St. Paul's Cemetery
Wapella district

R.M. of Martin # 122   SW 18-14-33 W1
GPS   50.183823°N   102.002450°W
First burial in 1883, 165 burials by 2000

Transcribed & partially photographed by David & Carole Poll , Calgary, AB. August 16, 2001
Photographed by Alison Glass
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo

Adamson, Jane M. B.  Dec 25, 1892 age 22 yrs 2 mos, wife of George
Adamson, George  1861 - 1944
Agnew, Maggie A.  Nov 19, 1897 age 12 yrs 7 mos	
Agnew, Robert  1892
Armstrong, Sarah Jane  Dec 27, 1896 age 20 yrs 6 mos, wife of Milton Jefferson
Armstrong, Thomas  Jul 31, 1882 age 61
Armstrong, Susan Tate  Jun 16, 1889 age 90

Barrett, Joseph H.  Sep 11, 1917 age 58
Bartleman, William G.  Sept 2, 1862 - Jan 12, 1923
Bartleman, Joseph H.  May 11, 1871 - Jan 12, 1927
Bartleman, Jane  Apr 30, 1920 age 65 yrs 9 mos, wife of Archibald
Bartleman, Archibald  Nov 27, 1907 age 73
Black, Donald  Dec 20, 1895 age 2 yrs 10 mos, son of Donald & Marion
Bryce, (baby)
Bryce, Catherine  1862 - 1938
Bryce, William  1861 - 1931
Bryce, George  1882 - 1913	
Bryce, Lorne D.  1942 - 1976
Bryce, David S.  1900 - 1986
Bryce, Frances  1902 - 1993
Burge, Mary Norma  1901 - 1994
Butler, John J.  Oct 16, 1892 age 47
Butler, Mary Frances (nee McDermott)  Jul 2, 1888 age 40
Butler, Violet Mary  Sep 2, 1885 age 7 dau of John & Mary	

Campbell, Angus  1861 - 1934
Campbell, Angus & Christina
Campbell, Christina  1865 - 1952
Campbell, Alex  Mar 30, 1897 age 15 mos
Campbell, Daniel  Oct 1, 1912 age 46

Dalgleish, Simon  Jul 17, 1894 age 33

Ekert, Paul  Nov 24, 1919 - 				
Ekert, Flora E. (nee MacKay)  Jun 3, 1933- Jul 8, 1995

Ferguson, John  Jun 6, 1830 - Aug 7, 1902
Ferguson, Catherine  Nov 9, 1882 - Jul 28, 1883

Garrett, Jane S.  Oct 10, 1897 wife of Charles Wm.
Gibson, Elizabeth  Nov 1918
Gibson, Henry  Mar 10, 1911 age 60
Girvin, Frances Anne (nee Hazelwood)  Jul 15, 1851 - Aug 11, 1938 dau of John & Ann	
Girvin, Eva
Girvin, David George  Feb 6, 1897 - Mar 18, 1952 son of James & Frances
Girvin, James  Apr 4, 1849 - Sep 26, 1919 hus of Frances
Guest, Reginald  1924 - 2000
Guest, Charles E.  1883 - 1953
Guest, Beatrice  1894 - 1982
Guest, Reginald, Charles & Beatrice  (2nd photo)

Hazeldine, Harry Albert  Feb 20, 1893 age 18 yrs 7 mos
Hepburn, Mary (nee McIntosh)  Jan 10, 1919 age 29 wife of A. C. Hepburn

