Wapella Community Cemetery
R.M. of Martin # 122   NE 9-15-33 W1
GPS   50.26649°N   101.96200°W

Abel, Aily  1910 - 1998
Abel, James B.  1892 - 1960
Ablass, Albert  6 Feb 1930 - 17 Jan 2012 hus of Frieda
Ablass, Emma  1900 - 1978
Ablass, Frieda  18 Feb 1934 - 27 Feb 2017
Ablass, John  1903 - 1991
Ablass, Linda  1907 - 1983
Ablass, Otto  1932 - 2002
Ablass, Samuel  1897 - 1974
Adams, Margaret  1888 - 1963
Adams, Richard  1880 - 1928
Adams, William  1884 - 1960
Adie, Myrtle Rowe  1902 - 1984
Alcombrack, Orpha  1919 - 1988
Allison, Elsie G. (nee Pranke)  1935 - 1963 dau of Emil & Martha
Amer, George William  1864 - 1933
Amer, Kate Caroline  1865 - 1933
Apperly, Clarence Edward  12 Apr 1910 - 17 Oct 1962 son of Adrian & Edith
Apperly, Glenburn Edwin  7 Mar 1913 - 17 Oct 1962 son of Adrian & Edith
Archibald, Almira Mary (nee Dean)  1851 - 1915 wife of William
Archibald, William  1850 - 1933 son of David & Margaret
Ashton, Louisa  1868 - 1905
Ashton, Margaret (nee Benny)  1834 - 1913 wife of William
Ashton, Mary 'Polly'  1881 - 1912
Ashton, William  1905 - 1906
Ashton, William Outhwaite  1833 - 1901
Atchison, A. (infant) 
Atchison, Agnes Jane  1862 - 1941
Atchison, George  1816 - 1896
Atchison, George  1859 - 1920
Atchison, Margaret  1822 - 1912

Baker, Alexander  1868 - 1925
Baker, George C.  1884 - 1951
Baker, Jack George  1919 - 9 Aug 1977
Baker, Jessie  1880 - 1967
Baker, Rachael  1874 - 1974
Balson, Adeline Higgins   1918 - 1919
Balson, Luther Blake  1887 - 1949
Balson, Mabel  1892 - 1974
Banin, Albert  1907 - 1964
Banin, Emily  1900 - 1979
Banin, James  1858 - 1950
Banin, James Arthur  1901 - 1981
Banin, James E. (infant)  died 1910
Banin, James Grant  1926 - 1972
Banin, John  1894 - 1941
Banin, Martha  1875 - 1958
Barnard, Mary Watson  died 1945
Beattie, Agnes  1876 - 1941
Beattie, G. (infant)  died 1913
Beattie, James  1865 - 1943
Beattie, Tosh  1870 - 1941
Beddoes, Margaret  1875 - 1941
Beedie, Kathleen  1909 - 1910
Beier, Emilie  1897 - 1958
Beier, Michael  1901 - 1984
Beier, Michael  1895 - 1963
Beier, Paulina  1904 - 1970
Beier, Waldemar  10 Apr 1929 - 31 Mar 2010 hus of Ellen
Bending, Agnes  died 1929
Bending, Charles  1885 - 1959
Bending, William Smith  1885 - 1943
Bennett, Alfred  1879 - 1940
Bennett, Ellen E. 'Nellie'  1880 - 1918
Ber, Martha  1902 - 1994
Ber, Michael  1899 - 1971
Bergstresser, Art  12 Jun 1921 - 14 Jun 2010 hus of Alma
Bernard, Francis  1913 - 1948
Beutler, August  1884 - 1952
Beutler, Bruno  1926 - 1984
Beutler, Elza  1898 - 1961
Beutler, Erick  1921 - 1931
Beutler, Frederick  1888 - 1949
Beutler, Matilda  1888 - 1965
Beutler, Paul  1928 - 1929
Beutler, Rudolf  1919 - 2005
Beutler, Teofil  died 1938
Beutler, William  1901 - 1997
Birdsell, Jane  1866 - 1918
Birdsell, W. H. (infant)  
Blyth, Eliza  1851 - 1931
Blyth, Gordon James  1913 - 1994
Blyth, Lona (Linnie)  1915 - 1993
Blyth, Richard  1830 - 1895
Blyth, Robert  1879 - 1915
Blyth, William Thomas  1844 - 1917
Boardman, George William  1870 - 1942
Boardman, Polly  1877 - 1955
Bock, Adolf  1901 - 1950
Bock, Edward Bruno 'Ted'  15 Feb 1938 - 29 Aug 2007
Bock, Eugenia  1929 - 1990
Bock, Olga  1902 - 1972
Bongers, Hubert John  1957 - 1979
Bonkowski, Adolf  1899 - 1972
Bonkowski, Joyce  1936 - 30 Nov 2003 wife of Richard
Bonkowski, Pauline  1906 - 1993
Bonkowski, Richard  4 Dec 2006 age 80
Boulton, Bessie I.  1888 - 1909
Boulton, Margaret  1908 - 1908
Bowen, Evan Ernest  1864 - 1931
Bowen, Isabel E. (nee Northwood)  1881 - 12 Dec 1975
Bowen, Victor  died 1929
Boyd, Christina Walker  1885 - 1963
Boyd, Thomas  1887 - 1979
Bradley, Jacob  1898 - 1899
Brett, Barbara Maud (infant)  died 1901
Brett, Leonie Agnes  (infant)  died 1898
Brown, Agnes Jane  1884 - 1940
Brown, Alexander  1842 - 1903
Brown, Charles Miller  1870 - 1939
Brown, James  1899 - 1985
Brown, James  1885 - 1912 son of Alexander
Brown, James Alexander  1918 - 1924
Brown, Janet  1850 - 1935
Brown, John  died 1927
Brown, Murray George  Aug 13, 1921 - 13 Feb 2012 hus of Hazel
Brown, N.  
Brown, Robert  1842 - 1926
Brown, William  1874 - 1959
Browning, Edna Eliza  1899 - 1920
Browning, Elsie  1892 - 1975
Browning, Walter E.  1888 - 1966
Brunt, Joseph  1859 - 1948
Brunt, Ruth  1864 - 1938
Buchamer, Martha  1924 - 1996
Burke, Alexander  1869 - 1953
Burke, Bertha J.  1895 - 1906
Burke, Christena  1903 - 1906
Burke, Elizabeth  1863 - 1950
Burke, Jane  1843 - 1929
Burke, John  1839 - 1922
Burke, Martha  1864 - 1911
Buswell, Eric Edward  1923 - 1977
Buswell, Eunice Jane (nee Gordon)  1899 - 5 Dec 1966 wife of Sydney
Buswell, Frederick  1852 - 27 Dec 1940
Buswell, Maria  1857 - 16 Apr 1940 wife of Frederick
Buswell, Nellie (nee Pickford)  1896 - 6 Jul 1973 wife of Oliver
Buswell, Oliver Denis  1886 - 21 Apr 1982
Buswell, Sydney  1894 - 22 Oct 1974

