 1941 Cates, Joseph 1880 - 1962 Cates, Stephen 1887 - 1986 Cates, William 1889 - 1939 Chaplin. Roy 1880 - 1945 Clark, (baby) 1927 - 1927 Corns, William 1872 - 1957 Cox, Marjorie 1920 Darrow, Claude C. 1878 - 1944 son of James Darrow, C. James 'Jim' 1944 - 1970 son of Louis & Kathleen Darrow, C. James 'Jim' (2nd photo) Darrow, Grant Louis 2 Sep 1946 - 1 Mar 2013 son of Louis & Kathleen Darrow, James 25 Feb 1853 - 25 Dec 1913 Darrow, Kathleen M. (nee Bell) 1909 - 1968 Darrow, Lark 1877 - 1954 son of James Darrow, Louis 1912 - 1968 son of Lark Darrow, Louis & Kathleen (2nd photo) Darrow, Louisa Elizabeth (nee Wise) 1854 - 1952 wife of James Darrow, Lula M. 1879 - 1950 Darrow, Lulu & Claude (2nd photo) Darrow, Minnie (nee Johnson) 1878 - 1956 Darrow, Minnie & Lark (2nd photo) Darrow, Remus 24 May 1888 - 5 Jan 1908 son of James & Louisa Darrow, Shirley (baby) died 1938 dau of Louis Darrow, Wendy (nee Ralston) 22 Apr 1953 - 27 Jul 2006, 2nd wife of Grant Davenport, Charles 1852 - 1941 Davenport, Emma 1857 - 1937 Davenport, Gertrude 1881 - 1916 Davis, William 1891 - 1963 Davies, Anna 1902 - 1983 Davies, Brion 1969 - 1986 Daw, Marjorie Jean 1920 Day, H. Raymond 1926 - 1986 Dean, Francis 1862 - 1957 Dean, Henry 1857 - 1018 DeGruchy, Dorothy Noble 1914 - 1982 DeGruchy, Walter 1912 - 1975, 2nd hus of Dorothy DeLong, Zola 1856 - 1927 Dundas, Joseph 1902 - 1967 Dyrland, Katherine 1918 - 1949 Edgar, Agnes Smith 1901 - 1988 Elliott, George 1873 - 1918 Elmer, Robert 1940 Endicott, George 1890 - 1950 Endicott, George 1928 - 1996 Endicott, Gerald 1962 - 1989 Endicott, Lloyd 1928 - 1996 Endicott, Stella 1896 - 1989 Endicott, Vivian 1932 - 1999 Figley, Annie 1900 - 1956 Figley, Donald 1922 - 1939 Figley, Elmore 1894 - 1981 Ford, Frank 1882 - 1929 Fox, Donald 1928 - 1998 Fox, Tricia 1966 Frame, Allan 1920 Fraser, Margaret 1874 - 1933 Fuller, (baby) 1933 - 1933 Fuller, Elizabeth 1896 - 1965 Fuller, Gordon 1919 - 1930 Fuller, Henry 1894 - 1989 Fullerton, Emily 1881 - 1967 Fullerton, Marie 1913 - 1923 Fullerton, Robert 1918 - 1923 Fullerton, Rubert 1881 - 1962 Furseth, Clinton 1986 Gibson, Opal M. (nee Darrow) 1915 - 2008 dau of Lark Gibson, Thomas S. 1926 - 2003 hus of Opal Gillanders, Alex 1893 - 1983 Gillanders, Donald 1853 - 1926 Gillanders, Jane 1861 - 1928 Gillanders, Mira 1895 - 1990 Gilanders, William 1905 - 1991 Glover, William 1882 - 1942 Goheen, Charles 1892 - 1919 Goheen, Doris 1924 - 1952 Goheen, Eleanor 1925 - 1932 Goheen, Fred 1906 - 1919 Goheen, George 1860 - 1948 