Aanenson, Ole 1868 - 1950 Achtemichuk, Jacob M. 'Jack' 1907 - 2001 Achtemichuk, Lena 1915 - 2003 Agar, Charles Nelson 7 Apr 1916 age 5 yrs 6 mos 11 days, son of H. E. & C. Agar, Clara (nee Jamieson) Clark 1888 - 1958 dau of William & Mary Agar, Homer Ernest Dr. 1883 - 1941 Airey (Family Headstone) Airey, Charlotte Jane (nee Harrower) 1 Jul 1923 - 28 Apr 2008 dau of Joe & Marion Airey, Frank 1918 - 1948 Airey, Hannah Isabella (nee Moses) 1878 - 1951 Airey, John Thompson 1916 - 2002 Airey, Katherine "Kay" (nee Rausch) 22 Apr 1918 - 18 Mar 2014 wife of Norman, dau of Jacob & Mithila Airey, Thomas Atkinson 1878 - 1947 Airey, Thomas Norman 5 Jun 1913 - 15 Oct 2005 son of Thomas & Hannah Alcock, Dorothy Gertrude (nee Malbon) 1887 - 9 Nov 1940 dau of William & Anne Alcock, George 1884 - 1958 Alcock, John W. 1881 - 1965 Alcock, John William Rupert 1919 - 1953 son of John & Dorothy Alcock, Margaret 1894 - 1982 Alcock, Sylvia Jane 1949 - 1968 dau of John & Helen Allan, Anna Ethel 1912 - 1993 Allan, Eleanor 1933 - Allan, James Robert 26 May 1943 - 4 Aug 1962 Allan, John Henery 6 Sep 1910 - 6 Jan 1967 Allan, Laura L. (nee Edwards) 1881 - 1941 Allan, Norman John 1909 - 1980 son of Robert & Laura Allan, Norman Russell 6 Nov 1936 - 23 Oct 2005 son of Norman & Ethel Allan, Robert J. 1872 - 1937 Allan, Russell 1896 - 1930 hus of Violet Grest Allan, Susan Ann 6 Mar 1943 Allan, William George 16 Jun 1941 Allen, Arlington Veril 18 Aug 1913 - 9 Dec 2008 Allen, Albert W. 1887 - 1965 Allen, Aura 1851 - 1943 Allen, Charles 1892 - 1970 Allen, E. Leavon (nee Gibbs) 1932 - 27 Dec 2000 dau of Clarence & Edith Allen, Flossie M. 1887 - 1974 Allen, Grace Dorothy (nee Hill) 13 Nov 1922 - 12 Nov 2016 dau of Arthur & Eleanor (nee Wasden) Allen, Kenneth L. 22 Sep 1915 - 11 Jan 1988 Allen, Mary Agnes 1901 - 1970 Allen, Norman Russell 6 Nov 1936 - 23 Oct 2005 son of Norman & Ethel Allen, Vera G. 1899 - 1989 Allen, Victor C. 1896 - 1972 Allen, Willis I. 1885 - 1976 Allin, Ada Adeline (nee Hornby) 1889 - 1972 Allin, Bernie (nee Tarr) 1930 - Allin, Keith 1922 - 1992 son of William & Ada Allin, Leonne Renee 28 Mar 1974 - 4 May 2000 dau of Russell & Sharon Allin, William R. 1885 - 1972 Amundsen, Hendrik 1855 - 1929 Anderson, Andrew 1875 - 1945 Anderson, Annie (nee Berg) 1862 - 1937 wife of Ole Anderson, Christina 1877 - 1962 wife of Andrew Anderson, Cora Patricia (nee Wingrove) 17 Jan 1927 - 11 Feb 2011 Anderson, J. H. 1 Jan 1945 Anderson, John Robert 1879 - 1962 Anderson, Kathleen H. (nee Hawkins) 1883 - 1974 Anderson, Mary 1907 - 1979 Anderson, Ole 1868 - 1950 Anderson, Ole T. 1856 - 1910 Anderson, Olga C. (nee Anderson) 1909 - 1966 wife of Ed, dau of Andrew Anderson, Ralph Harold 24 Aug 1919 - 12 May 2005 Antoniw, Edna 1931 - Antoniw, Wasyl 'Bill' 1925 - 2001 Armbruster, Lydia 1911 - 2005 Armour, Ada 1893 - 1964 Armour, William 19 Oct 1952 age 89 Armstrong, Annie Laura (nee Gilliatt) 1860 - 1936 wife of George Armstrong, Ethel A. 1882 - 1969 Armstrong, Frederick 18 Mar 1917 age 8 mos 13 days Armstrong, George Whitman 20 Sep 1858 - 4 May 1927 son of Elwood & Margaret Armstrong, Gordon A. 11 Apr 1912 - 10 Feb 1997 Armstrong, Helen Frances 17 Apr 1922 - 20 Oct 1923 dau of J. E. Armstrong, Henry William 6 Jul 1916 age 1 day Armstrong, Henry T. 1877 - 1954 Armstrong, Margaret J. (nee McNeish) 4 Jun 1920 - 4 Nov 2000 Arnott, Eliza Jane 1854 - 1925 Arnott, Emily Alice 1878 - 1921 Arnott, William 1844 - 1935 Atchison, Cecil William 1935 - 1957 Atkinson, Christopher 1884 - 1952 Attwood, Ella Maud 14 Oct 1913 age 23 dau of G. F. & R. A. Austerhus, Sven 1882 - 1971 Austin, Ed W. 1886 - 1956 Austin, Florence (nee Mross) 1886 - 1967 Babiuk, Irene Olga (nee Danchyk) 1904 - 1992 Babiuk, John 1893 - 1958 Badger, Audrey Viola 12 Dec 1913 age 4 yrs 6 days, dau of George & Winnifred Badger, George H. 1878 - 1930 Badger, Lillian May 1917 - 1989 Badger, Murray 3 Jun 1943 - 5 Jun 1944 Badger, Telford 1894 - 1977 son of John & Hannah Badger, Winnifred Jane 1886 - 1970 Baker, Jeffrey M. 1914 - 1977 son of Howard & Effie Balleck, Amy Marion 1923 - 1997 Balleck, Benedict W. 'Ben' 1919 - 12 Aug 2005 Balogh, Ambrose 1904 - 2003 Balogh, Elizabeth (nee Wilson) 1914 - 1996 dau of John & Maggie Balogh, Magdalena 1885 - 1976 Bancarz, Jessie 1924 - Bancarz, John B. 1919 - 1998 Bannister, Alice M. 1866 - 1947 Bannister, Ellen Grace (nee Brown) 1895 - 1974 Bannister, George 1890 - 1976 son of Thomas & Alice Bannister, Thomas 1864 - 1940 Barker, Barbara June 22 Jun 1915 - 6 Aug 2008 Barker, Neville 26 Oct 1912 - 21 Nov 1996 Barker, Norman 1884 - 1947 Baron, Carl Gerald 16 Mar 1973 age 57 Baron, Doris Mary 5 Sep 1914 - 22 Oct 2007 Barrie, David 1832 - 1933 Barrie, Hugh Pinkerton 20 Feb 1915 age 11 mos 20 days Barrie, M. G. Bartley, Dorothy (nee Cook) 1896 - 1974 Bartley Edward 1901 - 1991 Barton, Annie 1859 - 1944 Bartulis, Peter 1892 - 1954 Baxter, Maria (nee Skinner) 1872 - 1955 Baxter, Richard 1872 - 1936 Baycroft, Beatrice K. (nee Finch) 1898 - 1999 Baycroft, Edgar Wilbert 1899 - 1982 Beatty, Blaire Roland 1959 - 1983 son of Guy & Georgina Beatty, Cora May (nee Hunter) 1887 - 1962 Beatty, Georgina Blanche (nee Cumming) 1924 - 26 Jun 2015 Beatty, Guy H. 1921 - 1992 son of Roland & Cora Beatty, Roland 1885 - 1966 Beavers, Buford Don 'Bute' 10 Jun 1904 - 22 Nov 1996 son of Walter & May Beavers, Hazel Signora (nee Hultgreen) 27 Apr 1908 - 9 Aug 2008 dau of Gustav & Johanna Beavers, Theresa Ann 1935 - 30 Oct 2014 Becker, Eve Elizabeth 1885 - 1958 Becker, Gottfried 1878 - 1965 Becker, Hannah 1916 - 1948 Bell, Marjorie Joanne (nee McTaggart) 1927 - 1999 Benell, C. E. Benell, Marie Benton, Edward 'Ted' 1876 - 1960 Benton, Harry H. 1919 - 1977 Benton, Rose Anne (nee Fraser) 1880 - 1925 Berg, Anella (nee Koznoski) 1899 - 1928 dau of Joseph & Ella Berg, George 1893 - 1973 hus of Anella & Mary Berg, Mary Isabel (nee Airey) 1906 - 1981 wife of George Berry, Judith Ann 1943 - 1944 Berry, Donald Kent 1945 - 1999 Berry, Ernest 1910 - 1999 Berry, Kenneth Joseph 1914 - 1928 Berry, Lorne Cecil 1904 - 2000 Berry, Mabel Lillian (nee Stoner) 26 Aug 1917 - 15 Feb 2004 Berry, Sarah Matilda 1875 - 1956 Berry, Verna Rae 1908 - 1965 Berry, William Joseph 1877 - 1958 Bertram, Iris M. 1942 - 1977 Bibbey, Alfred H. 1902 - 1993 Bibbey, Mary Margaret (nee Warwick) 1910 - 1994 dau of Joseph & Annie Birch, Margaret S. 1927 - 1974 Bird, William Stanley 24 Dec 1918 age 13 son of Walter & Mary Birtles, George Howard 1919 - 1977 Bjorndahl, Myron R. 1911 - 1969 son of Tobias & Gynhild Bjorndahl, Dennis R. 1942 - 2004 son of Myron & Lillian Bjorndahl, G. Lillian (nee Reid) 1913 - 1997 dau of Avery Bjorndahl, Mable 1903 - 1996 Bjorndahl, Norris 1903 - 1969 son of Tobias & Gynhild Blair, Donald 1862 - 1927 Blickensderfer, John 1889 - 1973 Blickensderfer, Millie 1927 - 1991 Blundell, Leonard T. 1880 - 1966 Blundell, May O. 1884 - 1972 Blundell, Miriam E. 1905 - 1997 Blundell, Raymond R. 1911 - 1981 Boehm, (baby) Boissier, Ernest 18 Mar 1870 - Jun 1935 Bond, Arthur G. 1893 - 1962 Boon, Ephraim 1884 - 1980 Boon, Herman Maitland 29 Dec 1914 - 11 Nov 2003 son of Ephraim & Janet Boon, Janet Craig 1884 - 1946 Boon, Kathleen (nee Anderson) 1917 - 1978 dau of John & Kathleen Bourassa, Eva Linnea 2 Dec 1909 - 2 Aug 2005 Bourassa, John Victor 7 Nov 1914 - 16 Sep 2001 son of Romauld & Mederise Bourgeault, Joseph Victor 1913 - 1999 Bourgeault, Mary Alexina 1912 - 2002 Bracewell, Constance Birdie (nee Rands) 1897 - 1967 Bracewell, John N. 1924 - 1969 son of Norman & Constance Bracewell, Norman 1892 - 1944 Bracewell, Shirley Mae (nee Verner) 1927 - 1996 wife of John Brakefield, Ralph 1912 - 1983 son of Robert & Sarah Brakefield, Sarah Elizabeth (nee Scott) 1887 - 1926 wife of Robert Bridle, Alfred Albert 1881 - 1935 son of Alfred & Matilda Bridle, Charles 22 Aug 1878 - 6 Jan 1955 son of Alfred & Matilda Bridle, Flora Emily (nee Handley) 1892 - 1983 dau of Sarah Bridle, Florence May (nee Reed) 1890 - 1965 wife of Alfred Bridle, Heather 1970 - 1973 dau of Walter & Lorie (nee Kaminski) Bridle, Pearl Rose 1918 - 1998 dau of of Charles & Flora Bridle, Walter Edward 21 Apr 1922 - 26 Apr 2002 son of Charles & Flora Bridle, William Alfred 1914 - 1988 Britz, John Julius 22 Sep 1947 - 6 Oct 2009 hus of Eleanor Broadfoot, David John 4 Dec 1954 - 25 Aug 2013 son of John & Neta Broadfoot, Janet G. (nee Hislop) 22 Nov 1940 Broadfoot, John H. 31 Aug 1941 Broadfoot, John Alexander 10 Jan 1922 - 24 Nov 2008 son of Robert & Mabel Broadfoot, Mabel Sarah (nee Kirkton) 1894 - 1967 Broadfoot, Neta Valentine (nee Friesen) 14 Feb 1924 - 24 Dec 2013 wife of John Broadfoot, Robert William 1893 - 1965 son of John & Janet Brossart, Agnes 1935 - 2004 Brown, (unknown) 1890 - ???? Brown, Alice Mary (nee Oliphant) 1885 - 1953 Brown, Alvin 1888 - 1963 Brown, Clarence John 1907 - 1937 son of James & Maria Brown, Cleta Mae (nee Hunt) 17 Feb 1925 - 21 Dec 2008 dau of John & Sara Brown, Evelyn 1934 - 1994 Brown, F. Mary 1877 - 1968 Brown, Frances Edith 1899 - 1974 Brown, George William 1875 - 1953 Brown, George 'Bill' 1921 - 1995 son of George & Alice Brown, Herbert 1874 - 1950 Brown, Herma (nee Wickware) 1867 - 1943 Brown, Hugh 1902 - 1965 Brown, James Edward 1884 - 1945 Brown, John 1922 - 2002 Brown, John Herbert 1870 - 1947 Brown, Laura 1897 - 1959 Brown, Maria (nee McClean) 1887 - 1985 dau of John & Ruth Brown, Mary Ida 1877 - 1968 Brown, Peter 1891 - 1975 Brown, Robert W. 13 Jul 1934 - 11 Jul 2015 son of Kenneth & Clarabelle Brown, Vivian Ellen (nee Maksuta) 5 May 1936 - 15 Sep 2010 dau of Alex & Lemina Brown, William 1921 - 1970 Bryson, Vivian Julia 1925 - 1989 Buckley, Isabella Elda 1905 - 1924 Buckmaster, Clifford J. 4 Oct 1902 - 3 Sep 1997 Buckmaster, Lillian 13 Nov 1906 - 17 Jun 1999 Burke, Alvin H. 1888 - 1963 Burke, Evelyn (nee Jones) 1934 - 1994 Burke, John Alvin 1922 - 16 Jan 2002 son of Alvin & Laura Burke, Laura G. (nee Jamieson) 1897 - 1959 dau of William Burke, William A. 1921 - 1970 son of Alvin & Laura Burkitt, Arnold J. 1912 - 2004 Burkitt, Barbara Joyce 1945 - Burkitt, Donald Andrew 30 Jun 1938 - 12 Mar 1998 Burkitt, Joseph Cory 'Joey' 2 Nov 1979 - 1 Jun 1994 Burkitt, Lewis Clarence 7 Oct 1924 - 4 Sep 2011 hus of Margaret, son of Joseph & Mary Burkitt, Lily 1914 - Burkitt, Margaret Grace (nee Lord) 10 Mar 1929 - 14 May 2017 dau of George & Mary Burkitt, Ronald A. 1917 - 1990 Burkitt, V. Joan 1923 - 2001 Burton, Annie 1859 - 1944 Burton, Albert E. 