Calder, Alexander  1834 - 1906
Calder, Isabella  1828 - 1897
Calder, Margaret  1868 - 1907
Campbell, Alexander  1893 - 1990
Campbell, Alexander A.  1892 - 1972
Campbell, Brenda Lee (infant)  died 1963
Campbell, Darlene Gerda  1960 - 1975
Campbell, Fanny Elizabeth  1859 - 1938
Campbell, Gerda Violet  3 Oct 1930 - 2 Sep 2012 wife of Ed Garvey
Campbell, Joseph  1855 - 1930
Campbell, Mary  1897 - 1986
Campbell, Neil  1889 - 1967
Campbell, Robert J.  1926 - 1937
Carlisle, Edie  1921 - 1961
Carlisle, Patrick  1951 - 1967
Carlson, John E.  1949 - 1983
Carlson, William  1916 - 1994
Carney, Charles Daniel  1865 - 1927
Carney, D. (infant)
Carney, Rachael  1875 - 1902
Carney, William  1862 - 1946
Carpenter, Mary E.  1841 - 1906
Carscadden, Ann Elizabeth  1873 - 1964
Carscadden, Anson H.  1907 - 1993
Carscadden, E. (infant), died 1910
Carscadden, Edward Lesley  31 Oct 1913 - 24 May 2011 
Carscadden, Leonard D.  1901 - 1987
Carscadden, Mabel  19 Aug 1913 - 23 Dec 2009 wife of Edward
Carscadden, Rachael  1847 - 1938
Carscadden, Robert  1869 - 1961
Carscadden, Thomas D.  1855 - 1915
Carscadden, Wilbur  1904 - 1950
Carson, Geoffrey A. H.  1878 - 1918
Carson, Samuel  1898 - 1972
Carson, Stewart  1888 - 1975
Cartwright, Annie  died 1926
Cartwright, Frank  1889 - 1971
Cartwright, Henry  died 1926
Cartwright, James  died 1923
Cartwright, Mary Jane  1909 - 1990
Chapman, Gerald  1884 - 1955
Chapman, Winnifred  1890 - 1968
Chase, Frances Elizabeth  1847 - 1928
Chase, George  1879 - 1918
Chase, John Thomas  1869 - 1935
Chase, William  1846 - 1924
Clark, Alexander  F.  1905 - 1956
Clark, Alexander  F.  1868 - 1912
Clark, Dorothy  1908 - 1996
Clark, George  1937 - 1999
Clark, Ida  1877 - 1966
Clark, John  1834 - 1918
Clark, Kenneth  1951 - 1990
Clark, Margaret  1845 - 1918
Clark, Sarah Elizabeth  1866 - 1945
Clark, William  died 1993
Clements, Allan  1904 - 1917
Clements, Charles Henry  1862 - 1920
Clements, David R.  1871 - 1947
Clements, Elizabeth Jane  1870 - 1938
Clements, Grant (infant)  died 1907
Clements, Hannah  1876 - 1950
Clements, John  1830 - 1902
Clements, John Frederick  1852 - 1919
Clements, Mary  L.  1882 - 1949
Clements, Samuel G.  1868 - 1895
Clements, Samuel T.  1879 - 1950
Clements, Sarah  1831 - 1917
Clements, William  1856 - 1904
Cole, Annie  1856 - 1935
Cole, Marjorie  1886 - 1969
Cole, Nellie  1888 - 1972
Cole, Rebecca  1866 - 1944
Cole, William  1887 - 1981
Coleman, Elizabeth
Collier, Arthur  1907 - 1972
Collier, James Keith  1952 - 1978
Court, Edwin  1892 - 1949
Court, Sarah  1892 - 1957
Courtney, Karen Ruth Ann (nee Szafron)  23 Sep 2007 age 55 wife of John
Craig, John  1881 - 1909
Crawford, Charles Ramsey (infant)  died 1905
Cummins, Margaret Elizabeth (nee Scott)  28 Aug 1931 - 31 Dec 2014 wife of George, dau of Clarence & Elsie (nee Johnson)
Cumpston, John Stanley (infant)  died 1894
Cunday, Francis Earl  1918 - 1998
Cunday, Garth Dwain  28 Jan 1948 - 23 Nov 2012 hus of Nicki
Cunday, (infant)
Currie, Donald Engvald  1926 - 1955
Currie, Donald Reid  1893 - 1963

Dalgleish, J.  died 1954
Dalgleish, Jemima (infant)  died 1887
Dalgleish, Thomas (infant)  died 1950
Dalziel, Agnes 'Nan'  1866 - 1931
Dalziel, David Kirkpatrick  1861 - 1936
Dalziel, Era  died 1951
Dalziel, Eva
Dalziel, Helen (infant)  1866 1941
Dalziel, James K.  died 1938
Dalziel, Mary Jane  1876 - 1931
Dalziel, S. 
Daniel, Edwin, (infant)  1869 - 1934
Davidson, W. H.  1869 - 1943
Davies, Stanley Delwyn  died 1928
Delmage, Dora Harriet (nee Scott)  28 Jul 1936 - 25 May 2003 dau of Clarence & Elsie
Dickoff, Ellis Elizabeth (infant)  died 1939
Dodd, Cecelia  1888 - 1925
Dodd, Howard  1919 - 1983
Dodd, Neil  1888 - 1955
Douglas, (unknown)  died 1937
Dring, Eleanor  1872 - 1958
Dring, Elizabeth J.  1826 - 1914
Dring, Henry Robert  1860 - 1934
Dring, Jane K.  1852 - 1925
Dring, John  died 1864
Dring, Mary Elizabeth  1854 - 1910
Dring, Walter H.  1863 - 1926
Dufton, C. C., died 1900
Dufton, Frank  died 1930
Dufton, H. C.  1843 - 1909
Dufton, M. M.  died 1916
Dufton, William  1866  - 1897
Dunn, Annie  1893 - 1974
Dunn, David Leroy  1918 - 1945
Dunn, David S.  1889 - 1966
Dunn, George  1923 - 2002
Dunn, Irene  1929 - 2000
Dunn, Pearl  died 1926

Edwards, Asa  1882 - 1949
Edwards, Barry  1961 - 1989
Edwards, Doreen  1935 - 1990
Edwards, Latricia  1890 - 1958
Edwards, Sanford  1927 - 1988
Eisert, Carl  1941 - 1953
Eisert, Emelie  1920 - 2000
Eisert, Martha  1876 - 1945
Eisert, Theodore  1873 - 1951
Eisert , Hugo  1909 - 1979
Ekert, Emelia  1872 - 1949
Ekert, Godfied  1875 - 1944
Ekert, Julia  1893 - 1957
Ekert, Michael  1887 - 1957
Embury, Alma Ursula  1865 - 1945
Embury, J. (infant)
Embury, James R.  1860 - 1943
Emmanuel, Isaac  died 1944
Epton, Joseph  1853 - 1927
Epton, Millicent  1855 - 1941
Erismann, Marianna  1879 - 1952