Goheen, George 1915 - 1994 Goheen, Henry 1893 - 1964 Goheen, Jemima 1864 - 1927 Goheen, Laura 1895 - 1986 Goheen, Lori 1957 - 1976 Goheen, Mary 1887 - 1939 Goheen, Raymond 1932 - 1962 Goheen, William 1887 - 1969 Graham, Edith (nee Wardell) 1896 - 1983 Graham, George 1908 - 1988 Graham, Ira 1899 - 1962 Graham, John 1853 - 1937 Graham, Orval Roy 10 Jul 1930 - 26 Apr 2013 son of Ira & Edith Graham, Robert 1868 - 1919 Graham, Ronald 1942 Graham, Verona 1929 Griffith, Albert 1909 - 1975 Griffith, Dora 1912 - 1990 Griffith, Vivian died 1937 dau of Albert & Dora Gunn, Mabel 1905 - 1993 Gunn, Myron 1897 - 1991 Hamilton, A. Lucille 1917 - 2000 Hamilton, Arthur 1930 - 1944 Hamilton, Edward 1925 - 1938 Hamilton, Freeman 1887 - 1954 Hamilton, Gertrude 1895 - 1986 Handley, Fred 1886 - 1968 Handley, Percy 1887 - 1987 Hanson, John 1915 - 1993 Hartshorne, Doreen 1900 - 1928 Hickling, Ernest 1880 - 1942 Hickling, Minnie 1879 - 1954 Hickling, Sarah 1849 - 1915 Hogue, Harold 1923 Hoffman, Chester 1885 - 1953 Hoffman, Elsie 1889 - 1973 Hope, Joan 1948 Hope, Robert Burnett 18 Nov 1924 - 14 Nov 2015 son of Gustaveous & Mable, hus of Vida & Joyce Hope, Ronald 1949 Hope, V. M. 'Polly' 1925 - 1986 Hunter, (baby) 1927 - 1927 Hunter, Ellen 1853 - 1956 Irvine, Britton 1895 - 1975 Irvine, James 1898 - 1964 Irvine, Sarah 1859 - 1943 Irvine, William 1884 - 1966 James, Henry 1919 James, John 1879 - 1922 James, Kathleen 1848 - 1919 Johnstone, Ida 1882 - 1920 Johnstone, Mary 1907 - 1988 Johnstone, Ted 1900 - 1988 Johns, (baby) 1921 - 1921 Jones, (baby) 1924 - 1924 Jones, (baby) 1926 - 1926 Jones, (baby) 1928 - 1928 Kallechy, Joyce 1924 Kallechy, Mabel 1903 - 1987 Kallechy, William 1898 - 1987 Kellogg, Owen Sr. 1850 - 1924 Kellogg, Owen W. 1896 - 1913 Kerr, Davison 1886 - 1957 Kerr, Ernest 1883 - 1971 Kerr, Jennie 1888 - 1970 Ketola, Burnadette 1917 - 1999 Kerr, Raymond 1911 - 1996 Knight, Walter 1877 - 1956 Kyle, Jerimiah 1839 - 1918 Kyle, Mrs. J. 1855 - 1923 Lampman, Albert 1865 - 1950 Lampman, Harvey 1888 - 1961 Lampman, H. Leonard 1926 - 1992 Lampman, Isabella 1867 - 1945 Lampman, Myrtle 1900 - 1972 Lampman, Simon 1833 - 1923 Lampman, Verna 1938 - 1963 Law, Irma 1935 - 1935 Law, Jane 1860 - 1946 Law, John 1864 - 1923 Law, Marjorie 1912 - 1919 Lee, Irma 1935 Lee, Jane 1860 - 1946 Lee, John 1864 - 1923 Lewis, Debrah 1885 - 1979 Lewis, Greta 1926 - 1933 Lewis, Perry 1891 - 1934 Lidkea, Amelia 1936 Lidkea, Harey 1882 - 1943 Lidkea, Hazel 1920 - 1921 Lidkea, Jennie 1884 - 1922 Lindsay, (baby) 1924 - 1924 Lindsay, Maude 1883 - 1952 Lindsay, William 1878 - 1962 Lytle, Calesta 1856 - 1948 Lytle, David 1856 - 1926 Lytle, Henry 1928 - 1985 Lytle, Kenneth 1899 - 1969 Lytle, Mabel 1906 - 1968 Lytle, Willard 1926 - 1994 Maalerud, John 1923 - 1943 Marshall, Doreen (nee Noble) 31 Jul 1936 - 18 Feb 2011 dau of Fred & Dorothy Marshall, George died 2003 hus of Doreen Martin, John 1849 - 1920 McLean, Archie 1876 - 1937 McLean, Susan 1857 - 1942 Minogue, Bertha 1897 - 1934 Minogue, Lila 1918 - 1922 Monson, Magnus 1918 - 1990 Moreside, Harold 1930 Morgan, James 1870 - 1946 Mosher, Henry 1932 - 1980 Mudra, Frances 1868 - 1938 Mudra, John 1869 - 1933 Mullins, Margaret 1915 - 1918 Mutlow. Elizabeth 1899 - 1985 Mutlow, Hazel Blanche (nee Pittman) 28 Feb 1919 - 23 Jul 2013 dau of Isaiah & Emma Mutlow, Lora Lynn 1948 Mutlow, Roland 1909 - 2 Sep 2000 hus of Hazel Mutlow, Samuel 1916 - 1999 Mutlow, William 1884 - 1955 Noble, Elizabeth 1876 - 1962 Noble, Fred 1905 - 1947 Noble, John 1877 - 1936 Oakley, Edward 1890 - 1968 Oakley, George 1894 - 1913 Oakley, James 1860 - 1923 Orras, Norma 1921 - 1968 Payne, (baby) 1922 - 1922 Peter, John 1882 - 1919 Peterson, August 1913 Pfaff, Caroline 'Carrie' (nee Schuler) 1895 - 1981 dau of Christian & Pauline Pfaff, Gottlieb 1892 - 1968 Pittman, Donald Floyd 2 Jan 1932 - 9 Sep 2014 hus of Virginia, son of Isaiah & Emma Pittman, Emma 1896 - 1995 Pittman, Isaiah 1891 - 1973 Pittman, Lloyd 1919 - 1967 Pittman, Mark (infant) 1961 son of Donald & Virginia (nee Graham) Phoenix, (baby) 1922 - 1922 Polson, Emma 1910 Pool, Thomas 1896 - 1971 Pratt, Henry 'Harry' 1890 - 1974 Pratt, John William 9 Jul 1925 - 4 Feb 2012 son of Henry & Kathleen Pratt, Kathleen 1895 - 1993 Pulling, William 1855 - 1924 Ramsdon, (baby) 1927 - 1927 Redmile, Sarah 1875 - 1941 Redmile, Thomas 1871 - 1947 Reid, Jantina 1915 - 1990 Reid, John C. 1908 - 1985 Rettie, Melvin 1899 - 1920 Riedl, Helene 1896 - 1996 Richard, Kathleen 1929 Russel, John 1839 - 1922 Russel, Elizabeth 1855 - 1936 Sadler, Dorothy 1907 - 1993 Sand, (baby) 1930 - 1930 Sanders, Jack 1903 - 1919 Scheelhaase, Nicholas 1878 - 1966 Scheelhaase, Ettie 1884 - 1980 Schuler, (baby) 1932 - 1932 Schuler, Carrie A. (nee Klein) 1910 - 2004 Schuler, Clifford 7 Jul 1929 - 30 Nov 2016 hus of Delores Westgard, son of William & Alice Schuler, Emanuel 1920 - 1986 Schuler, Helen 1935 Schuler, Jacob 'Jack' 1906 - 1991 son of Christian & Pauline Schuler, John 1899 - 1971 son of Christian & Pauline Schuler, Magdelina (nee Oberlander) 