St. John Cemetery
Antelope district

R.M. of Webb # 138   SW 12-14-18 W3
GPS   50.152817°N   108.347288°W
First burial in 1918

Compiled & photographed by Myrna & Ed Schebel
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Appleyard, Antania  1885 - 1955
Appleyard, Frank  1885 - 1967
Appleyard, Frank G.  1909 - 1962
Appleyard, Winnifred  1912 - 1972
Attridge, Barbara E. (nee Sage)  1886 - 1974
Attridge, Robert T.  1884 - 1970
Attridge, Robert W.  1931 - 1999
Attridge, Wellington J.  Jan 1918 - 1987

Barsness, Hilda Charlotte  1931 - 1955
Barsness, Martin  1886 - 1962
Barsness, Viola Ethel (nee Tucken)  Mar 19, 1928 - Jul 16, 1998
Benjamin, Arthur. H. 'Cap'  1910 - 1988
Benjamin, Kathlyn. L. (nee Graham)  1915 - 1994
Bowerman, Sarah C.  1840 - 1926
Broten, Harold  1940 - 1940
Broten, John  1939 - 1939
Brown, Benjamin Harrison  1888 - 1958
Brown, Laura Myrtle  1889 - 1976
Brown, Lawerence O.  Oct 27, 1919 - Nov 1, 1969

Cheley, Ronald Weagant  Apr 6, 1922 - Apr 15, 1922 son of Walter John & Evelyn May
Cross, Carmon C.  Oct 23, 1948 - Jul 28, 2001
Cross, Corey  1972 - 2009

Darby, Alena  1916 - 1957
Darby, George Leroy  1897 - 1962
Davies, Minnie M.  Jun 9, 1907 - Jul 8, 1965
Ditner, Allan  Aug 2, 1928 - Jan 16, 2005
Ditner, Frank L.  1895 - 1990
Ditner, Isabella M. A.  1904 - 1988
Dunn, Gerald Richard  Jul 27, 1937 - May 28, 2004
Dunn, Harriet Gail  Apr 3, 1939 - 

Fritsch, Alice Mildred 'Millie' (nee Head)  Sep 14, 1928 - Aug 9, 2004 dau of Richard & Alice
Fritsch, Arnold  1923 - Dec 18, 2011

Graham, Alexander B.  May 3, 1909 - May 19, 1925
Graham, Alexandria 'Lexie' (nee Ross)  Oct 14 1882 - Jul 25, 1983
Graham, George  May 11, 1875 - Dec 5, 1949

Hamren, Oscar J.  1883 - 1976
Head, Alice E. (nee Barefoot)  1899 - Aug 9, 1972
Head, Ernest A.  1918 - 1978
Head, John Richard  Dec 21, 1931 - May 17, 1980
Head, Leonard  1936 -
Head, Richard A.  Aug 8, 1888 - Mar 4, 1962
Head, Shirley  1939 - 2001
Hines, Ellis S.  1879 - Jun 1, 1959
Hines, James  1885 - Sep 11, 1944
Hines, Mary Rosamond (nee DeBlaquiere)  1877 - Sep 6, 1951
Hoff, Joseph  Dec 7, 1874 - Aug 21, 1961
Holtby, Anna Louise  1886 - 1972
Holtby, Donald  1918 - 2003
Holtby, Louise (nee Colburn)  1916 - 1994
Holtby, Myrtle  1915 - 1983
Holtby, Phyllis I.  1921 - 1975
Holtby, Richard T.  1939 - 1985
Holtby, Robert  1913 - 2000
Holtby, Thomas Walker  1883 - 1951
Holtby, William M.  1918 - 1991
Hunter, Keiver M.  1865 - 1943
Hunter, Minnie E.  1872 - 1940

Keetley, Arthur R.  1934 - 2008
Keetley, James Stephen  Oct 8, 1880 - Sep 22, 1967
Keetley, Marie Flora (nee Daze)  Jul 4, 1894 - Nov 13, 1991
Keetley, Thomas  Dec 17, 1930 - Feb 15, 1931
Kerr, Andrea  1915 - 2009
Kerr, George W.  1889 - 1979
Kerr, Patricia J.  1941 -
Kerr, Patrick J.  1938 - 1999 

Lange, August B.  1912 - 1983
Lange, Johann  1879 - 1940
Lange, Margaret M.  1917 - 1976
Lange, Maria  1880 - 1940
Langford, 'Father'  died 1927
Langford, 'Mother'  died 1938
Livingstone, Albert L.  1920 - 2001
Livingstone, June M.  1921 - 2000
Livingstone, Lewis H.  1880 - 1961
Livingstone, Violet E.  1885 - 1977
Lloyd, C. Ruth (nee Graham)  Apr 15, 1905 - May 26, 1988
Lloyd, Carl J.  Dec 29, 1916 - Mar 31, 1999
Lloyd, I. Jean(nee Graham)  Aug 11, 1918 - Oct 2013
Lloyd, Lewis L.  Oct 6, 1898 - Aug 5, 1987
Ludvigsen, Alfred  1896 - 1974