'Curly' 28 Dec 1955 age 66 hus of Kathleen Lloyd Busch, Clarence 1916 - Busch, Edna 1921 - 2004 Busse, Beatrice L. (nee Fielding) 1906 - 1981 Busse, Brett Anne 6 Sep 1988 - 15 Oct 2016 dau of Craig & Patti (nee Horbul) Busse, George 1927 - 1987 Busse, Henry Ferdinand 1897 - 1941 Busse, Kathrine 'Kay' (nee Friesen) 1897 - 1994 Busse, Robert Raymond 1935 - 1956 Busse, Robert G. 1898 - 1968 hus of Beatrice Busse, Rosemary 'Toots' (nee Proctor) 1928 - 26 Jun 2002 dau of Bill & Helen Busse, Walter F. 1921 - 1990 son of Henry & Kathrine Butterley, Alice 1879 - 1935 Butterley, Charles 1872 - 1959 Butterley, William 1920 - 1946 Calder, Robert 28 Dec 1911 age 53 yrs 6 mos Callbeck, Dorothy 1925 - 1999 Cameron, Edna Elizabeth 1931 - 1988 Campbell, David 1877 - 1956 Campbell, Florence 21 Apr 1898 - 13 Mar 1931 Caplette, Geraldine M. 1920 - 1976 Carlson, Adolph 1890 - 1974 Carlson, Alfred 1926 - 1990 Carlson, Clifford C. 1940 - 1982 Carlson, Ellie M. 1900 - 1964 Carlson, Erna 1934 - Carlson, Floyd 1934 - 2006 Carlson, Mary Carlson, Mary E. 1934 - 1944 Carlson, Walter E. 1930 - 1961 Carlson, William 1926 - 1990 Chamney, P. Annie (nee Wright) 1862 - 1941 Chamney, Stewart E. 1860 - 1931 Chatfield, Tyler Roseaire Joseph 28 Dec 1972 - 7 Jun 2007 son of Stan & Lorraine Chatten, 'Father' Chatten, 'Mother' Childs, Almer 1862 - 1935 Childs, Ernest A. 1898 - 1956 Childs, Martha (nee Tiernan) 7 Feb 1868 - 8 Feb 1917 wife of Almer Childs, Dennis 1937 - 1947 Childs, Ronnie 1937 - 1947 Childs, Ruby 1903 - 1919 Christen, Alvina 1907 - 1989 Claffey, Mary (nee Binney) 1885 - 1954 Claffey, William McArdie 1884 - 1956 Clark, Ben H. 1916 - 2003 son of Wellington & Jean Clark, Betty 1949 - Clark, Dora 3 Nov 1917 - 5 Jul 2005 Clark, Edward 16 Jun 1914 - 22 Dec 2000 Clark, Hazel 11 Aug 2011 age 92 Clark, Jacqueline (nee Milligan) 1926 - Clark, James William 1876 - 1943 Clark, Ronnie H. 1947 - 1949 Clark, Ronnie H. (2nd photo) Clark, Wayne Edward 27 Aug 1945 – 26 Aug 2014 Clark, Wellington Edward 1886 - 1966 Clarke, Elizabeth 1857 - 1940 Clarke, Thomas J. 28 Mar 1929 age 77 Clay, Josiah 22 Jan 1980 age 93 Clements, Robert Walter Dr. 1895 - 1961 hus of Lillian Cochrane, Glen James 5 Mar 1937 - 26 Nov 1992 Cochrane, Margaret 1914 - 1951 Cochrane, Roberta Code, Edna May 1889 - 1989 Code, Victor Reginald 1889 - 1950 Cole, Frank Weller 1897 - 1973 Cole, Laura Rose Ellen (nee Goddard) 1901 - 1965 Coleman, Herbert S. 1906 - 1962 Collins, Herbert Harold 1882 - 1952 Collins, Laura Alberta (nee Fair) 1890 - 1955 Collins, Margaret (nee McColl) Collins, Francis Patrick 1885 - 1944 hus of Margaret Collins, Genva Leone (nee Milligan) 1889 - 1930 dau of Edward & Agnes Colpas, Henry 1867 - 1927 Conn, Anna Mae 1923 - Conn, Lyle Leroy "Roy" 11 Sep 1924 - 14 Oct 2011 son of Sid & Ruth Cook, Lillian Violet 1886 - 1958 Cornwall, Fred 1902 - 1980 Cornwall, May 1912 - 1975 Cornwell, Emily May (nee Deeley) 1883 - 1978 Cornwell, William B. 1873 - 1926 Corry, Frederick C. Allan 1914 - 1994 Corry, Ivy 1916 - 1995 Coulter, Marion M. (nee Kydd) 24 Jan 1947 - 15 Mar 2011 Coulter, James B. 1947 - Coutts, David J. 31 Aug 1924 - 3 Jan 2013 son of James & Margaret Coutts, Elizabeth R. 1936 - Coutts, James 1887 - 1980 Coutts, Margaret (nee Martin) 1890 - 1953 dau of John & Elizabeth Coverdale, John Isaac 1883 - 1936 Coverdale, Lawrence 1903 - 1947 son of John & Lucy Coverdale, Lucy (nee Martin) 1872 - 1941 Cowan, Frederick died Mar 1917 age 8 mos 13 days Cowan, Henry 1916 - 6 Jun 1916 Cragg, Arthur 1857 - 1932 Cragg, George 1883 - 1981 Cragg, Ellen Rose 28 Feb 1916 age 59 Cragg, Gertrude S. 1889 - 1975 Crane, Gordon Balfour 6 Apr 1913 - 8 Jan 2011 son of James & Bertha Crane, Roberta 1909 - 1995 Crawford, Alice 1876 - 1971 Crawford, Arthur Morley 1890 - 1961 Crawford, Brenda Lee 12 Jun 1958 - 17 Jun 1958 Crawford, Josephine Augusta (nee Meays) 1898 - 1984 Cressman, Ethelbald 1888 - 1963 son of Israel Cressman, Nina B. (nee Crocker) 1889 - 1975 Crum, Freida D. 1910 - 1994 Crum, John E. 1891 - 1980 Cummings, William Henry 1878 - 1949 Dagert, Elmer William 1888 - 1957 Dagert, Fanny Irene 1896 - 1977 Dahl, Albert Oluf 22 Nov 1907 - 16 Jul 2003 son of Anthony Dahl, Dorothy Eileen 16 Mar 1943 - 7 Sep 2005 dau of Albert & Monica Dahl, Earl Carmen 20 Feb 1926 - 15 Jan 2017 hus of Helen, son of Arthur & Maggie Dahl, Monica Estelle (nee Alcock) 3 Sep 1914 - 19 May 1985 dau of John & Gertrude Danderfer, David Francis 19 Sep 1960 - 29 Jun 2012 hus of Janice Darcy Family Headstone Darcy, James Swan 10 Nov 1919 age 37 yrs 3 mos 24 days, hus of Violet Margaret Bellig Darcy, James Walter 15 Aug 1917 age 3 yrs 6 mos 23 days, son of James & Violet Darwent, Charlotte 1882 - 1968 Darwent, Edward 1906 - 1972 Darwent, J. Luther 1860 - 1940 Darwent, Judith 1943 - 1963 dau of Edward & Mae Darwent, Louena Charlotte 1919 - 1926 dau of Luther & Charlotte Darwent, Mae (nee Irvine) 1921 - 1963 Davidson, Alexander Cragg "Sandy" 24 Dec 1914 - 14 Aug 2012 son of John & Lucy Davidson, Alexander Ross 1853 - 1927 Davidson, Douglas John 1919 - 21 Jan 2014 Davidson, John A. 1881 - 1956 son of Alexander & Mary Davidson, Lucy (nee Cragg) 1887 - 1953 dau of Arthur Davidson, Mary E. (nee Fleming) 1855 - 19?? Davis, John O. 1894 - 1958 Davis, Lois E. (nee Childs) 1895 - 1982 Dawes, Edward A. 1902 - 1975 son of Harry & Rose Dawes, Henry A. 1872 - 1955 Dawes, Marie (nee Grilz) Brumwell 1909 - 2002 Dawes, Victor 1906 - 1988 son of Harry & Rose Deering, Reynold 1901 - 1988 Deichert, Emma (nee Ernst) 1918 - 1975 Deis, Maria 1894 - 1975 Deitner, Damien 2 Jun 1981 - 21 Dec 2011 son of Myles & Dynelda Deitner, James Vincent 10 Mar 1920 - 4 May 2016 hus of Ivy Woiden, dau of Andrew & Annie (nee Powell) Dekker, Paul 1892 - 1975 Dekker, Rebecca 1906 - 1995 Deller, Andrew George 1925 - 1928 son of George & Jessie Deller, George William 1883 - 1948 Deller, Jessie A. (nee Manson) 1882 - 1968 Denton, Ernest 1903 - 1973 Denton, H. Frederick 1901 - 1979 Denton, Edith G. 1908 - 2003 Dering, George 1890 - 1976 Dering, Malinda Gunda "Molly" (nee Lund) 21 May 1920 – 9 Jan 2013 Dering, Nellie (nee Bird) 1901 - 1994 dau of Walter Dering, Walter Norman 25 Aug 1919 age 13 days, son of George & Nellie Devlin, Charles 1902 - 1962 Devlin, Isabella Craig 1863 - 1948 Devlin, James 1863 - 1945 Devlin, Jean (nee Campbell) 1914 - 1992 Devlin, Malcolm 1905 - 1987 son of James & Isabella Dewey, John Edward 1915 - 1965 son of E. & Lucy Dewey, Sophie 28 Mar 1918 - 15 Jan 2002 Diamond, Maurice 1886 - 1923 Dieno, Dwaine 1945 - 1992 son of Erwin & Edna Dieno, Edna Alida Clarice (nee Buyck) 15 Dec 1924 - 24 Jul 2012 dau of Frank & Hazel Dieno, Egon Theodore 17 Nov 2009 son of August & Rosalia Dieno, Erwin 1921 - 1997 Dieno, Irene 24 Jan 1939 - 7 May 2004 Dieno, Irene B. 1927 - 1986 Dieno, Kelly son of Egon & Irene Dietrich, John 1909 - 1983 Dietrich, Loretta E. (nee Edmunds) 1918 - 1980 dau of Lawrence & Rebecca Dobrowolsky, Doraine May (nee Robinson) 9 Jun 1924 - 11 Sep 2010 dau of John & Ellen Douglas, Elizabeth J. 1884 - 1959 Douglas, Fred 1933 - 1991 Douglas, James 1881 - 1953 Douglas, Moses 18 Jun 1933 age 49 yrs 7 mos Douglas, T. Downey, Gladys Dreger, Christina Anna (nee Leek) 1867 - 1962 Dreger, Julius 1871 - 1955 Dreger, Karl 1898 - 1993 son of Julius & Christina Dreger, Martha E. 16 Mar 1907 - 30 Apr 1993 Dreger, Pauline (nee Schueler) 1911 - 1996 Dreger, Thelphil 'Ted' 1900 - 1991 Duck, Elizabeth Amanda 1881 - 1935 Duck, Mary (nee Marsh) 9 Nov 1915 age 42 wife of Thomas Duck, William George 1877 - 1957 Duggan, Pearl Marguerite (nee Prudence) 1897 - 1973 Duggan, William Patrick 1894 - 1983 Duncan, Forbes 1903 - 1964 son of William & Gertrude Duncan, Gertrude 1869 - 1948 Duncan, William 1860 - 1946 Durham, George 1876 - 1949 Eaket, Rachelle Anne-Marie 30 Dec 1952 - 27 Aug 2016 wife of Darrell, dau of Germaine & Marie-Rose Eason, Merle (nee McGregor) 1893 - 1984 wife of William Eason, William 1876 - 1952 Easton, Kathleen Easton, Myles Eckdahl (Family Headstone) Eckdahl, Anna Gilek 1864 - 1951 Eckdahl, Axel Frederick 1859 - 1933 Eckdahl, Edgar Octavus 1905 - 1926 son of Axel & Anna Eckdahl, Edwin F. 5 Oct 1972 age 87 Eckdahl, Fanny (nee Haggqvist) 6 Jun 1891 - 24 Jul 1975 wife of Edwin Eckdahl, Jean K. 1907 - 1997 Eckdahl, Robert E. 1896 - 1982 Edmunds, Donald Lawrence 1934 - 1935 son of Lawrebce & Rebecca Edmunds, Lawrence E. 1886 - 1942 Edmunds, Rebecca K. (nee Elliot) 1888 - 1953 Edwards, Albert 1893 - 1971 Edwards, Alice Mary (nee Bannister) 1895 - 1970 wife of Ernest Edwards, Annie E. 1892 - 1974 Edwards, Ernest 1885 - 1976 son of John & Susannah Edwards, John 10 May 1845 - 31 Oct 1932 Edwards, May G. 1896 - 1983 Edwards, Norris 'Nick' 1943 - 1999 Edwards, Susannah 4 Jun 1845 - 19 Oct 1933 Edwards, Walter R. 1875 - 1958 Egerton, Sarah Jane 1866 - 1955 Ellams, Eleanor 'Nellie' (nee Jackson) 17 Jan 1884 - 6 May 1964 Ellams, John 'Jack' 1879 - 18 May 1948 Elliott, Alexander 1876 - 1948 Elliott, Emma (nee Skinner) 1878 - 1971 dau of John Elliott, John 1905 - 1974 son of Alexander & Emma Ellswith, Rebecca 1882 - 1961 Embertson, Elaine Elizabeth (nee Farago) 3 Dec 1936 - 10 Sep 2011 dau of Joseph & Julianna (nee Balogh) Embertson, Lewis 24 Dec 1928 - 26 Mar 1991 Emigh, Dorothy 1925 - 1925 dau of Harrison & Ruth Emigh, Florence (nee Runge) 1933 - 1991 Emigh, Harold 1915 - 1976 son of Harrison & Ruth Emigh, Harrison Leslie 1889 - 1977 son of Jonathon & Sarah Emigh, Ruth (nee Allin) 1890 - 1982 Engele, Hugo 7 Feb 1913 - 9 Aug 1972 Engele, Marjorie (nee Dale) 4 Mar 1910 - 6 Oct 1999 Erickson, Annie J. 1903 - 1985 Erickson, Walter 1897 - 1983 Ernst, Angus 1884 - 1953 son of levi Ernst, Anna 1895 - 1954 wife of Angus Ernst, Bobby 1946 - 1952 Ernst, Dolly 1907 - 1980 Ernst, Howard 1939 - 1940 Ernst, Ira 1888 - 1953 son of Levi Ernst, Lloyd Edward 27 Mar 1986 age 65 Ernst, Lorne 1900 - 1983 Ernst, Lucy 1914 - 2001 Ernst, Martha 1898 - 1987 Ernst, Merle Llewellyn 1 Apr 1931 - 13 Oct 2015 hus of Iris Hale, son of Lorne & Dolly Ernst, Phyllis 1925 - 1947 Eskelson, Harry 1900 - 1990 Eskelson, Helga 1909 - 2000 Eston, Mamie 1901 - 1933 Ethier, Lea 1876 - 1923 Evans Family Headstone Evans, Clifford Alvin 25 May 2005 age 85 hus of Gertie Evans, Darlene Christine 1946 - Evans, Edward 'Ted' 1873 - 1934 Evans, Gertrude 1877 - 1965 wife of Ted Evans, Milton Brian 1941 - 1979 Evans, Myrtle Elnora (nee Knutson) 1905 - 1981 wife of William Evans, Ronald Wayne 1939 - 1 Jun 2007 Evans, Theresa Lillian Pearl (nee Walker) 1898 - 1929 wife of William Evans, Wesley Allan 8 Mar 1975 - 27 Jun 1992 Evans, William Edward 1897 - 1975 Ewing, Ethel L. 1880 - 1929 Ewing, William P. 1875 - 1959 Eytcheson, Arnold Eugene 1908 - 1979 son of Spencer & Minnie Eytcheson, Gertie E. (nee Nelson) 1909 - 1994 dau of Jacob & Anna Farago, Alexander Anton 1915 - 2006 Farago, Ellen (nee Wilson) 1924 - Farago, Frank 1911 - 1979 Ferago, Gerald Stephen 29 May 1943 - 9 Jul 2010 Farago, John P. 1902 - 1989 Farago, Joseph 7 Nov 1911 - 12 Jul 1992 Farago, Julia 10 Feb 1917 - Farago, Margaret E. (nee Coulter) 1911 - 1999 wife of Steve Farago, Mary K. (nee Reiber) 1905 - 1996 Farago, Stephen J. 