Waseca Cemetery
R.M. of Eldon # 471   SE 29-47-24 W3
GPS   53.080769°N   109.467903°W
Fisrt burial in 1909

Allan, John Richard   1870 - 1958
Allan, Lucy (nee Ferguson)  1876 - 1953 wife of John
Armstrong, Annie M.  1900 - 1976 wife of Harold
Armstrong, Harold M.  1889 - 1933

Ball, George  1891 - 1981 son of Henry & Julia
Ball, Henry  1859 - 1936
Ball, Julia J.  1856 - 1936
Baney, Carrie Pearl  1887 - 1915 wife of Victor
Baney, Victor C.  1883 - 1954
Barclay, Walter R.  1928 - 1999
Bellamy, Edward  1880 - 1969
Bellamy, Elizabeth  1878 - 1944 wife of Edward
Bennett, Arthur  1888 - 1945
Bennett, Maggie  1887 - 1981 wife of Arthur
Bouchier, Sharon  Jul 12, 1969 - Jul 22, 2003
Brett, Patrick George  1931 - 1987
Broderick, Richard J.  1881 - 1959
Bromwell, (unknown)  
Burns, Correna Jean  1967 - 1995
Burt, Ernest James  Feb 24, 1943 - Sep 17, 1944

Campbell, Alice  1897 - 1973
Campbell, Eleanor  1929 - 1929 dau of John & Alice
Campbell, Elizabeth  1930 - 2011
Campbell, James  1880 - 1965
Campbell, Irene (nee Hoglund)  1938 - 
Campbell, Jean H.  1932 -
Campbell, Jeannie (nee Barrow)  1879 - 1947
Campbell, John  1889 - 1944
Campbell, John W.  1936 - 2011 hus of Irene
Cardiff, Eva Mildred  Nov 23, 1896 - Aug 24, 1963
Cardiff, George Dudley  Mar 11, 1891 - Sep 20, 1964
Cardiff, Marion  Apr 17, 1922 - Jul 14, 2007 dau of George & Eva
Christopherson, Arthur Edwin ‘Pat’  1897 - 1981
Christopherson, Carl  
Christopherson, Harold Edwin  1922 - 1994
Christopherson, June  Jun 10, 1936 - May 29, 1956
Christopherson, Mabel  1905 - 1936
Christopherson, Oscar  Apr 16, 1893 - Nov 27, 1951
Chucas, Nicholas  Dec 17, 1888 - Jan 9, 1958
Coulter, Helen Ray (nee Carruthers)  Oct 5, 1910 - Mar 2, 2008 dau of Irving & Edna
Cree, Hugh S.  1906 - 1931

Derry, John Thomas  1880 - 1967
Donovan, Bernadette  1940 - 1943
Douglas, Doris A.  1925 - 1956 dau of William & Maude
Douglas, Maude O.  1899 - 1968
Douglas, William  1891 - 1978
Dow, Peter  1848 - 1926
Duncan, James McKenzie  Aug 23, 1898 - Aug 18, 1950
Duncan, Pansy Belle   Jan 29, 1897 - Dec 22, 1964 wife of James

Eggleton, Bertha  1877 - 1926 wife of Fred
Eggleton, Fred   1872 - 1939
Elliott, Howard Daynes  Jul 30, 1910 - May 15, 2005
Elliott, Olive Cecillia (nee Porton)  Nov 3, 1908 - Apr 17, 1995 wife of Howard
Evans, David James  Jan 5, 1898 - Nov 22, 1918
Evans, Thomas   1871 - 1955
Ewart, David Irvine  1904 - 1998
Ewart, Phyllis Mae  1909 - 1996 wife of David

Faulkner, Saphronia Diana  1853 - 1921
Foster, Ivan H.  1851 - Apr 16, 1930
Foster, Ivan Mickey   Mar 6, 1952 - Apr 1, 2013
Freeston, Catherine  1925 - 2004
Freeston, Jack  1920 - 1993
Freeston, John A.  1951 - 1989
Freeston, John W.  died Aug 5, 1942
Freeston, Lena L.  1886 - 1975

Gannaw, Frances Evelyn   May 13, 1916 - May 12, 1928
Gentles, Beatrice G.  1926 - 1997
Giesbrecht, John C.  1913 - 1990
Giesbrecht, Mabel C.  1900 - 1981 wife of John
Goodridge, Florence Matilda (nee Rowed)  1857 - 1930 wife of William
Goodridge, Kate Ann  Mar 2, 1894 - Feb 14, 1920
Goodridge, William Newland  1846 - 1940
Goodwillie, David  1881 - 1934
Goodwillie, David William  1942 - 2012
Goodwillie, Ina Agnes  1915 - 2001
Goodwillie, John Calley  1908 - 1985
Goodwillie, Mary Agnes  1892 - 1952
Goodwillie, Thomas  1882 - 1953
Groseth, Harry  1911 - 2000
Groseth, Irene Hope  1914 - 1984 wife of Harry