Fairbairn, Margaret E.  1852 - 1929
Fairbairn, Margaret I.  1908 - 1997
Fairbairn, William G.  1850 - 1939
Fairbairn, William U.  1878 - 1963
Fenwick, Arthur Edwin  1926 - 1959
Fenwick, Bruce Arthur  1956 - 1972
Fenwick, Clara  1895 - 1984
Fenwick, Doris  died 2003
Fenwick, Emily  1858 - 1956
Fenwick, George  1859 - 1953
Fenwick, Gordon  1892 - 1971
Fenwick, Ivy  1905 - 1981
Fenwick, James Fredrick  1880 - 1940
Ferguson, Angus James  1903 - 1906
Ferguson, James Stanley  1892 - 1938
Findlay, Matilda  1870 - 1907
Findlay, Robert  (infant)  died 1903
Fitzsimon, Annie (infant)
Flaman, Donald Jake  27 May 1944 - 27 Oct 2014
Flaman, Nancy  1936 - 1982
Flaman, Wenzel  1927 - 1989
Forbes, Rivy  1859 - 1903
Ford, M. G.  1898 - 1918
Fox, Arthur  1869 - 1939
Fox, Dorothy  1907 - 1943
Fox, Francis  1871 - 1943
Fox, Lucy  1872 - 1957
Freda, Eric  
Freda, Ikert  11 Feb 1918 - 26 Aug 2007 wife of Eric
Fraser, Jane Elizabeth  1871 - 1934
Fraser, John  1858 - 1944
Fuhrman, Lydia  1906 - 2003
Fuhrman, Martha  1939 - 1999
Fuhrman, Theophil  1909 - 1995

Gallop, Agnes  1892 - 1957
Gallop, Ernest  1889 - 1968
Gardner, Charles  1888 - 1965
Gardner, Hilda  1891 - 1947
Garn, Edmund  1909 - 1993
Garn, Gustav  1875 - 1960
Garn, Martha  1897 - 1958
Garn, Martha  23 Jan 1924 - 6 Jan 2009 wife of Edmund
Garner, Albert  1823 - 1912
Garner, Gerald Ernest  died 1901
Garner, Susan  1841 - 1931
Garner, W. (infant)
Garner, (infant)
Garrett, Margaret Elizabeth (infant)  died 1966
Garrett, Patrick  1964 - 1980
Garrett, Robert 'Bob'  1932 - 1991
Garrett, Wilfred  1893 - 1903
Garvey, Donald 'Dan'  died 1997
Geall, Charlotte  1868 - 1928
Geall, George  1868 - 1955
Geddes, Frances Isabel  1927 - 1928
Geddes, William  died 1930
Gedge, William J.  1857 - 1938
Geisler, Alina Emma  21 Jul 1941 - 9 Aug 2009 dau of Gustav & Emma
Geisler, Emma  1906 - 1995
Geisler, Gustav  1896 - 1980
Geisler, Martha  1902 - 1934
George, Allison  1901 - 1949
George, Annie  1854 - 1936
George, Percy  1887 - 1963
George, William Baldwin  1847 - 1931
Gereau,(infant)  died 1942
Gereau, (infant)  died 1945
Gessell, Alfred John  26 Jun 1924 - 2 Aug 2009 hus of Hilda
Gessell, Elfrieda  1913 - 1995
Gessell, Elizabeth  1897 - 1993
Gessell, Frederick W.  1889 - 1972
Gessell, Hilda  16 Feb 1929 - 1 Jul 2010
Gessell, Larry Alfred  12 Jan 1955 - 4 Jul 2010
Gessell, Matilda  1886 - 1973
Gessell, Wilhelm  1886 - 1964
Gessell, William  1909 - 1977
Gibbend, Frank  1858 - 1898
Gibson, A. (infant)  died 1944
Gibson, Alexander  1872 - 1939
Gibson, Elizabeth  1846 - 1918
Giles, Frederick  1892 - 1981
Giles, Norah  1906 - 1972
Giles, Robert  1928 - 1990
Gilland, Gertrude  1887 - 1945
Gilliard, Alexander  1879 - 1953
Gilliard, May (nee Carson)  1894 - 1984 wife of Alexander
Golding, George  1875 - 1961
Goldsmith, Hannah  1842 - 1896
Goldsmith, William  1847 - 1937
Gordon, Alice (nee Millham) Vis  18 Aug 1880 - 30 Aug 1973 dau of Charles & Sarah
Gordon, Alice (nee Myers)  1912 - 2006 wife of Weslley
Gordon, Catherine G. Dorinda (nee Moore)  3 Jul 1873 - 27 Jan 1969 wife of Cornelius
Gordon, Cornelius  5 Oct 1862 - 26 Jan 1957
Gordon, Elizabeth May 'Betty' (nee Dean)  22 Oct 1923 - 30 Oct 2016 wife of Leslie
Gordon, Everett  Peter  1949 - 1950 son of Everett & Robina
Gordon, Everett George  17 Sep 1903 - 30 Nov 1980 son of George & Alice
Gordon, George  6 Feb 1867 - 15 Oct 1939 son of William & Jane
Gordon, James  1872 - 25 May 1917
Gordon, Jessie Tudge  1882 - 1908
Gordon, Leslie Gowler  9 Oct 1911 - 28 Nov 2004 son of George & Alice
Gordon, Margaret B. (nee Barnard)  1877 - 1943 wife of James
Gordon, Robina 'Ruby' Martin (nee MacFarlane)  14 Jul 1903 - 17 Mar 2004
Gordon, Weslley J.  1910 - 1985
Gormley, Agnes (infant)  died 1910
Gormley, John  (infant)  died 1910
Gottschalk, Dietmar  1948 - 1966
Gottschalk, Frieda M.  1916 - 2003
Gottschalk, Paul H.  1917 - 1990
Gove, Alexander  1888 - 1970
Gove, Amelia  1887 - 1981
Gove, Esther (nee Holloway)  14 Sep 2006 age 88 wife of Leslie
Gove, Leslie  1919 - 1980
Grabham, Lewis H.  1881 - 1918
Grabham, Rosamond  1881 - 1953
Graham, A.  died 1956
Greening, Edith (nee Springer)  3 Jul 1929 - 30 Sep 2014 dau of Gabriel & Hulda
Greening, Mathilde  1898 - 1989
Greening, Max  1923 - 28 Mar 1980 hus of Edith
Greening, Reinhold  1894 - 1970