'Steve' 1913 - 1999 son of Stephen & Mary Fargey, Cora (nee Sills) 1890 - 1983 Fargey, Peter 1882 - 1933 Fargey, Phillis Irene 1914 - 1916 dau of Peter & Cora Fargo, Frank 1911 - 1979 Fassett, George 1911 - 1985 Fassett, Natalie 1920 - Federow, John 1919 - 1997 Federow, Lillian (nee Mattson) 1915 - 2001 dau of Peter & Anna Fedorchuk, Daniel 1915 - 1989 Feesel, Arnold Edward 1910 - 1987 Fehler, Ethel (nee Grest) 1910 - 1941 wife of John Felske, E. Richard 1906 - 1987 Felske, Nellie M. (nee Lightle) 1913 - 1983 Feltrup, Arthur G. 1870 - 1946 Feltrup, Mary Jane 12 Jan 1929 Fenwick, James 1891 - 1967 Ferguson, Henry Joseph 28 Feb 1879 - 16 Jun 1954 Ferguson, Mary Grace (nee Vickaryous) 7 Mar 1887 - 26 Jul 1967 dau of Albert Fichtner, John 1905 - 1982 Fichtner, Mary E. 1906 - 1992 Fielding, Margaret 1905 - 1992 Findlay, Gordon John 1911 - 12 Feb 2004 son of John & Helen Findlay, Helen C. (nee Gordon) 1882 - 1975 Findlay, John A. 1880 - 1962 Findlay, Marie Ella Mae 1881 - 1968 dau of John Findlay, Pearl (nee Swanson) 1923 - Fines, T. Henry 1901 - 1983 Finnigan, Anna (nee McMaster) 1874 - 1916 Finnigan, Caroline 'Carrie' (nee Benton) Finnigan, Martin C. R. 29 Jan 1982 age 81 son of Robert & Anna Finnigan, Robert J. Sr. 1876 - 1964 hus of Caroline Finucane, Martha J. (nee Osterlund) 1888 - 1970 dau of P. E. Fisher, Annabelle (nee Manson) 1920 - Fisher, Audrey 1926 - Fisher, Beatrice V. (nee Johns) 1894 - 1983 wife of Jasper Fisher, Bernard L. 1925 - 1989 Fisher, Catherine F. 1914 - 1963 Fisher, Charles Frederick 1879 - 1960 Fisher, Estella 1895 - 1979 wife of Harold Fisher, Fredrick D. 1908 - 1972 Fisher, Gladys Cecilia 10 Oct 1925 - 15 Sep 2007 Fisher, Harold W. 29 Jun 1950 Fisher, Harry R. 1921 - 1985 Fisher, Ivan 1924 - 1989 Fisher, Jasper 1882 - 1965 Fisher, L. Cecil 1917 - 2003 Fisher, Lila G. 26 Mar 1916 - 29 Jun 2008 Fisher, Mary Jane (nee Little) 1884 - 1979 Fisher, May Delores 1911 - 1992 Fisher, Muriel 5 Mar 1914 - 14 Jul 2000 Fisher, Phyllis Hazel 4 Apr 1922 - 22 Aug 1991 Fisher, Theodore Clifton 3 Aug 2010 age 95 Fisher, Thomas W. 1940 - 1986 Fisher, Theodore Clifton 2 Aug 2010 age 95 son of Jasper & Beatrice Fishleigh, Edway H. 17 Jan 1878 - 6 Dec 1926 Fishleigh, Minnie May 1 Dec 1879 - 13 May 1926 Ford, Roy A. 1916 - 1994 Foster, Catherine 1855 - 1948 Foster, Douglas John 1923 - 2006 Foster, Frances A. (nee Cook) 1897 - 1987 Foster, Irene Doral (nee Allinson) 13 Sep 1927 - 2 Sep 2011 dau of Joseph & Lima Foster, J. H. 8 Oct 1857 - 7 Oct 1931 Foster, James Edward 1893 - 1967 son of John & Catherine Foster, John H. 1857 - 1931 Foster, Kathaleen Rose Mary 10 Jun 1921 - 1923 Foster, Lawrence John 8 Apr 1923 - 28 Dec 2014 Foster, T. John 1887 - 1977 Fotheringham, Bruce Howe 25 Dec 1937 - 15 Dec 2016 son of David & Mabel (nee Howe) Fotheringham, David 1899 - 1979 hus of Mabel, son of Thomas & Janet Fotheringham, Janet (nee Little) 1874 - 19 Apr 1946 Fotheringham, Thomas Leckie 1874 - 1 May 1938 Fowler, Bertha (nee Hoyle) 1879 - 1956 Fowler, William Francis 1880 - 1959 Fraser, Annie 1869 - 1944 Freeland, James Alexander 1892 - 1963 Freeland, Mary Agnes (nee Coleman) 1894 - 1955 Freeman, Belle I. (nee Peterson) 1908 - 1983 dau of Andrew & Kristina Freeman, Harold 1928 - 2006 Freeman, Howard G. 1904 - 1965 Freeman, Rose Wirth 1923 - 2006 Frey, Christina (nee Renner) 1894 - 1989 Frey, Emil 1909 - 1996 Frey, Emily 1914 - 1983 wife of Frederick Frey, Frederick 1902 - 1991 Frey, Harold 1926 - Frey, Katie 1880 - 1954 Frey, Mary (nee Martell) 1937 - 1991 dau of Sebastian & Barbara Frey, Otto 1885 - 1980 son of Friedrich & Louise Frey, Otto 1906 - 2002 Frey, Rafael 1904 - 1974 Fulwiller, Clara C. 8 Feb 1925 age 71 Furber, Fred 1924 - 2001 Furber, Violet 1927 - 2006 Furry, Winona (nee Rogers) 1940 - 2003 Gallagher, Charlles Augustus 1868 - 1965 Gallagher, Ella (nee Jacobson) 1876 - 1972 Geary, Ellen Rowlett 1896 - 1981 Geary, John Farquharson 1887 - 1944 Geary, John Robert 1922 - 1942 Gegner, B. Louise (nee Borchardt) 1923 - 2008 dau of Rudolph & Kathleen Gegner, Bruce R. 1945 - 1976 son of Lawrence & Louise Gegner, Fanny (nee Swarbrick) 1901 - 1951 Gegner, Lawrence O. 1920 - 2000 son of Leonard & Fanny Gegner, Leonard 1901 - 1951 Gegner, Rudy Leonard 1942 - 2000 son of Lawrence & Louise Gerle, Bernard 'Ben' 1 Jul 1908 - 17 Aug 1962 Gerle, Julia (nee Czepil) 13 Mar 1904 - 19 Sep 2002 Gibby, Frances 1885 - 1961 Gilhooly, Frances 1925 - Gilhooly, Gordon Clarence 1924 - 14 May 2002 son of David & Elizabeth Gill, Annie O. (nee Grant) 1894 - 1971 wife of Walter Gill, Clarence R. 1899 - 1978 Gill, Dallas Arthur 1940 - 1978 Gill, David (twin) 7 Jul 1934 age 89 Gill, David Albert 1879 - 1952 Gill, Gordon C. V. 1910 - 1988 son of William & Louise Gill, Gwendoline Marjorie 20 Mar 1914 - 28 Jan 2011 Gill, Hannah E. 1889 - 1929 Gill, James A. 24 Aug 1987 age 70 son of Richard & Susan Gill, Justin 1914 - 1914 Gill, Louise (nee Hainstock) 1860 - 1947 Gill, Mabel Irene 14 Sep 1912 - 28 Feb 2011 Gill, Mabel Priscilla (nee Stevens) 1885 - 1982 Gill, Pearl Eva 1910 - 2004 Gill, Phoebe 1920 - 1924 Gill, Richard James 1877 - 1956 Gill, Roy Ira 8 Sep 1950 - 11 Jun 2006 son of Wilmot & Louise Gill, Susan Elizabeth (nee Grant) 1884 - 1953 Gill, V. Eileen (nee Ruston) 1925 - 24 May 2011 dau of Ellis & Beatrice Gill, Victor Bruce 1906 - 1982 Gill, Walter Allan 10 Oct 1956 - 8 Oct 2008 Gill, Walter B. 1889 - 1954 son of William & Louise Gill, Walter D. 1909 - 1977 Gill, William 1872 - 1949 Gill, William James 'Billie' 1877 - 1963 Gill, William James (twin) 31 Aug 1919 age 74 Gill, Wilmot Grant 1919 - 1973 son of Walter & Annie Gillard, Alice May (nee Thompson) 1903 - 1993 Gillard, Philip Trevor 1896 - 1996 Gilroy, Agnes (nee Scribbans) 1895 - 1988 dau of Thomas Gilroy, Cynthia Pearl (nee Shaver) 1878 - 1964 Gilroy, Robert G. 18 Apr 1972 age 70 son of William & Mary Gilroy, William George 1875 - 1952 Ginther, Penny Lee 14 Nov 1953 Gleich, Carolina 1868 - 1949 Golly, George A. 1884 - 1951 Golly, George A. (2nd photo) Golly, Kaa G. 1886 - 1970 Gordon, Arnold F. 1917 - 1995 Gordon, J. Albert 'Bert' 1917 - 1996 son of Alexander & Mabel Gordon, Kenneth A. 1914 - 1980 son of Alexander & Mabel Gordon, Mabel Gordon, Margaret G. (nee Murray) 1913 - 1986 Gordon, Marion (nee McGowan) 1914 - 2008 dau of James & Mildred Gorham, Ethel Irene (nee French) 1892 - 1983 dau of Frederick & Jemima Gorham, Everett Roy 1913 - 1991 son of Francis & Ethel Gorham, Francis John 1882 - 1963 Gosbee, George Alexander 1866 - 1950 Gotthold, Amalia 1885 - 1972 Gotthold, Carl 1888 - 1970 Gray, Edgar Hilliard 1876 - 1966 son of Allan & Isabella Gray, Edgar Milton 1925 - 1971 son of Edgar & Estella Gray, Estella Ada (nee Nokes) 1882 - 1967 Gray, Jamesina Ann (nee Nicholson) died 1995 Greaves, Kenneth M. 6 Sep 1958 age 59 Green, Frederick Sias Dr. 1914 - 30 Mar 2004 son of Frederick & Florence Green, Lillian May (nee Kirton) 1913 - 1995 dau of Thomas & Ethel Grest, Emma Bertha 1880 - 1966 Grest, John Peter 1880 - 1949 Grest, Lydia 1875 - 1971 Grest, Nicolaus 1872 - 1930 Grest, Ralph N. 3 Dec 1943 son of Nicolaus & Lydia Grest, Russell 1896 - 1930 Griffiths, Joseph Griffiths, Martha Gross, Agnes Marie 1909 - 26 Aug 2003 Gross, Bertha 1903 - 1980 Gross, Charles 1909 - 1967 son of Joseph & Christina Gross, Dwain R. 1958 - 1989 Gross, Ed 1936 - 2005 Gross, Ella 1914 - 1980 Gross, Freda 1936 - Gross, George 1901 - 1967 Gross, Joseph F. 1907 - 1952 Gross, Linda J. 1952 - 1987 Gross, Lois 1 Nov 1937 - 9 Aug 2009 Gross, Martha (nee Hoerdt) 1913 - 1988 Gross, Philip 1913 - 1996 Gross, Sigfried 1927 - 2006 Guerin, Mamie 1901 - 1938 Guerin, Mary E. 1863 - 1928 Gundry, Myrtle Caroline (nee Dahl) 1911 - 1979 dau of Anthony & Mary Haberman, Adeline 'Delia' 1902 - 1994 Haberman, Hilda A. 1931 - 2000 dau of William & Delia Haberman, John Carl 2 Jun 1931 - 23 Apr 1932 son of William & Delia Haberman, William A. 1899 - 1991 Habermehl, Catherine Mary (nee Zoney) 1920 - 12 May 2009 Habermehl, Clifford John 1920 - 21 Apr 2002 son of Levi & Martha Hagel, Janet 26 Sep 2010 age 67 wife of George Halfpenny, Amy (nee Eckdahl) 1900 - 1992 Halfpenny, William L. 1882 - 1960 Haines, Nellie P. 5 Aug 1937 wife of Fred K. Hall, Carl Irwin 19 Oct 1915 age 24 days, son of G. & A. Hallam, Richard 1947 - 1964 Halvorsen, Arthur Charles B. 27 Feb 1920 - 11 May 2009 son of Gustav & Eva Halvorsen, Edward Herman 30 Apr 1921 age 2 yrs 8 mos 15 days, son of G. & E. Halvorsen, Eva M. (nee Benton) 1900 - 1979 Halvorsen, Gustav H. 1890 - 1977 Hamerston, Florence Rachel (nee Attwood) 1895 - 1949 Hamerston, Hazel Ann (nee Steeves) Bell 19 Jan 1923 - 1 Sep 2006 wife of Ronald, dau of Roy & Ivy Hamerston, Mert 1917 - 1985 son of Emil & Florence Hamerston, Ronald Gordon 22 Aug 1989 age 65 son of Emil & Florence Hamerston, Wayne Ronald 1948 - 1952 Hamilton, Martha A. (nee Anderson) 1903 - 2001 dau of Andrew Hamilton, William L. 1909 - 1991 hus of Martha Hamilton, Violet Grest (nee Allan) 1900 - 1967 Hancock, William Hancock, Winnifred died 1911 Hannah, Emma Rebecca 1909 - 1973 Hannah, Joshua 1869 - 1960 Hanson, Ardell Mervin 22 Mar 1937 - 21 Dec 2004 son of Ward & Emma Hanson, Neil Archie 5 Jul 1923 - 30 Nov 2015 hus of Jean Wagner, son of Hans & Annie Harasym, Ona Doreen (nee Lapp) 29 Jul 1925 – 6 Oct 2013 dau of William & Agnes Harasym, William 1921 - 2007 Harbord, Alice I. 1926 - 2003 Harbord, Kenneth Paul 1922 - 1952 Harbord, Lancelot Dec 1884 - Apr 1933 hus of Elsie Horne Harbord, Terence W. 1911 - 1990 son of Lance & Elsie Harding, Arthur 1892 - 1968 son of John & Lillian Harding, Elsie M. (nee Martin) 1908 - 2000 Harland, Cyril 1888 - 1951 son of Ralph & Emma Harland, Emma Priscilla (nee Shanks) 1853 - 1953 Harland, Frederick 1896 - 1971 Harland, Frederick William 1 Nov 1917 age 39 son of Ralph & Emma Harland, Harold R. 1886 - 1927 son of Ralph & Emma Harland, Harold R. V. 17 Sep 1926 age 31 Harland, Martha (nee Bryans) 1886 - 1966 Harland, Ralph 1852 - 1932 Harmon, Charles Edwin 21 May 1880 - 14 Mar 1961 Harmon, Irene May 1889 - 1963 Harmon, W. R. Lloyd E. 2 Jun 1943 son of Charles & Irene Harris, Orville Harrison, Ruth 1890 - 1982 Harrower, Edith Emlyn (nee Airey) 1907 - 1966 dau of Thomas & Hannah Harrower, Joseph Andrew 1890 - 1987 son of William & Charlotte Harrower, Joseph Clarence (twin) 13 Aug 1921 age 10 days, son of Joseph & Marion Harrower, Marion Ann (nee Lamont) 1894 - 1928 dau of Charles & Isabella Harrower, William Charles Roy (twin) 13 Aug 1921 age 10 days, son of Joseph & Marion Hartz, Rosa 1863 - 1948 Hassman, Henry J. 9 Sep 1923 - Hassman, Marion E. L. 8 Oct 1926 - 25 Oct 1989 Hausauer, Alvin H. 1930 - 1970 Hawkes, Edna Winnifred 1923 - 1927 dau of Oliver & Susan Hawkes, James 1927 - 1982 son of Oliver & Susan Hawkes, Lorraine 1930 - 2005 Hawkes, Oliver Arthur 1894 - 1974 Hawkes, Susan Agatha 1895 - 1930 Hayden, Joseph Bryne 1949 - 2003 Hayes, Joseph Samuel 1990 - 1992 Hayhurst, Edward 1921 - 1997 Hayhurst, Tillie 1929 - 2008 Hayter, Dale Allen 14 Feb 1936 - 8 Aug 2009 son of John & Agnes Hayter, Mae 1935 - Hazlett, William 21 Jul 1940 Healey, Tolbert 1841 - 1922 Hedlin, Clara (nee Haugen) 1920 - Hedlin, Donald 1918 - Hedlin, Edith M. (nee Neatby) 1891 - 1949 Hedlin, Elvira C. 