Hansen, Karen  1850 - 1943
Hanson, Selma S.  Jun 12, 1905 - Apr 22, 1916
Harper, Mary Ann  1856 - 1952
Hickson, Lillian Ethel (nee Thomas)  1915 - 1996
Hill, Mary  1867 - 1939 wife of Silas
Hill, Silas   1868 - 1930
Hinde, Adda Wenona  1878 - 1954
Hinde, Bernice Irene  1936 - 2009 wife of Gordon
Hinde, Charles Henry  1875 - 1938
Hinde, Elizabeth   
Hinde, Gordon Richard  1929 - 1976
Hinde, Horace  1900 - 1990 hus of Rhoda
Hinde, James F.  1877 - 1953
Hinde, Lotte M.  1917 - 1979
Hinde, Marion R.  1913 - 1953 dau of Charles & Elizabeth
Hinde, Norman Alan  1934 - 2003
Hinde, R. Harry W.  1894 - 1982
Hinde, Rachel  1871 - 1952 wife of William
Hinde, Rhoda  1903 - 2002
Hinde, Ross Lano  1906 - 1981 son of James & Adda
Hinde, William  1863 - 1934
Hinde, William  1956 - 1998
Hult, Arthur Wilfred  1909 - 1992
Hult, Frederick Arthur  Mar 18, 1944 - Mar 21, 1944
Hult, Ida Gurine  1882 - 1979 wife of Karl
Hult, James Stanley  May 5, 1951 - Jun 30, 1993
Hult, Karl Fredrik   1877 - 1963
Hult, Karley David  1953 - 1971
Hult, Signe Charlotte  1915 - 2002 wife of Arthur

Jackson, Rylan Abel  Apr 15, 2002 - Apr 24, 2002
Janus, Cornelia J.  1887 - 1973
Janus, Hendrik  1882 - 1949
Janus, William M.  Oct 10, 1924 - Oct 20, 1997 son of Hendrik & Cornelia
Jeffrey, Charles A. B.  1876 - Mar 8, 1934
Johnson, Claus  1889 - Nov 7, 1965

Karpluk, Irene  1905 - 1994
Karpluk, John P.  1891 - 1963
Karpluk, Johnny M.  Mar 8, 1938 - Oct 2, 1987 son of John & Irene
Kettles, Catherine  died Mar 29, 1942
Kettles, J. P.  1863 - 1949
Kettles, Mrs. J. P.  1863 - 1949
Key, Elva Marie  1902 - 1984 wife of James
Key, James  1909 - 1974
Kitching, Audrey  Apr 25, 1920 - Dec 28, 2012 wife of Thomas
Kitching, Thomas  Oct 28, 1916 - Aug 30, 2012

Lamb, Hugh J.  1901 - 1985
Lamb, Kenneth John  1930 - 2004 son of Hugh & Nellie
Lamb, Nellie B.  1899 - 1988
Leer, Charles N.  1875 - 1934
Light, Colin F.  1930 - 1984
Light, Mae V.  1929 - 2002 wife of Colin
Linkert, Lawrence  1930 - 2010
Long, Amos William  Aug 26, 1895 - Jul 20, 1952
Long, Emma Viola (nee Beachley)  Jan 4, 1870 - Jan 15, 1948 dau of Martin & Ann
Long, John Culler   Sep 28, 1866 - Feb 3, 1927 hus of Emma
Long, John Martin  Oct 5, 1890 - May 18, 1936
Lumgair, Norman Arthur  May 13, 1945 - May 7, 2008