Hadland, William Harry  17 Mar 1893 - 16 Jan 1979
Hales, Annie  1875 - 1951
Hales, Daisy  1903 - 1918
Hales, Herbert  1893 - 1919
Hall, Elizabeth  1858 - 1951
Hall, Robert  1867 - 1930
Hamilton, Charlotte  1851 - 1912
Hamilton, Gertrude  1898 - 1990
Hamilton, Peter  1856 - 1920
Hamilton, Peter James  1889 - 1971
Hamilton, Robert G. 'Bert'  1925 - 1940
Hamilton, Robert W.  1924 - 1987
Hamm, William  1895 - 1952
Hanson, Lorraine Miriam  1948 - 1992
Hanson, Thomas Thorvold  1892 - 1948
Harper, Joseph (infant)  died 1928
Harrison, Helen G. Hamilton, 1887 - 1946
Harrison, Helen Margaret (infant)  died 1928
Harrison, John  1878 - 1964
Harrison, Mabel Chase)1881 - 1917
Hartley, George  1880 - 1940
Hartley, Jessie  1882 - 1953
Hayhurst, S. N.  1906 - 1968
Heinrich, Edgar W.  1938 - 1939
Heinrich, Lily A. (infant)  died 1936
Heintz, John  died 1953
Henry, James A.  1870 - 1914
Henry, Lefa May  1884 - 1965
Henry, Leslie  1908 - 1997
Hicks, James  1868 - 1948
Hicock, Annie  1887 - 1969
Hicock, Catherine  1872 - 1965
Hicock, Charles  1874 - 1946
Hicock, Clinton  1876 - 1957
Hicock, Fletcher  1917 - 2001
Hicock, G. F.  1882 - 1916
Hicock, George Washington  1844 - 1932
Hicock, Lydia  1839 - 1916
Hicock, Margaret  1882 - 1966
Hicock, Mary Helen  1914 - 1974
Hicock, Norman  1913 - 1968
Hicock, Vernon  1908 - 1990
Higgins, Arthur  died 1931
Higgins, Garner  1906 - 1986 hus of Lilla
Higgins, Lilla (nee Wall)  1911 - 12 Jul 2002 dau of William & Edith
Higgins, Margaret Chatterson  died 1960
Higgins, Palmer Eastman  1897 - 1913
Higgins, William Alexander  1866 - 1930
Hill, Charlotte  1880 - 1914 wife of Walter
Hill, Court  1942 - 1994
Hill, Jean  1905 - 1975
Hill, Mary  H.  1869 - 1896
Hill, Mary  S.  1893 - 1961
Hill, Robert  1929 - 1991
Hill, Sarah Edna  1912 - 1996
Hill, Thomas  1895 - 1953
Hill, W. (infant) 
Hill, Walter  1909 - 1984
Hill, Walter T.  1869 - 1956
Hillcox, Alexander  1866 - 1931
Hillcox, Archibald James  1894 - 1938
Hillcox, Isabella  1865 - 1939
Hintz, Anna  1903 - 1986
Hintz, Elsie Rose  26 Mar 1941 - 4 Nov 2013 wife of Ernie
Hintz, Emil  1897 - 1975
Hintz, Ernie  1930 - 1996
Hintz, Henry  1901 - 1980
Hintz, Johanna  1903 - 1991
Hoehn, Amanda  1880 - 1964
Holloway, Alexander  1889 - 1955
Holloway, Dakota Aron  7 Feb 1994 - 30 Sep 2014 son of Allan & Susan
Holloway, Dorothy  1901 - 1998
Holloway, Helene Emily  10 Sep 1925 - 31 May 2011 wife of George
Holloway, Marjorie  1929 - 1946
Holloway, Ruth  1937 - 2002
Holloway, (infant)  died 1923
Hooper, Adeline  1879 - 1964
Hooper, William S.  1863 - 1938
Hopper, Marion A.  1878 - 1955
Hopper, William  1884 - 1968
Hopper, William Keith  1915 - 1990
Howship, Ethel  1880 - 1967
Howship, N.  died 1943
Hull, Annie  16 Nov 1916 - 30 Nov 2016 wife of Willmot
Hull, Willmot  
Hunt, Mary  1875 - 1953
Hunt, Stewart  1906 - 1964
Hunter, Isabel  1848 - 1930
Hunter, John  1855 - 1936
Hussey, Elsie  1906 - 1991
Hussey, Ralph  1894 - 1976
Hutchinson, Burton  1920 - 1988
Hutchinson, Charles  1888 - 1957
Hutchinson, Emily  1860 - 1945
Hutchinson, Mabel  1905 - 2000
Hutchinson, Maude  1894 - 1989
Hutchinson, Robert  1859 - 1947
Hutchinson, Sydney  1898 - 1981
Hutchinson, Vivian  1922 - 1931
Hutley, Elizabeth  died 1928
Hutton, Ellen G.  1867 - 1947
Hyde, George  1828 - 1897
Hyde, Jane  1822 - 1903

Ikert, Anna  1884 - 1976
Ikert, Eric  1914 - 2002
Ikert, Florence Eileen  12 May 1923 - 30 Jan 2011 wife of Teofil
Ikert, Joseph  1878 - 1938
Ikert, Ludwig 'Louis'  1909 - 1992
Ikert, Ronald  1917 - 1957
Ikert, Teofil  1920 - 1999
Ikert, (infant) died 1943

Jacobi, Diane  1940 - 1970
Janzen, John Henry  1904 - 1984
Johnson, David James  1906 - 1984
Johnson, Ella May  1906 - 1965
Johnson, Eva  1877 - 1944
Johnson, Mary Pamela Garland  1868 - 1939
Johnson, William  1871 - 1963
Johnston, Henrietta  1896 - 1920
Jones, Cecilia  1864 - 1946
Jones, John T.  1883 - 1953
Jones, Lawrence  died 2005
Jones, Margaret 'Peggy'  1933 - 1997
Jones, Sarah  1830 - 1907
Jones, Thomas  1831 - 1903
Jones, Thomas  1864 - 1937
Jones, William  1903 - 1930
Jones, William Bert  1959 - 1992
Jones, Winnifred  1888 - 1976

Kadas, Steven Wesley  1925 - 1927
Kempin, Adolf  1906 - 1990
Kempin, Adolf  3 Sep 1926 - 15 Dec 2012 hus of Edith
Kempin, Harold  1932 - 1995
Kempin, Reinhold  1900 - 1940
Kempin, Wanda (nee Hoehn)  25 Mar 1916 - 1 May 2013 wife of Adolf
Kennedy, Robert George  1876 - 1919
Kent, Burchard  1878 - 1951
Kent, Douglas  1922 - 1993
Kent, Minnie  1894 - 1973
Kershaw, David  died 1937
Kershaw, Elizabeth  1918 - 1985
Kershaw, Joseph  1857 - 1929
Kershaw, Maryanne  died 1931
Kershaw, Roland  1898 - 1980
Kidd, Elizabeth  1840 - 1909
Kidd, Emma  1883 - 1891
Kidd, Frances  1879 - 1946
Kidd, J. (infant)  died 1908
Kidd, James  1887 - 1948
Kidd, John  1870 - 1920
Kidd, John  1830 - 1902
Kidd, Margaret (nee Boyd)  1891 - 1951 wife of James
Kidd, Muriel  1883 - 1974
Kindlein, Albert Richard  1912 - 1975
Kindlein, Gustav  1879 - 1945
Kindlein, Mary Emily  1917 - 1981
Kindlein, Olga  1892 - 1981
Kindlein, William Raymond  15 Oct 1944 - 10 Dec 2009
King, Herbert  1896 - 1967
Kinley, Jemima  1839 - 1904
Kinley, Mary  1813 - 1887
Kinley, Richard  1832 - 1914
Klinger, E. (infant)  died 1932
Klinger, Elizabeth  1926 - 1997
Klinger, Emil  1896 - 1989
Klinger, Eric  1927 - 1984
Klinger, Richard Nelson  1949 - 1969
Klinger, Ursula  1894 - 1989
Knowles, Ellen J.  1882 - 1920
Knowles, James  1862 - 1918
Knowles, John A. C.  1903 - 1986
Knowles, Julia M.  1854 - 1916
Knuth, Emilie  1874 - 1957
Knuttila, Lawrence 'Larry'  1941 - 1995
Krembel, Olga  1897 - 1963
Kruger, Arthur  1923 - 1949
Kryger, Emma (nee Beier)  4 Aug 1927 - 28 Mar 2015 dau of Michael & Paulina
Kryger, Louis (infant)  died 1951 son of Louis Sr. & Emma
Kryger, Louis Sr.  1925 - 1995 
Kryger, Louis W. E.  1957 - 1975 son of Louis Sr. & Emma
Kydd, Alice  1868 - 1958
Kydd, Charles  1848 - 1920
Kydd, David  1879 - 1939
Kydd, Hector  1886 - 1920
Kydd, Margaret Isabel  1882 - 1932
Kydd, Margaret Westcott  1829 - 1912
Kydd, Robert Donald  1946 - 1950