'Vi' (nee Holm) 1920 - 2001 Hedlin, Hugh Andrew 1922 - 18 Mar 2010 Hedlin, John 1913 - 1941 son of Oscar & Edith Hedlin, Oscar 1879 - 1972 Hedlin, William 1914 - 1962 Heffelfinger, Galen Gordon 1893 - 1964 Henderson, Clara Amanda (nee Jamison) 1864 - 1948 Henderson, Emily Louise (nee Cousins) 1881 - 1963 wife of John Henderson, John E. 1879 - 1968 Henderson, Joseph Wheeler 1861 - 1946 Henderson, Margaret 1849 - 1936 Henderson, Myrta 1925 - 1934 Henrickson, Jean 1911 - 2001 Henriksen, Clarence 1911 - 1986 Henriksen, Leiba (nee Hoerdt) 1911 - 2000 Henryk, Russell 25 Sep 1921 - 8 Mar 2014 hus of Joyce, son of John & Pearl Hewlett, William Henry 1893 - 1954 hus of Irene Osborne Hicks, Helen Lapp 1851 - 1940 Hill, Alwyn Percy 1884 - 1946 Hilts, Georgina 7 May 1910 age 27 dau of George & Martha Hilts, Martha Ann (nee Doege) 19 Aug 1914 age 74 wife of George Hincks, Alvina 1909 - 1985 Hincks, John A. 1914 - 1993 Hinderks, Armand 1913 - 1994 Hinderks, Barbara 1888 - 1964 Hinderks, Henry 1883 - 1975 Hislop, Agnes 1845 - 1926 Hislop, Etta May (nee Butcher) 1893 - 1994 wife of William Hislop, Robert 1916 - 1925 Hislop, Thomas 2 Apr 1847 - 21 Sep 1910 Hislop, William 1878 - 1944 son of Thomas & Agnes Hixon, Ernest W. Dr. 1877 - 26 Dec 1945 hus of Helen Bradburn Hixon, Kate (nee Guerin) 1885 - 1952 wife of Ernest Hobson, Ellen Sarah 28 Feb 1920 age 60 Hockley, Laura June Hodge, Emma (nee Emes) 1870 - 1949 Hodge, Henry James 1874 - 1955 Hodgson, George Robert 1881 - 1958 Hodgson, J. E. 1888 - 1952 Hodgson, Maurice C. 1908 - 2009 son of George Hodgson, Wilfred Hoffman, Bertha (nee Loeffler) 1911 - 2006 Hoffman, Frank 1912 - 1987 Holm, Christian 1889 - 1988 son of Ole & Mathilda Holm, Emma (nee Skrove) 1891 - 1975 Holm, Henry 1899 - 1977 son of Ole & Mathilda Holm, Isabelle (nee Mills) 1909 - 1998 Holmes, Harold Ray 1925 - 1983 Holmes, Ida May 1901 - 1989 Holmes, John Melville 1904 - 1947 Holmes, Lee Emerson 1891 - 1968 Hoover, Alfred Franklin 1873 - 1944 hus of Katherine Brasington Hoover, Bertha Ann 22 Mar 1909 - 27 Jun 1909 dau of Alfred & Katherine Hoover, Kathleen Beatrice 17 Aug 1917 - 10 Feb 1918 dau of Alfred & Katherine Horn, Richard H. 1879 - 1934 Horne, Harry Andrew 1880 - 1953 Hovde, John 1892 - 1951 Hovde, Knut Ellingson 1889 - 1977 Hryciw, Henry 1930 - Hryciw, Stella 1932 - 1998 Huculak, Nicolas 1890 - 1966 Hughes, Robert A. 1898 - 1964 Hultgreen, Gustaf Olaf 1870 - 1953 Hultgreen, Johanna Louise (nee Evenson) 1885 - 1968 dau of Edwin & Christine Hultgreen, Walter Evenson 22 Apr 1913 - 9 Dec 1918 son of Gustaf & Johanna Humphries, Annie Greaves (nee Breeye) 1881 - 1952 Humphries, Lloyd Cecil 1887 - 1957 Hunt, Dorothy (nee Alcock) 1917 - 2007 dau of John & Gertrude Hunt, J. Albert 1882 - 1961 Hunt, Sara (nee Hanlon) 1887 - 1962 Hunt, Wallace 1912 - 2007 son of Albert & Sara Hunter, Robert M. 1903 - 1984 Hutchinson, Albert Russell 15 Mar 1903 - 1 Mar 1971 Hutchinson, Alice Adeline (nee Tweedie) 1876 - 1947 Hutchinson, Alice 1912 - 1941 Hutchinson, Edgar Benjamin 1875 - 1952 Hutchinson, Jessie Iva (nee Hoover) 28 Mar 1907 - 8 Mar 1975 Hutchinson, Maurice 1911 - 1921 Hutchinson, Ralph 1908 - 1970 son of Edgar & Alice Huxley, Cecil 1944 - 2001 Huxley, Edward 1942 - 2002 Huxley, Erwin 1921 - 1974 Huxley, Margaret Winnifred 1951 - 2008 Huxley, Robert 'Bill' 1946 - 2002 Ingberg, Nora Anna 1922 - 1984 Ingram, A. E. Rev. 19 Jul 1911 age 68 Ingram, Sarah Ann 11 Jan 1847 - 15 Aug 1916 Irvine, Isabel (nee Woodland) 1898 - 1989 dau of S. F. Irvine, William J. 1892 - 1985 Isaac, Mary Isabelle 1903 - 1984 Isherwood, Ann Agnes (nee Thursby) 27 Aug 1920 - 10 May 2000 dau of William & Helen (nee McRaffie) Isherwood, Gary William 'Ish' 2 Aug 1944 - 2 Dec 1996 hus of Jean Engele, son of Roy & Merle (nee Yausie) Isherwood, Reuben Henry 28 Mar 1911 - 15 Apr 1981 son of Will & Delia (nee Noble) Isherwood, Robert Alton 27 Jan 1908 - 3 Jun 1994 son of Will & Delia Isherwood, Sylvia (nee Alcock) 23 Apr 1913 - 31 Oct 2002 dau of John & Gertrude Isaac, (baby) Isaac, Mary Isabelle (nee Currie) 1903 - 1984 Isaac, Rupert John 1899 - 1972 Issel, Joan M. (nee Milligan) 1935 - 1969 dau of John & Lillian James, H. Jamieson, Armeda Joan 12 Apr 1923 - 13 Jun 1927 Jamieson, Charles Nelson 1911 - 1916 Jamieson, Mary Jane (nee Robinson) 1865 - 1927 Jamieson, William Archibald 1860 - 1941 Jamieson, William Crombie 23 May 1920 - 16 Sep 1921 Jamieson, Wylie Nelson 17 Nov 1966 age 63 hus of Merle Tarr Janzen, Herman 1910 - 1962 Janzen, Delores Mary (nee Mulligan) 15 Aug 1922 - 19 Mar 2008 wife of Herman Jeffery, C. Jeffery, George Wilbert 'Wilf' 1907 - 1989 son of William & Hattie Jeffery, Hannah B. (nee Ellswith) 1909 - 1990 Jeffery, Hattie (nee Cross) Jeffery, (unknown) Jeffery, William Jeffrey, George L. 1889 - 1981 Jewell, D. Jewell, Terry Richard Joseph 19 Apr 1954 - 23 Oct 1997 Jewell, Violet Beatrice 1910 - 9 Nov 2004 Jewell, W. Joseph 1906 - 1986 Johnson, Henning 1880 - 1961 Johnson, Margaret 10 Mar 1867 - 12 Jan 1925 wife of Samuel Johnson, Samuel 24 Jan 1933 age 82 Johnston, John Johnston, Mahlon 1855 - 1940 Johnston, Rhoda Jane (nee Brotherhood) 1853 - 1931 Johnston, William 1879 - 1951 hus of Janet Tait Jones, Charles William 21 Jul 1934 - 8 Jun 2001 hus of Kathleen Jones, Elsie E. B. (nee Brown) 1915 - 1995 dau of George & Alice Jones, Gladys Emily (nee Hodgson) 25 Jul 1913 - 12 Nov 2009 dau of George & Elizabeth Jones, James Grenville 1923 - 1992 hus of Isobel Martin Jones, Kathleen Dorothy 'Shirley' (nee Magnusson) 25 Sep 1938 - 25 Feb 2016 dau of Gust & Laura Jones, Kenneth Cyril Scott 1943 - 2008 son of Reginald & Gladys Jones, Reginald J. 1891 - 1975 Jones, Sarah Jane (nee Jones) 1887 - 1947 Jones, Thomas Richard 29 Aug 1918 - 4 Mar 2016 son of William & Sarah Jones, William James 1887 - 1960 Jones, William M. 1894 - 1980 Kahlert, Alfred 'Fred' Clemens 1934 - Kahlert, Monika Emilie Maria (nee Rohleder) 1 May 1931 - 11 May 2010 Kalyn, John Ernest 1928 - 1964 Kaminski, Alfred Bertold 9 Feb 1929 - 7 Feb 2013 son of Emil & Elizabeth Kaminski, Elizabeth 1903 - 1988 Kaminski, Emil 1893 - 1968 Karkulewsky, Eugene 'Jimmy' 1881 - 1947 hus of Elizabeth Roper Kaszczak, Barbara 1897 - 1987 Kaszczak, John 1893 - 1960 Keenan, Brenda Keffer, Bert 23 Jul 1937 - 22 Mar 2002 Keffer, Bert P. 1874 - 1923 Keffer, Beverley Anne 1944 - Keffer, Christina (nee Zwarich) 1921 - 2003 wife of Jacob Keffer, Jacob 1905 - 1994 Keffer, John P. 1903 - 1958 Keffer, Mary (nee Zwarich) 21 Feb 1912 - 28 Dec 2000 Keffer, Stanley John 10 Aug 1943 - 11 Apr 2001 son of John & Mary Keffer, Zofia 1879 - 1948 Kelly, George E. 1889 - 1976 Kelly, Gretrude 2 May 1893 - 13 Jun 1993 Kelly, Gregory D. 1957 - 1989 Kelly, Lloyd Allen 11 Apr 2004 age 72 Kelly, Margaret 1871 - 1947 Kelly, William W. 1867 - 1939 Kent, A. Joyce (nee Wheeler) 1915 - 2007 dau of Arthur & Alice Kent, W. Lorne 1914 - 1980 Kerr, John 1877 - 1960 Kidd, (unknwn) 1861 - 1950 Kienlen, Alfred 1994 son of John & Elsie Kienlen, Elsie A. (nee Griffith) 25 Mar 1906 - 22 Jun 2006 dau of John & Julia Kienlen, John H. 5 Feb 1902 - 9 Dec 1990 King, (baby) 6 Jun 1920 son of P. C. King, George 1855 - 1929 King, George Clair 20 Dec 1914 - 24 Sep 1920 son of P. C. Kircheessner, Elizabeth 1879 - 1942 Kirk, Edward 31 Jul 1920 - 7 Dec 2000 Kirk, Mary 8 Jan 1952 Kirk, Mary 1914 - 1996 Kirk, William J. 31 Oct 1956 age 80 Kirk, William James 1911 - 1971 Kirkham, Annie Christina (nee Anderson) 1902 - 1977 dau of Andrew & Christina Kirkham, Eddie Willys 1898 - 1970 Kirkulewsky, Norman John (twin) 27 Mar 1924 - 4 Aug 1924 Kirton (Family Plot) Kirton, Ethel Brown Gray 1892 - 1987 Kirton, Hugh 1916 - Kirton, John H. 8 Jan 1915 - 24 Sep 2006 son of Thomas & Ethel Kirton, Leola 1920 - 1993 Kirton, Thomas J. 1884 - 1936 Kiss, Leonard Louis 18 Nov 1945 - 6 Jul 1952 son of Louis & Nellie Kiss, Louis O. 1914 - 1990 Kiss, Nellie Emma (nee McWillie) 1917 - 28 May 2002 dau of John & Anne Kiss, Sandra Kitchen, Bertha 1890 - 3 Dec 1954 Kitchen, George 19 May 1882 - 2 Aug 1962 Kitchen, Robert 20 Aug 1958 age 36 Klassen, Edward John 24 Jun 1927 - 10 Jan 2003 son of Johann & Anna Klassen, Elma (nee Gaensly) 1926 - Klassen, Ruth Betty (nee Wales) 6 Sep 1931 - Klassen, Theodore John 'Ted' 1926 - 1995 son of Johann & Anna Klisowsky, Keenan William 5 Sep 1990 - 22 Jun 2002 son of Perry & Deborah Knezacek, Mary 1909 - 1985 Knezacek, Stanley 1905 - 1995 Knisely, Rose 1858 - 1944 Koczka, George Stephen 17 Jun 1926 - 5 Jun 2017 son of Michael & Matilda Koczka, Kelly 2008 Koczka, Marion (nee Mitchell) 8 Feb 1928 - 3 Aug 2002 Koczka, Matilda (nee Ballogh) 1894 - 1981 Koczka, Michael Sr. 1888 - 1982 Koczka, Mike 1919 - 1980 Koczka, Mike 25 Feb 1938 - Koczka, Shirley 17 Jun 1941 - 20 Jan 1994 Koehler, Elfie Mary 14 Apr 1909 - 9 Oct 1909 dau of F. W. & Mary Koehler, Elvira Louise 1903 - 1999 dau of Frank & Mary Koehler, Frank W. 1875 - 1964 Koehler, Mary M. 1877 - 1954 Koenig, Henry 1913 - 1990 Korol, Stephen 4 Feb 1944 age 24 Koschinsky, Robert 5 Sep 1997 age 82 Koshinsky, Esther 14 May 2008 age 73 Kozakewich, Edith Kathleen 'Kaye' (nee Mayhead) 1926 - 1976 wife of Michael Kozakewich, Michael 'Mike' 29 May 1917 - 23 Jul 2015 son of Fred & Dora Koznoski, Ella 1869 - 1949 Koznoski, Joseph 1868 - 1952 Kraft, Tammy Krawec, Elias 1889 - 1977 Kucher, Helen (nee Yaremchuk) 1907 - 2000 Kucher, Steve 1902 - 1986 Kuliak, Irene (nee Roach) 1897 - 1967 Kuliak, Peter 1887 - 1935 Lahd, Ludwig 'Louis' 1903 - 1955 hus of Josie Lahd, Petra Josephine 'Josie' (nee Flostrand) dau of Peter & Minnie Laking, Edward Stanley 1898 - 1973 hus of Lila Laking, Mary Lila Muriel (nee Irvine) 28 Nov 1907 - 26 Apr 2003 dau of Francis & Mary Lamb, Peter R. 1856 - 1939 Lamb, Sarah (nee Harrower) 1858 - 1947 dau of James & Mary Lamont, Charles Hector 1903 - 1982 son of Charles & Isabella Lamont, Douglas William 1947 - 1977 hus of Frances Birtles Lamont, Florence Elaine (nee McNeish) 1922 - 2007 dau of William & Alice Lang, A. Elsford 1906 - 1995 Lang, Marguerite 1916 - 1979 Langille, Edwin Berton 1888 - 1937 Langille, Laura Annie 1897 - 1984 Laniwski, Lillian E. 1916 - 2006 Laniwski, Peter 1899 - 1983 Lapp, Agnes Mary (nee Broadfoot) 1896 - 1984 dau of John Lapp, Elma Louise (nee Betts) 1873 - 1960 Lapp, Hazel 1923 - 1934 dau of William & Agnes Lapp, Stanley Edgar 1877 - 1963 son of William & Helen Lapp, William Arnold 1890 - 1979 son of William & Helen Larson, Marjorie Lois (nee Roney) 4 Oct 1938 - 22 Feb 2014 wife of Glenn, dau of Robert & Margaret Learned, Margaret (nee