Watson Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery
(aka St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery)

R.M. of Lakeside # 338   NW 27-36-18 W2
GPS   52.128821°N   104.505318°W
First burial in 1953, 56 burials by 2001

Compiled by Rev. Harry S. Rose
Photographed by Ron Isherwood July 14, 2013
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

BADIUK, ANN  1918 - 1984 
BADIUK, MANDARY  1912 - 1999
BILAN, STEVE  1879 - 1960
BOYKO, ANASTASIA 'NELLIE' (nee Bilan)  11 Apr 1919 - 16 Nov 2015 dau of Steffan & Justina (nee Shirpowich) 
BOYKO, JOHN* 1909 - 1981

CHOMA, GREGORY  1880 - 1953 hus of Katherine
CHOMA, KATHERINE  1887 - 1981

DUTCHAK, ANNIE  1914 - 2003
DUTCHAK, WILLIAM  1911 - 1979 hus of Annie

FRANKO, DORA  1902 - 1990 
FRANKO, MICHAEL  11 Nov 1914 - 19 Nov 2002
FRANKO, MARTHA (nee Derow)  10 Aug 1922 - 18 Mar 2012 dau of  Alex & Palahna (nee Shumay)
FRANKO, NICHOLAS  1898 - 1992

HLECK, GORDON EUGENE  13 Jan 1937 - 5 Oct 1993
HLECK, MARTIN (Demitrius)  1891 - 1962
HLECK, PAULINE  1903 - 1971
HLECK, PHILIP  4 Dec 1927 - 7 Sep 1996

KOLODRYSKI, ANN  1906 - 1973
KOMONOSKI, DIANA  1950 - 2008
KOMONOSKI, KATHERINE  1906 - 1991 wife of Peter
KOMONOSKI, PETER  1896 - 1968
KOROLUK, MARY  1896 - 1984 
KOROLUK, MICHAEL  1891 - 1960

MAGAS, JOHN  1921 - 2004
MAGAS, ROSE  1923 - 1982
MAGIS, ADELA  1932 - 2006
MAGIS, GEORGE  1917 - 1988
MAGIS, MARIA*  21 Sep 1891 - 6 Oct 1955 wife of Nicholas
MAGIS, MATHEW  1913 - 2004
MAGIS, NICHOLAS*  8 May 1881 - 2 Oct 1965
MANCHUR, ANN  1900 - 1997
MANCHUR, LUKIE  1885 - 1981

PROSKO, ANNA  1887 - 1974 wife of Wasyl
PROSKO, JOHN  1909 - 1967 son of John & Anna
PROSKO, LENA (nee Ochitwa)  17 Nov 1909 - 10 Nov 2001 dau of Jacob & Katherine (nee Sopkow)
PROSKO, WASYL  1878 - 1960
PYLATIUK, EVA  1925 - 2008
PYLATIUK, WILLIAM  1921 - 2005

ROMANIUK, ANNIE (nee Melaschuk)  19 Dec 1918 - 26 Apr 2015 dau of Pete & Haffia (nee Yamniuk)
ROMANIUK, MICHAEL  1909 - 1971 hus of Anni
ROMANIUK, PAULINE  1880 - 1974 wife of Thomas
ROMANIUK, THOMAS  1877 - 1960
ROZEK, PETER  1896 - 1979

SAKUNDIAK, ANN  1911 - 1999
SAKUNDIAK, MICHAEL  1907 - 1983 
SAWATSKI, PHILIP  1901 - 1967
SENKO, ELSIE  13 Sep 1929 - 20 Dec 2009
SLIPETZ, DALE ZENON  16 Dec 1968 - 17 Dec 1968
SLIPETZ, KATHERINA  1912 - 1977 
SLIPETZ, PETRO  1904 - 1988
SLIPETZ, ROMAN G.  1942 - 1964 son of Petro & Katherina
SNITINSKY, JOSEPH  1887 - 1955 brother of Michael
SNITINSKY, MARY  27 Sep 1896 - 6 Jan 1993 wife of Michael
SNITINSKY, MICHAEL  4 Sep 1889 - 20 Jan 1982
SNITINSKY, WILLIAM  4 Feb 1920 - 14 Dec 2007

TYTKA, NICHOLAS*  1898 - 1963
TYTKA, ROSALIA*  1898 - 1987 

UNILOWSKY, JUSTINA 'TENIE'  8 Sep 1917 - 24 Aug 1996

WACHNIAK, MICHAEL  1924 - 1978
WERYHA, MARIA  1885 - 1963
WORYSKI, MARIE  1885 - 1963

YAKUBYSZYN, FRED  1895 - 1978

ZAWATSKY, PHILIP  1901 - 1967
ZUK, JOHN  1944 - 1969 son of Peter & Mary
ZUK, MARY  1913 - 1985 
ZUK, PETER  1899 - 1975

The above was taken from a personal reading of the cemetery with a translation of the 10 Ukrainian names done by Mr. John Misouri of Humboldt. The translation was done in such a way as to give the normally accepted English names for the Ukrainian on the Stones. Each of these is recognized by the *. There was no follow-up and check over by any other person.

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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