Lamont, Hector  1875 - 1934
Lange, Adolf  1898 - 1973
Lange, Linda  1906 - 1983
Langford, George  1889 - 1967
Langford, Mary  died 2004
Lavis, James  1860 - 1932
Lockstein, Frederick  1910 - 1931
Loomes, Cecil  1911 - 1961
Loomes, Garry F. (infant)  died 1949
Loraas, Margaret Ann (nee Nixon)  27 May 1941 - 26 Sep 2007 dau of Arthur & Jean

MacDiarmid, John Edward  1917 - 1993
MacDonald, Debra Lynn  1959 - 1961
MacDonald, John  1917 - 1990
MacDonald, Warren John  1957 - 1961
MacDougall, (infant), died 1918
MacPherson, Douglas Malcolm  1950 - 1982
MacPherson, George Angus  9 Jul 1917 - 5 Aug 2010 hus of Grace
MacPherson, Grace  1918 - 1979
MacPherson, Hazel (nee Hill)  6 Mar 1904 - 7 Nov 2002 dau of Walter & Charlotte
MacPherson, Hilda  1916 - 2003
MacPherson, Johanna  1881 - 1972
MacPherson, John K.  1879 - 1968
MacPherson, Kenneth Roderick  1922 - 25 Jul 2001 hus of Mildred, son of John & Johanna
MacPherson, Lachlan  1897 - 1958 hus of Hazel
MacPherson, Lesley  1953 - 1997
MacPherson, M. G.  1907 - 1990
MacPherson, Mildred Bernice (nee Scott)  19 Apr 1933 - 10 Jul 2012 dau of Clarence & Elsie
MacPherson, Troy  Devon  1977 - 2001
Macrone, Alexander  1873 - 1948
Macrone, Christina  1872 - 1944
Macrone, Hugh  1903 - 1993
Macrone, Isabel  1907 - 1995
Macrone, James  1907 - 1988
Macrone, Kathleen  1905 - 1994
Maddock, Barbara  1904 - 1992
Maddock, Phoebe  1870 - 1950
Maddock, Solomon  1866 - 1935
Maddock, William  1891 - 1968
Mahon, George  1878 - 1945
Mahon, Violet  1878 - 1950
Markham, Edith  1881 - 1976
Markham, Frank  1882 - 1967
Markham, George Francis  17 Jul 1912 - 26 Nov 1982 son of Frank & Edith
Markham, Sarah Evelyn 'Eva' (nee Nixon)  15 Mar 1913 - 10 Jun 2004 dau of Thomas & Florence
Marr, Hannah  died 1950
Marr, John  1846 - 1932
Marshall, Annie  1860 - 1931
Marshall, Percival  1888 - 1969
Marshall, Thomas H.  1882 - 1939
Marshall, Thomas S.  1853 - 1937
Marshall, Thomas William  1886 - 1931
Marsland, Walter  1877 - 1971
Marten, Alexander  1891 - 1952
Marten, Guy (twin)  died 1943
Marten, Jessica  1918 - 1968
Marten, Lionel (infant)  died 1942
Marten, Ralph (twin)  died 1943
Marten, Sydney  1914 - 1926
Martin, Ann Livingstone  1820 - 1910
Martin, Bessie I. (infant)  died 1911
Martin, David (infant)  died 1897
Martin, David Jr.  1861 - 1884
Martin, David Sr.  1822 - 1897
Martin, Ellen  1896 - 1989
Martin, George  died 2004
Martin, George L. (infant)  died 1905
Martin, George Livingstone  1858 - 1941
Martin, Grace Patricia (infant)  died 1937
Martin, Kendal  1899 - 1984
Martin, Marie  died 2004
Martin, Sarah Elizabeth  1872 - 1952
Martin, William L.
Mathew, Annie  1864 - 1886
McAdie, John  1886 - 1907
McCarthy, Dennis J.  1928 - 1996
McCutcheon, Kelly James  18 Sep 1968 - 1992 son of Royce & Patricia
McCutcheon, Patricia Jean (nee Nixon)  15 Dec 1944 - 13 Feb 2016 dau of Arthur & Jean
McCutcheon, Royce Barry  23 May 1945 - 5 Jan 2016 son of Lorne & Lillian
McDonald, Donald  1867 - 1917
McDonald, Hazel  1910 - 1958
McDonald, Lloyd  1895 - 1903
McDonald, Mary Catherine  1873 - 1942
McDonald, Roderick  1902 - 1987
McDougall, D. Lupe  1878 - 1969
McDougall, Donald  1874 - 1964
McDougall, Duncan  1867 - 1957
McDougall, Ethel Rose  1899 - 1946
McFadyen, Aline L.  1912 - 1994
McFadyen, Daniel I.  1894 - 1984
McFadyen, John C.  1925 - 2000
McFadyen, John L.  1879 - 1954
McFadyen, Lachlan  1906 - 1982
McFadyen, Mary  1914 - 1993
McFadyen, Neil  1875 - 1956
McFarlane, George  1889 - 1968
McFarlane, Marion  1897 - 1960
McFarlane, Robert  1872 - 1947
McGimpsey, Stanley Thomas  17 Mar 1927 - 18 Jan 2010 hus of Helen
McGougan, Elizabeth  1886 - 1942
McGougan, Neil  1885 - 1968
McKinstry, Robert  1878 - 1948
McLeish, James W. (infant)  died 1940
McNeillie, Orval  died 1933
McNeillie, Ruby Irene  1924 - 1928
McPherson, John N.  1910 - 1987
McPherson, Lachlan  died 1963
McPherson, Velma C.  1928 - 1969
McRae, Christina A.  1867 - 1970
McRae, Farquhar  1874 - 1956
McRury, Angus  1883 - 1960
McRury, Gordon, 1933 - 1990
McRury, Lilly  1914 - 1985
Meiklejohn, Ellen  1823 - 1897
Meiklejohn, John  1803 - 1900
Merrell, A. Carlotta  1898 - 1911
Metheral, Robert W.  1862 - 1940
Miller, Blanche Edna  1881 - 1973
Miller, David  1840 - 1907
Miller, Elizabeth  1883 - 1957
Miller, Herbert  1876 - 1955
Miller, Janet  1842 - 1932
Miller, Walter  1879 - 1975
Miller, William John  1880 - 1962
Mitchell, Isabella  1887 - 1972
Mitchell, Joseph  1881 - 1961
Mitchell, Mrs. Samuel  1849 - 1900
Mitchell, Samuel  1840 - 1928
Montgomery, Bernice  1913 - 1989
Montgomery, Bessie  1922 - 2001
Montgomery, Douglas  died 2003
Montgomery, Lloyd  1917 - 2005
Montgomery, Margaret  1892 - 1977
Montgomery, Mortimer H.  1878 - 1956
Montgomery, Ralph  1928 - 1989
Montgomery, Rick  18 Aug 1949 - 5 Oct 2012 hus of Pat
Montgomery, Roberta (nee Dean)  9 Mar 1926 -
Montgomery, Ross Harp  1 Dec 1921 - 17 Aug 1996 hus of Roberta
Moore, Harry Alexander  died 1944
Morris, Agnes 'Dot'  1906 - 1973
Morris, Elizabeth  1868 - 1933
Morris, Herbert  1866 - 1953
Morris, Herbert E. 'Bert'  1901 - 1984
Morris, James  1866 - 1930
Morris, Pamela Elaine  2 Oct 1936 - 12 Aug 2003 dau of Herbert & Agnes
Morris, Rose  1864 - 1935
Morrison, Andrew Leeds  1899 - 1969
Morrison, Andrew T.  1860 - 1936
Morrison, Bertha (infant)  died 1904
Morrison, C. P. Lawrence (infant)  died 1910
Morrison, Elizabeth  1867 - 1915
Morrison, Flora M.  1903 - 1935
Morrison, George (infant)  died 1900
Morrison, George H.  1857 - 1912
Morrison, Jemima W.  1867 - 1954
Morrison, M. L. 'Don'  1933 - 1997
Morrison, Marion (infant)  died 1934
Morrison, Marjory  1861 - 1950
Morrison, Pretoria  1900 - 1903
Morrison, William S.  1847 - 1920
Morton, Ian  1912 - 1963 hus of Jean
Morton, Jean Elizabeth (nee Kidd)  1917 - 30 Oct 2010 dau of James & Margaret
Mundell, Bertha Higgins (infant)  died 1923
Mundy, Eric Arnold Victor  1922 - 1923
Murray, Allan
Murray, Annie 'Nell'  died 1934
Murray, Fannie  1912 - 2004
Murray, James  1840 - 1909
Murray, James 'Jim'  died 1945
Murray, Jean S. S.  1885 - 1982
Murray, John  1870 - 1916
Murray, Lola  1913 - 1942
Murray, Lorne George  1940 - 1978
Murray, Verena (nee Wilson)  died 8 Apr 2004
Murray, William  1908 - 1991 hus of Verena
Murray, William 'Will'  died 1937
Murray, William L.  1884 - 1966