Claughton) 16 Dec 1927 - 17 Jun 2016 Learned, Raymond 1925 - 2000 LeBoutillier, Francis May 1916 Leden, Frank 1908 - 1937 Leden, Pauline 1911 - 1959 Lee, Frederick A. 1877 - 1933 son of Susanna Lee, Susanna 1843 - 1922 Lee, William Edward 1902 - 1926 son of Frederick Leech, Billie died age 5 yrs 10 mos Leech, Clinton Darwin 1909 - 1960 Leech, Thelma Alvena (nee Gorham) 1920 - 1996 dau of Francis & Ethel Lemke, Adolph Lemke, Isaiah 1874 - 1962 hus of Mary Lemke, Mary (nee Miller) 1872 - 1942 wife of Isaiah Lennon, Patrick 17 Feb 1922 Leslie, Allan C. 1887 - 1979 Leslie, Earl Cameron 1916 - 1955 hus of Meta Howie Leslie, Madelon 'Lonie' Gladys (nee Rands)* 23 Mar 1924 - 17 Jun 2006 dau of Laurier & Marguerite Leslie, Maxwell Cantelon 2013 - 29 Mar 2014 son of Steven & Cindy Leslie, Ruby (nee Kennedy) 1886 - 1977 Leslie, Victor son of Allan & Ruby Leslie, Vyna M. (nee Findlay) 6 Mar 1916 - 10 Dec 1943 dau of John & Helen Lewis, Franklin L. 1906 - 1985 son of George & Amelia Lewis, Henry 3 Apr 1929 age 86 Lewis, Sarah Elizabeth 27 Mar 1927 age 79 Lewis, Thora M. (nee Wladyka) 1925 - 2000 Ley, Margaret Jessie 4 Mar 1909 - 6 Jun 1925 Lightle, Edith M. 26 Feb 1884 - 30 Sep 1975 Lightle, Sam L. 14 Jan 1884 - 9 Jul 1956 Lightle, Sam & Edith (2nd photo) Lindgren, Betsey Eldora 'Dora' (nee Larson) 1894 - 1963 Lindgren, Elwood 31 Jul 1932 - 8 Apr 2001 son of Oscar & Dora Lindgren, Maurice 1934 - 1997 son of Oscar & Dora Lindgren, Norma 'Kay' (nee McMillan) 1936 - 18 Jul 2006 dau of Ralph & Ida Lindgren, Oscar B. 1898 - 1965 Lindgren, Richard Gary 'Ricky' 1958 - 1963 son of Maurice & Norma Liski, Irene 1920 - 1997 Liski, Carl 1923 - 1995 Long, John Seaber 1876 - 1938 L'Ostebrown, Douglas K. 1884 - 1974 L'Ostebrown, Lillian 1888 - 1975 Lott, Roy Wilfred 17 Mar 1908 - 17 Dec 1984 hus of Rachel Hewer, son of Peter & Rhoda (nee Wood) Louden, David M. 1870 - 1952 Love, Jane 1858 - 1934 Lundback, Elmer Victor 15 May 1923 - 18 Dec 2004 son of Victor & Dora Lundback, Laura 1917 - 1992 Lyttle, William 1897 - 1939 hus of Hettie MacConnel, Alexander 1904 - 1973 MacConnel, (baby) 1932 - 1932 MacConnel, Catherine 1934 - 1935 dau of Edwin & Christina MacConnel, Christina Darby 1897 - 1973 MacConnel, Edwin Hall 10 Mar 1884 - 1 Jun 1943 MacConnel, Ethel (nee Collins) 1906 - 1952 wife of Alexander MacConnel, Francis William 1876 - 1952 MacConnel, Janet (nee Stephenson) 1877 - 1958 MacConnel, John 1902 - 1994 son of Francis & Janet MacConnel, Marguerite 1945 dau of Edwin & Christina MacConnel, William 1927 - 1968 son of Edwin & Christina MacGillivary, Catherine (nee Long) 1917 - 2001 wife of John MacGillivary, John A. 1905 - 1979 MacIntyre, James E. 1882 - 1957 MacIntyre, Violet P. 1896 - 1992 MacKay, Hazel May 24 Apr 1926 - 2 Mar 2008 MacKenzie, Colin D. 1902 - 1986 MacKenzie, James Stuart 1957 - 1982 MacKenzie, Jessie (nee Graham) 1906 - 1987 Mackie, Elizabeth Robinson Mackie, Evelyn M. (nee Muligan) 1913 - 1997 Mackie, H. Mackie, Merle G. (nee Walker) 1906 - 1976 Mackie, Vernon C. 1912 - 1982 son of William & Belle Mackie, W. C. 'Lawrence' 1900 - 1949 son of William & Belle Mackie, William 1877 - 1959 son of John & Elizabeth MacLachlan, Albert Edward 1898 - 1949 MacLachlan, Elizabeth 1869 - 1948 MacLachlan, Ellen (nee White) 1905 - 1991 MacLachlan, John H. 1904 - 1977 son of John & Elizabeth MacLachlan, John J. 1870 - 1930 MacMaster, Lillian Clements 1916 - 1992 wife of Mickey MacNaughton, Ellen Devlin 1903 - 2000 MacNeil, Brandon MacNiven, Duncan 1886 - 1973 Maddison, Marjorie 1924 - 1979 Magnes, Olga (nee Deis) 1920 - 1997 wife of Russell Magnes, Lloyd 1926 - 3 Nov 2012 son of Edwin & Hannah Magnes, Russell Arthur 1 Sep 1917 - 13 Dec 2008 son of Edwin & Hannah Magnes, Sheila Kathleen (nee Smith) 4 Aug 1930 - 27 Feb 2008 dau of George & Nellie Mah, Kenny 3 Feb 1963 Mah, Mae 31 Aug 1958 Main, Joseph Henry 1883 - 1969 Malynyk, William Oct 1910 - May 1928 Malynyk, William (2nd photo) Manson, Alexander 1888 - 1957 Manson, Andrew 1846 - 1924 Manson, Andrew 1878 - 1944 Manson, Annie (nee Urquhart) 6 Oct 1911 age 20 wife of William Manson, David 1874 - 1942 Manson, Elizabeth (nee McLennan) 1878 - 1961 Manson, Garry James 11 Jun 1954 - 24 Nov 2006 Manson, Jean Isabel (nee Osborne) 1926 - 1972 wife of William Manson, Lorena V. Potter 1885 - 1984 wife of Andrew Manson, Margaret (nee Barker) 1920 - 1998 Manson, Mary (nee Urquhart) 1887 - 1983 dau of William & Elspeth Manson, Melanie Catherine 1957 - Manson, Ross 1917 - 21 Aug 2006 son of David & Elizabeth Manson, William 1872 - 1936 Manson, William Alexander 1922 - 1989 hus of Ellen Stokke Mantell, Charles 1880 - 1943 Mantell, Florence 1876 - 1947 Manyk, George 22 Sep 1956 Mark, Elaine Muriel Theresa (nee Miller) 1932 - 1999 Mark, Hazel M. (nee McBain) 1905 - 1987 dau of Angus & Elizabeth Mark, Robert Angus 1921 - 18 Jan 2007 son of Thomas & Hazel Mark, Thomas Herbert 1893 - 1987 son of Robery & Mary Markham, Joseph Edwin 'Ted' 1885 - 1970 Markham, Katherine (nee McNichols) 16 Aug 1886 - 4 May 1968 wife of Ted Markham, Susan McArton 1937 wife of Ted Markling, Anthony 1917 - 2004 Markling, Eileen 1928 - 1987 Marsch, A. E. Marta, Basil 1937 - 8 Feb 2004 hus of Fay Marta, Fay Lucille (nee Balogh) 3 May 1949 - 7 Feb 2016 dau of Ambrose & Elizabeth Martell, Adam 1931 - 1952 son of Sebastian & Barbara Martell, Barbara Rolsing 1902 - 1984 Martell, Sebastian 1897 - 1968 Marten, Hector 1903 - 1983 Martens, Aaron 1905 - 1995 Martens, Barbara 1907 - 1992 Martens, Edward Peter 19 Jan 1941 - 18 Jun 2013 hus of Dorothy, son of Aaron & Barbara Martin, Annie (nee Waters) 22 May 1920 age 89 yrs 10 mos, wife of Josiah Martin, Catherine Elizabeth 'Kay' (nee Ferguson) 1921 - 20 May 2010 Martin, Edgar 1904 - 1988 Martin, Elizabeth 1854 - 1937 Martin, Harry John 1918 - 2000 son of James & Mildred Martin, Helen Ruth (nee Harrington) 1925 - Martin, Isobel Blair 1898 - 1985 Martin, John William 'Johnnie' 1934 - 1984 Martin, John 1861 - 1930 Martin, Josiah 23 Jul 1924 age 79 Martin, Linda Louise 1961 - 1998 Martin, Robert 1894 - 1968 Martin, Robert 1922 - 2000 son of Robert & Isobel Martin, Thomas 1901 - 1957 Marvin, Stephen Barnett 1864 - 1911 Mason, Ann Mason, Ardith Evelyn (nee Gill) 1923 - 1991 dau of Richard & Susan Mason, Constance M. 1893 - 1996 Mason, George 1923 - 1991 Mason, George Edward 1923 - 15 Jun 2004 son of William & Constance Mason, Ralph Holm 5 Jun 1918 - 26 Dec 1982 Mason, William 16 Nov 1927 age 57 hus of Ann Mason, William A. 1882 - 1955 Matheson, Arol 'Matt' 1899 - 1989 Matheson, Viola (nee Grest) 1900 - 1995 Mattson, Arne Henrick 1919 - 21 Apr 2010 Mattson, Carl A. 1914 - 1998 Mattson, E. Irene 1927 - 2000 Mattson, Frances R. (nee Edwards) 1921 - 1980 dau of Ernest & Alice Matwichuk, Lucy 1912 - 1996 Matwichuk, Walter 1905 - 1996 May, Georges 3 Nov 1939 age 41 wife of Percy Maynard, Catherine 1891 - 1984 Mazurek, Mike 1897 - 1973 McAndrew, James 1887 - 1946 McArthur (Family Headstone) McArthur, Archibald 1859 - 1947 McArthur, Chrissie 1905 - 1980 McArthur, Francis 1909 - 1978 hus of Lila McArthur, Isabella (nee Currie) 1874 - 1948 McArthur, Lila (nee Ruth) 18 Nov 1919 - 3 Dec 2006 dau of Anselm & Mary McArthur, Marjorie (nee Snell) 1909 - 26 Feb 2004 McArthur, Neil 10 Feb 1900 - 29 Aug 2002 son of Archibald & Isabella McArthur, Phemia 1913 - 1982 McCaig, Anne (nee Berger) Morrison 5 Aug 1914 - 7 Jan 2013 dau of George & Julia (nee Streib) McCann, Emma 1887 - 1938 McCann, Melville 1886 - 1937 McClary, George 1873 - 1952 McClary, M. Gertrude 1885 - 1957 McConnell, Alexander 1904 - 1973 hus of Ethel McConnell, Ethel May (nee Collins) 1906 - 1952 dau of Amos & Genva McConnell, George Milton 1890 - 1973 McConnell, Janet 1877 - 1958 McConnell, John 1902 - 1994 McConnell, Mary Elizabeth 1896 - 1956 McConnell, Robert Stanley 1924 - 1993 McConnell, William 1880 - 1928 McCulloch (Family Headstone) McCulloch, Arthur J. 1880 - 1928 McCulloch, Elizabeth 1880 - 1959 McCulloch, Mabel 1915 - 1916 McCulloch, Margaret died 5 Feb 1920 age 25, 1st wife of Robert A. McCurrie, Charles L. 1921 - 1994 McCurrie, Edward 1888 - 1976 McCurrie, Eliza (nee McCallion) 1881 - 1939 wife of Patrick McCurrie, Ella (nee Whitten) 1889 - 1946 McCurrie, Eileen V. 20 Sep 2003 age 88 dau of Edward & Ella McCurrie, Patrick 17 Mar 1955 age 82 son of Jane McDonald, Charles C. 1905 - 1998 son of Charles McDonald, George T. 1908 - 1976 son of Charles McDonald, Isabel (nee McArthur) 1907 - 199? wife of Charles McDonald, Marie (nee Toth) wife of George McDougall, (baby) McFarland, Joseph Clemens 1885 - 1971 hus of Naomi Rosenberger McGowan, Gordon C. 1919 - 1996 son of James & Mildred McGowan, James A. 1887 - 1974 McGowan, Mary J. 1863 - 1931 McGowan, Mildred I. (nee Bailey) 1894 - 1990 McGowan, Roberta M. (nee Brown) 1920 - 2002 McGrath, Hannah (nee Strachan) 1876 - 1946 dau of Thomas McGrath, Joseph Vincent 1915 - 1991 son of Thomas & Hannah McGrath, Robert E. 1940 - 1999 McGrath, Ruby (nee Armstrong) 1910 - 2001 McGrath, Thelma K. (nee Davis) 1910 - 1990 McGrath, Thomas 1870 - 1938 McGrath, Warren Dale 1965 - 1966 son of Dale & Patricia McGrath, Wilfred T. 1909 - 1987 son of Thomas & Hannah McGunigal, John 1861 - 1987 McIntyre, Don 1922 - Mar 2013 McIntyre, Margaret (nee Gordon) 1922 - 1991 wife of Don McKay, Charlotte Frances 1876 - 1954 McKay, J. A. McKay, Robert 1922 - 1976 hus of Irene Dering McKenzie, Donald 1905 - 1977 McKenzie, Doris 1914 - 1981 McKenzie, Lynn Marie 6 Dec 1943 - 22 Dec 1943 McKnight, John 1875 - 1952 McLaren, Donald Neil 1915 - 1995 McLaren, Donna 1955 - McLaren, Dora (nee Dreger) dau of Henry McLaren, Emma 1872 - 1969 McLaren, Emmeline E. G. (nee Harland) 1893 - 1988 dau of Ralph & Emma McLaren, Harold Clarence 19 Mar 2006 age 87 son of John & Emmeline McLaren, James 1885 - 1966 McLaren, John Duncan 1883 - 1957 McLaren, John Ralph A. 1914 - 1990 son of John & Emmeline McLaren, Joyce H. (nee Tingey) 1921 - 1991 dau of Charles & Jean McLaren, Lorna Jean 1974 - 1988 McLaren, Mary Phyllis 1911 - 2001 McLaren, Ross Alan 1954 - 24 Jan 2001 son of Ralph & Joyce McLatchie, Andrew 1890 - 1964 McLatchie, James Hugh 1918 - 1953 son of Thomas & Lillian McLatchie, Lillian G. (nee Hawkes) 1889 - 1966 McLatchie, Mary 1876 - 1974 McLatchie, Thomas 1880 - 1986 McLean, Molly 1928 - 1980 McLean, Robin 1957 - 1987 McLeod, Archie W. 1911 - 1971 McLeod, Hugh A. 1884 - 1949 McLeod, W. D. McMann, Chancey G. 26 Apr 1930 - 9 Jul 1999 McMann, Verna D. 26 Oct 1928 - 20 Mar 1990 McMaster, (baby) McMaster, Mark McMaster, Jean McMaster, Mary McMaster, Robert McMaster, Violet McMurchie, John 29 Aug 1958 age 94 McMurchy, Constance 'Connie' Myrene 2 Jul 1920 - 10 Jul 2003 McMurchy, Elmer David 9 Sep 1911 - 13 Jul 2006 son of Archibald & Olive McNeish, Alice V. (nee Elliott) 1887 - 1926 McNeish, John 1880 - 1955 brother to Willaim