MaCauley, Andrew James  1907 - 1932
MaCauley, Catherine  Oct 11, 1924 age 62 wife of Henry
MaCauley, Germa Jennie  1903 - 1988 wife of William
MaCauley, Henry  Apr 5, 1945 age 85
MaCauley, James Andrew  1924 - 1976
MaCauley, John Irvine  1893 - 1978
MaCauley, Lillian (nee Brown)  1891 - 1963 wife of Andrew
MaCauley, Lillian Mabel  Jul 26, 1916 - Dec 6, 1935
MaCauley, Rae  1922 - 1946
MaCauley, William Henry  1891 - 1980
MacGuish, Rachel Mae  Apr 29, 1925 - Apr 1, 1975
MacKay, Anthony  1919 - 2002
MacKay, Jane G.  1915 - 1993 wife of Rupert
MacKay, Norma  1920 - 2014 wife of Anthony
MacKay, Rupert S.  1922 - 1993
Markevich, Mary G.  Jan 27, 1948 - Dec 20, 2012
Martell, William J.  died Jul 5, 1951
McAvany, Susan E.  Jul 30, 1882 - Feb 12, 1920
McCabe, Danny  died Sep 6, 1944
McCreedy, Charles  1892 - Dec 6, 1918
McCreedy, Mortimer  1868 - May 29, 1921
McCuaig, Arthur  died Mar 7, 1920
McGrath, James F.  1880 - 1950
McGrath, Margaret  1881 - 1957 wife of James
McKerchar, Alexander  1889 - 1974
McKerchar, Allan  1920 - 2004
McKerchar, Archibald  1884 - 1975
McKerchar, Donald   May 15, 1838 - Aug 8, 1921 hus of Margaret
McKerchar, Doris Olive  1935 - 1987
McKerchar, Duncan  1891 - 1970 hus of Mildred
McKerchar, Hazel Victoria  1897 - 1992 wife of Alexander
McKerchar, Ian Donald  1917 - 1997
McKerchar, James  1895 - 1963
McKerchar, James A.  1919 - 2000
McKerchar, Jesse Alma  1896 - 1995 wife of Archibald
McKerchar, John Donald  1883 - 1958
McKerchar, Margaret  Nov 25, 1856 - Oct 19, 1956
McKerchar, Marion (nee Ferguson)  1882 - 1931 wife of John
McKerchar, Mildred Rosena (nee Hill)  1906 - 1989
McKevitt, P. Baby  died Aug 4, 1937
McLaine, Alan R.  1902 - 1983
McLaine, Annie L.  1860 - 1932 wife of Richard
McLaine, Arthur W.  1844 - 1930
McLaine, Conway  Apr 24, 1890 - Jul 31, 1967
McLaine, Douglas A.  1929 -
McLaine, E. Margaret  1935 - 2011 wife of Douglas
McLaine, Francis  1850 - Jun 5, 1925
McLaine, L. Faye  1909 - 1994 wife of Alan
McLaine, Richard L.  1864 - 1932
McPherson, Archibald D.  1884 - 1968
McPherson, Evelyn Marie  Oct 28, 1918 - Nov 13, 2008 wife of Robert
McPherson, Mary Ann  1886 - 1958
McPherson, Robert Edward  Jul 14, 1911 - Mar 1, 2005 son of Archibald & Mary
Milburn, Laurence W.  Nov 25, 1924 - Aug 10, 2012
Milburn, Mary Elizabeth (nee Leer)  Sep 7, 1917 - Jan 29, 2003 wife of Laurence
Moen, Darvin Shane  1964 - 2000
Morrant, James Robert  Nov 1, 1925 - Oct 31, 1999
Morrant, Olive Marie  Apr 16, 1935 - Dec 22, 1994 wife of James
Morrison, Annie W.  1891 - 1974 wife of John 
Morrison, Donald J.  1896 - 1978
Morrison, Helen R.  1910 - 2008 wife of Donald
Morrison, Issabella  1866 - 1929 wife of James
Morrison, James A.  1866 - 1946
Morrison, John R.  1871 - 1943
Murphy, James  1845 - 1927
Murray, Audrey  1920 - 1998 wife of William
Murray, George  1917 - 2005
Murray, William  1917 - Feb 4, 2005

Nelligan, Gerald Michael  Apr 27, 1925 - Apr 22, 1941
Nerbas, May Alexandra  died Jun 1, 1997
Noble, Gilbert Ralph  1957 - 1994

Organ, Kathleen Ida  1917 - 1987

Perry, Charles  1870 - 1955
Perry, Lyman Lavern  1921 - 1975
Perry, Mildred E.  Jul 10, 1896 - Aug 10, 1917 dau of Charles & Myra
Perry, Myra  1875 - 1960
Perry, Raymond H.  1834 - Apr 13, 1909
Prokopyshen, Margaret Rachel  Jul 16, 1922 - Mar 17, 2006 wife of Walter
Prokopyshen, Walter  Jan 4, 1925 - Jun 21, 2010

Reeds, Annie Margaret (nee Innes)  1933 -
Reeds, Gordon Kevin  1953 - 1976 son of Thomas & Annie
Reeds, Thomas Gordon  1925 - 2008
Roberts, Helena Jane (nee Harlow)  1902 - 1978
Roberts, Kathleen Michelle  Nov 3, 1972 - Aug 8, 1993
Roberts, Richard Gordon  Mar 21, 1935 - Dec 14, 2010
Rogers, Leander C.  Apr 15, 1833 - Jan 27, 1914
Rowed, Edith Muriel  1879 - 1945
Rowed, Henry Baker  1879 -
Rowed, Marion Lesley  1911 - 1966 dau of Henry & Edith
Rust, Roger Richard  Jan 1, 1943 - May 12, 1943