Nelles, Douglas  died 2004
Nelles, Esther  1898 - 1960
Nelles, Leonard T. (infant)  1933
Nelles, Lonsdale  1849 - 1936
Nelles, Thomas  1890 - 1959
Nevile, Cavendish  1835 - 1907
Nevile, Mary  1837 - 1901
Nichol, Alec Livingstone  died 1946
Nichol, David Rusell  died 1930
Nichol, John
Nichol, William  1855 - 1916
Nicholson, Albert  1877 - 1936
Nicholson, Mary  1880 - 1967
Nixon, Alvin Thomas  21 Mar 1902 - 23 Jun 1939 son of Thomas & Florence
Nixon, Arthur James  1909 - 2000 son of Thomas & Florence
Nixon, Charles Kendal  15 Jul 1904 - 18 Nov 1977 hus of Clara Ricci
Nixon, Colin Robert  11 Nov 1955 - 14 Apr 2013 son of Martin & Carrie
Nixon, David Garth (infant)  died 1943
Nixon, Delbert Arthur  5 Aug 1939 - 4 Oct 2013 hus of Sharon, son of Arthur & Jean
Nixon, Donald James  13 Mar 1943 - 24 Feb 1944 son of Arthur & Jean
Nixon, E. Roy  1908 - 1997
Nixon, Eveline  1912 - 1997
Nixon, Flora Isabelle (nee Martin)  21 Sep 1902 - 10 Mar 1979 wife of Alvin
Nixon, Florence (nee Millham)  2 Oct 1882 - 19 May 1952 dau of Charles & Sarah
Nixon, Jane T.  1851 - 1932
Nixon, Jean  1909 - 20 Feb 2003 wife of George Nixon & Rod McDonald
Nixon, John  1874 - 1910
Nixon, John E.  1903 - 1920
Nixon, Judith Dawn  1957 - 2002 dau of Martin & Carrie
Nixon, Kendal  1904 - 1919
Nixon, Kendal L.  1879 - 1957
Nixon, Kendal Sr.  1854 - 1925
Nixon, Lena Caroline  1880 - 1939
Nixon, M. Jean (nee Fergusson)  1919 - 2002 dau of Robert & Maggie
Nixon, Martin Alvin  5 Apr 1930 - 19 Jan 2014 hus of Carrie Fergusson, son of Alvin & Flora
Nixon, May L.  1914 - 2001
Nixon, Myrtle  1882 - 1904
Nixon, Nichol  1906 - 2003
Nixon, Robert Albert  8 Jan 1906 - 2 Nov 1981 son of Thomas & Florence
Nixon, Sarah Evelyn (nee Schmidt)  1910 - 1998 wife of Robert
Nixon, Thomas Thornthwaite  1 Mar 1876 - 20 Dec 1965 son of Kendal
Nixon, William N.  May 1909 - Jan 1929 son of Robert & Elizabeth
Nixon, William Nicholson  1892 - 1905
Northwood, Edgar  1883 - 1968
Northwood, Florence  1849 - 1921
Northwood, George  died 1934
Northwood, Reginald  died 1953
Northwood, Robert  1844 - 1916
Nugent, Caroline  1896 - 1907
Nugent, George  1894 - 1901
Nurse, John Elijah  1915 - 1917
Nurse, Rose  1892 - 1970
Nurse, (infant)  died 1926

Obre, Allan  1890 - 1979
Obre, Arthur  died 1957
Obre, Charles Henry  1856 - 1928
Obre, James  died 1948
Obre, John  1900 - 1978
Obre, Mary  died 1928
Obre, Mildred  1906 - 1989
Obre, Nellie  died 1991
Osborne, Elma  1905 - 1988
Osborne, John  1886 - 1952
Overholt, Charles  1874 - 1923
Overholt, Hazel (infant)  died 1904

Pickford, Frances Clara (nee Smith)  15 Aug 1867 - 26 Feb 1957
Pickford, Tom  21 Apr 1866 - 9 Feb 1935
Pierce, Jack Beaumont (infant)  died 1903
Pipke, Sophia  1905 - 1968
Pipke, Wilhelm  1893 - 1974
Pitcher, Elizabeth  1887 - 1903
Pong, Wong  1877 - 1971
Powell, James  1857 - 1938
Powell, Margaret  1863 - 1950
Pranke, Emil A.  1904 - 1981
Pranke, Godfried  1911 - 1986
Pranke, Gustav  1871 - 1956
Pranke, Martha  1908 - 1993
Pranke, Oscar  23 Mar 2010 age 72 son of Emil & Martha
Pranke, Peter  1894 - 1960
Purdey, Mary  1887 - 1975
Purdey, Walter  1875 - 1947