McNeish, William 1883 - 1965 McNeish, (unknown) McNiven, Anna 1907 - 1983 McNiven, Neil 1898 - 1999 McRae, Donald L. 28 Nov 1920 - 10 Apr 1981 hus of Shirley McRae, June Elizabeth 1953 - 1996 McRae, Shirley J. (nee Lindgren) 23 Feb 1946 - McRae, Shirley Louise (nee Lindgren) 27 Mar 1931 - 6 Dec 2011 dau of Oscar & Dora McRae, Vernon W. 16 Dec 1937 - 2 Jan 1999 McRobbie, Annie (nee Fraser) 1869 - 1944 McRobbie, James 1866 - 1922 McTaggart, Beverley McTaggart, Dennis 1940 - 1969 son of William & Lillian McTaggart, Joanne 1927 - 1999 McTaggart, Lillian 'Eva' (nee Magnor) 1908 - 1974 McTaggart, Reggie D. 1934 - 1936 McTaggart, William M. 1904 - 1942 McWillie, George Duncan 3 Oct 1927 - 3 Apr 2010 son of John & Annie McWillie, Frieda 9 Jun 1930 - Meadows, Frank 1889 - 1977 Meger, Jenny (nee Malishewski) 1935 - 1 Mar 2014 Meickle, A. Mellesmoen, Gordon Theodore 1924 - 1986 son of Sigvald & Grace Mellesmoen, Mildred (nee Ramsay) 1933 - Mensch, Barry Ralph 1946 - 10 Dec 2014 hus of Pauline, son of Frank & Frieda (nee Wagner) Mensch, Frank John 9 Dec 1918 - 6 Nov 2013 hus of Freida, son of George & Mary (nee Adams) Merrifield, Brian Wayne 1953 - 2003 Merrifield, Nathan Joseph 1902 - 1964 Merryfield, Victoria Catherine (nee McNeil) 18 Dec 1928 - 6 Jun 2017 Mierau, Elmer David 1949 - 31 May 2006 hus of Marie Bartel Miettinen, Arne 1912 - 1999 Miettinen, Carl August 1914 - 1939 Miettinen, June Marilyn 1944 - 1945 dau of Arne & Tynna Miettinen, Karl Gustav 1874 - 1961 Miettinen, Wilhelmina 'Minnie' (nee Hautakaugas) 1875 - 1947 Miettinen, Tynna 'Tuna' G. (nee Mattson) 1909 - 1986 dau of Peter & Anna Mickler, Henry 1956 - 1964 Miller, (unknown) Miller, Edward B. 1882 - 1969 Miller, Edward C. 1926 - 1982 son of Edward & Signe Miller, Ernest 1907 - 1990 Miller, Helen (nee Lapp) 1903 - 1994 dau of Stanley & Elma Miller, Peter Patterson 1908 - 1980 Miller, Sarah Joyce 1916 - 1955 Miller, Signe A. (nee Stokke) 1900 - 1974 Milligan, Agnes (nee Reid) 1860 - 1952 Milligan, Edward Amy 1861 - 1931 Milligan, Gordon Edward 1920 - 1999 son of Lillian Milligan, John Reed 3 Jan 1969 age 82 son of Edward & Agnes Milligan, Lillian 1901 - 1987 Milligan, Roger Bruce Millman, Fredrick William 1882 - 1949 son of William & Mary Millman, Maud Ellen Louisa (nee Woodland) 1901 - 1985 Millman, Robert John Anis 1873 - 1945 son of William & Mary Millman, Robert William 1929 - 2007 son of Robert & Maud Minshall, Doris Mae 1921 - 1921 Minshall, Leslie Minshall, Ruth Jane 1897 - 1945 Mohagen, Bryan Arnold 'Moe' 1942 - 1991 Moir, Arthur Homewood 1874 - 1951 Molder, Henry 1898 - 1978 Mollard, Adelbert 'Del' 1874 - 1968 Mollard, Anna Pearl (nee Ellis) 1877 - 1963 dau of George Mollard, George Frederick Milton 'Bill' 5 Dec 1918 - 15 Oct 2012 Mollard, Nellie Louise (nee McIntosh) 1890 - 1959 dau of Peter & Elizabeth Mollard, Robert Ashton 1891 - 1971 son of George & Ida Monteith, Albert 6 Jun 1936 Monteith, Florence May 1883 - 1953 Monteith, Lloyd R. 27 Feb 1980 age 58 Moon, Charles 1888 - 1944 Morelli, Bruno 6 Aug 1923 - 4 Jul 2009 son of Peter & Lucia Morelli, Doris 1925 - 2005 Morland, Jane 15 Nov 1918 age 66 Morley, Eileen 1929 - 1936 Morley, Ethlyn 1910 - 1936 Morley, Rosa (nee Sargent) 17 Jul 1928 age 46 wife of James Morphy, Sarah Ann 1866 - 1963 Morris, J. A. 1887 - 1952 Morrison, Agnes M. 1868 - 1939 Morrison, Thomas E. 1867 - 1943 Morrison, Vincent A. 1906 - 1941 son of Thomas & Agnes Morrison, Vincent A. (2nd photo) Morrow, Allan Leslie 6 Apr 1940 - 24 Apr 1967 Morrow, Euna E. 1909 - 1995 Morrow, Lawrence G. 1909 - 1984 Moss, G. K. 18 Oct 1977 age 66 hus of Helen Goldhart Motilag, Frank 28 Aug 1914 - 24 Apr 1994 Mudry, Duane M. A. 1956 - 1972 son of Mervin & Evalyn Mudry, Eugene Nestor 1928 - 4 Sep 2003 son of John & Tekla Mudry, John 1892 - 1970 Mudry, Mervin Walter 18 Apr 1926 - 6 Nov 2009 son of Alexander & Tekla Mudry, Michael 1915 - 1916 son of Alexander & Tekla Mudry, Tekla (nee Worobetz) 1902 - 1986 Mulligan, Ellen Maria (nee Morrison) 1876 - 1952 Mulligan, Harold 1915 - 1996 son of James & Ellen Mulligan, James Henry 1878 - 1970 son of Robert & Elmira Mulligan, June (nee Cole) 1922 - Munro, Alexander William 1940 - Munday, Anne D. 1914 - 1990 Munday, James E. 21 Mar 1952 age 63 Munro (Family Headstone) Munro, Esther Marjorie (nee Engele) 13 Dec 1940 - 2 Sep 2012 dau of Hugo & Marjorie Munro, Irene Elizabeth 1915 - 25 Sep 2003 Munro, Jessie Eileen Shatford 1913 - 1981 dau of Thomas & Lillie Munro, Lillie May (nee Irwin) 1880 - 1967 Munro, Sarah Annabell 1905 - 1968 dau of Thomas & Lillie Munro, Thomas Osborne 1872 - 1946 Munro, Wilmer Allan 1915 - 1963 son of William & Bella Murdock, Donald Roy 1925 - 24 Apr 2009 son of Roy & May Murdock, May E. (nee Donaldson) 1889 - 1975 Murdock, Rosella (nee Peters) 1928 - Murdock, Roy John 1888 - 1970 Murray, E. Alwilda 1922 - 1995 Murray, James 1907 - 1982 Murray, Vivian M. 1927 - 1979 Mysko, Joan M. 1949 - 1982 Nadworny, Emma 22 Aug 1920 - 30 Dec 1999 Nadworny, Frank 12 May 1909 - 3 Dec 1988 Nayko, Lorraine Nayko, Mike 1917 - 1986 Nayko, Sandra Ileen 6 Sep 1946 - 9 Jan 1948 Nelson, Anna (nee Loding) 1888 - 1979 wife of Jacob Nelson, Charles 1911 - 1916 Nelson, Jacob 1873 - 1966 Newman, John 1920 - 4 Feb 2004 Nicklas, Donald 'Jim' 3 Sep 2007 age 82 Nicklas, Emma Elizabeth 1894 - 1974 Nicklas, Kenneth Larry 18 Jan 1953 - 12 Dec 1955 Nicklas, Lorne W. 14 Sep 1932 - 28 Apr 1987 Nicklas, William Glen 1888 - 1965 Nicholls, Amy (nee Bright) 1889 - 1964 wife of Ernest Nicholson, Larry John 23 Jul 1941 - 2 Mar 2015 hus of Maxine Dureault, son of John & Nell Nicholls, Ernest William 1887 - 1963 Norfield, John 1854 - 1925 Norfield, Maria Ann 1862 - 1944 Norgord, Betty (nee Jensen) 1865 - 1947 Norgord, Evelyn Blanch 1899 - 1989 dau of Halvor & Betty Norgord, Halvor 1862 - 1933 Norris, Marguerite 1904 - 1942 O'Hanley, Emmett 1952 - O'Hanley, Sandra (nee Clark) 1962 - Odelien, Sunney 1884 - 1961 Odne, Allan Murray died age 10 mos Odne, John 1887 - 1957 hus of Selma Odne, Lawrence Olaf Odne, Marie Johanna died age 6 mos Odne, Milton O. 1926 - 1980 son of Ole & Anna Odne, Selma Ovidia (nee Ohnstad) Ohnstad, George 21 Jun 1952 age 39 Ole, Elizabeth 1900 - 1984 dau of Louis & Marie Ole, Louis E. 1867 - 1958 Ole, Mabel E. 1897 - 1968 dau of Louis & Marie Ole, Marie 1869 - 1952 Oliphant, Alice 1857 - 1938 Oliphant, Robert H. 1856 - 1923 Ollett, Q. M.S. 9 Mar 1954 Olson, George 1920 - 1996 Olson, Ida Matilda 1886 - 1946 Olson, Irma 1914 - 1987 Orlett, Onis 1954 Orr, George Osell, Anna J. 1883 - 1954 Osell, Arthur 1915 - 1987 son of Peter & Anna Osell, John 1910 - 1951 Osell, June 1926 - 2004 Osell, Peter 1867 - 1963 Osell, Robert 8 Jan 1921 age 9 yrs 9mos 17 days, son of Peter & Anna Ottoway, H. Over, J. E. 1876 - 1963 Over, Sidney H. 2 Jun 1967 age 86 Page, Brent Allan 21 Apr 1972 - 10 oct 1991 Page, Margaret J. 1867 - 1930 Page, Marlene (nee Felske) 1943 - Page, Neil 1940 - 2010 Page, Robert H. 1864 - 1941 hus of Rachel Savage Parker, Arnold 1900 - 1990 son of John Parker, Florence 1902 - 1982 Parker, George 1922 - 1996 Parker, Hazel Parker, Norman William 1931 - 1957 Parker, Samuel 1898 - 1966 Parker, Victorine 1907 - 1951 Parker, Vivian 1903 - 1994 Parker, Willie 1890 - 1972 Parry, Barbara Louise 1961 - 1967 Parry, Grace E. 1901 - 1965 Parsonson, Ernest V. 1887 - 1954 Parsonson, Robert V. 1909 - 1928 son of Ernest Parsonson, V. M. 'Betty' 1911 - 2004 dau of Ernest Patlock, Anna 1885 - 1972 Patlock, William 1893 - 1971 Patrick, Betty (nee Reichert) 1934 - 2007 Patrick, D. Paul, Gerald C. 1928 - 1992 Paul, John Daniel 2 Dec 1934 - 24 Jul 2015 hus of Kathleen, son of James & Sarah Paul, John Edward 1884 - 1962 Paul, W. E. Lorne 1912 - 1977 Pawluk, Angela 1902 - 1994 Pawluk, Peter 1900 - 1982 Pearce, (infant male) 9 Jun 1955 - 9 Jun 1955 Pearce, Alfred S. 1877 - 1967 Pearce, Caroline Maud (nee Park) 18 May 1886 - 3 May 1955 Pearse, A. Pearson, Carl W. 12 Feb 1936 age 52 Pearson, Cecil Leslie 1915 - 2005 son of John Pearson, Ethel 14 Jan 1935 age 35 Pearson, John Harvey 1881 - 1944 son of Edmund Pearson, Myrtle Anna (nee Leslie) 1889 - 1969 Pearson, Virginia Payne (nee Evans) 1913 - 2006 wife of Cecil Pengelly, Harvey Dawson 1885 - 1956 Pengelly, Ivy 1885 - 1964 Penrose, Mable Sarah 1886 - 1945 Penrose, Mollie 1924 - 1996 wife of Walter Penrose, Oscar Herbert 1878 - 1965 Penrose, Walter 8 Mar 1920 - 23 Aug 2013 son of Oscar & Mable Peters, C. Peterson, Andrew Bernard 1887 - 1974 Peterson, Brita L. (nee Anderson) 1889 - 1978 Peterson, Carl H. 1882 - 1966 Peterson, Clarence (baby) Peterson, E. Peterson, Edwin A. 1911 - 1986 son of Carl & Brita Peterson, Ernest Howard 1912 - 1990 Peterson, Kristina Elizabeth 1886 - 1985 Petrick, Violet G. 1906 - 1997 Petrick, Walter H. 1895 - 1975 Pfleger, Michael A. 1916 - 1991 Pfleger, Winnifred 1925 - 1991 Phillips, Alice (nee Hill) 1894 - 22 Feb 1970 dau of James & Florence Phillips, Irene 7 Jun 1920 - Phillips, Thomas Alfred 1873 - 1 Sep 1961 son of Isaac & Mary Phillips, Thomas Rev. 10 Oct 1914 - 11 Dec 2003 Phipps, John A. 1921 - 1983 Phipps, Susanna 'Susan' 1921 - 2007 Pidhorodetsky, Todd Ernest 21 Apr 1970 - 6 Mar 2010 hus of Melanie Airey Pierce, George W. 1885 - 1965 Pierce, Jessie M. 1891 - 1966 Plamondon, Raymond Marcel James 13 Feb 1953 - 11 Jan 2007 Popp, Frederick Benjamin 1900 - 1963 Popp, Irene E. 1928 - 1953 dau of Frederick & Phyllis Popp, Phyllis (nee Mossman) 1905 - 1962 Popp, William F. 1929 - 1943 son of Frederick & Phyllis Porter, Mary (nee Robb) 1887 - 1973 dau of Robert & Catherine Potter, Harry 7 Apr 1927 age 44 Potter, Laurence J. 1913 - 1983 Potts, Arthur 1911 - 1983 son of Arthur & Frances Potts, Barbara Elizabeth (nee MacKay) 1913 - 18 Jun 2005 dau of Angus & Davidina Potts, Daniel 1918 - 1992 Potts, Ian 1939 - Potts, Jeanne 1942 - 2007 Potts, Marguerite 1919 - 1979 Potts, Marjory E. 1922 - 1967 Pringle, Edna E. (nee Mackie) 1885 - 1984 dau of John & Elizabeth Pringle, Frederick L. Sr. 1876 - 23 Oct 1951 Proctor, Helen 1908 - 1987 Proctor, William 1908 - 1987 Pruett, Arthur Henry 1872 - 1947 Pruett, Mary Harriet 1873 - 1956 Punt, Albert 1935 - 2000 son of John & Elizabeth Punt, Arthur Reuben 4 Jan 1924 - 5 Oct 2011 son of John & Elizabeth Punt, Elizabeth (nee McDonald) 1899 - 1984 Punt, John 1899 - 1957 Quennell, Diana Lynn 1956 - 1974 dau of Norman & Viola Quennell, Norman W. 1920 - 1987 Quennell-Roberts, Viola Elizabeth (nee Magnusson) 11 Apr 1931 - 28 Jun 2006 Radtke, Helen (nee Czychy) 19 Mar 1941 age 39 wife of August Rands, Gladys D. 1903 - 1920 dau of Robert & Sarah Rands, Robert 1858 - 1939 Rands, Ruby O. 1901 - 1918 dau of Robert & Sarah Rands, Sarah 1863 - 1936 Ravndahl, Audrey 1955 - 2012 Ravndahl, Martha 'Mae' Lewis 1926 - 21 Aug 2011 Ravndahl, Thorstein 'Ted' 1921 - 1997 Read, Bertha B. Margaret (nee Halvorsen) Martin 1933 - 23 