Littlemore, Louisa Beatrice  Mar 16, 1920 age 40 wife of Harry

MacLean, Mary  Nov 3, 1922 age 35 wife of Donald MacFadyen
MacDiarmid, Donald  Dec 25, 1849 - Jan 31, 1937
MacDiarmid, Jane  Apr 24, 1902 - Apr 26, 1902 dau of Donald & Jane
MacDiarmid, Jean Dolena  Feb 22, 1908 - Jan 10, 1909 dau of Donald & Jane
MacDiarmid, Jane (nee MacDonald)  Feb 15, 1949 age 84 wife of Donald
MacDonald, D.  1905
MacDonald, Helen  1896 wife of D.
MacDonald, Annie  1885 sister of D.
MacDonald, Marion  Aug 5, 1879 - Jul 1, 1938 wife of Malcolm
MacDonald, Mary Cameron  1899 - 1995
MacDonald, Christine Broughton  1900 - 1990 wife of Tony Broughton
MacDonald, Edna Marion DeGraaf  1919 - 1995
MacDonald, Mary  Sep 17, 1900 age 23 yrs 6 mos 7 days, dau of Lachlan & Effie
MacDonald, John  Jul 1, 1853 - Mar 13, 1913
MacDonald, Flora  1880 - 1972
MacDonald, Norman  1872 - 1967
MacDonald, Mervin (baby)
MacDonald, Mary Alexandria  1902 - 1974 dau of Norman
MacDonald, Flora  Mar 3, 1906 age 69 wife of John
MacKay, Donald  1864 - 1943	
MacKay, Flora  1862 - 1931
MacKay, Audrey Isabel  May 27, 1911 - Aug 27, 2007
MacKay, Lachlan R.  1904 - 1982
MacKay, John A.  died age 9 mos
MacKenzie, Peter F.  1859 - 1938
MacKenzie, Flora  1866 - 1944 wife of Peter
MacKenzie, Mary  1895 - 1923
MacKenzie, Mary Jane  1897 - 1915
Mackenzie, Kenneth (child)
MacKenzie, Donald K. (child)
MacKenzie, Marion (child)
MacKenzie, Vickie (child)
MacKenzie, Peter (child)
MacKenzie, Dugald  1893 - 1981
MacKenzie, Angus  1893 - 1967
MacKenzie, William  1891 - 1981
MacKenzie, Alex D.  son of Angus & Mary	
MacKenzie, James   son of Angus & Mary
MacPherson, Lachlan C.  1910 - 1947
McCready, Melissa Olive (nee Jefferson)  6 Nov 1862 - 13 Dec 1939 wife of W. T., dau of John & Mary
McDonald, Robert D.  Jun 18, 1957 - Sep 20, 2003
McDonald, Donald
McDonald, Annie Graham  Jan 25, 1919 age 37 yrs 11 mos, wife of Norman
McDonald, Jane  Feb 13, 1904 age 5 mos, dau of Norman & Annie
McDonald, Donald N.  24 Aug 1979 age 70
McDonald, Catherine  Mar 10, 1912 age 62 wife of Donald
McDonald, Uncle Ronald
McDonald, Niece Marion
McDonald, Donald  Sep 2, 1895 age 80
McDonald, Donald Norman  Jun 15, 1896 age 10 son of John & Christina
McDonald, Roderick  Sep 23, 1909 age 83
McDonald, Mary  May 8, 1926 age 91
McDonald, Donald  Jun 22, 1887 - Jun 10, 1950
McDonald, James  Oct 2, 1922 age 59
McDonald, Donald  Nov 6, 1880 - Jul 18, 1909 son of James & Catherine
McDonald, Norman  Jul 11, 1906 age 25
McFadyen, Donald
McFadyen, Donald V.  Feb 22, 1903 age 72
McFadyen, Donald Lane  Apr 19, 1865 - Apr 30, 1935
McFadyen, Christena  Aug 1873 - Feb 1956
McFadyen, Neil  Dec 23, 1916 age 45
McFadyen, Margaret  1870 - 1949
McFadyen, Effie  1872 - 1941 wife of H. H. Rickman
McFadyen, Effie (nee McLean)  Aug 16, 1910 age 72 wife of Neil
McFadyen, Donald  Dec 7, 1920 age 42
McFadyen, Flora  Aug 9, 1912 age 72
McFadyen, Mary (nee McLean)  Dec 3, 1914 age 23 wife of A. L.
McFadyen, Mary (nee McLean)  Nov 3, 1922 age 35 wife of Donald