Sawtell, Albert E.  Aug 19, 1903 - Oct 4, 1990
Sawtell, Esther E.  Aug 24, 1908 - Oct 29, 1989 wife of Albert
Sawtell, Frank  May 1, 1901 - May 18, 1989
Sawtell, Herbert J.  1897 - 1978
Sawtell, Idell L.  1911 - 1997 wife of Herbert
Sawtell, James  1860 - 1945
Sawtell, Olga M.  Apr 20, 1904 - Apr 4, 1990 wife of Frank
Schneider, Evelyne Christina  Mar 10, 1939 age 33 wife of S. J.
Schneider, John B.  1874 - 1944
Schneider, Katherine  1878 - 1954 wife of John
Scudder, Edith  1887 - 1938
Shuler, Gertrude  1911 - 1924
Shuler, Lily  1914 - 1995 wife of Roy
Shuler, Lloyd  1914 - 1934
Shuler, Roy  1912 - 1988
Smith, Anna  1885 - 1957
Smith, Dorothy (nee Girbav)  1914 - 1980
Smith, Harry  1889 - 1955
Smith, Harry E.  1885 - 1955
Smith, Mary  1867 - 1932
Smith, Pearl  1915 - 2006 dau of Harry & Anna
Smith, Walter J.  1914 - 1971
Smith, William  1868 - 1956
Snell, Charles William  1954 - 2005
Snell, Elsie E.  1926 - 2001 wife of Henry
Snell, Ernest Samuel  1920 - 1979
Snell, Gladys May  1928 - 2005
Snell, Henry S.  1923 - 2015
Snell, Lotte A.  1890 - 1968 wife of William
Snell, Sandra Maureen  1962 - 2008
Snell, Steven Allan  Sep 25, 1951 - May 25, 2011
Snell, Theodore Ernest  Sep 26, 1950 - Aug 6, 2011
Snell, William H.   1889 - 1988
Sommerfeld, Hazel Lee (nee Long)  Jul 14, 1903 - Sep 13, 1987
Spooner, Ernest S.  1873 - 1939
Spooner, Harold H.  1903 - 1994 son of Ernest & Helen
Spooner, Helen  1868 - 1941
Sutherland, Carl Eugene  1920 - 1978
Sutherland, Clara M.  1895 - 1982
Sutherland, Clarence Eugene  1895 - 1974
Sutherland, Duncan  Jan 27, 1870 - Mar 17, 1923
Sutherland, Elizabeth M.  Mar 28, 1869 - Oct 1, 1923 wife of Duncan
Sutherland, Eugene Harry  1942 - 1996 son of Carl & Eva
Sutherland, Eva May  1921 - 2014
Sutherland, Glen  Feb 26, 1970 - Sep 14, 2015
Sutherland, Gloria   Jan 12, 1950 - Jan 29, 1950
Sutherland, James Edward  Feb 26, 1942 - Oct 19, 1999
Sutherland, James R.  1923 - 1980 son of Clarence & Clara
Sutherland, Jesse R.  Oct 13, 1894 - Nov 17, 1919

Thomas, Alice Dagny (nee Christopherson)  Nov 26, 1856 - Dec 30, 1918
Thomas, Howard A.  1885 - 1974
Thomas, William Howard  1913 - 1976

Ungar, D. W. Schuyler  1876 - 1947
Ungar, Elizabeth Pearl  1918 - Jun 9, 1919 dau of D. W. & Elizabeth
Ungar, Jessie L.  1880 - 1968

Vaio, Howard Earl  Jan 28, 1915 - Mar 26, 2002 hus of Katherine
Vaio, Katherine Lenore (nee Duncan)  Sep 21, 1927 - May 11, 1998 dau of James & Pansy

Waldron, Arthur W.  Feb 2, 1888 - Jul 14, 1985
Waldron, Georgina P.  Dec 29, 1894 - Aug 5, 1984
Waldron, Willard Buffum  Jul 6, 1929 - Jul 19, 1999 son of Arthur & Georgina
Walter, J.  1873 - 1954
Walter, James  1875 - 1948
Walter, John  Sep 2, 1830 - Apr 12, 1918
Walter, W. T.  1885 - 1949
Wenger, Caroline Victorine  1903 - 1992
Wenger, Otto Jacob  1891 - 1954
Wenger, Shirley Ann  1935 - Dec 15, 2005 dau of Otto & Caroline
Wichman, Audrey Kay  1956 - 2001
Wilson, Esther  1865 - 1947
Wilson, Horace W.  1897 - 1989
Wilson, Muriel M.  1896 - 1978 wife of Horace

Yaceyko, Michael James  Dec. 20, 1968 - Jul 11, 2013
Yaworenko, Bill   Nov 8, 1931 - Jun 13, 2011
Yaworenko, Darry  died Jun 1, 1924

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