Oct 2008 Read, Lloyd M. 1923 - 1997 Rebitt, Mildred 1860 - 1942 Reed, Frederick A. 1913 - 1940 son of John & Bertha Reed, John Lewis 1875 - 1946 hus of Bertha Lash Reed, Walter H. 1906 - 1933 son of John & Bertha Reeme, Della 4 Jan 1914 age 29 wife of William Reichert, Delmar L. 1930 Reichert, Donald Blair 'Donnie' 1961 - 1995 Reichert, Lillian R. 1902 - 1987 Reichert, Murray James 1964 - 1991 Reichert, Patricia Ida 1919 - 2008 Reichert, Percy D. 1898 - 1959 Reichert, Raymond Dudley "Raymie" 6 Apr 1924 - 7 Jun 2014 Reichert, Roy Percy 1922 - 2006 Reid, Adam Agnew 1872 - 1948 hus of Isabella Duncan Reid, Blanch Ethel 1882 - 1950 Reid, Clarence 1918 - 1921 son of Herbert & Edith Reid, Clarice Feb 1923 - Jul 1924 dau of Herbert & Edith Reid, Donald 31 Jan 1930 - 26 Sep 1968 Reid, Eleanor Winnifred 1889 - 1941 Reid, Herbert H. 1894 - 1992 son of William & Agnes Reid, Lucinda A. 28 Jan 1928 age 76 Reid, Mary Edith (nee Crawford) 1901 - 1998 Reid, Sarah E. (nee Milligan) 1892 - 1976 dau of Edward & Agnes Reid, Walter Edward 16 Nov 1885 - 25 Mar 1919 Reid, William 15 Oct 1921 age 70 Reid, William Avery 1887 - 1988 Reifferscheid, Jerome 1936 - Reifferscheid, Rose 1940 - 2002 Revell, Henry 1941 Reynolds, John 1871 - 1947 son of James & Louisa Reynolds, Mary (nee Elliot) 1890 - 1946 Richardson, John W. 1882 - 1964 Rigby, Bruce Charles 25 May 1949 age 49 hus of Ethel Bell, son of William & Jane (nee Myers) Rink, Henry 1893 - 1952 Rink, Raymond Henry 21 Apr 1939 - 11 Oct 2014 hus of Myrna, son of Henry & Theresa Rink, Theresa 1900 - 1977 Rintoul, Donald larry 1943 - 1978 son of Robert & Mae Rintoul, Mae (nee Parker) 1923 - Rintoul, Robert Alexander 'Bud' 1914 - 1984 son of Robert & Ida Rishel, Archie Church 1903 - 1988 son of David & Margaret Rishel, Cora Margaret 1869 - 1966 Rishel, David Melvin 1868 - 1942 Rishel, Gladys L. Knapt 1901 - 1980 wife of Archie Rischel, Gwendolyn Pyllis 5 Jul 1927 - 13 Ju 2016 Rishel, Psyche Alberta (nee Tweedie) 1902 - 1951 Ritchie, Nellie M. 1910 - 1972 Ritchie, William T. 1914 - 2004 Roach, Charles 1895 - 1983 Roach, D. L. (baby) Roach, Lloyd, G. W. (baby) Roach, Susie (nee Wurtz) 1895 - 1966 dau of Jacob Robb, Catherine 1859 - 1937 Robb, Robert 1861 - 1916 Robb, W. Douglas Dr. 1918 - 1984 Robb-Rizer, Meta Jean 22 Sep 2016 age 94 Robertson, Agnes Ireland (nee Mann) 1857 - 1930 Robertson, Annie (nee Grabosky) 13 May 1925 age 20 yrs 10 mos, wife of William Robertson, David Alexander 1863 - 1919 Robertson, John Robinson, Ellen (nee Hulme) 1899 - 1971 Robinson, John 1897 - 1992 Robinson, Naomi McFarland 1900 - 1979 wife of John Rogalski, Andrew Henry 1895 - 1986 Rogers, Velma (nee Badger) 1919 - 2000 Rogina, Anna (nee Vidic) 1883 - 1957 Rogina, Barbara M. (nee Brotzel) 1916 - 2001 Rogina, Edward M. 1940 - 1986 Rogina, Lucille Frances (nee Klein) 1917 - 1991 Rogina, Matthew 1882 - 1953 Rogina, Matthew Jr. 1908 - 1990 son of Matthew & Anna Rogina, Peter 1915 - 2001 son of Matthew & Anna Rogina, Rosemarie Ann 27 Aug 1943 age 2 Ronsberg, Emil 1900 - 1986 Ronsberg, Emil (2nd photo) Ronsberg, Per 1890 - 1985 Ronsberg, Per (2nd photo) Ronsberg, Peter 1885 - 1960 Ross, Elsie Jean 1915 - 1945 Ross, Hazel Roushorn, Alice Adeline 'Amey' 26 Jul 1927 age 69 Roushorn, Danford Earl hus of Jessica Fostres Roushorn, Kelsey M. 19 Jun 1927 age 13 son of D. E. & Jessica Roushorn, Myrtle May 15 May 1911 age 19 yrs 4 mos 6 days, dau of T. J. & A. A. Roushorn, Thomas James 26 Dec 1940 age 78 Roussel, Agnes 1929 - 1981 Roussel, Simon G. 16 Aug 1994 age 76 Roy, William Charles 1921 - 1921 Roycroft, Elias 'Albie' 1908 - 1977 hus of Thelma Ellis Rue, Randy Ronald 5 Jan 1956 - 29 Sep 2014 son of Delmer & Susan Rue, Susan (nee Penner) 1931 - 1990 wife of Delmer Rupert, John 1899 - 1972 Rushbrooke, Florence E. (nee Wisenden) 1885 - 1968 Rushbrooke, George H. 1886 - 1973 Ruston, Beatrice Annie (nee James) 1902 - 1972 Ruston, Ellis Kinsley 1896 - 1971 son of Matthew Sametts, Elwyn 1939 - 2002 hus of Connie Sannes, Gydi 1877 - 1950 Sather (Family Headstone) Sather, Clarence Darren 1963 - 1980 son of Clarence & Thelma Sather, Clarence Rev. 19 Apr 1932 - 11 Apr 2001 Sather, Harold Leonard 1920 - 1954 hus of Sylvia Rue Sather, Mabel Lenora (nee MacKenzie) 1928 - 1993 Sather, Marie 1890 - 1985 Sather, Palmer 1930 - 1997 son of Sverre & Marie Sather, Sverre 1887 - 1955 Sather, Thelma (nee Friesen) 4 Jan 1935 - Saunders, Edwin J. 14 Dec 1914 age 31 Saunders, George E. 1880 - 1935 hus of Isabelle MacPherson Sawa, Anna 1908 - 1989 Sawa, Joseph Bert 1907 - 1981 Saxton, Maud 1893 - 1945 Schaeker, Alma 1918 - 1995 Schaeker, Otto 1908 - 2002 Schafer, Anna Schafer, Annie Mary 1885 - 1943 Schafer, Clarence A. 1906 - 1979 hus of Ann Block Schafer, Joseph 1871 - 1949 Schaffel, Dorothy 1930 - Schaffel, John 1922 - 1999 Schatz, Fred 17 Nov 1917 - 13 Jul 1998 Schatz, Gladys Elvida 23 Jun 1920 - 11 Oct 2007 Schenstead, Albert 1880 - 1946 Schenstead, Elmer N. 1911 - 1980 Schenstead, Hannah 1885 - 1948 Schenstead, Harvey A. 1918 - 1949 Schroeder, Abraham 1911 - 1985 Schroeder, Ben 1928 - 1996 Schroeder, Susanna (nee Dirks) 1919 - 7 Mar 2006 dau of Henry & Marie Scott, Alice F. (nee Carlson) 1905 - 2002 dau of George & Martha Scott, Edna Viola (nee Magnes) 28 Apr 1923 - 4 Jan 1965 dau of Edwin & Hannah Scott, Edna Viola (nee Magnes) (2nd photo) Scott, Frederick W. 1894 - 1973 Scott, J. Hubert 1898 - 1933 Scott, Janet M. 1863 - 1950 Scott, John O. 1866 - 1942 Scott, Lanis Carlene 14 Apr 1963 - 16 Apr 1963 Scott, Lloyd Frederick 1925 - 17 Mar 2015 hus of Vivian, son of Frederick & Alice Scott, Mabel Grace (nee Richardson) 1891 - 1977 Scott, Vivian May (nee Sundquist) 1931 - 18 Mar 2015 dau of Per & Elizabeth (nee Feilburg) Scott, Walter A. 1896 - 1966 son of John Scott, Wilfred Hugh 'Jack' 10 Aug 1923 - 2 Jul 2010 son of Frederick & Alice Seabrook, Kenneth James Seabrook, Gordon 15 Dec 1911 - 12 Jun 1988 Seabrook, Margaret 8 Aug 1918 - 13 Dec 1991 Seib, Barbara Seib, Berthold 'Bert' 1908 - 1977 Seib, Wanda (nee Molder) 1908 - 1998 Sellers, Earl S. 1922 - 1984 hus of Lillian Busse Semeniuk, Nicholas A. 1913 - 1995 Semeniuk, Stella (nee Mudry) 18 Mar 1932 - 25 Dec 2014 Semple, Forrest E. 1888 - 1962 Semple, Janie V. 1896 - 1984 Shanks, Eliza Ellen 1885 - 1940 Shaw, Mary 1878 - 1959 Shearer, Alexander 26 Nov 1957 age 37 hus of Eileen Phillips Shearer, Barbara Angus 1889 - 1928 wife of Joseph Shearer, Joseph Shortt, David James 1956 - 1995 Shortt, Flora 1899 - 1988 Shortt, Kathy 1953 - 1954 Shortt, Marcel Lamont 28 Nov 1967 - 30 Aug 1987 Shortt, Maxim 1893 - 1980 son of Dave & Sarah Shortt, Wanda 1951 - 1954 Shortt, Willard James 17 Nov 1994 age 75 Silbernagel, Marie 1897 - 1982 Silbernagel, Paul 1894 - 1972 Simle, Julius 1899 - 1959 Simle, Katie Bell 1899 - 1960 Simmons, Dan Simpson, Alida 1909 - 1977 Simpson, George 1905 - 1989 Sinnamon, Dorothy H. 1919 - Sinnamon, R. Harry 1908 - 1982 Skaros, Ryan Dean 1974 - Skolrood, Shirley F. (nee Edwards) 11 Apr 1925 - 11 Sep 2008 dau of Harold & Florence Slatter, Dudley C. 1890 - 1977 Smeland, Leonard 5 Jan 1958 - 13 Apr 1946 Smethurst, Marion 1918 - 2006 Smethurst, Norman 1914 - 1983 Smith-Gorham, Helen 1912 - 2001 Smith, Annie Jean 1910 - 1966 dau of Oliver & Bertha Smith, Dorothy Isobel (nee Murdock) 8 Sep 1922 - 9 Jun 2015 dau of Roy & May Smith, Edward C. 10 Jul 1886 - 2 Nov 1956 Smith, Eleanor May 'Nellie' (nee Bruley) 1901 - 1968 Smith, George W. 1898 - 1977 Smith, Harry Alvin 1907 - 1979 Smith, Helen Rae (nee Howlett) 1912 - 15 Jul 2001 wife of Roy Gorham Smith, Henry D. 'Harry' 1917 - 1990 Smith, John S. 'Jack' 1909 - 1962 Smith, Oliver H. 1876 - 1965 son of John & Marion Smith, S. Berthine 1887 - 1952 Smorodin, Lawrence 1935 - 2009 Smorodin, Lorraine (nee Martell) 1939 - Smorodin, Mabel 1911 - 1972 Smorodin, Paul 1934 - 1973 hus of Joan Allan Snell, Jean Elizabeth 1882 - 1938 Snell, Robert George 1877 - 1947 Snell, Ruth (nee Barrie) 1877 - 1964 wife of Robert Somolenko, Gertrude L. 1912 - 1982 Souter, Donald McRae died age 17 yrs 8 mos, son of William & Isabella Souter, Isabella 1873 - 1964 Souter, William 1872 - 1934 Spani, Adeline (nee Greene) 1884 - 1956 Spani, Charles D. 1878 - 1960 Spani, Ernest Martin 1921 - 1955 Sperling, Jean Evelyn 1927 - 2011 Spiller, Joseph Lawrence 1884 - 1952 Spiller, Mary Elizabeth (nee Gawlitza) 1891 - 1963 Splane, H. Sproule, Edna (nee Finnigan) 10 Jul 1902 - 16 Aug 1995 dau of Robert & Anna Sproule, Maureen (baby) Jun 1965 dau of Lionel & Jean Sproule, Thomas J. 5 Feb 1902 - 29 Dec 1989 Squires, A. Douglas 30 Jun 1907 - 22 Apr 1995 Squires, Anne D. (nee Schommar) 17 Jan 1913 - 23 Apr 1996 Srugis, Martin 1893 - 1969 St. Germain, Ernest 1903 - 1957 Stacey, Earl J. 1909 - 1991 son of Edward & Grace Stacey, Edward 26 Mar 1882 - 20 Dec 1930 son of John Stacey, Marie (nee Proulx) 1890 - 1979 Stacey, May (nee Allan) 1917 - 1986 Stacey, Robert 1889 - 1955 son of John & Mary Stacey, Stan 1905 - 1995 son of Edward & Grace Stacey, Vera E. 1912 - 1984 Stacey, Viola Grace 1922 - 1941 dau of Edward & Grace (nee Bligh) Starbuck, Emma 1889 - 1932 Starbuck, Tom 1896 - 1965 Starbuck, William 1928 - 1929 Steeves, Douglas Roy 31 Aug 1918 - 25 Dec 2012 son of Roy & Ivy Steeves, Ivy Gladys (nee Belchomber) 1895 - 1973 Steeves, Keith 2 Jul 1926 - 25 Dec 2001 son of Roy & Ivy Steeves, Roy 1889 - 1963 Stenger, Evelyn (nee Schleger) 1928 - 8 May 2002 dau of Rudolph & Christine Stenger, Jim 1946 - Stenger, Julius 1936 - 2006 Stenhouse, Edna (nee Taylor) 1909 - 1936 wife of William Stephen, Marvin 1864 - 1911 Stephens, Thomas H. 1905 - 1988 Stephenson, Bernice M. 1911 - 1995 Stephenson, Jessie Telfer (nee Mark) 1882 - 1982 Stephenson, William J. 1882 - 1961 Stokke, Ellen Amelia (nee Nelson) 20 Oct 1913 - 25 Jun 2011 dau of Jacob & Anna Stokke, John 1904 - 1978 son of Thomas & Petrina Stokke, Terrance John 1936 - 27 Mar 2014 hus of Rowna, son of John & Ellen Strachan, Clara 1909 - 1992 wife of Lloyd Strachan, Kaye Kathleen Anne 1935 - 1954 dau of Randall & Norah Strachan, Lloyd J. 1909 - 1980 son of Robert & Rachel Strachan, Norah K. (nee Brown) 1903 - 1995 Strachan, Rachel died 1944 Strachan, Robert died 1922 Strachan, Thomas Randall 1902 - 1966 son of Thomas & Jeananne (nee MacLachlan) Stroheber, Florence 31 Oct 1916 - 7 Dec 2004 Stroheber, Judith Irene 1947 - 1967 Stroheber, Myrna (nee Bjorndahl) 1945 - 1967 dau of Myron & Lillian Stroheber, Vernon James 1940 - 2001 Stronski, John 1892 - 1973 Stronski, Natalie 1914 - 2000 Stroud, Charles Norman 8 Oct 1918 - 7 Sep 1972 son of Norman Stroud, Dorothy (nee Leslie) 1919 - 2006 dau of A. C. Stroud, Norman L. died 1948 Sundquist, Anna I. 3 Apr 1907 - 3 May 1910 dau of M. & M. Sundquist, Annie Viola (nee Peterson) 15 Jul 1915 - 7 May 2011 dau of Andrew & Kristina Sundquist, Harold J. 1920 - 1987 Sundquist, Henry Leonard 1917 - 1961 son of Mattias & Martha Sundquist, Ingeborg A. 19 Dec 1914 - 23 Aug 1914 dau of M. & M. Sundquist, Larry Stewart Feb 1953 - May 1953 son of Ole & Annie Sundquist, Martha 1880 - 1952 Sundquist, Mattias 1880 - 1943 Sundquist, Ole Mattias 1903 - 1990 Sutherland, Alice E. 1883 - 1962 Swain, Katherine Swain, Vera May (nee Crawford) 1908 - 1973 Swarbrick, Miles 1900 - 1977 Swientach, Bill 30 Dec 1909 - 5 Oct 2001 Swientach, Elsie (nee Sodowey) 6 Mar 1922 - 6 Oct 2001 Swift, Collin 29 Sep 1981 Swift, George Albert 4 Jul 2009 age 87 hus of Jean Sykes, J. Szilagyi, Judith 1949 - Szilagyi, Leonard 1945 - Szilagyi, Terry A. 1969 - 1999 son of Leonard & Judith Szymanski, M. 6 Dec 1877 - 23 Sep 1933 Tang, Kwan Ngan Kam 1882 - 1974 Tang, Szet Choi Sim 1910 - 1993 Taras, Harry 1887 - 1968 hus of Lydia Taras, Harry 1887 - 1968 Taras, Lydia 1890 - 1976 Tarasewich, Thos. 19 Oct 1879 - 9 Jul 1932 Tarr, Ben 1884 - 1968 Tarr, Lovern D. 1929 - 17 Apr 2005 son of Ben & Lucy Tarr, Lucy (nee Foster) Dewey 1889 - 1977 dau of John Tarr, Mary D. (nee Merrifield) 1926 - 1998 Tarr, (unknown) Taylor, Effie 1957 age 82 wife of John Taylor, Hilston 1903 - 1988 son of John & Effie Taylor, John W. 1856 - 1934 Taylor, Robert A. 1881 - 1955 hus of Iona Allan Teal, Elizabeth (nee Love) 1888 - 1973 Teal, H. V. 