McFadyen, Catharine  Jul 13, 1876 - Sep 23, 1954
McFadyen, John  1868 - 1920
McFadyen, Margaret  1874 - 1952
McFadyen, Catharine  1883 - 1963
McFadyen, Hector  1872 - 1947
McIntosh, Margaret (nee McDonald)  Jan 14, 1896 age 27 wife of Finlay
McIntosh, Angus  Jan 30, 1895 age 12 son of Finley & Margaret	
McKenzie, R. J.  Jun 5, 1897 - Nov 14, 1918 son of Angus & Mary
McKenzie, Mary C.  1906 - 1921
McKenzie, Lewis F.  1898 - 1898
McKenzie, Ailison M.  1903 - 1920
McLean, Hector  Dec 25, 1833 - Feb 4, 1897
McLeod, Catherine  Mar 13, 1912 age 62 wife of Donald
McLeod, Malcolm  May 1, 1912 age 35
McLeod, Donald  1920 age 26
McLeod, Roderick  1913 age 31
McRae, Effie (nee McFadyen)  Mar 15, 1877 - Jun 24, 1929 wife of Farquhar
McMillan, Rev. D. F.  Oct 1837 - May 1916
McMillan, Betsy  1840 - 1931
McMillan, Mary A.  1875 - 1953
McMillan, Hugh  1859 - 1932
McPherson, Lachlan  Sept 22, 1908 age 76
McPherson, Christina Nichelson  Feb 25, 1905 age 62 wife of Lachlan
McPherson, Margaret  July 13, 1901 age 22
McPherson, Murdoch (infant)  son of Lachlan & Christina
McPherson, Donald Archie  Oct 19, 1905 age 19 days, son of Donald & Marion
McPherson, John  Dec 24, 1908 age 5 yrs 9 mos, son of Donald & Marion
McPherson, Mary Ann  Jul 31, 1907 age 3 yrs, dau of Donald & Marion
McPherson, Margaret  Nov 30, 1900 age 2 yrs, dau of Donald & Marion
McPherson, Flora  Dec 24, 1900 age 5 mos, dau of Donald & Marion
McPherson, Donald A.  1869 - 1956	
McPherson, Marion  1868 - 1949
McPherson, (unknown)
McQueen, Mary A.  May 11, 1922 age 29 yrs 4 mos 8 days, dau of Donald & Margaret
McQueen, Neil  1902 - 1939	
McQueen, Margaret  1863 - 1939
McQueen, Donald Ewen  1859 - 1946
McQueen, Lachlan  Mar 17, 1889 age 2 yrs 5 mos, son of Donald & Margaret
McRury, Malcolm  Oct 3, 1915 age 76 yrs 4 mos
McRury, Maggie  Sep 6, 1894 age 44
McRury, Angus  1831 - 1884
Miller, Dannie Const.  1912 - 1935
Miller, George  1867 - 1918
Miller, (baby)  1910
Miller, Mary  1869 - 1944
Miller, Donald  1899 - 1900
Miller, Sarah Louisa  1869 - 1942 wife of William
Miller, William Joseph  1867 - 1947
Miller, J. G.  Jan 1865 - Jun 1939
Miller, Tirza  Sep 15, 1837 - Dec 6, 1923 wife of George
Morton, Alexander  1905 - 1941 son of John & Marion
Morton, James  1903 - 1928 son of John & Marion
Morton, James  Mar 1, 1903 - Aug 17, 1928 son of John & Marion
Morton, Marion  1880 - 1959 wife of John
Morton, John  1862 - 1949
Murchison, (Plot marker, no headstone)

Roberts, Margaret Isabella  Sep 1, 1894 age 11 mos, dau of Authur & Isabella
Robertson, Alexander  May 27, 1917 age 75
Robinson, George Henry  Apr 28, 1886 age 32 son of George & Sarah
Robinson, George  1831 - 1906
Robinson, George Thomas  Feb 15, 1907 - Aug 22, 1908 son of Charles & Mary A.

Triplett, Richard died age 30, 2nd son of R. B. & Eliza

unknown, Jane
unknown, (Plot marker, no headstone)
(Click on photo to enlarge)


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