Rae, Clara  1878 - 1971
Rae, Eleanor (infant)  died 1901
Rae, Gerald  1909 - 1918
Rae, James (infant)  died 1906
Rae, William  1875 - 1941
Rawson, Emily  1862 - 1923
Rawson, George  1850 - 1924
Rawson, Hanna Maria  1876 - 1929
Rawson, HenryJames  1884 - 1918
Reed, Eliza  1872 - 1959
Reed, William Henry  1869 - 1936
Reid, Allen Robert  Nov 1921 - Mar 2007 son of Robert & Margaret
Reid, Margaret  1894 - 1985
Reid, Robert  1892 - 1951
Restau, Edmund  1908, 2001
Restau, Henry M.  1965 - 1977
Restau, Jakob  1911 - 1991
Restau, Jakob   1878 - 1963
Restau, Johanna  1922, 2002
Restau, Otylie  1906 - 1972 wife of Edmund
Restau, Reinhardt  1933 - 1991
Restau, Robert  1920 - 1992
Restau, Rosamunde  1884 - 1973
Restau, Vivian (nee Paice)  25 Apr 1950 - 16 Aug 2014 wife of Kenneth, dau of George & Beatrice
Restau, Walter Edmund  24 Mar 1930 - 5 Sep 2010 hus of Marilyn
Richter, Emil W.  1905 - 1963
Richter, Julia  1907 - 1974
Rickman, Ada  1878 - 1913
Rickman, Annie  1854 - 1912
Rickman, Edward  1902 - 1905
Rickman, Effie  died 1941
Rickman, Ruby  1910 - 1992
Rickman, Henry  H.  1875 - 1950
Roberts, Arthur  1850 - 1914
Roberts, Isabella (nee Ashton)  1865 - 1934 dau of William & Margaret
Roberts, Kathleen M.  1905 - 1908
Roberts, Patricia  1900 - 1911
Robertson, Caroline M.  1884 - 1971
Robertson, Donald  1867 - 1945
Robertson, George L.  1879 - 1963
Robertson, Gertrude  1897 - 1968
Robertson, John  1894 - 1984
Robertson, John  1872 - 1951
Robertson, Margaret Inglis  1854 - 1932
Robinson, Annie  1883 - 1955
Robinson, Annie Mary Barnes  1885 - 1914
Robinson, Elizabeth  1849 - 1921
Robinson, G. Eustace  1864 - 1904
Robinson, Jane  1853 - 1936
Robinson, L.W. Kay  1876 - 1945
Robinson, Percy  1856 - 1934
Rogers, Lillie  1886 - 1976
Rogers, Tommy  1876 - 1925
Rowe, Ann Jane Currie  1860 - 1938
Rowell, John  1855 - 1932
Rowell, Sarah  1849 - 1919

Salo, Arvo  1917 - 1955
Salo, Garth  1950 - 1982
Schinbein, Barry  1960 - 1992
Schinbein, Edmund  2 Oct 2006 age 78 hus of Edith
Schinkel, Ella  1920 - 1998
Schinkel, Erwin  1912 - 1980
Schinkel, John R.  1878 - 1940
Schmidt, Elizabeth  died 1931
Schmidt, Kurt  1924 - 2004
Schmidt, Laurence K.  1945 - 1976
Schmidt, Linda  3 Aug 1925 - 25 Jun 2013 wife of Kurt
Schmidt, Sarah E.  1877 - 1951
Schmidt, William  1873 - 1961
Schoepp, Bruno  22 Apr 1930 - 25 Jun 2010
Schoepp, Helmut L.  1919 - 1998
Schoepp, Henry E.  1916 - 1994
Schoepp, Ludwig  1886 - 1962
Schoepp, Minna  1890 - 1980
Schoepp, William Waldomar 'Willie'  10 Sep 2006 age 81
Schoepp, Walter  died 1981
Schroeder, August  1894 - 1963
Schutz, Helen R.  1882 - 1975
Schutz, William  1865 - 1940
Scoffham, Charlotte  1885 - 1966
Scoffham, Emily  1846 - 1929
Scoffham, William  1841 - 1894
Scott, Alice Gertrude  10 Jun 1930 - 20 Jun 2005 dau of Clarence & Elsie
Scott, Clarence B.  1896 - 1963
Scott, Elsie E. E. (nee Johnson)  1903 - 1997
Seymour, W. B.  1857 - 1938
Shand, Clare  1894 - 1954
Shand, George  1884 - 1957
Shaw, Agnes Haney  1826 - 1889
Shaw, Edith A.  1867 - 1941
Shaw, John Andrew  1891 - 1945
Shaw, Samuel   1857 - 1928
Sherman, Charles  1867 - 1933
Sherron, Loy  1904 - 1978
Shouldice, Mary  1885 - 1979
Shouldice, Sam  1880 - 1949
Silvius, Lena  1927 - 1998
Silvius, Ora Dell  1915 - 1994
Skiba, Floyd Fredrick  20 Feb 1947 - 3 Apr 2011 hus of Val Nixon, son of John & Hilda
Skiba, Hilda  1920 - 1994
Skiba, John  1908 - 1966
Skiba, Johnnie (infant)  died 1951
Skiba, Robert (infant)  died 1952
Skiba, Wayne Wesley  12 Jun 1945 - 24 Feb 2008 hus of Lois
Skoyen, Doris  1927 - 1995
Skoyen, Norman  1925 - 1988
Skoyen, Norman Eric  2 Jan 1959 - 5 Dec 2006 son of Norman & Doris
Slater, George D. R.  1938 - 1986
Smith, Annie  1883 - 1970 wife of Robert
Smith, John  1872 - 1956
Smith, John William 'Bill'  1913 - 1991
Smith, Margaret  1871 - 1935
Smith, Robert Carson  1922 - 1988
Smith, Robert Cook  1917 - 1986
Smith, Robert M.  1881 - 1961
Smith, (infant)
Smithers, Herbert  1884 - 1939
Smithers, Millie A.  1874 - 1945
Smithson, Fannie  1865 - 1957
Smithson, Frank  1866 - 1941
Smithson, George  died 1939
Smithson, Louisa  1903 - 1963
Sommerfeld, John  1887 - 1973
Sommerfeld, Natalie  1897 - 1989
Sornsen, Robert  1912 - 1987
Speedie, James Thompson  1919 - 1975
Spence, Andrew  1884 - 1954
Spence, Garry L.  1949 - 1968
Spence, Jane  1888 - 1968
Spence, Marguerite G. L.  1927 - 1965
Spence, Marion  1925 - 1929
Spence, Melvin T.  1924 - 1997
Spiers, Agnes  1854 - 1909
Spiers, Alexander  1885 - 1967
Spiers, Annie  1890 - 1973
Spiers, Grace  1887 - 1978
Spiers, James  1858 - 1937
Spiers, John  1894 - 1982
Springer, Allan Karl  1958 - 1960
Stefan, Adolf  1893 - 1981
Stefan, Edmund  1919 - 1993
Stefan, Emelia  1898 - 1963
Steffano, Gertrude  1894 - 1943
Steffano, John  1877 - 1960
Steffensen, Helen G.  1912 - 1971
Steffensen, Henry P.  1899 - 1990
Steinke, Adolf  1899 - 1977
Steinke, Albert T.  1901 - 1990
Steinke, Balson (infant)  died 1952
Steinke, Elda  1956 - 1994
Steinke, Emilie  1893 - 1969
Steinke, Gustav  1894 - 1970
Steinke, Juliana  1870 - 1951
Steinke, Mary  8 Jan 1925 - 18 Aug 2013 wife of Ed
Steinke, Minnie  died 1948
Steinke, Natalie  1906 - 1993
Steinke, Olga  1920 - 12 Jun 2002 wife of Albert
Steinke, Otto George  1930 - 1989
Steinke, Robert  1913 - 1987
Steinke, Rudolf  1903 - 1998
Steinke, Wanda  1902 - 1983
Steinke, Wanda  1905 - 1968
Stensall, Lester  died 1922
Stevenson, Alice Lilian  1902 - 1985
Stevenson, Carmel Elizabeth (infant)  died 1967
Stevenson, Irene  1862 - 1921
Stevenson, W. D.  1855 - 1930
Stewart, Mary Jane Clements  1852 - 1934
Stewart, Wallace  1930 - 1996
Story, Ruth  1879 - 1955
Story, William  1878 - 1926
Street, Evelyn J.  1884 - 1918
Sundquist, Evelyn  1908 - 1994
Sundquist, Gustaf  1907 - 1995
Sundquist, Ivan  1931 - 1992
Sundquist, Leonard  died 1998
Surridge, Agnes  1869 - 1960
Surridge  Agnes Kydd (infant)  died 1939
Surridge, Agnes Rose (infant)  died 1901
Surridge, Frederick  1896 - 1982
Surridge, Kathleen  1898 - 1986
Surridge, Marjorie  1905 - 1997
Surridge, Rebecca Ethel (nee Bradley)  21 Jun 1897 - 15 Apr 1966
Surridge, Richard  1911 - 1998
Surridge, Samuel  1867 - 1945
Surridge, William  1895 - 1982
Switzer, Agnes Jane  1875 - 1958
Switzer, Arthur D.  1903 - 1981
Switzer, Emma May  1910 - 1974
Switzer, Florence  1897 - 1979
Switzer, Howard  1896 - 1977
Switzer, Jane  1891 - 1985
Switzer, Robert  1886 - 1953
Switzer, Robert J.  1866 - 1923
Switzer, Stuart Allan  16 Mar 1943 age 21 son of Howard & Florence
Switzer, William Allan  1860 - 1945
Sykes, Sara Fraser  1889 - 1936
Symons, Annie  1862 - 1951
Symons, Harold  1853 - 1935
Symons, Jane  1882 - 1912
Symons, Teddy  1923 - 1926