Marr, Elizabeth D. (nee Still)  1885 - May 29, 1980
Marr, William C.  1886 - 1966
Marsh, Christina Belle (nee Ross)  1915 - 1942 wife of John
Marsh, John Hammond  1909 - 1971
Marsh, Mable Blanche  1939 - 1940
Marsh, William John  1937 - 1942
Maystead, Darlene  Nov 19, 195? - Jun 10, 2011
McEown, Margaret (nee Corbet)  1865 - 1936 wife of Charles
McIntosh, Agnes  1889 - 1971
McIntosh, George Mitchell  1880 - 1961
Melrose, Donald  died 1919
Miller, Frank S.  1886 - 1964
Moat, Arthur Ross  1905 - 1975
Moat, Chester William  1903 - 1926
Moat, L. T.  1891 - 1958
Moat, Nellie May  1896 - 1949
Monson, Anders  Jan 19, 1868 - Jan 3, 1950
Monson, Emfrid (nee Sturm)  May 27, 1867 - May 31, 1939
Mowat, David  1932 - 1933
Mowat, Dewayne  died 1938
Mowat, George  1886 - 1978

Neilsen, Martha  Dec 11, 1855 - Jul 3, 1942
Neilsen, Sievert  Jan 7, 1867 - May 1, 1949
Nishimura, Frank Fujio  Apr 17, 1906 - Aug 22, 2000
Nishimura, Kuma  1866 - 1930
Nishimura, Tomekichi  1869 - 1943

O’Shea, Donna Mae  Sep 19, 1946 - Mar 4, 2002
O’Shea, William H.  Dec 19, 1941 -
Olson, John James  Jun 10, 1932 - Jul 27, 2015 son of William & Ruth
Olson, Joyce Doreen (nee Service)  1933 - 1995 wife of John, dau of Bob & Cora
Olson, Ruth L.  1914 - 1986
Olson, William J.  1905 - 1989
Oscar, Judy E.  Feb 27, 1948 - May 16, 2002

Ross, Albert W.  1911 - 1981
Ross, Beatrice R.  1927 - 1984
Ross, Blanche  1888 - 1972
Ross, George C.  1891 - 1979
Ross, Harold A.  1922 - 1985
Ross, William Wallace  1887 - 1967

Sandstrom, Andres Oscar  1885 - 1967
Sather, Doris (nee Head)  Jun 26, 1934 - Dec 14, 1994
Sather, Margaret (nee Langford)  1895 - 1955
Sather, Martin  Jan 26, 1931 - Feb 11, 2010
Sather, Tobe Reginald  Oct 3, 1954 - Mar 19, 2010
Service, Alberta J. (nee Hallett)  Sep 1, 1872 - Aug 28, 1966
Service, Cora B. Eleanor (nee Wannamaker)  Nov 8, 1908 - Nov 4, 1954
Service, G. R. 'Bob'  Aug 19, 1905 - Dec 28, 2000
Service, James B.  Mar 21, 1909 - Mar 2, 2001
Service, James H.  Oct 16, 1862 - Aug 11 1947
St. John, Douglas James  1956 - 2013
St. John, Elizabeth  Apr 26, 1893 - Aug 31, 1959
St. John, George Lewis  1914 - 1995
St. John, James G.  18?? - 19?0
St. John, James R.  1919 - 1984
Steele, Annie Doris  Jun 23, 1915 - Oct 27, 1919
Steele, Elma (nee Wheeler)  1904 - 1994 
Steele, Jerald Arthur  died May 25, 19?8
Steele, Leota I.  1919 - 
Steele, Margaret A.  1886 - 1952
Steele, Michael Albert  died Mar 1965
Steele, N. Rupert 1913 - 1987
Steele, Richard W.  1879 - 1942
Steele, Robert T.  1884 - 1952
Steele, Stanley J.  1924 - 2004
Steenhart, Rodney  died Jul 27, 1977

Tessem, Agnes (nee Thompson)  Mar 12, 1895 - 1958
Tessem, Dorothy  Jan 9, 1931 - Oct 5, 1999
Tessem, Harold O.  Dec 30, 1915 - 2003
Tessem, Hilda (nee Olson)  Mar 16, 1887 - Jan 4, 1929
Tessem, Ida S. (nee Rud)  1924 -
Tessem, Louis A.  Feb 14, 1885 - Apr 29, 1981
Tessem, Norman  May 30, 1921 - Jul 9, 2013
Tessem, Thory  Jan 9, 1883 - 1973 
Tice, Ella M. (nee Lloyd)  1902 - 1997
Tice, George G.  1892 - Oct 19, 1951
Tice, Lloyd W.  Oct 1929 - Nov 1977
Timmons, Edna May  1903 - 1985
Timmons, James Clifford  1906 - 1993

Walker, Dorothea  1876 - 1956
Walker, William  1878 - 1971
Wallace, Donald Milton  Feb 12, 1938 - Jan 2, 1999
Wallace, Kenneth J.  1909 - 2001
Wallace, Lillian E.  1910 - 2002
Webster, Richard T.  Apr 11, 1894 - Sep 9, 1954 age 60
Weston, Anna Brita (nee Anderson)  Sep 22, 1893 - Mar 28, 1988
Weston, Berney Andrew  Nov 2, 1914 - Aug 20, 1973 son of Eric & Anna
Weston, John Oscar  Sep 25, 1922 - Mar 31, 2016 son of Eric & Anna
Weston, Eric Hilding  May 30, 1886 - Jun 23, 1974
Weston, Pearl (nee Hazelwood)  Dec 6, 1931 - Nov 6, 2002 wife of John

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