'Kelly' Jan 1918 - 29 Jun 1992 son of Joel & Elizabeth Teal, Joel D. 1878 - 1962 Teal, John Edward 4 May 1914 - 30 Jan 1915 son of Joel & Elizabeth Telfer, Alyn Scott 1914 - 1979 son of George & Barbara Telfer, Barbara Mary (nee Scott) 1880 - 1958 Telfer, George M. 1871 - 1949 son of James & Jane Telfer, Gerald Alyn 30 Apr 2002 age 65 son of Alyn & Phyllis Telfer, Gordon 1917 - 1988 son of George & Barbara Telfer, John Heron 1874 - 1959 son of James & Jane Telfer, Phyllis I. (nee Fargey) 1916 - 1996 dau of Peter & Cora Telfer, Shirley Jean (nee Avery) 26 Jan 1937 - 2 Nov 2013 wife of Gerald Ternes, (unknown) Ternes, Kate Reis Dorfer 6 Feb 1916 age 46 wife of John Third, Annie 1913 - 1934 Third, Elizebert (nee McRobbie) 1892 - 1925 Third, William 23 Aug 1889 - died age 76 Thomas, Catherine Inez (nee Broady) 29 Feb 1879 - May 1915 dau of Francis & Mary Thomas, William Hugh 20 May 1907 - 30 Aug 1909 son of Robert & Inez Thompson, A. H. 1879 - 1934 Thompson, Dorothy Winnifred (nee L'Oste-Brown) 1908 - 2002 dau of Lawrence & Ellen Thompson, Georgina 1880 - 1962 Thompson, John Howie 11 Apr 1940 hus of Ethel Thompson, Thomas 9 Apr 1870 - 13 Sep 1944 Thompson, Walter 1877 - 1965 son of Walter & Georgina Thompson, Walter 1901 - 1972 Thursby, Augustus J. 1926 - 1976 son of William & Helen Thursby, Helen M. (nee McRaffie) 1894 - 1985 dau of James Thursby, Robert William 1918 - 1984 son of William & Helen Thursby, William McRae 1880 - 1930 son of Augustus & Agnes Thursby, Willie M. (infant) 8 Mar 1916 son of William & Helen Tingey, Charles 1881 - 1946 Tingey, Dorothy Eileen (nee Reid) 2 Mar 1928 - 1989 dau of Herbert & Edith (nee Crawford) Tingey, Edward 1884 - 1951 Tingey, Glenn E. 1924 - 1984 son of Charles & Jane Tingey, Jane Elizabeth (nee Smith) Boon 1894 - 1957 Todd, Roberta Margaret (nee Broadfoot) 7 Sep 1923 - 6 Jun 2012 wife of Allan, dau of Robert & Mabel Toloczkow, Kayetonas Anthoni 1891 - 1933 Tongs, Charlotte 1892 - 1974 Tongs, Edward Tongs, Jack Tongs, John 1892 - 1986 Torgerson, Robert A. 1907 - 1925 Torgunrud, Doramaen C. 1935 - 2002 Torgunrud, Norman H. 1928 - 2000 Tornow, Violet 6 May 1911 - 12 Sep 1922 Toth, Alvina 24 May 1921 - 4 Apr 2011 Toth, Frank John 1 Jan 1923 - 10 Mar 2013 hus of Gizella Hordos, son of John & Anne Toth, Frieda 1911 - 2008 Toth, George Henry 1916 - 1964 Toth, Joseph L. 20 Sep 1919 - 6 Nov 1998 Toth, Michael J. 1911 - 1994 Toth, Theresa Veronica 2 Dec 1925 - 8 Jul 2015 Townley-McKay, Alice Louise 8 Apr 1921 - Townley-McKay, Joseph George 14 Apr 1915 - 1 Apr 1999 Treble, Charles William 1872 - 1954 Treble, Elmer Stuart 22 May 1923 - 13 Jul 2008 son of Samuel & Bess Treble, John Albert 2 Aug 1996 age 80 Treble, Lewis Mervin 1904 - 1918 son of Charles & Olive Treble, Margaret E. 1890 - 1971 Treble, Marie 1925 - 1966 Treble, Mary Elizabeth 27 Aug 1919 age 7 mos, dau of Samuel & Margaret Treble, Muriel Florence (nee Brown) 10 Dec 1923 - 21 Jan 2012 Treble, Olive Maud (nee Johns) 1879 - 1968 Treble, Samuel T. 1878 - 1967 Trombley, Helen 1895 - 1986 Tucker, Frank 2 Dec 1943 Tuomainen, David Wayne 1943 - 1998 Tuomainen, Elmer 1901 - 1968 Tuomainen, Josephine 1883 - 1955 Tuomainen, Luella Cecilia 26 Sep 1901 - 23 Sep 1990 Tuomainen, Victor 1873 - 1956 Turk, Irene (nee Beatty) 1917 - 1966 dau of Roland & Cora Tweedie, Alice 1859 - 1941 Tweedie, Bernice Anna 13 Dec 1918 age 22 yrs 11 mos 7 days, dau of James & Alice Tweedie, James W. 19 Sep 1915 age 53 yrs 6 mos 15 days Tweedie, Mary (nee Nickason) 1889 - 1972 Tweedie, Samuel 1894 - 1974 Tymchak, Lorraine Eleanor 'Lori' (nee Getz) 1944 - 12 Jul 2015 Tymchak, Theodore 'Ted' 1937 - 19 Oct 2007 son of Nestor & Anne Tymchyshyn, Bohdan Michael 24 Jan 1984 - 8 Jan 2013 hus of Justina Saunders, son of Glen & Sandra Uhmann, Anna 1877 - 1954 Uhmann, Getrud (nee Sinek) 26 Oct 1914 - 9 Feb 2016 dau of Philip & Paula Uhmann, Gustav 'Gus' 21 Sep 1918 - 12 Nov 2013 hus of Gertrud Ulmer, Alfred 1 Jun 1924 - 23 Jun 1992 son of Ludwig & Charlotte Ulmer, Murray Edward 29 Apr 1958 - 20 Nov 1996 son of Alfred & Barbara unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 unknown 6 unknown 7 unknown 8 unknown 9 unknown 10 unknown 11 & 12 unknown 13 unknown 14 unknown 15 unknown 16 unknown 17 unknown 18 unknown 19 unknown 20 Urquhart, Alexander Stuart 2 Oct 1911 age 30 son of William & Elspeth Urquhart, Douglas James died age 7 mos Urquhart, Elspeth (nee Stuart) 1855 - 1936 Urquhart, Kenneth 1897 - 1936 son of William & Elspeth Urquhart, Kenneth Urquhart, William 1878 - 1971 son of William & Elspeth Urquhart, William Alexander 1849 - 1921 Van Schaffelaar, Alma 1924 - Van Schaffelaar, Dick 1925 - 8 Nov 2003 Vanthuyne, Rene Robert Veitch, Robert 1880 - 1970 Vickaryous, Ernest 1921 - 1980 son of Joseph & Grace Vickaryous, Grace M. 1895 - 1971 Vickaryous, Joseph 1878 - 1943 Vickaryous, Lorraine (nee Hegland) 1925 - 1981 dau of Ole & Constance Vielhauer, Oskar 1931 - 2007 Viguie, Frank Vipond, Duane Leslie 1975 - 1991 Vipond, Florence 1948 - 1978 Volk, Barbara 1919 - 6 Nov 2010 Volk, Joseph 1913 - 1995 Voysey, Alice Lucy (nee Sutherland) 30 Jun 1921 - 23 Aug 2009 dau of Donald & Alice Voysey, Andre Albert 1919 - 2001 Waage, Conrad 1901 - 1967 son of Karel & Olava Waage, Douglas hus of Lillian Ward Waage, Dwight Owen 10 Dec 1956 - 1 Nov 2016 hus of Donna Woiden, son of Doug & Alice Waage, Gordon Dennis 7 Aug 1933 - 29 Apr 1997 Waldie, Gordon 30 Jan 1918 - 25 Feb 1918 son of John & Olive (nee Brown) Waldner, Frederick Waldner, Noel James 1931 - 1996 Walker, Merle G. (nee Mackie) 1906 - 1973 Walker, William Wallace, Catherine Ann 1908 - 1986 Wallace, John 22 Nov 1956 age 63 Walland, Allan C. 1922 - 1942 Walland, Christine (nee Odne) 1888 - 1956 Walland, Hazel Marion (nee Smith) 1915 - 2000 dau of Oliver & Bertha Walland, O. Bennard 1915 - 1978 Walland, Thomas B. 1889 - 1959 Walthers, Victor J. C. 1882 - 1965 Warwick, Annie (nee Wasden) 1890 - 1985 dau of Wolfred & Annie Warwick, Joseph Henry 1880 - 1964 Wasden, Annie (nee Burnell) 10 May 1865 - 13 Jan 1921 Wasden, Wilfred 23 May 1863 - 9 Sep 1941 son of Henry & Rebecca Wasylyniuk, Alexander 1896 - 1964 Wasylyniuk, Dymtro 1893 - 1971 Wasylyniuk, Elsa (nee Schmidt) 1918 - 2002 dau of Ludwig & Maria Wasylyniuk, Joseph 1927 - 1989 son of Alexander & Helen Watson, Blanche 1898 - 1988 Weber, Joseph Peter 1869 - 1956 Weber, Mary Elizabeth Roach 1866 - 1955 Webster, Bertha 1889 - 1979 Webster, Edwin 1883 - 1960 Weir, R. S. Weisner, Dallas 1939 - 1964 Weisner, Edith (nee Gill) 1915 - 1995 dau of Walter & Annie Weisner, Irma (nee Smith) 1921 - 27 Apr 2006 dau of Rodney & Emma Weisner, Rudolph 1912 - 1981 Weisner, William 1916 - 1999 Welliver, (baby) 18 Nov 1946 son of R. L. Wells, Josephine Mary 12 Jul 1883 - 6 Dec 1961 West, Alison C. D. Rev. (nee Wilson) 2 Jun 1937 - 5 Mar 2016 wife of Roy Westby, Hal K. 1963 - 1982 Westby, Myrtle Eldora (nee Lang) 3 Jul 1909 - 4 Dec 2007 dau of John & Mathilda Westby, Phillip A. 1902 - 1977 Westby, Ronald Philip 1938 - 1999 son of Phillip & Myrtle Westerberg, Oscar T. 1883 - 1975 Wheatley, W. T. Clark 29 Aug 1910 - 17 Apr 1920 son of Ed & Agnes Wiebe, Mary Evelyn (nee Telfer) 1907 - 1996 Wiebe, Jacob D. 1914 - 1990 Wiebe, Marion Gladys 1916 - 1988 Wieckowski, John 15 Apr 1890 - 13 Feb 1950 Wiesner, Floyd 22 Jul 1927 age 3 Willems, Mabel Elizabeth (nee McLachlan) 1908 - 1973 Willems, Otto Peter 1904 - 1959 Willey, Margaret Mary 1917 - 1993 Williams, Robert Cecil 1906 - 1983 Wilson, Archie 1891 - 1974 Wilson, Charles 10 Nov 1920 age 35 Wilson, Daniel 19 May 1912 age 76 Wilson, Deloris M. 1937 - Wilson, Donald Harvey 16 Oct 1951 - 22 Jun 2014 hus of Dianne McIntosh, son of Harvey & Ivoreen Wilson, Dorothy 30 Apr 1917 - 19 May 2004 Wilson, Dorothy M. 1914 - 1915 dau of A. Wilson, Harvey A. 1910 - 1981 Wilson, Helen M. 1928 - 1928 dau of A. Wilson, Henry Morland 1880 - 1964 Wilson, Ivoreen Jean "Billie" (nee Edmonds) 1922 - 11 Oct 2004 Wilson, James Adam 1916 - 1989 Wilson, Jane S. (nee Bourns) died 1960 wife of Henry Wilson, John M. 1879 - 1995 Wilson, Leonard 1 Dec 1915 - 22 Jan 2006 Wilson, Leslie E. 1913 - 1913 son of A. Wilson, Margaret Jane (nee Stewart) 1890 - 1936 wife of John Wilson, Margaret Charlotte 24 Feb 1919 age 78 Wilson, Myrtle 1895 - 1996 Wilson, Peter (baby) 11 May 1971 Wilson, Robert 1916 - 1977 Wilson, Robert A. 1918 - 1989 Wiseman, Ethel Margaret (nee Gill) 1914 - 1949 dau of Richard & Susan Wladyka, Frances 1886 - 1966 Wladyka, Mary Lavinia Stella 1916 - 1986 Wladyka, William 1874 - 1949 Woiden, Alice 1923 - 14 Oct 2013 wife of Frank Woiden, Elmer Alfred 1926 - 1991 Woiden, Lillian Love 1931- 27 Mar 2009 Wood, E. Wood, Polly (nee Jimioff) Homenuik 30 May 1932 - 10 Oct 2012 dau of Nick & Lucy (nee Lacktin) Woodhead, H. C. Woodland, Frank 1870 - 1961 Worobec, Austin 1919 - Worobec, Ena Regis (nee Boudreau) 1928 - 10 Jul 2004 dau of Kenneth & Sarah Worobec, Olga Marie (nee Kryk) 12 Jan 1930 - 24 May 2014 dau of Panko & Parania Worobec, Wesley Mervin 29 Dec 1952 - 14 Sep 1986 son of Mervin & Olga Wright, Lillian Alice (nee Ward) Waage 11 Jan 1929 - 7 Dec 2012 dau of Adolf & Lillian Wyman, Elizabeth B. 1886 - 1921 Yaremchuk, Pete 1875 - 7 Apr 1946 Yates, Ronan Leslie 1945 - 1949 Yerhoff, Delores B. 1911 - 1983 Yerhoff, Gary Richard 30 Oct 1936 - 20 Jul 2005 Yerhoff, John L. 1909 - 1973 Young, Charles Arthur 29 Dec 1992 age 73 Zarycki, (baby) Zoney, Louis G. 1915 - 1985 Zoney, Nicholas F. 1918 - 1964 * Ashes scattered on the Leslie farm
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