Talmay, Bert  1873 - 1953
Talmay, Caroline  1843 - 1907
Talmay, Henry  1874 - 1939
Talmay, Lizzie  1877 - 1944
Talmay, Pearl  1886 - 1950
Talmay, Richard  1843 - 1921
Talmay, William Horton  1912 - 1992
Tetlock, Rosalie  1891 - 1975
Tetlock, (infant)  died 1946
Thompson, Catharine  1893 - 1967
Thompson, Elizabeth  1912 - 1951
Thompson, George  1890 - 1986
Thompson, John  1856 - 1931
Thompson, Katie Louise  1886 - 1963
Thompson, Laura  1858 - 1947
Thompson, Lydia Rosamunda (nee Restau)  7 Jun 1932 - 5 Aug 2011 wife of Ken, dau of Edmund & Otylie
Thompson, Maggie May  1912 - 1917
Thompson, Margaret  1863 - 1920
Thompson, Mary Jane  died 1943
Thompson, Norman  1891 - 1962
Thompson, Thomas George  1871 - 1958
Thompson, Wilbert 'Bert'  1925 - 1993
Thompson, William  1860 - 1938
Thomson, Barbara  1824 - 1894
Thomson, John  1867 - 1896
Thorn, Everett L.  1898 - 1981 son of Linden & Mary
Thorn, George Linden  1877 - 1950
Thorn, Lawrence 'Harry'  1900 - 1976
Thorn, Marion Elva  1903 - 1923
Thorn, Mary Elizabeth (nee Dixon)  1880 - 13 Mar 1971
Thorn, Violet Alice (nee Gordon)  26 Mar 1902 - 16 Jul 1982 dau of George & Alice
Tindale, Martha Jane  1885 - 1943
Tocher, John Cameron  1874 - 1964
Tocher, Marion  1874 - 1951
Tocher, Sidney  1900 - 1907
Trask, Edward  1873 - 1953
Trask, Rosa Lee  1877 - 1942
Tudge, Elizabeth Hinksman  1846 - 1908
Tudge, Sarah  1872 - 1950
Tudge, Stanley  1906 - 1914
Tudge, William  1848 - 1930

Ulmer, Katie  1907 - 1983
Ulmer, Louis  1900 - 1962
Ulmer, Ludwig  1901 - 1962
Underhill, R. P. (infant)  died 1932

Vennard, Ethel  1912 - 1959
Vennard, Murry  1947 - 1959
Vennard, William  1910 - 1999
Vis, Herman  1881 - 1961 hus of Alice Millham
Voelpel, Elsie  1913 - 1935

Wales, Ellen  1870 - 1900
Wales, Mary  1845 - 1916
Walker, Sarah Tudge (infant)  died 1901
Walsh Rose Ethel McDougall  1923 - 1987
Ward, Ada  1894 - 1958
Ward, Caroline  1887 - 1967
Ward, Edward Steven  1911 - 1994
Ward, Edward Stevens  1888 - 1896
Ward, Frederick G.  1856 - 1909
Ward, Frederick T.  1880 - 1950
Ward, Hugh G.  1883 - 1944
Ward, Hugh Thomas  1919 - 1959
Ward, Mary Jane  died 1923
Weslowski, Anna Maria  1891 - 1965
Weslowski, Eli  1936 - 1961
Weslowski, Fred W.  1890 - 1960
Wheeler, George  1883 - 1959
Wheeler, Lilla  1886 - 1975
Whitlock, John  1900 - 1937
Wilkes, Harry  died 1950
Williams, David Howard (infant)  died 1905
Wilson, Annie  died 1935
Wilson, John George  1885 - 1959
Wilson, Violet S.  1886 - 1964
Wilson, William  1852 - 1899
Wojnowski, Helen  1896 - 1948
Wong Pong, Wong  1877 - 1971
Woodhead, Clara  1869 - 1962
Woodhead, Robert  1868 - 1937
Woodhead, William Martin  1892 - 1960
Wotton, Frances Mary  1906 - 1989
Wotton, John E.  1882 - 1965
Wushke, Adolf  1901 - 1982
Wushke, Albert  25 May 2004 age 70 hus of Mary Mae
Wushke, Emily  1908 - 1999
Wushke, Eric  3 Nov 1926 - 30 Jul 2009 hus of Mary
Wushke, Frieda  1929 - 1982
Wutzke, Bruno  1925 - 1933
Wutzke, Ferdinand  1899 - 1933
Wutzke, Helena Martha  1929 - 1933

Young, Annie  1879 - 1949
Young, Peter  1881 - 1950
Young, Robert  1919 - 1997
Young, Ruby  1922 - 1997

Zazalack, Clara  1916 - 1986
Zazalack, George  1913 - 1993

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