1895 - 1986 Schuler, Pauline 1861 - 1940 wife of Christian Schuler, William 16 May 1900 - 4 Jul 1946 Sherwood, Elizabeth 1890 - 1919 Skelton, James 1885 - 1950 Smart, Walter 1915 - 1925 Smid, (baby) 1964 - 1964 Smid, Hellechina 1876 - 1949 Smid, Sikko Jr. 1911 - 1969 Smid, Sikko Sr. 1882 - 1940 Smith, Ada 1895 - 1978 Smith, Alma 1923 - 1969 Smith, Alonzo 1880 - 1948 Smith, (baby) 1930 - 1930 Smith, (baby) 1943 - 1943 Smith, (baby) 1946 - 1946 Smith, Katherine 1934 - 1982 Smith, Elmer 1915 - 1935 Smith, Helge 1895 - 1930 Smith, Isabella 1880 - 1969 Smith, Ivan 1920 - 1976 Smith, Jean 1855 - 1940 Smith, Jean 1885 - 1940 Smith, Ronald 1881 - 1966 Smith, Ronald Larry 26 May 1930 - 18 Nov 2015 Stanhope, John 1881 - 1918 Soden, Cora Yvonne (nee Merritt) 13 Jul 1941 - 6 May 2017 wife of Leonard, dau of Harold & Audrey Soden, Emerson 1919 - 1991 hus of Evelyn Soden, George 1882 - 1949 Soden, Margaret 1893 - 1954 Stephenson, Annie 1882 - 1976 Stephenson, G. S. 1885 - 1967 Stephenson, John 1925 - 1956 Stephenson, Roy 1891 - 1961 Stephenson, Susan 1900 - 1933 Stephenson, William 1920 - 1949 Stewart, Mary 1871 - 1952 Stewart, Robert 1856 - 1930 Stottler, John 1863 - 1941 Sutherland, Clara 1903 - 1983 Sutherland, Milton 1902 - 1984 Tatomir, Elizabeth 1939 Thompson, Fred 1872 - 1925 Thompson, Gena 1889 - 1954 Thompson, Henry 1885 - 1958 Thompson, Minnie 1876 - 1959 Thompson, Sam 1866 - 1951 unknown, Ella Rae 1926 - 1926 Watson, (baby) 1923 - 1923 Watson, (baby) 1926 - 1926 Watson, (baby) 1930 - 1930 Watson, Dorothy 1909 - 1910 Watson, Edith 1884 - 1958 Watson, Francis 1880 - 1957 Watson, John R. 1883 - 1963 Watson, Johnstone 1912 - 1913 Watson, Sarah 1887 - 1983 Watson, William 1863 - 1923 Wammer, Florence E. (nee Jones) 1885 - 1924, 1st wife of Karl Wammer, Karl 1885 - 1957 Weeks, Chas 1860 - 1922 Webb, Annie 1881 - 1967 Webb, William 1878 - 1940 White, Arthur 1882 - 1965 White, Bertha 1866 - 1941 White, Mary 1894 - 1918 Wilkie, Alexander 22 Jun 1896 - 19 Mar 1978 Wilkie, Alexander Sr. 1866 - 1937 Wilkie, Dorothy R. (nee Darrow) 25 Apr 1914 - 21 Feb 1993 dau of Lark Wilkie, Helen (nee Hood) 1869 - 1946 Wilkie, Joseph 1902 - 1967 hus of Dorothy Williams, Betty 1931 Williams, Christine 1891 - 1985 Williams, Kay 1932 Williams, Richard 1896 - 1942 Williams, Wichertje 1909 - 1984 Williams, William 1901 - 1988 Williams, William 1941 - 1949 Williams, William Sr. 1869 - 1948 Winji, Anton 1885 - 1961 Wright, (baby) 1926 - 1926
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